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north america / mexico / migration / racism Wednesday June 03, 2020 03:59 by Various anarchist organisations   text 2 comments (last - monday march 18, 2024 10:52)
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Solidarity with the Struggle of North American People!

We repudiate the cowardly murder of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis’s police officers, another racist act in the heart of a world imperialist power. This event is added to the countless number of killings of people of colour and the Afro-descendent population in the United States which has been perpetuated since the days of slavery and hasn’t yet stopped.

Racism, a structural element in capitalist society, especially in North American capitalism, is unfortunately intact, but resistance and fighting spirit from people of color and poor people arises in response. Only solidarity and mutual aid will allow us to resist.

[Français] [Deutsch] [Italiano] [Castellano] [Türkçe] [Ελληνικά] [عربي] [فارسی]

See also:

George Floyd: one death too many in the “land of the free” José Antonio Gutiérrez D. [Castellano] [Türkçe] [Italiano]

A Raging Fire in the United States Wayne Price [Ελληνικά] [Italiano]

internacional / migración / racismo Thursday August 24, 2017 21:16 by Defend Mediterranea   text 1 comment (last - monday august 28, 2017 23:53)
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Comunicado de la red mediterránea de solidaridad "Defend Mediterranea"* contro el fascismo de la expedición Defend Europe y el proyecto de la Europa fortaleza

[Deutsch] [Ελληνικά] [English] [Italiano] [Français] [Português] [Türkçe] [العربية]

ireland / britain / migration / racism Thursday June 30, 2016 06:19 by Andrew   text 5 comments (last - tuesday july 12, 2016 23:00)
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Nigel Farage in front of a Leave poster
which many pointed out was very similar to a Nazi propaganda film.

The Leave / Brexit vote in the referendum came in the end as a surprise, a narrow win for Remain was expected. This may be because the core Leave vote was in the run-down white working class communities of the now desolate English and Welsh industrial zones. A population trapped in conditions of long-term unemployment and poverty who no one really pays much attention to anymore.

Some on the left have seized on the makeup of this core vote to suggest that there was some progressive element to the Brexit vote despite the campaign being led by racist hatemongers and wealthy US-oriented neoliberals. Mostly that's a mixture of wishful thinking and post hoc justification for having called for a Leave vote in the first place, but it is true that a section of the working class, C2DEs in marketing speak, voted to Leave in close to a 2:1 ratio. Is the class composition of that vote enough to automatically make it progressive regardless of content? And what does it tell us that a section of the radical left seems to think the answer to that question is yes, that it is enough to be anti-establishment?

See also:

Observations on Brexit and Lexit in the UK EU membership referendum
10 point guide for post Brexit resistance as racist right wins EU referendum

italia / svizzera / migrazione / razzismo Monday December 21, 2015 01:59 by Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA
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Non sarà facile sorreggere il peso dello scontro, una nuova fase della lotta antimilitarista ed antifascista ci vedrà coinvolti come sempre, per l’internazionalismo proletario contro il capitalismo e le sue sempre nuove, sempre vecchie, forme di sfruttamento e di violenza.

france / belgique / luxembourg / migration / racisme Tuesday January 13, 2015 17:46 by José Antonio Gutiérrez D.   text 7 comments (last - monday february 16, 2015 01:26)
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Des milliers de personnes, affectées par cet attentat –ce qui est compréhensible -, ont fait circuler des messages disant "Je suis Charlie" comme si ce message était le dernier cri de la défense de la liberté. Eh bien, je ne suis pas Charlie. Je ne m'identifie pas à la représentation dégradante et "caricaturale" qu'il fait du monde islamique, en pleine "Guerre contre le Terrorisme", avec toute la charge raciste et colonialiste que celle-ci comporte.

Je tiens à clarifier d'emblée que je considère l'attentat contre les bureaux du journal satirique Charlie-Hebdo à Paris comme une horreur et que je ne crois pas qu'il soit justifiable en quelque circonstance que ce soit, de convertir un journaliste, si douteuse que soit sa qualité professionnelle, en objectif militaire. Cela vaut en France, comme en Colombie ou en Palestine. Je ne m'identifie non plus avec aucun fondamentalisme, ni chrétien, ni juif, ni musulman, ni non plus avec le laïcisme bébête francisé, qui érige la "République" sacrée en déesse...

[English] [Castellano] [Türkçe] [Italiano] [ελληνικά]

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Migration / racism

Thu 18 Apr, 11:30

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textUSA cambió su política migratoria respecto a inmigrantes endureciendo leyes Jul 03 23:15 by Jorge Sanchez de telegram canal La Jirafa 7 comments

Al ser electo como presidente estadounidense Joe Biden prometió mejorar la política migratoria de Estados Unidos saboteada por expresidente, Donald Trump. Fue un día feliz para todos los inmigrantes latinoamericanos. Hoy la administración de Joe Biden se ve obligada a rechazar su promesa por la crisis migratoria incontrolada.

zacf.png imageCombatendo e Derrotando o Racismo Dec 10 06:11 by Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front 1 comments

Como anarquistas, lutamos pela criação de uma sociedade livre e igualitária, fundamentada na democracia de base e na igualdade socioeconômica. Defendemos a destruição de todas as formas de exploração e dominação. Somos contrários à autoridade coercitiva e sustentamos que o único limite da liberdade de um indivíduo deve ser que ele não infrinja a liberdade de outros. Acreditamos que apenas uma revolução protagonizada pelas classes produtivas e exploradas da sociedade (a classe operária, os pobres e o campesinato) pode criar um mundo livre, e reconhecemos que essas classes só podem ser mobilizadas e unidas com base na oposição a todas as formas de opressão. Pelas razões expostas, nós, anarquistas, somos inimigos declarados do racismo e dos racistas. Qualquer movimento por liberdade que não combata diretamente o racismo não passa de uma vergonhosa fraude.

international_day_of_action_against_detention_camps_poster_blank_location_web729x1024.jpg imageΕνάντια στα στρα`... Mar 18 17:34 by ΕΣΕ 0 comments

Να ανοίξουμε τη συζήτηση για ένα διεθνή συντονισμό ενάντια στα κέντρα κράτησης. Να αγωνιστούμε ενάντια στους πολέμους και το ρατσισμό μέχρι το κλείσιμο και του τελευταίου κολαστηρίου. Κάθε δράση από μια απλή ανακοίνωση, ένα βίντεο, μια συγκέντρωση ή μια διαδήλωση είναι μια πολλή σημαντική βοήθεια για εμάς.

moise724x1024.png imageRacism and xenophobia killed Moïse! Feb 03 00:47 by Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira 2 comments

We express our sympathy and solidarity to the Congolese community and the family of Moïse Mugenyi Kabagambe, who was brutally murdered in a kiosk in Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, about a week ago. The 24-year-old Congolese youth was beaten to death by at least three people. According to his family, he had gone to the kiosk to collect 200 Reais, which the kiosk owed him for two days of work.

The episode exposes how racism and xenophobia kill, and are used by those at the top to maintain the system of domination. Moïse was a black African and a precarious worker, and he went to the site only to receive what his boss owed him. In response he received brutality, and even after death he was violated by the State, being declared indigent by the IML.

moise724x1024.jpg imageRacismo e xenofobia mataram Moïse! Feb 03 00:43 by Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira 1 comments

Manifestamos nosso pesar e solidariedade à comunidade congolesa e à família de Moïse Mugenyi Kabagambe, que foi brutalmente assassinado em um quiosque na Barra da Tijuca, no Rio de Janeiro, há cerca de uma semana. O jovem congolês de 24 anos foi espancado até a morte por pelo menos três pessoas. De acordo com a família, ele teria ido ao local para cobrar 200 reais, que o quiosque devia a ele por dois dias trabalhados.

O episódio escancara como o racismo e a xenofobia matam, e são utilizados pelos de cima para manterem o sistema de dominação. Moïse era um negro africano e trabalhador precarizado, e foi ao local somente para receber o que o patrão lhe devia. Como resposta recebeu a brutalidade, e mesmo depois da morte foi violentado pelo Estado, sendo declarado como indigente pelo IML.

racismandcapitalism.jpg imageΞεριζώνοντας τον... Dec 31 16:28 by Bongani Maponyane 0 comments

Ο ρατσισμός υπήρξε κατάρα στη Νότια Αφρική και παραμένει ενσωματωμένος στην κοινωνία. Αλλά πόσο επιστημονικές είναι οι ρατσιστικές ιδέες; Από πού προέρχονται; Και πώς μπορούμε να καταπολεμήσουμε τον ρατσισμό και να δημιουργήσουμε μια πραγματικά ισότιμη και δίκαιη κοινωνία; Τι πιστεύουμε εμείς ως επαναστάτες αναρχικοί;

download.jpg imageΚαι εικονικά τεί`... Dec 21 19:03 by Μαύρη Πέτρα 0 comments

Καθημερινά βλέπουμε να πληθαίνουν τα θαλάσσια, χερσαία, πανοπτικά, διαπλανητικά και όλο και πιο βάρβαρα και δολοφονικά τείχη κατά ανθρώπων που απλά θέλουν να μετακινηθούν από ένα σημείο της γης σε ένα άλλο και δεν μπορούν, καθώς η θανατηφόρα παγκόσμια εξουσία επιλέγει σκόπιμα να μην τους δίνει ένα κωλόχαρτο που άλλοι, «προνομιούχοι», μπορούν να αποκτήσουν όποτε θέλουν, είτε επειδή τυχαία γεννήθηκαν σε κάποιο άλλο σημείο του πλανήτη, όπου, αν και όχι πάντοτε, έχουν το δικαίωμα να αποκτήσουν αυτό το κωλόχαρτο, γνωστό με το όνομα «διαβατήριο», είτε επειδή έχουν τα φράγκα να το αγοράσουν.

1620.jpeg imageMigrants in camps and detention centres in Greece Oct 02 21:00 by Solidarity With Migrants 0 comments

The Greek state has a long tradition in the racist management of refugees and migrants within it. The on going war and poverty in the Middle East and Africa (to which the Greek state actively contributes), the exclusion and exploitation policies, as well as ecological disaster, are forcing hundreds of thousands of people to seek a better future in Europe.
The planning of the European Union, however, holds a nightmarish future for them, with the Greek state being behind the expansive military interventions and at the forefront of the war against migrants on the European territories.

textEntretien avec Xuân Rayne, travailleur du sexe vietnamien et anarchiste Jun 26 09:32 by Mèo Mun, Xuân Rayne 0 comments

Nous avons interviewé Xuân Rayne, un anarchiste vietnamien et un travailleur du sexe non binaire basé aux États-Unis, pour connaître leurs points de vue sur l'intersection de leurs identités, les voies de la solidarité internationale entre les travailleurs du sexe et la façon dont les travailleurs en général peuvent se tenir aux côtés des travailleurs du sexe. Xuân utilise tous les pronoms.
A translation of Vietnamese anarchist collective Mèo Mun's interview with Xuân Rayne into French. Translated by Al Raven.

xun2.jpg imageInterview with Xuân Rayne: Vietnamese, anarchist, sex worker Jun 26 09:20 by Mèo Mun, Xuân Rayne 2 comments

Vietnamese anarchist collective Mèo Mun interviewed Xuân Rayne, a Vietnamese anarchist and non-binary sex worker based in the United States for their insights into the intersection of their identities, the paths for international solidarity among sex workers, and how workers in general can stand with sex workers. Xuân uses any/all pronouns.

8c07dd90591d9c546bd350e72bcc62d8.png imageGreece: Update on Amygdaleza Detention Centre Apr 29 19:02 by Assembly of the Initiative 0 comments

The greatness of misogyny and racism is exercised on her body, soul and mind from birth... This is not the first time she has been arrested by the police because she has no identity... Racist laws of the nationalistic patriarchy lead many Roma people, like Dimitra, in the Aliens’ detention centres, in PRO.KE.KA. Roma are not recognized as Greeks with equal rights.

178919461_295563808732822_8581740024337742455_n.jpg imageGreece: Migrant women lives matter! Apr 27 20:21 by Solidarity With Migrants Assembly 1 comments

We need free access to medical care that gives us the ability of choice, of support, of making our decision, of safe pregnancy, of facilitating a decision to terminate it and decent conditions in any kind of gynecological examination. For migrants and locals, towards the self – determination of our bodies.

distant.jpg imageMovie Review: ‘TWO DISTANT STRANGERS’ (2020) Apr 26 13:51 by LAMA 0 comments

A review of a movie about racism.

6298b46e1b175fe9d2ce6c35214a812a42castebook.rsquare.jpg imageCaste, Race, Class--A Review of Isabel Wilkerson’s Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents Mar 16 05:26 by Wayne Price 1 comments

Wilkerson's Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents explores the roots of U.S. racism in an underlying caste system. She compares U.S. white supremacy to South Asian caste and to the Nazis' anti-Jewish laws. However, she says little or nothing about caste's relation to class and exploitation. This undermines her analysis and program.

united_kingdom.jpg imageMovie Review: ‘A United Kingdom’ (2016) Jan 14 18:27 by LAMA 0 comments

A review of a movie about a cross-cultural marriage with political implications.

textLoi sur le séparatisme : ne pas fantasmer une 5e colonne Nov 09 22:11 by Théo Rival 0 comments

Le meurtre atroce de Samuel Paty, enseignant d’histoire-géo- graphie, perpétré au nom de l’intégrisme islamiste, a suscité une intense émotion de l’ensemble de la société. Les instru- mentalisations de ce meurtre ont été quasi immédiates, multi- pliant les amalgames racistes. Une entreprise de division de la population que le gouvernement avait déjà entamé avec sa campagne islamophobe sur le « séparatisme ».

met678x381.jpg imageΜετανάστ(ρι)ες κα ... Nov 02 18:20 by ΣΚΥΑ 0 comments

Το κείμενο που ακολουθεί είναι μια απόπειρα να αποτυπωθεί σε γραπτή μορφή η προφορική εισήγηση της συνέλευσής μας στην εκδήλωση «Επαφή: Προβολή & συζήτηση για τους κοινούς αγώνες ντόπιων και μεταναστ(ρι)ών», η οποία πραγματοποιήθηκε στις 3 Οκτωβρίου 2020 στον κατειλημμένο χώρο του Common Multiple στην Φοιτητική Εστία της Πανεπιστημιούπολης με αφορμή το ντοκιμαντέρ της ομάδας Pyropath για την ιστορία του καταυλισμού των μεταναστών στην Πάτρα και του αλληλέγγυου κινήματος την περίοδο 2005-2009 αλλά και την έκδοση της μπροσούρας μας «Μαζί ή τίποτα: Εμπειρίες κοινών αγώνων ντόπιων και μεταναστ(ρι)ών την τελευταία δεκαετία».

cab100_mil1024x564.png image100 mil mortos e a normalização do genocídio Aug 09 18:06 by Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira 0 comments

Neste fim de semana foi atingida a marca oficial de 100 mil mortos pela covid-19, em menos de seis meses desde o primeiro caso notificado. Morre-se mais de covid do que de qualquer outra doença, do que de acidente de trânsito, do que de violência urbana. A doença chegou a lares de todo o país e levou entes queridos de milhões de pessoas. Longe de ser uma doença “democrática”, a covid-19 escancara o projeto genocida dos de cima e a desigualdade brasileira que atinge os de baixo. Ser negro ou indígena, por exemplo, é um grande fator de risco que pode fazer a diferença entre morrer ou viver. Além disso, o abismo social joga os mais pobres para lugares sem saneamento básico, moradias precárias e trabalhos informais e precarizados, que não permitem tomar as medidas necessárias para evitar a disseminação da doença.

b79284c926354a14a0081aea65daaac1.jpeg imageLe Classi Oppresse Si Ribellano Contro il Razzismo e la Discriminazione Jul 14 04:43 by Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA 0 comments

L'assassinio di George Floyd negli Stati Uniti da parte della polizia ha scatenato un'ondata di indignazione popolare in quel paese e in tutto il mondo. Manifestazioni massicce, azioni dirette contro la polizia e in risposta alla repressione sono state comuni in queste ultime settimane. Questo omicidio, che si aggiunge a migliaia di altri, fa rivivere le proteste diffuse del 2014 negli Stati Uniti, dopo i numerosi omicidi di persone di colore, soprattutto di giovani.

5ec02f10f4b8404ba4c895255560cef6.jpeg imageDie Menschen Erheben Sich Gegen Rassismus Und Diskriminierung Jul 13 08:10 by Verschiedene anarchistische Organisationen 0 comments

Die Ermordung von George Floyd durch die Polizei in den USA hat dort und auf der ganzen Welt eine Welle der Empörung von unten ausgelöst. Massendemonstrationen und direkte Aktionen gegen die Polizei als Reaktion auf Repressionen waren in den letzten Wochen an der Tagesordnung. Dieser Mord, neben Tausenden von anderen, lässt die weit verbreiteten Proteste von 2014 in den USA wieder aufleben, die als Folge der vielen Morde an, insbesondere jungen, Schwarzen entbrannten.

9b00be5a7b9d45dcb11a27d73d9915c2.jpeg imageLes classes opprimées se soulèvent contre le racisme et la discrimination Jul 13 01:12 by Various anarchist organisations 0 comments

L’assassinat de George Floyd aux États-Unis par la police a déclenché une vague d’outrage populaire dans ce pays et à travers le monde. Les manifestations massives et l’action directe contre la police et en réponse à la répression ont été fréquentes au cours de ces dernières semaines. Le meurtre, s’ajoutant à des milliers d’autres, ravive la révolte étendue de 2004 aux États-Unis, suivant les nombreux assassinats de Noir-e-s, spécialement de jeunes. Ces faits ont mis en évidence le racisme profond qui existe dans les sociétés aujourd’hui.

107517637.jpg imageΟι καταπιεσμένες... Jul 10 20:05 by Αναρχικές οργανώσεις 0 comments

Επειδή το καπιταλιστικό σύστημα δεν είναι απλώς ένα οικονομικό σύστημα ή κάτι που αποκόπτεται αποκλειστικά από τις οικονομικές του βάσεις, καταλαβαίνουμε ότι ο αγώνας ενάντια στον ρατσισμό και την κρατική βία που στηρίζει, είναι επίσης ένας αγώνας ενάντια στις δομές του καπιταλιστικού συστήματος, ένα σύστημα πείνας, θανάτου και βίας κατά των καταπιεσμένων του κόσμου, ανεξάρτητα από το χρώμα του δέρματος ή τη γλώσσα τους. Ακριβώς, ενάντια σε αυτό το κράτος -που δεν ήταν ποτέ «ουδέτερο» στην επέκταση του καπιταλιστικού συστήματος, αλλά κεντρικό και οργανωτικό στοιχείο του- καλούμαστε να προωθούμε και να στηρίζουμε πάντα την αυτο-οργάνωση και τον αγώνα του κάθε καταπιεσμένου!

cc2dde7575964b3bb3a3bf5f146d168a.jpeg imageLos Pueblos Se Levantan Contra el Racismo y la Discriminación Jul 10 16:54 by Vários organizaciones anarquistas 0 comments

El asesinato de George Floyd en Estados Unidos a manos de la policía, ha desatado una ola de indignación popular en dicho país y a lo largo del mundo. Manifestaciones masivas, hechos de acción directa contra la policía y en respuesta a la represión han sido comunes en estas semanas. Este hecho, ha colocado en el tapete el profundo racismo que existe en las sociedades actuales.

ca4a6b9a71cb49e3879e6041e6d863de.jpeg imageThe Oppressed Classes Rise Up Against Racism and Discrimination Jul 10 15:49 by Various anarchist organisations 0 comments

The murder of George Floyd in the United States by the police has unleashed a wave of popular outrage in that country and throughout the world. Massive demonstrations, direct action against the police and in response to repression have been common these past weeks. This fact has brought to the fore the profound racism that exists in today's societies.

cabgtetnicoracialnota2020_21024x768.png imageLutar contra o racismo e por vida digna Jul 07 22:59 by Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira 0 comments

Maria Eduarda, Amarildo, Claudia, Miguel, João Pedro…. a lista de pretos e pretas que tiveram suas vidas levadas pela ação do Estado Policial de Ajuste é mais longa do que poderíamos colocar neste texto. Somos constantemente perseguidos e assassinados nas cidades de todo o país. Os povos originários vivem o mesmo drama, sendo caçados pelos jagunços do capitalismo, desmatadores, destruidores do meio ambiente e barões do agronegócio.

antiracismin2020_brightzine.jpg imageWhy Racism? Why Anti-Racism? Jul 06 06:01 by Wayne Price 0 comments

Racial oppression is rooted in capitalism. White people are not oppressed as white people, but do suffer from capitalism in other ways. White anti-racism cannot only be based on moral values but must also be related to their own oppressions caused by capitalism.

5568.jpg imageSolidarity with BLM and Bristol Jun 23 21:56 by Some people active in Haringey Solidarity Group 0 comments

Direct action is the means of creating a new consciousness, a means of self-liberation from the chains placed around our minds, emotions and spirits by hierarchy and oppression.

83068342_274092437044453_6217755465007235072_n173x200.jpg imageهمبستگی با مبا... Jun 17 04:25 by Various anarchist organisations 0 comments

همبستگی با مبارزه مردم آمریکای شمالی – پشتیبانی همگانه با سازمانهای آنارشیستی در آمریکا

whatsapp_image_20200602_at_21.jpeg imageالتضامن مع نضا... Jun 17 03:55 by Various anarchist organisations 0 comments

التضامن مع نضال الشعوب في امريكا الشمالية - كل الدعم للمنظمات الأناركية الأمريكية

protestsgeorgefloyd_4.jpg imageL'Incendio Furioso degli Stati Uniti Jun 16 02:42 by Wayne Price 0 comments

La ribellione per le vite delle persone afroamericane

Un punto di vista anarchico della ribellione statunitense contro le azioni poliziesche e il razzismo

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