western asia / repression / prisoners / non-anarchist press Wednesday February 17, 2010 - 18:22 by Kardonya
AFRIN, Syrian Kurdistan,— According to Syrian Committee for Human Rights – MAD, Mohammed Musto Rashid from Mabatli, Afrin, died as a result of torture in Aleppo Central prison. He had been in detention for nearly four months, and had been subjected to severe torture, and was taken to hospital in Allepo where he stayed for four days. He was then sent back to prison and his death was announced on 19 January 2010. The reason for his arrest and detention is not known, nor if this was in connection with any political activity. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
western asia / repression / prisoners / non-anarchist press Monday January 18, 2010 - 15:50 by Trade Union Congress
Iranian teacher trade unionist and Kurdish activist Farzad Kamangar is facing the threat of imminent execution, and the TUC has joined the campaign led by international teacher union organisation Education International (EI), and teacher trade unions in Britain and around the world, to call on the Iranian authorities to lift that threat and commute his death sentence. Please add your name to the email protest. ... read full story / add a comment
western asia / repression / prisoners / non-anarchist press Saturday July 05, 2008 - 09:08 by BBC
Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak has ordered the army to prepare to demolish the home of the Palestinian who killed three Israelis in Jerusalem. ... read full story / add a comment |
Front pageSupport Sudanese anarchists in exile Joint Statement of European Anarchist Organizations International anarchist call for solidarity: Earthquake in Turkey, Syria and Kurdistan Elements of Anarchist Theory and Strategy 19 de Julio: Cuando el pueblo se levanta, escribe la historia International anarchist solidarity against Turkish state repression Declaración Anarquista Internacional por el Primero de Mayo, 2022 Le vieux monde opprime les femmes et les minorités de genre. Leur force le détruira ! Against Militarism and War: For self-organised struggle and social revolution Declaração anarquista internacional sobre a pandemia da Covid-19 Anarchist Theory and History in Global Perspective Capitalism, Anti-Capitalism and Popular Organisation [Booklet] Reflexiones sobre la situación de Afganistán South Africa: Historic rupture or warring brothers again? Death or Renewal: Is the Climate Crisis the Final Crisis? Gleichheit und Freiheit stehen nicht zur Debatte! Contre la guerre au Kurdistan irakien, contre la traîtrise du PDK Meurtre de Clément Méric : l’enjeu politique du procès en appel |