Statement in support of the Rojava Revolution and a call to end the isolation of jailed Kurdish lead... 18:36 Feb 28 1 comments La CGT de Catalunya davant el judici a Grècia de Lola Gutiérrez per ajudar a un refugiat kurd 02:52 Dec 19 0 comments Justicia para Santiago Maldonado 17:11 Aug 02 0 comments New Mass Resistance as Spanish State Jails Catalan Ministers 18:02 Nov 10 0 comments Woman arrested in France for T-shirt critical of Israel 15:31 Mar 12 0 comments more >> |
internacional / repression / prisoners / other libertarian press Wednesday December 19, 2018 - 02:52 by Secretariat Permanent CGT Catalunya 1 image
Podríem dir que és el món al revés, però malauradament és la norma. El novembre de 2016, la companya Lola, delegada de la CGT a la Diputació de Barcelona, va viatjar a Grècia per ajudar a un jove kurd de 17 anys, Ayad, a passar la frontera grega per reunir-se amb la seva família. Una família més separada per la guerra i la política antiinmigració de la Unió Europea. ... read full story / add a comment
international / repression / prisoners / non-anarchist press Tuesday August 21, 2012 - 19:37 by Mark Weisbrot
The United States would paint itself as a promoter of human rights, but any right to make that claim is long gone. ... read full story / add a comment
international / répression / prisonniers et prisonnières / presse non anarchiste Monday June 20, 2011 - 19:50 by Brahim Fillali 2 comments (last - monday september 05, 2011 - 21:21)
Grève de la faim = Bilan des années du chômage Historique d’une situation dramatique Depuis que je suis sorti de l’université dans les années 90, je mène une vie particulière dans des conditions délicates et depuis je n’ai jamais l’idée de laisser tomber les choses. Je me défends à ma façon, je revendique mes droits comme citoyen marocain sur papiers mais en réalité rien ne justifie ma marocanité …J’ai même laissé en 2006 ma carte d’identité nationale et le passeport au caid de msemrir abdelaziz elidrissi en lui disant que les cartes ne font pas de l’individu citoyen ... read full story / add a comment
international / repression / prisoners / non-anarchist press Wednesday March 30, 2011 - 03:24 by Scott McLemee 1 image
In late February, Zimbabwean security forces arrested dozens of socialists and labor militants who had gathered to discuss recent events in Egypt and Tunisia. Scott McLemee, an organizer of the solidarity campaign for the socialists and activists arrested by the Zimbabwean regime, reports on an international day of action. ... read full story / add a comment
international / repression / prisoners / non-anarchist press Monday May 10, 2010 - 13:23 by Noam Chomsky, Angela Davis, Michael Hardt, Cindy Sheehan and
internacional / represión / presos / non-anarchist press Tuesday May 04, 2010 - 09:49 by (reenvio) La Capital 1 image
Kurt Sonnenfeld era funcionario del gobierno federal estadounidense hasta que amenazó con denunciar lo que sabía sobre los atentados a las Torres Gemelas. - A partir de allí, su vida se convirtió en una huída constante que, por ahora, lo tiene refugiado en Mar del Plata. ... read full story / add a comment
international / répression / prisonniers et prisonnières / autre presse libertaire Thursday April 08, 2010 - 08:44 by herope
Et ses relents d’égouts nauséabonds d’il y a plus de soixante ans, nous donne envie de gerber !
... read full story / add a comment
international / repression / prisoners / non-anarchist press Wednesday March 03, 2010 - 15:44 by Eric Lee 1 comment (last - wednesday march 10, 2010 - 00:56)
Urgent Appeals for Help from Mexico and Zimbabwe ... read full story / add a comment
international / repression / prisoners / other libertarian press Sunday November 01, 2009 - 02:09 by neshrendin
solidarity to the belgrade six! ... read full story / add a comment
internacional / repressão / prisioneiros / other libertarian press Thursday September 10, 2009 - 12:07 by UNIPA - Brasil
A liberdade dos revolucionários só pode ser garantida pela luta e a organização dos próprios trabalhadores, tal como Battisti fora libertado pelos seus companheiros em 1981. ... read full story / add a comment
international / repression / prisoners / other libertarian press Friday July 25, 2008 - 12:26 by rebel_JILL
On the morning of 9 july 2008, suddenly a member of "la Federacio de ChifonProletoj"(the Free Workers' Federation) was kidnapped/arrested by osaKKKa gestapo as a criminal of doing the right things against the osaka-nishinari police office on 15 june 2008 at kamagasaki-liberation building in dayworkers' town of kamagasaki area. He was a homeless warrior having lived in utsubo park tent village by 30 jan 2006, and was arrested as a "criminal of injury to a city officer(they insisted!)" by osaka gestapo after resisting for 6 hours against their brutal eviction on same day. We all know about his fierce/dignified resistance against any evictions for the homeless persons and their own residences being in public spaces so well... ... read full story / add a comment
internacional / represión / presos / other libertarian press Tuesday July 22, 2008 - 08:10 by CCORA 2 comments (last - wednesday july 23, 2008 - 07:21)
El objetivo de este comunicado es el de difundir y hacer expresa nuestra fraterna solidaridad, así como también invitar a extenderla entre los luchadores y los revolucionarios argentinos, con los 5 compañeros detenidos en Nueva Castilla –México- por enfrentarse a la oligarquía, el gobierno entreguista y las pretenciones rapaces del imperialismo. Hecha esta aclaración procederemos a relatar los hechos y, previamente, el contexto en que se dieron. ... read full story / add a comment
internazionale / repressione / prigionieri / stampa non anarchica Wednesday December 19, 2007 - 22:57 by Associazione Sacco e Vanzetti 1 image
La risoluzione per la moratoria contro la pena di morte nel mondo, approvata ieri dall’Assemblea generale dell'Onu con 104 voti a favore, 54 contro e 29 astenuti, rappresenta certamente una grande vittoria della lotta per la tutela dei diritti fondamentali dell’uomo in ogni parte del mondo e costituisce un passo importante verso l’abolizione definitiva di questa condanna, adottata spesso come strumento di repressione politica nei confronti di poveri, minoranze razziali ed etniche. ... read full story / add a comment
internacional / represión / presos / other libertarian press Tuesday November 06, 2007 - 05:26 by Colectivo CAR
Ya no es la iglesia, el Rey y sus peones los ke estan asesinando, encarcelando y atacando a mapuches en nombre de la conversion y civilización... Son el gobierno, las forestales, sus putridos protectores del "orden" y el capital los que ahora han tomado el papel de sus antecesores El pueblo mapuche actualmente esta sufriendo una represión y opresión tan fuerte como lo fue la española hace unos 500 años. Ya no es la iglesia, el Rey y sus peones los ke estan asesinando, encarcelando y atacando a mapuches en nombre de la conversion y civilización... ... read full story / add a comment
international / repression / prisoners / non-anarchist press Sunday July 01, 2007 - 23:08 by eileen fleming
On April 30, 2007, in the Jerusalem Magistrate's Court, Mordechai Vanunu was convicted on 14 [out of 21] counts of violating a court order prohibiting him from speaking to foreign journalists in 2004. On May 13th Vanunu learned that all the restrictions against him will continue another year. On July, 2, 2007 he will learn how much more time he will spend behind bars for speaking his mind in a Mid East 'Democracy'. ... read full story / add a comment
internacional / represión / presos / other libertarian press Saturday March 24, 2007 - 00:39 by Ensenyament CNT-AIT Barcelona
Aquest dimecres 28 de Març, la Secció d'Ensenyament de CNT-AIT Barcelona convoca una concentració al consulat grec (Av. Diagonal 593) a les 17:30 en solidaritat amb els/les estudiants detingut(e)s per lluitar contra la privatització de l'educació. ... read full story / add a comment
international / repression / prisoners / other libertarian press Thursday September 28, 2006 - 15:28 by rebel_JILL 1 comment (last - thursday september 28, 2006 - 15:39)
24 hour ago, 2 homeless comrades living in nishinari park & 2 homeless liberation activists arrested by osaKKKa-pref POLIZEI in osaka city, japanese islands. POLIZEI insisted on that their charges are violently interrupting some evil PUBLIC WORKs at naniwa park on this april and so on... ... read full story / add a comment
international / répression / prisonniers et prisonnières / autre presse libertaire Saturday March 18, 2006 - 05:22 by Hertje
Ce 19 mars, se tiennent les élections biélorusses. Ces derniers jours, le président Loukachenko a réprimé sa population d’autant plus fort. Une vingtaine de personnes présentes à un meeting du candidat d’opposition ont ainsi été arrêtées. Deux camarades de la Fédération anarchiste biélorusse exposent la situation de leur pays. ... read full story / add a comment
international / repression / prisoners / non-anarchist press Friday November 04, 2005 - 10:50 by hrm
Eye Witness Accounts from France ... read full story / add a comment
international / repression / prisoners / other libertarian press Thursday October 06, 2005 - 22:36 by Con Carroll
injustice happens when people stay silent. ... read full story / add a comment |
Front pageSupport Sudanese anarchists in exile Joint Statement of European Anarchist Organizations International anarchist call for solidarity: Earthquake in Turkey, Syria and Kurdistan Elements of Anarchist Theory and Strategy 19 de Julio: Cuando el pueblo se levanta, escribe la historia International anarchist solidarity against Turkish state repression Declaración Anarquista Internacional por el Primero de Mayo, 2022 Le vieux monde opprime les femmes et les minorités de genre. Leur force le détruira ! Against Militarism and War: For self-organised struggle and social revolution Declaração anarquista internacional sobre a pandemia da Covid-19 Anarchist Theory and History in Global Perspective Capitalism, Anti-Capitalism and Popular Organisation [Booklet] Reflexiones sobre la situación de Afganistán South Africa: Historic rupture or warring brothers again? Death or Renewal: Is the Climate Crisis the Final Crisis? Gleichheit und Freiheit stehen nicht zur Debatte! Contre la guerre au Kurdistan irakien, contre la traîtrise du PDK Meurtre de Clément Méric : l’enjeu politique du procès en appel |