Note: Articles classified as "non anarchist press" are published in this section of the site. They do not usually reflect the opinions of Anarkismo.net nor of the organizations who run this site and are included by reason of their possible interest to readers. The opinions expressed in any such articles are exclusively those of the articles' authors. Central Africa / Imperialism / War / Not from the press of Anarkismo groups
central africa / imperialism / war / non-anarchist press Monday November 26, 2012 - 06:14 by Justin Podur
Rebels, called the M23, have taken Goma, the main city of North Kivu, one of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)'s eastern provinces. Their plan is to march to Bukavu, the main city of South Kivu, and from there, they say, across the massive country to Kinshasa, the Congo's capital. ... read full story / add a comment
central africa / imperialism / war / non-anarchist press Friday September 05, 2008 - 16:39 by Oreo Daily
Who can blame the folks in the Congo who yesterday turned their wrath
on UN peacekeepers. They want the peacekeepers to keep the peace.
They want someone to protect them.
But that doesn't seem to be the UN's mission. ... read full story / add a comment
L’investigation politique des situations permet de faire ressortir les possibles de sortie de ces situations. Porter, sous forme des prescriptions, la pensée de ces possibles à la conscience des gens de partout, arme ceux-ci pour prescrire à l’Etat afin qu’il modifie les modalités de son fonctionnement. Ce qui transforme la capacité politique des gens en une puissance politique capable, effectivement, de faire sortir le pays de ces situations. ... read full story / add a comment
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