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Russia / Ukraine / Belarus | Anti-fascism

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Note: Articles classified as "non anarchist press" are published in this section of the site. They do not usually reflect the opinions of nor of the organizations who run this site and are included by reason of their possible interest to readers. The opinions expressed in any such articles are exclusively those of the articles' authors.
russia / ukraine / belarus / anti-fascism / non-anarchist press Friday March 09, 2012 - 18:53 bei Vladimir Smirnov   video 1 video file
A call for coordinated actions around the world on March 16–18, 2012
Friends and comrades! We, the anti-fascists and anarchists of Nizhny Novgorod (Russia), appeal to concerned people around the world. The political police (the Center for Combating Extremism or Center “E”) have fabricated a criminal case against our comrades. Anti-fascism has been outlawed in our city. We need your solidarity and support! ... ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
russia / ucraina / bielorussia / antifascismo / stampa non anarchica Tuesday July 31, 2007 - 15:50 bei Lucia Sgueglia
«Nel nostro paese l'ambientalismo non esiste. Il prossimo obiettivo? Le Olimpiadi di Soci». Parla una militante di Azione autonoma, dal campeggio in Siberia attaccato dagli skinhead che hanno ucciso un suo compagno ... ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
russia / ukraine / belarus / anti-fascism / other libertarian press Tuesday February 06, 2007 - 16:45 bei via alter-ee
Yesterday, 4th February, a small bomb with a timing device exploded at 4.20pm in Vladimirskaya Square in St. Petersburg, where Food Not Bombs is organised every Sunday by different rotating groups. ... ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
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Russia / Ukraine / Belarus | Anti-fascism

Tue 16 Apr, 16:06

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mirnarodam1.jpg imageUcraina: il Sindacato Lavoratori Autonomi sull'EuroMaidan 18:12 Sun 02 Feb by Автономна Спілка Трудящих 0 comments

Le leggi che sono state approvate il 16 gennaio dimostrano come la fazione della classe dominante che ora controlla il governo è pronta ad instaurare una dittatura borghese e reazionaria sul modello dei regimi latinoamericani degli anni '70. Le "leggi dittatoriali" criminalizzano ogni protesta e limitano la libertà di parola; inoltre introducono il reato di "estremismo". [Русский]

mirnarodam1.jpg imageЗаявление АСТ-Ки... 23:19 Sun 26 Jan by Автономна Спілка Трудящих 0 comments

Принятие на Украине законов 16 января показало, что контролирующая правительство фракция правящего класса готова к тому, чтобы реализовать план по установлению в стране реакционной буржуазной диктатуры по латиноамериканским образцам 70-х годов прошлого века. «Законы о диктатуре» криминализуют любой протест и ограничивают свободу слова, так же они устанавливают ответственность за “экстремизм” . [English] [Italiano]

mirnarodam1.jpg imageUkraine: Autonomous Workers Union update on EuroMaidan 23:11 Sun 26 Jan by Autonomous Workers Union 0 comments

The laws which were passed on January 16th showed that the faction of the ruling class which now controls the government is ready to install a reactionary bourgeois dictatorship on the model of the Latin American regimes of the 1970s. The "dictatorship laws" criminalize any protest and limit the freedom of speech; also, they establish responsibility for "extremism". [Русский]

textStatement on the murder of Nikita Kalin 19:41 Mon 27 Feb by Secrétariat aux Relations Internationales de la CGA 0 comments

The International Relations of the Coordination of Anarchist Groups condemns the murder of Nikita Kalin, anarchistic and antifascist activist of Samara, murder committed by a group of fascists, with which one of the members referring of " National socialism ", would have been arrested. [Français]

textCommuniqué sur l'assassinat de Nikita Kalin 19:36 Mon 27 Feb by Secrétariat aux Relations Internationales de la CGA 0 comments

Le Secrétariat aux Relations Internationales de la Coordination des Groupes anarchistes condamne l'assassinat de Nikita Kalin, militant anarchiste et antifasciste de Samara, assassinat perpétré par un groupe de fascistes, dont un des membres se réclamant du « National socialisme », aurait été arrêté.

samara_1.jpg imageAnarhist şi antifascist ucis în Rusia 20:23 Fri 24 Feb by 0 comments

La 06:30, în dimineaţa zilei de 9 februarie, un om de serviciu la Institutul FIAN a găsit trupul neînsufleţit a lui Nikita Kalin, născut în 1991, fusese înjunghiat de 61 ori. Acum, familia sa are nevoie de suport. La ora 8:00 trupul a fost găsit de poliţie şi la ora 11:00 poliţia a contactat mama victimei. Potrivit mamei, Nikita a fost înjunghiat de 61 ori, pe lângă asta, coastele sale au fost fracturate de mai multe ori, iar capul a fost ranit. Nu a fost furat niciun bun. În prezent, un suspect este arestat, sângele lui Nikita a fost gasit pe hainele celui arestat. [English]

samara.jpg imageAntifascista anarchico ucciso a Samara, in Russia 19:32 Fri 24 Feb by 0 comments

Lo scorso 9 febbraio alle 6.30 del mattino, nell'area dell'Istituto "FIAN", un bidello ha trovato il corpo di Nikita Kalin, nato nel 1991. Alle 8:00 è arrivata la polizia che solo alle 11.00 ha avvisato la madre della vittima.Secondo la madre, Nikita avrebbe ricevuto 61 coltellate; inoltre le sue costole presentavano fratture multiple, ed anche la testa presentava ferite. Non gli è stato rubato niente. Attualmente, c'è un sospettato di omicidio in stato si arresto, dato che sui suoi abiti sono state trovate tracce del sangue di Nikita. [English]

samara.jpg imageAnarchiste-antifasciste assassiné à Samara (Russie) 20:18 Wed 22 Feb by 0 comments

Selon toutes les indications, l'attaque a été commise par un groupe. La mère de la victime, après une conversation informelle avec un agent de police, nous a indiqué que le suspect arrêté fait partie d’un groupe néo-nazi, et que, pour le moment, il refuse de nommer les noms de ses associés. [English]

samara.jpg imageAnarchist anti-fascist murdered in Samara, Russia 17:45 Wed 22 Feb by 0 comments

On 9th February at 6:30 in the morning in the area of the "FIAN" institute, a janitor found the body of Nikita Kalin, born in 1991. At 8:00 the police arrived, and at 11:00 am the police contacted the mother of the victim. According to his mother, Nikita was stabbed 61 times; besides this his ribs were fractured multiple times, and his head was wounded as well. No property was stolen. Currently a suspect of the murder is under arrest, as Nikita's blood was found on his clothes. [Français] [Italiano] [Română]

textParis: Action hier, Rassemblement ce soir ! 23:38 Mon 20 Sep by ruskoff molotova 0 comments

Cet été à Khimki, un large mouvement d’opposition s’est élevé contre un projet d’autoroute entaché de corruption, auquel une entreprise française, Vinci, s’est associée : pour construire cette autoroute, il fallait détruire la forêt de Khimki.

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imageWcale nie tak spokojnie na wschodnim froncie Nov 21 by Mikhail Tsovma 0 comments

Dziś Rosja rzadziej pojawia się jako temat wiadomości w mediach światowych. Serwisy takie jak Euronews, BBC, CNN rzadko poświęcają czas na opisywanie dużego terytorium położonego na wschód od Finlandii, a na północ od Chin. W pewnym sensie – to zrozumiałe. Nie istnieją w Rosji masowe ruchy protestu, nie ma strajków, zmian w rządzie, ani nic z tych rzeczy. Czasem powstają zakłócenia w dostawach gazu do Europy, ale wciąż dostawy są stosunkowo stabilne. Ropa płynie na rynki światowe, podobnie jak dostawy metali i drewna. Bogaci rosyjscy oligarchowie wciąż się bogacą (i przeprowadzają się do Londynu), a biedni wciąż stają się biedniejsi (i pozostają w większości cicho). Wygląda na to, że Putin pozostanie Carem w Rosji na zawsze. Jedynie od czasu do czasu coś wybucha i zdjęcia ofiar pojawiają się w mediach... [English]

imageUcraina: il Sindacato Lavoratori Autonomi sull'EuroMaidan Feb 02 ACT 0 comments

Le leggi che sono state approvate il 16 gennaio dimostrano come la fazione della classe dominante che ora controlla il governo è pronta ad instaurare una dittatura borghese e reazionaria sul modello dei regimi latinoamericani degli anni '70. Le "leggi dittatoriali" criminalizzano ogni protesta e limitano la libertà di parola; inoltre introducono il reato di "estremismo". [Русский]

imageЗаявление АСТ-Ки... Jan 26 ACT 0 comments

Принятие на Украине законов 16 января показало, что контролирующая правительство фракция правящего класса готова к тому, чтобы реализовать план по установлению в стране реакционной буржуазной диктатуры по латиноамериканским образцам 70-х годов прошлого века. «Законы о диктатуре» криминализуют любой протест и ограничивают свободу слова, так же они устанавливают ответственность за “экстремизм” . [English] [Italiano]

imageUkraine: Autonomous Workers Union update on EuroMaidan Jan 26 Kyiv local 0 comments

The laws which were passed on January 16th showed that the faction of the ruling class which now controls the government is ready to install a reactionary bourgeois dictatorship on the model of the Latin American regimes of the 1970s. The "dictatorship laws" criminalize any protest and limit the freedom of speech; also, they establish responsibility for "extremism". [Русский]

textStatement on the murder of Nikita Kalin Feb 27 Coordination des Groupes anarchistes 0 comments

The International Relations of the Coordination of Anarchist Groups condemns the murder of Nikita Kalin, anarchistic and antifascist activist of Samara, murder committed by a group of fascists, with which one of the members referring of " National socialism ", would have been arrested. [Français]

textCommuniqué sur l'assassinat de Nikita Kalin Feb 27 Coordination des Groupes anarchistes 0 comments

Le Secrétariat aux Relations Internationales de la Coordination des Groupes anarchistes condamne l'assassinat de Nikita Kalin, militant anarchiste et antifasciste de Samara, assassinat perpétré par un groupe de fascistes, dont un des membres se réclamant du « National socialisme », aurait été arrêté.

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