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Note: Articles classified as "non anarchist press" are published in this section of the site. They do not usually reflect the opinions of nor of the organizations who run this site and are included by reason of their possible interest to readers. The opinions expressed in any such articles are exclusively those of the articles' authors.
international / anti-fascism / non-anarchist press Thursday October 25, 2018 - 18:22 by Mario Candeias
It is the time of monsters. The organic crisis of the old neoliberal project has also brought forth the rise of a new radical right. Yet these monsters are quite different from one another: we have strong men like Trump, Kurz and Macron – political entrepreneurs shaping a new authoritarianism from positions of governance. Theresa May and Boris Johnson act quite similar, with less success, but unlike the others they are established representatives of authoritarian elite right-wing conservatism. They all share an anti-establishment discourse, although they have strong capital factions backing them. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-fascism / non-anarchist press Wednesday August 15, 2018 - 16:51 by John Riddell   text 1 comment (last - tuesday may 05, 2020 - 08:01)
The following talk was given on 21 July 2018 to a two-day seminar at York University entitled “Historical perspectives on united fronts against fascism and the far right.” ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-fascism / non-anarchist press Friday March 17, 2017 - 06:51 by Asbjørn Wahl
Large parts of the western working class now seem to gather around right populists, demagogues, and racists. They vote for reactionary and fascistoid political parties. They helped to vote the UK out of the EU and to make Trump president of the world's superpower number one, and they vote so massively for the far right political parties that the latter have government power in sight throughout several of Europe's most populous countries. ... read full story / add a comment
internazionale / antifascismo / stampa non anarchica Wednesday November 05, 2014 - 14:47 by Gianni Sartori   text 7 comments (last - saturday november 24, 2018 - 16:39)
Invio per conoscenza (anche se, presumo, fuori tempo massimo). Premetto che il sottoscritto ha “frequentato” l'Irlanda (Derry e Belfast sostanzialmente, niente di turistico) in epoca non sospetta (anche nel 1981) e conosciuto sia alcune famiglie degli Hunger Strikers che molti compagni repubblicani (compagni, sottolineo). Con i fascisti poi ho il dente avvelenato. Tra il 1969 e il 1972 ho rischiato più di una volta (come tanti all'epoca) di finire al pronto soccorso per “mano fascista” (e anche nel 1981 a Padova, proprio mentre fotografavo scritte sull'Irlanda di Terza Posizione firmate con la runa “dente di lupo”)) e ho sfiorato un linciaggio da parte di una fazione falangista fuori dal tribunale di Madrid (1997) dove si processava la Mesa Nacional di Herri Batasuna (per non parlare del padre partigiano, Brigata “Silva”, del nonno - un“obbligato”, variante locale del bracciante - e dello zio -operaio e socialista - picchiati dai fascisti etc). Bastano come credenziali? ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-fascism / non-anarchist press Monday December 31, 2012 - 21:57 by Araz Bagban
The new constitution submitted to referendum by Mohamed Morsi, the president of Egypt elected with the support of the Freedom and Justice party, i.e. the political wing of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, in addition to its properties of attacking working-class achievements as well as women's and minorities’ rights, is preparing the legal ground for the Brotherhood to seize the whole political power in the country. The powers proposed for the president in the constitution, not subject to any supervision, are leading Egypt toward dictatorship. ... read full story / add a comment
internacional / antifascismo / other libertarian press Sunday March 25, 2012 - 21:44 by CNT de Madrid   image 1 image
El pasado día 16, se llevó a cabo una concentración ante la embajada rusa en Madrid en protesta por el asesinato del joven anarquista ruso Nikita a manos de fascistas. ... read full story / add a comment
internazionale / antifascismo / stampa non anarchica Monday November 14, 2011 - 01:29 by Lucio Garofalo
L’art. 1 della Costituzione italiana recita: “La sovranità appartiene al popolo, che la esercita nelle forme e nei limiti della Costituzione”. Parole sacrosante. Ma la sovranità popolare è di fatto negata o limitata da una sorta di assolutismo mediatico, una strisciante dittatura ideologica generata dalla televisione. Una tirannide che Pasolini aveva raccontato come il vero fascismo, cioè la peggior forma di oppressione totalitaria. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-fascism / non-anarchist press Saturday April 02, 2011 - 06:17 by Iron Column Records   image 1 image
A new distro raising cash for anti-fascists in need ... read full story / add a comment
internazionale / antifascismo / stampa non anarchica Tuesday January 27, 2009 - 06:38 by balconaggio
perchè gli attacchi non sono solo dall'interno, ma anche dall'esterno, c'è chi si preoccupa di aggirare la legge Scelba e restare tranquillo, ad organizzare una propaganda di estrema destra col paravento della musica ... read full story / add a comment
internacional / anti-fascismo / other libertarian press Thursday October 12, 2006 - 08:15 by Francisco Trindade
Da barbárie colonial à política nazista de extermínio ... read full story / add a comment
internacional / anti-fascismo / other libertarian press Tuesday September 12, 2006 - 17:06 by Francisco Trindade
A administração Bush identifica-se com a Justiça Divina ... read full story / add a comment
internacional / anti-fascismo / other libertarian press Wednesday September 06, 2006 - 17:01 by Francisco Trindade
Internacional da tortura: os documentos que a Coroa britânica queria censurar ... read full story / add a comment
internacional / anti-fascismo / other libertarian press Saturday June 03, 2006 - 22:48 by Francisco Trindade
internacional / anti-fascismo / other libertarian press Saturday December 03, 2005 - 06:05 by Francisco Trindade
Breve Apresentação de P.-J. Proudhon ... read full story / add a comment
internacional / anti-fascismo / other libertarian press Sunday October 02, 2005 - 21:12 by Francisco Trindade
international / anti-fascism / non-anarchist press Tuesday August 02, 2005 - 13:45 by hrm   text 2 comments (last - tuesday august 16, 2005 - 04:29)
Warning signs of fascism ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-fascism / other libertarian press Tuesday May 03, 2005 - 01:38 by   text 1 comment (last - thursday may 05, 2005 - 00:47)
Right-wing hackers '' are taking credit for attacking several IndyMedia websites posting anti-left rhetoric. This explains how to fix the bugs, who is responsible for the attacks, and how to prevent this kind of action in the future. Continues at
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