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southern africa / the left Tuesday June 25, 2019 - 22:09 by JonaThan Payn   image 1 image
Twenty-five years into democracy the black working class majority in South Africa has not experienced any meaningful improvements in its conditions. The apartheid legacy of unequal education, healthcare and housing and the super-exploitation of black workers continues under the ANC and is perpetuated by the neoliberal policies it has imposed. The only force capable of changing this situation is the working class locally and internationally. Yet to do so, struggles need to come together, new forms of organisation appropriate to the context are needed; and they need both to be infused with a revolutionary progressive politics and to learn from the mistakes of the past. Outside the ANC alliance, there have indeed been many efforts to unite struggles – but these have largely failed to resonate with the working class in struggle and form the basis of a new movement. Nowhere is this more evident than with the newly-formed Socialist Revolutionary Workers Party (SRWP) – which got less than 25 000 votes in the national elections, despite the fact that the union that conceived it, Numsa, claims nearly 400 000 members. [Part 2] ... read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / género Friday June 21, 2019 - 12:44 by Grupo LiberTario Via Libre   image 1 image
Como fruto del debate que el Grupo Libertario Vía Libre ha desarrollado en los últimos dos años sobre las violencias y prácticas machistas y gracias a la positiva influencia que nos ha dejado el gran despertar del movimiento de mujeres en América Latina y el mundo, además, de las enseñanzas que hemos incorporado gracias a la militancia feminista de algunas compañeras que hacen parte de nuestra organización, hemos decidido sistematizar nuestras reflexiones y experiencias alrededor de una política común e integral de género que resumimos en 5 líneas generales de acción y 12 propuestas específicas. ... read full story / add a comment
aotearoa / pacific islands / miscellaneous Saturday June 15, 2019 - 11:13 by Pink PanTher
As rents become unaffordable and property ownership becomes a luxury, tiny houses are being advocated as a way of addressing the housing crisis both here in Aotearoa and elsewhere. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anarchist movement Tuesday June 11, 2019 - 05:47 by Lucien van der WalT   image 1 image
To have a discussion about anarchism's relevance to (black) working class strategy in the face of ongoing capitalist restructuring, we need to dispel myths about anarchism and syndicalism, to reclaim the revolutionary core of the anarchist tradition.
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argentina/uruguay/paraguay / miscellaneous Thursday May 30, 2019 - 01:13 by Federación AnarquisTa Uruguaya   image 1 image
Carta Opinión de la Federación Anarquista Uruguaya. 20 de Mayo 2019 ... read full story / add a comment
argentina/uruguay/paraguay / miscellaneous Wednesday May 29, 2019 - 00:40 by Federación AnarquisTa de Rosario   image 1 image
Podríamos gastar tinta y utilizar varios párrafos en describir lo que representa la figura de Alberto Fernández, tanto por sus orígenes (Menem, Cavallo, Duhalde) como por sus vinculaciones (Papel Prensa, Clarín, Repsol, Embajada Norteamericana). Sin embargo, nuestra línea de análisis intenta ir por otro carril que no es el de la denuncia o el vuelo intelectual. Para ello debemos recaer en los abrumadores números vertidos en el último número de nuestra prensa: 260 mil despidos el último año, índices records de desocupación y pobreza, y una pérdida de más 15 puntos del salario con respecto a la inflación. Luego de 3 años y medio de ajuste brutal, el inicio de un año difícil para los y las de abajo generó hasta aquí presión en las calles, a través de sucesivas medidas sectoriales y unitarias, cuyo desenlace expuso a la cúpula de la CGT, que no tuvo más salida que convocar a un Paro General el 29 de mayo. ... read full story / add a comment
southern africa / workplace struggles Tuesday May 28, 2019 - 17:53 by Lucien van der WalT   image 1 image
Don't abandon the unions, or take sides in inter-union rivalries. Build a serious, organised, non-sectarian project of democratic reform and political discussion that spans the unions, including a rank-and-file movement that fosters debate, and opens the treasure-chest of union and left history and theory. Recover the politics of disconnecting from the state as raised by, for example, Occupy and the Rojava Revolution. Replace reliance on the state and parties with struggle, and destructive inter-union rivalry with a serious project of working class counter-power.
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indonesia / philippines / australia / community struggles Monday May 27, 2019 - 11:45 by Melbourne AnarchisT CommunisT Group   image 1 image
What is required is a movement that knows the police are the attack dogs of the enemy and they are to be resisted with all the strength and intelligence we can muster. We need a movement that wants to #StopAdani directly, a movement that will create facts on the ground that the Government cannot ignore. And this movement, in challenging the State, will inevitably look beyond it, to a new society with no State and no cops, and where capitalism is no more. ... read full story / add a comment
Albert Parsons in the 1870s
north america / mexico / history of anarchism Wednesday May 01, 2019 - 21:38 by AlberT Parsons   image 2 images
As a tribute to one of the most remarkable agitators in labour history, we publish on May Day the autobiography of Albert Parsons. He was one of the five Chicago Anarchists who were tried in 1886-1887 and executed in November 1887 for their role as 8-hour working-day agitators and as anarchist militants. This mock-trial in 'the land of liberty' is one of the most shameful events in the history of labour in the whole world, and gave rise to May Day commemorations all over the world -the day was picked, because the repression which ended up in the 'legal lynching' of the Chicago Martyrs started after the general strike for the 8 hours working-day in May 1st 1886. This day is commemorated all over the world in memory of the Chicago Martyrs -unsurprisingly, one of the few countries which does not commemorate May Day is the land where this barbaric crime took place -the United States. They invented their own 'Labour Day' in September, with the purpose of severing the working class in the US from its radical tradition, and to devoid of meaning the conquest of the 8 hour working-day, a product of struggle and enormous sacrifice, not a gift from the capitalists. The life of Albert Parsons is instructive of the trajectory of many working class agitators in the US in the 19th century, a period of remarkable radicalism which was crushed with unspeakable ruthlessness and repression. His life story goes from fighting in the Confederate States Army during the US Civil War as a 13 year old, to republican and civil rights' agitator, advocate of the emancipation of the slaves, then trade unionist, socialist and anarchist. He was married to Lucy Parsons, a mixed race woman herself born a slave, who would become a prominent socialist and anarchist, and who was a founding member of the Industrial Workers of the World, IWW, in 1905. A remarkable organiser and orator, he was the soul of the most progressive and active workers' movement in the USA at the time: in Chicago. Parsons was the only US citizen of 'pure stock' among the Chicago Martyrs (his ancestry going back all the way to one of the pilgrims in the Mayflower in 1632) -all his comrades being German. The immigrant nature of these anarchists was the cause for a racist and xenophobic uproar that no doubt was crucial to justify their barbaric execution -these racist, xenophobic tendencies are still alive and healthy in the USA, as we can see from the current state of affairs in the country. This is why, being not only a remarkable speaker, but also a well-self-educated man (at a time when the workers' movement still placed much emphasis on the self-education of the workers), he chose to strike a chord with public opinion and counter arguments that socialism and anarchism were 'foreign' and 'alien' ideas, by appealing to texts such as the US Declaration of Independence and opinions of Thomas Jefferson, while also appealing to the conservative and religious frame of mind prevalent, ended up by quoting the Bible. Of course, nothing would save him from the fury of the capitalists' class hatred, but this autobiography is a masterpiece of engaging with the prevalent environment at the time from a radical perspective, of showing in a sober manner his process of radicalisation and the logic behind it, and also, a staunch defence of the anarchist principles by which he lived and which he did not betrayed when confronted to the gallows. Our best tribute to this titanic figure is to resist the current onslaught of the global capitalists against hard-won workers' rights, while to keep faithful to the cause of a free and just world. José Antonio Gutiérrez D.
1st May, 2019
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Βόρεια Αμερική / Μεξικό / Αναρχική Ιστορία Wednesday May 01, 2019 - 06:09 by MoTher Jones   image 1 image
Οι Αναρχικοί ηγέτες του οκταώρου κινήματος κρεμάστηκαν την Παρασκευή 11 Νοεμβρίου. Εκείνη τη μέρα οι πλούσιοι του Σικάγου είχαν ρίγη και πυρετό. Το σχοινί τεντώνεται προς όλες τις κατευθύνσεις από τη φυλακή. Αστυνομικοί άνδρες σταθμεύουν κατά μήκος των σχοινιών οπλισμένοι με τουφέκια. Ειδικές περιπολίες παρακολουθούσαν όλες τις προσεγγίσεις στη φυλακή. Οι στέγες γύρω από το βαρύ πέτρινο κτίριο ήταν γεμάτε με αστυνομικούς. Οι εφημερίδες έγειραν τη δημόσια φαντασία με ιστορίες εξεγέρσεων στις φυλακές. ... read full story / add a comment
aotearoa / pacific islands / anti-fascism Monday April 29, 2019 - 10:54 by anTifa   image 1 image
The term “Lone Wolf” is used to obfuscate the level of organisation within the far-right scene and the fact that it is used as a deliberate tactic. ... read full story / add a comment
Αργεντινή / Ουρουγουάη / Παραγουάη / Αναρχικό κίνημα Thursday April 18, 2019 - 20:38 by DmiTri (Transl)   image 1 image
Η ταξική πάλη υπήρχε πολύ πριν από τη θεωρητική της σύλληψη. Ο αγώνας των εκμεταλλευόμενων δεν περίμενε την επεξεργασία ενός θεωρητικού έργου. Η ύπαρξή του προηγείται της γνώσης γι’ αυτό, υπήρχε εκεί πριν γίνει γνωστός, πριν από τη θεωρητική ανάλυση της ύπαρξής της. ... read full story / add a comment
argentina/uruguay/paraguay / miscellaneous Sunday April 14, 2019 - 23:32 by Federación AnarquisTa Uruguaya   image 1 image
La impunidad asquea, repugna e indigna aún más que estos genocidas anden sueltos, caminando por las calles con total tranquilidad. Pero el pueblo sabe que esto no es casualidad. Solo han sido encarcelados unos pocos militares y policías, los más notorios, protegidos en una cárcel vip; pero son 400 o más los que andan tranquilos, impunes. Pero junto a ellos están todos los civiles, la estructura de poder que los empujó y respaldó: dueños de diarios y radios, cámaras de comercio y rurales, grandes empresas extranjeras, dispositivos del imperio que operaban en el área. Todos ellos son responsables, el repudio eterno a toda esta estructura del horror que asesinó a hijos e hijas de nuestro pueblo. ... read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / migração / racismo Sunday April 14, 2019 - 06:12 by Coordenação AnarquisTa Brasileira   image 1 image
Oitenta tiros fulminaram Evaldo Rosa, trabalhador Negro, músico, que
voltava de um compromisso social com sua família. Os responsáveis:
militares do exército que patrulhavam o bairro e, segundo relatos, ainda
debocharam da família depois da ação. ... read full story / add a comment
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Ιστορία (γενική) Tuesday April 09, 2019 - 23:01 by DmiTri   image 1 image
Ο ποιητής είνε ο δυστυχέστερος κ’ εν ταυτώ ο ευτυχέστερος. Διά της φαντασίας του αισθάνεται το καλόν και το κακόν πριν έλθη. Ο ποιητής είνε εκείνο που παράγει διότι ενεργεί υπό το κράτος των αισθήσεων. Οι άλλοι των ανθρώπων την έννοιαν μένουν ψυχροί
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Νέα Ζηλανδία / Νήσοι Ειρηνικού / Μετανάστευση / Ρατσισμός Saturday April 06, 2019 - 19:56 by Melbourne AnarchisT CommunisT Group   image 1 image
Υπάρχει μόνο ένας τρόπος να καταπολεμήσουμε αποτελεσματικά τον φασισμό, επειδή η μόνη δύναμη που μπορεί να νικήσει τον φασισμό είναι η οργανωμένη εργατική τάξη. Χρειαζόμαστε ένα ενωμένο μέτωπο όπου όλοι οι στόχοι των φασιστών συναντιούνται στον αγώνα. Σε αυτό το ενιαίο μέτωπο χωρούν βέβαεια διαφορετικές πολιτικές προοπτικές και ποικίλες τακτικές, αλλά αν μπορούμε να συμφωνήσουμε για την ανάγκη να δράσουμε μαζί ενάντια στον κοινό εχθρό, αυτό μπορεί να αποβεί αποτελεσματική. Κατά τη διάρκεια του αγώνα, η εγκυρότητα των Αναρχικών Κομμουνιστικών αρχών και οργανωτικών προσεγγίσεων θα αποδειχθεί σε ολοένα αυξανόμενο αριθμό εργαζομένων. ... read full story / add a comment
aotearoa / pacific islands / migration / racism Saturday April 06, 2019 - 19:51 by Melbourne AnarchisT CommunisT Group   image 1 image
There is only one way to fight Fascism effectively, because the only force that can beat Fascism is the organised working class. We need a united front where all the Fascists’ targets come together in struggle. This united front necessarily has room for different political perspectives and a diversity of tactics, but as long as we can agree on the need to act together against the common enemy, it can be effective. In the course of the struggle, the validity of Anarchist Communist principles and organisational approaches will be proven to increasing numbers of workers. ... read full story / add a comment
aotearoa / pacific islands / anti-fascism Wednesday March 27, 2019 - 11:33 by Pink PanTher/LAMA   image 1 image
This article looks at some of the wider contextual causes of the recent fascist atrocity in Christchurch, state reactions to the act and an Anarchist response to these. ... read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / miscellaneous Saturday March 23, 2019 - 22:48 by Coordenação AnarquisTa Brasileira   image 1 image
No dia 20 de fevereiro de 2019, após meses de especulação do mercado financeiro, chantagem dos grandes empresários e publicidade pesada da mídia corporativista, o governo Bolsonaro entregou na Câmara dos Deputados a tão cobiçada Reforma da Previdência. Finalmente a classe trabalhadora brasileira conheceu qual será o tamanho do ataque que vem pela frente através da caneta dos de cima. Como já era previsível, o projeto de Paulo Guedes é ainda mais duro do que o apresentado por Temer. Essa reforma significa mais retirada de direitos de trabalhadoras e trabalhadores. ... read full story / add a comment
argentina/uruguay/paraguay / género Wednesday March 20, 2019 - 19:39 by Federación AnarquisTa Uruguaya   image 1 image
No es lo mismo una trabajadora o desocupada que una milica que reprime en los barrios a las hijas e hijos de las trabajadoras. Este es el día de la mujer de abajo, muchas veces sostén económico del hogar, que se encarga de la crianza de sus hijos e hijas, de las tareas de la casa, entre otras cosas, sin valorización de todo ese trabajo. Hay una cuestión de clase que marca una línea divisoria. No es el día de todas las mujeres, es el día de la mujer que marcha junto a los oprimidos con sus sueños de un mundo distinto y mejor. ... read full story / add a comment
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