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international / the left / opinion / analysis Saturday February 15, 2014 21:10 by andrew Flood   image 1 image
The nostalgic left is a bit of shorthand I’ve started using for those on the left who have reacted to the disintegration of the old left by wishing for idealised simpler times. And perhaps more strangely blaming the collapse on what they see as threatening new developments, like intersectionality. They hold such newfangled nonsense responsible for the current failure of the left to get an echo from the general population. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / anarchist movement / news report Wednesday December 18, 2013 21:50 by andrew   image 1 image
The WSM had its Autumn national conference in Dublin on the 23rd November.  National Conference is the ultimate decision making body in the WSM. It happens every six months usually over a day or two. As well as discussing motions time is also spent on discussing the past six months activity and prospects for the next period. Conference also hears reports of activity from all branches, officers and working groups.  This covered areas like the Irish Anarchist Review, WSM Website, Dublin Anarchist Bookfair and our pro-choice and anti racist work. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / education / news report Monday September 16, 2013 23:12 by andrew   text 1 comment (last - monday september 23, 2013 20:43)   image 1 image
In 2012 the attempt by the government to Quebec to introduce a 75% fee hike was defeated by the organisation of a mass student strike that lasted over 6 months. That fee increase was part of the global process of imposing the privatisation and commodification of education. Since the victory, organisers of the strike have been being doing speaking tours to aid the process whereby "youth and students everywhere are becoming increasingly conscious of the need to organize as a means to defend education as a social right". In September this tour reaches Ireland where we need to hear how a sustained and militant student movement that can win is built. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / gender / opinion / analysis Monday July 15, 2013 22:58 by andrew Flood   image 1 image
Despite spending in the region of a million euro and getting the backing of the catholic church its now clear that the anti-choice extremists of Youth Defence & the Pro Life Campaign were resoundingly defeated when the Dail finally voted though legislation implementing the X-Case judgment of 21 years ago. This time last year they were confident that they already had enough Fine Gael TD's on board to block the required legislation but they reckoned against the wave of public anger that followed the death of Savita Halappanavar after she was denied a potentially life saving abortion in a Galway hospital. read full story / add a comment
greece / turkey / cyprus / the left / feature Tuesday June 25, 2013 16:17 by andrew Flood   text 2 comments (last - wednesday june 26, 2013 15:46)   image 1 image
Tear gas is a very good place to start trying to understand what is happening in Turkey.  The main purpose of tear gas is to terrorise and thus break up large crowds of people.  In Istanbul over the last weeks huge quantities have been used over and over to prevent large anti-government demonstrations developing. This wasn't about 'riot control' - generally there was no riot to control.  In this piece I'm going to put the Gezi park revolt in the context of the cycle of struggles that began in 2010 and of the specific economic, politcal and historical situation of the Turkish republic to try and draw out the lessons for all of us fighting global capitalism read full story / add a comment
greece / turkey / cyprus / the left / interview Sunday June 02, 2013 21:18 by andrew   image 1 image
The video is the Dublin Istanbul solidarity demonstration June 1 2013 - the audio track is an interview recorded with Sevinc just before the start of the demonstration. In this 45 minute interview Sevinc who recently migrated from Turkey to Ireland provides context on the Gezi park struggle and the police repression from recent regional and left politics. Touches on the Turkish left & anarchist movement, LGBT & Kurdish struggles, the role of the Ultras, the army & Police read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / workplace struggles / opinion / analysis Friday March 22, 2013 20:17 by andrew Flood   image 1 image
We have to ask ourselves how we have found ourselves in unions where the leadership was allowed take such an approach. And we have to work out how we create unions that we control and which will help us organise together to defend our common interests. How has it come to this? read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / workplace struggles / opinion / analysis Wednesday March 20, 2013 20:09 by andrew Flood   image 1 image
The government says if we Vote no to Croke Park they will impose it anyway. Many of the union leadership try and scare us into voting Yes with this threat and by saying the only alternative is strike action. Both are right. If we just vote no than the government will attack us. And when they do the only way we can win is if we are willing to fight back - that will mean industrial action. It will almost certainly mean at least the credible threat of an indefinite strike. read full story / add a comment
internaţional / anarchist circulaţie / opinion/analysis Wednesday January 30, 2013 11:27 by andrew Flood   image 2 images
În ultimul deceniu, o critică generalizată a civilizației a fost formulată de către un număr de autori, predominant din SUA. Unii dintre aceștia au ales să se identifice drept anarhiști, deși auto-indentificarea generală este de primitivist (sau din păcate “anarho”-primitivism). Argumentul lor general este că “civilizația” în sine este problema care duce la incapacitatea noastră de a trăi o viață plină de satisfacții. Astfel, lupta pentru schimbare este o luptă împotriva civilizației și pentru un pământ unde tehnologia a fost eliminată.
Critica primitivistă a anarhismului se bazează în jurul susţinerii că ar fi descoperit o contradicție între libertate și societatea de masă. În alte cuvinte, ei văd ca o imposibilitate orice societate care implică grupuri mult mai mari decât un sat să fie o societate liberă. Dacă acest lucru ar fi fost adevărat, atunci ar face propunerea anarhistă a unei lumi a “federațiilor libere formate din municipii, orașe și sate o imposibilitate. Astfel de federații și centre de populație sunt în mod evident o formă de societate de masă/civilizație. [English] read full story / add a comment
Lui vota "a favore della vita"
irlanda / gran bretagna / genero / cronaca Wednesday January 23, 2013 23:06 by andrew   image 6 images
Sabato a Dublino ha visto un altro disperato tentativo da parte della coalizione "anti-scelta" [ossia contro la scelta della donna di decidere - ndt.] di evitare che il Dáil (la Camera irlandese) introduca legislazione che permetterebbe l'aborto in casi in cui la vita della donna è in pericolo. Nonostante mesi di preparazione, comportando una spesa che deve essere stato vicino a un milione di euro, e nonostante che i parroci, durante la messa in ogni parocchia, abbiano reso obbligatorio la partecipazione a tutti i cattolici, meno di 15.000 si sono presentati alla manifestazione. Rispetto alle 150.000 donne che hanno dovuto viaggiare per ottenere aborti negli ultimi decenni, ciò equivale a quasi nulla, un pugno di fanatici trasportati in autobus da tutto il paese. [English] read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / gender / news report Wednesday January 23, 2013 04:18 by andrew   image 6 images
Saturday in Dublin saw another desperate attempt by the anti-choice coalition to prevent legislation coming to the Dail (Irish parliament) to allow abortion where a women's life is under threat. Despite months of preparation, a spend that must have ran close to a million euro, and the parish priest at every mass in the country telling catholics they should attend, less that 15,000 turned up. Compared to the 150,000 women who have had to travel to obtain abortions in the last ecades this amounts to almost nothing, a handful of bigots bussed in from all over the country. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / gender / news report Wednesday December 19, 2012 18:40 by andrew Flood   image 1 image
This afternoon the government had finally confirmed that it is to legislate for abortion access under the conditions of the X-case. While we can welcome the failure of the anti-choice movement to stop this announcement, despite frantically spending a quarter of a million dollars euro in ten days, this is so little so late that it is almost meaningless. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / economy / news report Friday December 07, 2012 22:42 by andrew   image 1 image
Roughly 1,000 people protested at the Dail (parliament building) in Dublin Wednesday night as yet another austerity budget was debated. As with previous budgets the new flat rate taxes, PRSI & excise hikes will mean workers & those on low income will be hit hard while the richest 1% will hardly notice any difference. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / gender / news report Friday November 30, 2012 23:59 by andrew   text 1 comment (last - tuesday april 16, 2024 16:11)   image 1 image
Last night saw hundreds of pro-choice activists blockade the gates of the Dáil after TD's once more refused to pass X-case legislation. Twenty years after the X-case and one month after the death of Savita Halappanavar women in Ireland were told once more that the politicians had not had enough time. The political parties, in particular the Labour Party, were once more engaged in a cynical game of playing politics - a game that leaves pregnant women at continued risk in Irish hospitals. read full story / add a comment
internazionale / movimento anarchico / cronaca Tuesday September 04, 2012 20:09 by andrew Flood   image 1 image
Un paio di migliaia di anarchici da tutto il globo si sono radunati a St-Imier, la piccola città che ospitò nel 1872 la fondazione dell'Internazionale Anarchica, per commemorare questo evento con dozzine di eventi politici, organizzativi e culturali. Quale componente di questo raduno, la rete internazionale Anarkismo, di cui il WSM è la sezione irlandese, ha tenuto sia una conferenza europea che un raduno mondiale. [English] read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / the left / review Thursday August 23, 2012 17:10 by andrew Flood   image 1 image
The Social Solidarity Network came into existence in the Autumn of 2009 in Dublin as an initiative of the Workers Solidarity Movement. It faded out of existence a few short months later and never amounted to all that much in the interim beyond a couple of meetings, a leaflet distribution at a mass ICTU march and a badly organised and executed protest at the Dail on budget day. Nevertheless there are some useful lessons (mostly of the ‘how not to do it variety’) to be taken from its short existence. read full story / add a comment
international / anarchist movement / news report Wednesday August 22, 2012 17:13 by andrew Flood   text 4 comments (last - sunday august 26, 2012 16:58)   image 1 image
August saw a gathering of a couple of thousand anarchists from all over the globe in St Imier, Switzerland. This small town was the site of the founding of the Anarchist International in 1872, the gathering was organised to commemorate this event and involved dozens of political, organisational & cultural events. As part of this gathering Anarkismo, the international network that the WSM is the Irish section of, held both a European conference and a global gathering. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / community struggles / news report Wednesday August 01, 2012 16:47 by andrew Flood   image 1 image
A huge secretive Garda security operation last night swung into operation in Dublin Port as Shell's Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) left the port as part of a huge convoy of Garda vehicles. News of the operation had leaked at the last minute meaning that with only an hours notice a handful of Shell to Sea campaigners managed to get down to the port entrance despite the pouring rain. Most of us were pulled over and questioned by Garda at least once and the Garda helicopter stayed overhead as various Garda vehicles including a van load of riot cops with the door open drove past us repeatedly. read full story / add a comment
greece / turkey / cyprus / the left / interview Saturday June 16, 2012 19:29 by andrew   image 1 image
Four anarchists including two Greek anarchists examine the real effects of the Euro crisis on the Greek population, resistance to the attempts to impose all the costs of the crisis on ordinary Greeks and the meaning of the second round of elections in particular the role of SYRIZA read full story / add a comment
irlanda / gran bretagna / la sinistra / opinione / analisi Monday June 04, 2012 19:05 by andrew Flood   image 1 image
Con lo spoglio ancora in corso, è chiaro che un amplissimo numero di aventi diritto si è rifiutata di andare a votare per il referendum sul fiscal compact, sottraendosi alla scelta obbligata di chi diceva che si doveva votare o per la "stabilità" o contro la "austerità". Appare possibile che il numero di coloro che ha scelto di astenersi sia maggiore della somma dei votanti per il "SÌ" o per il "NO". [English] read full story / add a comment
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