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russie / ukraine / biélorussie / histoire de l'anarchisme / communiqué de presse Monday March 01, 2021 16:10 by Diverses organisations anarchistes   text 2 comments (last - wednesday may 11, 2022 11:56)   image 1 image
Le 1er mars 1921, le Soviet de Cronstadt se soulève contre le régime du Parti “Communiste” de Russie. La Guerre Civile est finie, ce qu’il restait des armées Blanches en Russie occidentale a été défait en novembre 1920. Les dernières batailles en Sibérie et en Asie centrale se déroulent sur l'étendue territoriale de ce qui deviendra un an plus tard l'URSS. La situation économique, cependant, reste désastreuse. En réaction, des grèves éclatent à Petrograd en février 1921. Les marins de Cronstadt y envoient une délégation pour se renseigner sur ces grèves. read full story / add a comment
russland / ukraine / belarus / geschichte des anarchismus / pressemitteilung Monday March 01, 2021 00:59 by Verschiedene anarchistische Organisationen   image 1 image
Am 1. März 1921 erhob sich der Sowjet (russischer Begriff für einen basisdemokratisch gewählten Arbeiter*innen- und/oder Soldatenrat) der Marinefestung Kronstadt vor den Toren Petrograds (heute St. Petersburg) gegen das Regime der russischen “kommunistischen” Partei. Der russische Bürgerkrieg war effektiv zu Ende, da die letzte der konterrevolutionären weißen Armeen im europäischen Teil Russlands im November 1920 besiegt worden war. In den verbleibenden Schlachten in Sibirien und Zentralasien ging es um die territoriale Ausdehnung der sich formierenden UdSSR. Die wirtschaftlichen Bedingungen waren jedoch weiterhin katastrophal. Als Reaktion darauf brachen im Februar 1921 in Petrograd Streiks aus. Die Matrosen von Kronstadt schickten eine Delegation, um die Streiks zu untersuchen. read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / environment / feature Thursday February 04, 2021 06:45 by A member of Black Rose anarchist Federation’s New York City Local   text 1 comment (last - monday august 07, 2023 18:12)   image 4 images
Repost from the Black Rose Anarchist Federation read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / anti-fascism / opinion / analysis Monday January 11, 2021 05:04 by Melbourne anarchist Communist Group   image 1 image
The following statement was released by the Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group on 10 January 2021. read full story / add a comment
indonesia / philippines / australia / anarchist movement / press release Wednesday January 06, 2021 19:10 by anarchist Communists Meanjin   image 1 image
The struggle for a new world has been a long one and has been contributed to by countless individuals and organisations in that time. While the path often seems long and sometimes hopeless we believe that a new world is not just possible, but necessary for our survival. We hope that with this new organisation we like so many before us can play a part in making this vision become reality. read full story / add a comment
Australian troops in Afghanistan. Credit: LS Paul Berry via The Guardian
indonesia / philippines / australia / imperialism / war / opinion / analysis Monday January 04, 2021 16:55 by Melbourne anarchist Communist Group   image 1 image
In these circumstances, the military effort in Afghanistan quickly became an occupation. All Afghan civilians were the enemy, unless they were known tools of the occupiers. And so the fighting age males were deemed fair game. Imperialist war cannot be waged justly, so the political decisions of John Howard, Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard and other Prime Ministers made the crimes of the soldiers on the ground inevitable. The soldiers named in the secret version of the report deserve to be in the dock, but so do their political masters. read full story / add a comment
Justice for George Floyd! Washington DC 2020 Credit: Olivier Douliery/AFP via Getty Images
international / community struggles / opinion / analysis Friday January 01, 2021 17:24 by Melbourne anarchist Communist Group   image 1 image
The workplace is the source of the capitalists’ power, so the struggle in that location is decisive. It is the vehicle for fighting the economic inequality that is driving down living standards for US workers for the first time since the Great Depression and fuelling the growth of Fascism. It is, though, much more than that. The struggle in the workplace can unite the multi-racial, multicultural and gender diverse working class in the fight against all forms of social oppression and build the solidarity needed to make the revolution to overthrow capitalism as a whole. read full story / add a comment
bolivie / pérou / Équateur / chili / répression / prisonniers et prisonnières / communiqué de presse Friday December 11, 2020 16:58 by Diverses organisations anarchistes   image 1 image
« La prison n’empêche pas les actes antisociaux de se produire, au contraire, elle en augmente le nombre. Elle n’améliore pas ceux qui s’y retrouvent. Réformez la tant que vous le souhaitez, ce sera toujours une privation de liberté, un moyen fictif comme le couvent, qui rend le prisonnier de moins en moins apte à vivre en société. La prison n’obtient pas ce qu’elle entend produire. Elle souille la société. Elle doit disparaître » (Piort Kropotkin - « Les Prisons ») « Que les camarades ne se sentent pas Les personnes avec qui ils et elles ont partagé la joie, la tristesse, des échecs et des victoires sont plus que jamais à leur côtés. Combattant avec une ferveur obstinée. Ressentant chaque jours plus d’amour et plus de haine. Cet amour et cette haine avec lesquels, ensemble, nous ferons changer le monde de fond en comble » (Juan C. Mechoso - Acción Directa Anarquista : Una Historia de FAU") read full story / add a comment
bolivien / peru / ecuador / chile / repression / gefangene / pressemitteilung Friday December 11, 2020 16:45 by Verschiedene anarchistische Organisationen   image 1 image
Heute haben wir gemeinsam mit vielen befreundeten klassenkämpferischen anarchistischen Organisationen aus aller Welt eine weitere internationale Erklärung veröffentlicht. Anlass sind die derzeitigen Kämpfe in Chile für die Freilassung der Menschen, die im Laufe der sozialen Revolte verhaftet wurden. Diese soziale Revolte nahm vor gut einem Jahr, im Oktober 2019, ihren Anfang mit den entschlossenen Protesten und Direkten Aktionen junger Menschen gegen die Erhöhung von Bus- und Metropreisen in der Haupstadt Santiago. Wie ein Lauffeuer breiteten sich die Proteste auf weite Teile der unterdrückten Klasse und auf viele Regionen des Landes aus. Millionen nahmen sich die Straßen, um für ein würdevolles Leben einzustehen und leisteten Widerstand gegen einen brutalen Polizeiapparat, der im Laufe weniger Wochen dutzende Menschen folterte, vergewaltigte und ermordete. Tausende Menschen wurden in diesen Wochen außerdem festgenommen und in die dunklen Knäste des chilenischen Staates gesperrt. Viele von ihnen sitzen auch ein Jahr später, in dem die Menschen nicht aufgehört haben zu kämpfen, noch in Haft, oft unter schrecklichen Bedingungen. In den Zellen neben ihnen sitzen indigene Mapuche, auch sie werden vom chilenischen Staat interniert, weil sie seiner neokolonialen Politik nicht tatenlos zusehen, sondern für die Bewahrung ihrer Territorien und ihrer Autonomie kämpfen. Mit unserer Erklärung stellen wir uns hinter die Forderung nach der sofortigen Freilassung aller politischen Gefangenen. Der Widerstand gegen dieses menschenverachtende System ist gerechtfertigt, an jedem Ort, zu jeder Zeit. Nieder mit der Klassenjustiz überall auf der Welt! Es lebe die grenzenlose Solidarität! read full story / add a comment
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / repression / prisoners / press release Thursday December 10, 2020 14:30 by Various anarchist organisations   image 1 image
“The prison does not prevent anti-social acts from taking place. It increases their numbers. It does not improve those who enter its walls. However it is reformed it will always remain a place of restraint, an artificial environment, like a monastery, which will make the prisoner less and less fit for life in the community. It does not achieve its end. It degrades society. It must disappear” (Prisons and Their Moral Influence on Prisoners, Peter Kropotkin, Kropotkin's Revolutionary Pamphlets. Roger N. Baldwin, editor. Vanguard Press, Inc. 1927) "Our companions shall not feel alone. The people with whom they shared joys and sorrows, failures and victories, remain with them more than ever, resisting with a strong passion. Feeling more love and hate each day. The love and hate through which, together, we will change the world from its roots". (Juan C. Mechoso, Acción Directa Anarquista: Una Historia de FAU, 2002) read full story / add a comment
greece / turkey / cyprus / miscellaneous / opinion / analysis Thursday December 03, 2020 19:32 by Revolutionary anarchist Action   image 1 image
The Power announced open-ended and incomprehensible prohibitions under the name of Covid19 measures. The Power, which applied the ostensible measures during the pandemic, did not implement realistic measures. It applied the measures by separating the lives of the poor and rich. This segregation was not only economic, but also turned into a social segregation by favoring it’s own cultural segments. This is evident in the latest pandemic prohibitions announced by the president. While workers are working in workshops, factories and constructions, bosses maintain their isolation. While coffeehouses and cafes are closing, shopping malls remain open, and the religious services continue their operation. These clearly show us this segregation. These restrictions have nothing to do with Covid19. Prohibitions are a product of the effort to control the society that is faced with the crisis and to hide the crisis by making it incomprehensible and imperceptible. read full story / add a comment
Διεθνή / Εργατικοί Αγώνες / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Saturday November 07, 2020 18:10 by Melbourne anarchist Communist Group   image 1 image
Ο αγώνας που υποστηρίζουμε θα αποκαλύψει σε εκατομμύρια πώς ο καπιταλισμός και οι ανθρώπινες ανάγκες είναι έννοιες εκ διαμέτρου αντιθετες. Θα δώσει ώθηση στην εξουσία εκείνη που θα μπορούσε να κάνει κάτι γι 'αυτό. Μπορεί να είναι η αρχή ενός επαναστατικού κινήματος. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / community struggles / opinion / analysis Tuesday November 03, 2020 19:14 by Melbourne anarchist Commounist Group   image 1 image
In either case, it is by building working class struggle that the threat of Fascism will be best addressed. Struggle against a re-elected Trump would be necessary as he accelerates the class polarisation of society and moves further towards dictatorship. Struggle against a President Biden would explode the poisonous identification of the Left with the Democratic Party that Republicans make and from which Fascists benefit. read full story / add a comment
greece / turkey / cyprus / anti-fascism / press release Sunday September 27, 2020 01:39 by Various anarchist organisations   image 1 image
In the evening of 16/9/2020 at Thessaloniki, Greece, during a social intervention, anti-fascists were collectively erasing fascist hate slogans and graffiti, which were written a few days earlier by members of the new neo-Nazi party “Greeks for Fatherland” (Έλληνες για την Πατρίδα) - founded by Ilias Kassidiaris, an ex-representative of the Nazi party “Golden Dawn” (Χρυσή Αυγή) – and replacing them by antifascist graffiti instead. Around 10:30 PM our comrades were surrounded by a large group of police forces that attacked them without reason. Fifty-one comrades were taken into custody to the Police General Headquarters in Thessaloniki and kept there 2 to 4 days under the most deplorable conditions. In total, fifteen of them were injured while another two were even admitted to the hospital due to the heavy injuries caused by the police officers involved in the attack. Both during the arrest and under custody, the police did not cease to provoke and abuse their power - the ability to rule and control given to them by the state -, attempting to break the spirit of our comrades. read full story / add a comment
international / imperialism / war / feature Tuesday September 08, 2020 21:09 by Melbourne anarchist Communist Group   image 1 image
As Anarchists, we argue for workers’ revolution across the world and take as our primary duty the fight against the capitalists where we live. Here in Australia, we must fight against the Australian Goverment’s military alliance with the US, including the ANZUS Treaty, the 5 Eyes intelligence group and the spy base at Pine Gap. And we must fight to build a labour movement that can link up with the working class across the region to make revolution against both the capitalists and the Chinese so-called “Communist” Party. There is no other way. read full story / add a comment
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / indigenous struggles / press release Thursday August 06, 2020 19:09 by Various anarchist organisations   text 1 comment (last - sunday august 09, 2020 05:16)   image 1 image
We stand in solidarity with the struggle of the Mapuche people who are currently experiencing another episode of persecution and repression by the racist and co-lonial State of Chile. The State of Chile is aided by far-right groups and militias. For more than 90 days, nearly 30 Mapuche political prisoners have been on a hun-ger strike demanding immediate freedom or at least a change to precautionary measures for Covid-19. The review of judicial processes is still underway. Their demands: the end of the criminalisation of the Mapuche people, the repeal of the Anti-Terrorism Law (which was inherited from the dictator Augusto Pinochet), and the application of ILO Convention 169 (art. 7, 8, 9 and 10) whose omission from the State’s law resulted in the serious health condition of Machi Celestino Córdova. Córdova’s condition is a result of several hunger strikes protesting the repression of Mapuche spirituality by the State and its colonial institutions.
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international / migration / rassismus / grundsatzerklärung Monday July 13, 2020 08:10 by Verschiedene anarchistische Organisationen   image 1 image
Die Ermordung von George Floyd durch die Polizei in den USA hat dort und auf der ganzen Welt eine Welle der Empörung von unten ausgelöst. Massendemonstrationen und direkte Aktionen gegen die Polizei als Reaktion auf Repressionen waren in den letzten Wochen an der Tagesordnung. Dieser Mord, neben Tausenden von anderen, lässt die weit verbreiteten Proteste von 2014 in den USA wieder aufleben, die als Folge der vielen Morde an, insbesondere jungen, Schwarzen entbrannten. read full story / add a comment
international / migration / racisme / déclaration de principes Monday July 13, 2020 01:12 by Various anarchist organisations   image 1 image
L’assassinat de George Floyd aux États-Unis par la police a déclenché une vague d’outrage populaire dans ce pays et à travers le monde. Les manifestations massives et l’action directe contre la police et en réponse à la répression ont été fréquentes au cours de ces dernières semaines. Le meurtre, s’ajoutant à des milliers d’autres, ravive la révolte étendue de 2004 aux États-Unis, suivant les nombreux assassinats de Noir-e-s, spécialement de jeunes. Ces faits ont mis en évidence le racisme profond qui existe dans les sociétés aujourd’hui. read full story / add a comment
international / migration / racism / policy statement Friday July 10, 2020 15:49 by Various anarchist organisations   image 1 image
The murder of George Floyd in the United States by the police has unleashed a wave of popular outrage in that country and throughout the world. Massive demonstrations, direct action against the police and in response to repression have been common these past weeks. This fact has brought to the fore the profound racism that exists in today's societies. read full story / add a comment
international / gender / press release Tuesday June 30, 2020 03:04 by Various anarchist organizations   image 1 image
زنان در سراسر جهان محکوم به خانه نشینی شده اند. ما زنان هم بحران جهانی اجتماعی و اقتصادی که با ظهور ویروس کرونا و تبدیل آن به یک بیماری همه گیر را تحمل می کنیم و به همچنین از خشونت های جنسی به ما رنج می بریم. این پدیده تازه ای در ساختار مردسالاری که در آن زندگی میکنیم نیست ولی باز با این حال، اشکال جدیدی زمینه واقعی زندگی ما اتخاذ شده است. ما خود را در موقعیتی یافته ایم که بیماری همه گیر کووید-۱۹ بیشتر و بیشتر ما را به “حوزه خانگی و خانه داری” کشانده و تابع به شخصیت مردانه جامعه کرده است read full story / add a comment
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