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irlanda / gran bretaña / represión / presos / news report Wednesday April 06, 2011 00:22 by Andrew   image 1 image   video 1 video file
“Dame tu nombre y dirección o te violamos” - Las palabras de un sargento de Garda, como él discutió con al menos otros dos Gardai cómo iban a interrogar a una de las dos mujeres Shell para los activistas del mar que habían arrestado y que estaban siendo llevados a la estación de Belmullet Garda. Sólo segundos antes, mientras que estaban discutiendo la forma de interrogar a las mujeres una Garda sugirió que la amenazan con la deportación. El sargento responde con la adición de la amenaza de violación que se repite antes de que otro hasta ahora no identificados Garda interviene con "manténgalo en esa posición, dame tu nombre y dirección en él, te violación " llevó al sargento a repetir que una vez más como "O que definitivamente voy a la violación." [Escuche el audio de 2 minutos ] read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / repression / prisoners / news report Wednesday April 06, 2011 00:10 by Andrew   image 2 images
Give me your name and address or I’ll rape you - the words of a Garda Sgt as he discussed with at least two other Gardai how they were going to interrogate one of two female Shell to Sea campaigners they had arrested and who were being brought to Belmullet Garda station. Just second earlier while they were discussing how to interrogate the women one Garda suggested they threaten her with deportation. The Sgt responds with the addition of the rape threat which he repeats before another so far unidentified Garda chimes in with “hold it there, give me your name and address there, I’ll rape you” prompting the Sgt to repeat it one last time as “or I’ll definitely rape you.” [Listen to the 2 minute audio] read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / community struggles / news report Tuesday March 29, 2011 22:29 by Andrew   image 1 image
Last week as Shell prepares to start construction on the final leg of their controversial Corrib gas pipeline & refinery they have faced multiple set backs. In Erris Shell were prevented accessing construction sites by a blockade of protesters on a number of days while in Dublin Shell were forced to pull out of a conference at the RDS. On top of this 22 TD's gathered under a Shell to Sea banner at the Dail demanding that the consents signed by the outgoing Fianna Fail minister on his last day in power be reversed. This public show of support for Shell to Sea by so many elected representatives is a demonstration of how strongly the public have turned against the project and the Great Oil & Gas Giveaway in general. Despite this it is now the Labour Party Minister Pat Rabbitte who is forcing the project through, who this week has refused to reverse the consents. (Photo C. William Hederman) read full story / add a comment
north africa / repression / prisoners / news report Thursday February 03, 2011 01:03 by Andrew   image 1 image
Following the refusal of Mubarak to resign a mob of his supporters attempted to fight their way into Tahir square in Cairo where anti-Mubarak protests demanding democracy have rallied over the last week. Some of the mob who have been captured were carrying police ID's. The intention appears to be to either drive the democracy protesters off the streets and/or create an excuse for army intervention to 'restore stability,'  something the official opposition is now calling for. The UN has issued a statement fearing that 300 have been killed and 500 injured, its unclear if this refers just to today's events read full story / add a comment
oost-azië / geschiedenis van het anarchisme / recensie Sunday December 26, 2010 19:11 by AndrewNFlood   image 1 image
In juli 1914 publiceerde de Shanghai Associatie van Anarchistisch Communistische Kameraden diens verklaring van principes, waarin werd afgesloten met de resolutie dat "de invoering van het anarchistische communisme afhankelijk is van de kracht van onze partij. Als we de kracht van onze partij willen laten toenemen is het ons verenigen als een geheel lichaam en het gezamenlijk optrekken vandaag onze meest belangrijke taak. Ongeacht waar ze zijn moeten al onze kameraden zich verenigen met degenen die de zelfde doelen delen en groepen in vrije associatie oprichten." Het bekendste lid van deze groep was een Chinese anarchist die bekend stond als Shifu, die negen maanden later zou sterven. Hoewel de groep na zijn dood door ging werd het kern concept van deze paragraaf nooit uitgevoerd. [English] [Italiano] [Ελληνικά] read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / gender / opinion / analysis Wednesday December 22, 2010 00:56 by Andrew   image 1 image
Last Thursday the European Court of Human Rights found that the Irish government had violated the rights of a woman living in Ireland who was forced to travel to Britain for an abortion. Abortion continues to be unavailable in Ireland and the court ruling was based on the failure of Irish governments to legislate for abortion under the 'X case' an infamous case from 1992 when a 14 year old rape victim X was prevented leaving the country to get an abortion in England. The WSM was centrally involved in the mobilizations that forced the courts to back down and allow X to travel and has continued to be involved in the pro-choice movement since that time. Below is the coverage we provided on Thursday on WSM.IE as the ABC result was revealed. read full story / add a comment
irlanda / gran bretagna / economia / opinione / analisi Friday November 26, 2010 20:59 by Andrew   image 1 image
Ieri il governo irlandese ha annunciate i dettagli relative al piano quadriennale previsto dall'intervento di "salvataggio" delle banche ad opera di FMI e BCE. Sono previsti €5 miliardi di nuove tasse e €10 miliardi di tagli nel cosiddetto "Ripresa Nazionale" che in realtà impegnerà il 10% del PIL. Come cercheremo di dimostrare, quasi tutti questi costi saranno pagati dai lavoratori, in particolare da quelli a salario più basso, cioè da coloro che hanno tratto poco o nessun beneficio dagli anni del boom. Quell'1% più ricco della popolazione non viene toccato, soprattutto sul versante dell'evasione fiscale ed in particolare della loro abilità di evitare di non pagare affatto le tasse, ossia nei casi dove passano 6 mesi di vacanze all'estero all'anno. [English] read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / economy / opinion / analysis Thursday November 25, 2010 19:07 by Andrew   image 1 image
Yesterday the Irish government announced the details of the four year plan required as part of the ECB / IMF ‘bailout’ of the banks. There will be five billion worth of new taxes and 10 billion worth of cuts under this so called ‘National Recovery’ which in reality will take 10% out of GDP. As we show below almost all these costs are being dumped on workers, particularly low paid workers, the very sector that gained little or nothing during the boom years. the richest 1% are left with most of their legal tax dodges in particular the ability to avoid paying tax at all if they spend 6 months on holidays out of the country. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
Irlanda en el punt de mira del FMI
irlanda / gran bretanya / economia / opinion/analysis Thursday November 25, 2010 17:15 by Andrew Flood   image 1 image
Ja és oficial, l’Estat irlandès està en converses amb la UE i el FMI per al que es denomina com "pla de rescat" per salvar el capitalisme irlandès del desastre creat per la crisi internacional del sistema econòmic capitalista. Una crisi agreujada a Irlanda per la corrupció del capitalisme clientelar local i per la dependència econòmica de l’exterior. [Castellano] [English] [Ελληνικά] [Italiano] [Nederlands] read full story / add a comment
Ireland in the sights of the IMF
ierland / groot-brittannië / economie / opinion/analysis Wednesday November 24, 2010 00:10 by Andrew Flood   image 1 image
Het is nu officieel, de Ierse staat is in gesprek met de EU en het IMF over een zogenaamd "reddingsplan" om de Ierse kapitalistische klasse uit te kopen uit de ramp die is geschapen door de internationale ineenstorting van het kapitalistische economische systeem. Een crisis die in Ierland werd verergerd door de corruptie van lokaal boezemvrienden kapitalisme aan de ene kant en de afhankelijkheid van de economie van "globalisering" aan de andere kant. [English] read full story / add a comment
Irlanda en el punto de mira del FMI
irlanda / gran bretaña / economía / opinión / análisis Tuesday November 23, 2010 20:25 by Andrew Flood   image 1 image
Ya es oficial, el Estado irlandés está en conversaciones con la UE y el FMI para lo que se denomina como “plan de rescate” para salvar al capitalismo irlandés del desastre creado por la crisis internacional del sistema económico capitalista. Una crisis agravada en Irlanda por la corrupción del capitalismo clientelar local y por la dependencia económica del exterior. [English] read full story / add a comment
Ιρλανδία / Μεγάλη Βρετανία / oικονομία / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Saturday November 20, 2010 19:37 by Andrew - WSM   image 1 image
Οι μέθοδοι που χρησιμοποιούμε για να κερδίσουμε αυτόν τον αγώνα, η γενική απεργία, η συνέλευση γειτονιάς, η δημιουργία ενός τεράστιου συντονιστικού δικτύου είναι οι τρόποι που μπορούμε να χρησιμοποιήσουμε για να αποσπάσουμε την εξουσία από το 1% και να οικοδομήσουμε μια κοινωνία απαλλαγμένη από την ανισότητα και χωρίς την ισχυρή , διεφθαρμένη ελίτ που διευθύνει τη ζωή μας. read full story / add a comment
Ireland in the sights of the IMF
ireland / britain / economy / feature Friday November 19, 2010 21:23 by Andrew Flood   text 2 comments (last - tuesday november 23, 2010 05:52)   image 1 image
It's now official, the Irish state is in talks with the EU and the IMF about a so called 'rescue plan' to bail out the Irish capitalist class from the disaster created by the international crash of the capitalist economic system. A crisis that was magnified in Ireland by the corruption of local crony capitalism on the one hand and the dependency of the economy on 'globalization' on the other. Trapped between such a cast of crooks and idiots it is perhaps not surprising that many in Ireland hope things will be improved when the running of our lives will be handed over to those who many hope might have a clue. [Italiano] [Ελληνικά] [Castellano] [Nederlands] [Català] read full story / add a comment
Ireland in the sights of the IMF
irlanda / gran bretagna / economia / opinione / analisi Thursday November 18, 2010 23:20 by Andrew   image 1 image
L'intervento del FMI comporterà un incremento dei tagli, la crescita della disoccupazione ed un ciclo di impoverimento in cui i pochi che avranno ancora un lavoro guadagneranno sempre meno col conseguente collasso di gran parte di quello che rimane dell'economia locale. Un "salvataggio" da parte del FMI significa un abbassamento tale dei salari e dei livelli di vita in Irlanda da permettere al capitale internazionale di cogliere l'occasione e di guardare ai lavoratori irlandesi come forza lavoro a cui offrire salari da povertà. [English] read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / education / news report Friday November 05, 2010 23:44 by Andrew, Odhran, Sam Johnny   image 1 image
Riot police attacked students in Dublin Weds Nov 3rd with dogs, armoured vehicles and horses after the students protesting against government cuts occupied the Department of Finance and threw eggs at the Dail. Upwards of thirty students occupied the Department of Finance in the center of Dublin with a couple of hundred supporting them in the streets outside.
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ireland / britain / the left / news report Saturday October 16, 2010 00:33 by Andrew   image 1 image
Along with other left groups the Workers Solidarity Movement has launched the 1% Network in Dublin which held its first succesful event last Saturday, a walking tour through one of the richest bits of the city. Because Ireland was so globalised internationally and so dependant on a property boom domestically the crisis is deeper here than almost anywhere else in the world. Savage cuts have been imposed on workers and the unemployed with more to come as the cost of the bank bailout exceeds 50 billion, an immense figure for a population just over 4 million. The 1% Network aims to shift the conversation away from 'everyone's to blame to making the richest 1% who benefited the most from the boom carry the costs of the crash. read full story / add a comment
Cement truck blocks access to parliament
ireland / britain / economy / news report Thursday September 30, 2010 23:40 by Alan, Shane, Andrew   image 1 image
Despite the escalating costs for the working class of the crisis in Ireland resistance has fallen off ever since the pro partnership leadership of the unions succeeded in getting the Croke park deal passed by the membership. The deal makes vague promises not to impose further pay cuts on the public sector in return for large scale restructuring but was conditional on the economic situation not declining further. Yesterday saw the unions return to the streets with a press call that the left, including the anarchist movement, tried to push into a demonstration. That morning in a rather unusual individual action a man parked a slogan covered cement lorry in the gates of the Dail (parliament building) blocking access. These articles from the WSM site report on these events and include the speech delivered by a WSM member at the protest. read full story / add a comment
asia orientale / storia dell'anarchismo / recensione Monday September 13, 2010 21:29 by AndrewNFlood   image 1 image
Nel luglio del 1914, l'Associazione dei Compagni Comunisti Anarchici di Shanghai pubblica i suoi principi in un documento che si conclude con questa risoluzione: "la realizzazione del comunismo anarchico dipende dalla forza del nostro partito. Se vogliamo dare più forza al nostro partito, il nostro compito più importante oggi è essere uniti come un corpo solo ed avanzare insieme. Dovunque si trovino, i nostri compagni dovrebbero unirsi con coloro con i quali condividono gli stessi scopi al fine di costituirsi in gruppi liberamente associati". L'esponente chiave di questo gruppo era un anarchico cinese conosciuto come Shifu che sarebbe poi morto solo 9 mesi dopo. Sebbene il gruppo avesse proseguito le attività anche dopo la morte di Shifu, i concetti chiave di quella risoluzione non saranno mai messi in pratica. [English] [Ελληνικά] read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / imperialism / war / news report Monday September 06, 2010 22:09 by Julian & Andrew   image 1 image
At 9:30 Saturday morning, people gathered on O'Connell Street In Dublin to protest against the presence of war criminal and ex British prime-minister Tony Blair. Blair arrived at Easons at around 10am for the book-signing of his recent autobiography, escorted and protected by a sizable gardai presence. Despite the heavy rain, hundreds of protestors took part.  At least one protester managed to get past the heavy security to try to make a citizens arrest of Blair for his war crimes. It is reported that Blair is now considering cancelling his London appearance. read full story / add a comment
Ανατολική Ασία / Αναρχική Ιστορία / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Saturday September 04, 2010 18:35 by Andrew Flood   image 1 image
Τον Ιούλιο του 1914, ο Σύνδεσμος Αναρχικών Κομμουνιστών Συντρόφων της Σαγκάης δημοσίευσε μια Διακήρυξη Αρχών, ολοκληρώνοντας με την απόφαση: «Η εφαρμογή του αναρχικού κομμουνισμού εξαρτάται από τη δυναμική του κόμματός μας. Εάν θέλουμε να αυξήσουμε την δυναμική του κόμματός μας, η ενοποίησή μας ως ένα σύνολο και η από κοινού ανάπτυξή μας είναι το πιο σημαντικό μας καθήκον σήμερα. Όπου και αν βρίσκονται όλοι οι σύντροφοί μας θα πρέπει να ενωθούμε με εκείνους που μοιράζονται τους ίδιους σκοπούς δημιουργώντας ομάδες με βάση την ελεύθερη ένωση”. read full story / add a comment
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