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África austral / história do anarquismo / link para pdf Monday September 12, 2011 21:00 byLucien van der Walt   image 1 image
Este artigo examina a história inicial do anarquismo e do sindicalismo revolucionário na África do Sul, uma sociedade colonial que se industrializou no final do século XIX, e nos arredores da região sul-africana. A África do Sul era caracterizada, nessa época, por um movimento sindical militante, mas que era dividido nacional e racialmente, e pela opressão nacional das pessoas de cor, que constituíam a maioria da população. Em oposição à opressão nacional e à segregação, mas também assumindo uma posição crítica ao nacionalismo africano e de cor, os anarquistas e os sindicalistas revolucionários desenvolveram uma análise da opressão nacional cada vez mais sofisticada, recrutaram e treinaram um quadro multirracial, formaram sindicatos gerais pioneiros e revolucionários contra as pessoas de cor e continuaram a influenciar o trabalho regional, branco e negro, e a esquerda, em geral, após a formação do Partido Comunista da África do Sul (South African Communist Party – CPSA) em 1921.
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southern africa / workplace struggles / press release Thursday September 08, 2011 17:49 byMbuyiseni Ndlozi, James Pendlebury, Komnas Poriazis
Beginning on Sunday 28 August, Wits students have been littering parts of campus in solidarity with the cleaners’ strike. Cleaners throughout South Africa are demanding a living wage of R4 200 per month: this compares with less than R2 000 paid to cleaners at Wits, who are employed by outsourcing companies such as Supercare. The strike has been undermined, at Wits and elsewhere, by the presence of scab labour; Wits management and the outsourcing companies are striving for “business as usual”. This undermines the entire purpose of the strike, which is to compel exploiter-managers to meet workers’ demands by withdrawing their labour, by preventing the job from getting done – by making sure the campus is not clean. read full story / add a comment
southern africa / the left / opinion / analysis Saturday September 03, 2011 00:48 byLucien van der Walt   image 1 image
This article outlines the core features of the anarchist/ syndicalist vision, strategy and relevance to contemporary struggles. While of general interest, it is also directed to South African militants on the left, as part of the larger debate on the future of the left project. read full story / add a comment
Νότια Αφρική (Περιφέρεια) / Καταστολή / Φυλακές / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Thursday August 11, 2011 08:49 byShawn Hattingh (ZACF)   image 2 images
Πρέπει να μάθουμε από αυτά. Στην πραγματικότητα, αν θέλουμε να διασφαλίσουμε πως δεν θα υπάρξουν στο μέλλον άλλοι Άντριες Τατάνε, πρέπει να αναβιώσουμε τις καλύτερες πρακτικές της λαικής εξουσίας και να αρχίσουμε να χτίζουμε έναν ελεύθερο και ισότιμο κόσμο. Ένα κόσμο που θα βασίζεται στις αρχές που έχουν γίνει γνωστές, διαμέσου 150 χρόνων αγώνα για δικαιοσύνη, ως αναρχοκομμουνισμός. read full story / add a comment
southern africa / economy / feature Wednesday July 27, 2011 17:49 byShawn Hattingh   text 5 comments (last - tuesday august 02, 2011 18:48)   image 1 image
It has become common knowledge that South Africa is the most unequal country in the world. Only 41% of people of working age are employed, while half of the people employed earn less than R 2 500 a month. Worse still, inequality is growing with wages as a share of the national income dropping from 50% in 1994 to 45% in 2009; while profit as a share of national income has soared from 40% to 45%. In real terms this means that while a minority live well – and have luxurious houses, swimming pools, businesses, investments, and cushy positions in the state - the majority of people live in shacks or tiny breezeblock dwellings, are surrounded by squalor, and struggle on a daily basis to acquire the basics of life like food and water. Likewise, while bosses, state managers, and politicians – both black and white – get to strut around in fancy suits barking orders; the majority of people are expected to bow down, do as told, and swallow their pride. Despite being expected to be subservient, however, protests in working class areas are spreading. People have become fed up with being unemployed, having substandard housing, suffering humiliation, and having their water and electricity cut off. In fact, per person South Africa has the highest rate of protests in the world [3]. It is in this context of growing community direct action, even if still largely un-coordinated, that the state has felt it necessary, at least on a rhetorical level, to declare its intentions to lead a fight against unemployment and reduce inequality. To supposedly do so it unveiled a new economic framework, The New Growth Path (NGP), late in 2010 with the declared aim of creating 5 million jobs by 2020 [4]. read full story / add a comment
southern africa / repression / prisoners / opinion / analysis Tuesday July 26, 2011 18:52 byRichard Pithouse
A reflection on state repression of popular struggles in South Africa in the wake of the full aquittal of the Kennedy 12 (Abahlali baseMjondolo political prisoners). read full story / add a comment
TW Thibedi,  South African syndicalist
southern africa / history of anarchism / opinion / analysis Sunday July 17, 2011 23:48 byLucien van der Walt   image 3 images
The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW, the Wobblies) was the main influence on the radical left in South Africa in the early twentieth century. But who were the South African Wobblies? This article looks at three key figures. From Industrial Worker, May 2011, no. 1735. read full story / add a comment
southern africa / workplace struggles / opinion / analysis Monday July 11, 2011 20:22 byLucien van der Walt and Ian Bekker   image 1 image
The biggest single strike since the 1994 parliamentary transition in South Africa showed the unions’ power. It won some wage gains, but it threw away some precious opportunities. We need to celebrate the strike, while learning some lessons: • the need for more union democracy
• the need to use strikes to link workers and communities
• the need for working class autonomy
• the need to act outside and against the state
• the need to review our positions: against the Tripartite Alliance, for anarcho-syndicalism read full story / add a comment
southern africa / anarchist movement / link to pdf Friday July 08, 2011 21:34 byZabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   image 1 image
Announcing the publication of issue number twelve of the anarchist communist journal Zabalaza: A Journal of Southern African Revolutionary Anarchism, July 2011. Now available online in .PDF read full story / add a comment
southern africa / imperialism / war / opinion / analysis Friday June 10, 2011 02:12 byShawn Hattingh
In this article, using an anarchist analysis, it will be argued that this lopsided trade, expansive investment and projection of state power by the South African ruling class are signs of the imperialist role they play in southern Africa. In undertaking this, it will be outlined how the South African ruling class, as an integral part of their imperialist role, are conducting a class war against the workers and the poor across sub-Saharan Africa. Through examining this class war, it will hopefully become clear that the South African state is being used as a key instrument by the ruling class – made up of capitalists and high-ranking state officials – to further their own interests in southern Africa. The consequence of highlighting the imperialist nature of the South African state also has implications for the strategies and tactics that should be used in struggle. It will be strongly argued that due to its hierarchical centralising and expansionist ambitions, the state cannot be used as a tool for liberation in South Africa or in the region.
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Images of the footage screened by the SABC, April 13 2011
southern africa / repression / prisoners / opinion / analysis Thursday April 21, 2011 23:28 byShawn Hattingh   image 5 images
On the 13th April, people in South Africa were stunned. On the evening news the sight of six police force members brutally beating a man, Andries Tatane, to death was aired. The images of the police smashing his body with batons and repeatedly firing rubber bullets into his chest struck a cord; people were simply shocked and appalled. Literally hundreds of articles followed in the press, politicians of all stripes also hopped on the bandwagon and said they lamented his death; and most called for the police to receive appropriate training to deal with ‘crowd control’ – after all, elections are a month away. Andries Tatane’s death was the culmination of a protest march in the Free State town of Ficksburg. The march involved over 4,000 people, who undertook the action to demand the very basics of life - decent housing, access to water and electricity, and jobs. read full story / add a comment
southern africa / anarchist movement / press release Sunday April 10, 2011 17:37 byZabalaza.Net tech crew   image 1 image
We, at the Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front (ZACF), are pleased to announce that the new Zabalaza website, Home of Southern African Anarchism, is now online. read full story / add a comment
southern africa / workplace struggles / feature Thursday April 07, 2011 23:51 byShawn Hattingh   image 2 images
The economic crisis in South Africa has seen inequalities, and the forced misery of the working class, grow. While the rich and politicians have continued to flaunt their ill-gotten wealth, workers and the poor have been forced to suffer. It is in this context that the majority of the leaders of the largest trade unions have, unfortunately, elected to once again place their faith in a social dialogue and partnerships with big business and the state. So while the state and bosses have been on the offensive against workers and the poor, union officials have been appealing to them to save jobs during the crisis. Not surprisingly, this strategy has largely failed. While union leaders and technocrats have been debating about the policies that should or should not be taken to overcome the crisis, bosses and the state have retrenched over 1 million workers in a bid to increase profits. It is, therefore, sheer folly for union leaders to believe that the state and bosses are interested in compromise – without being forced into it. As seen by their actions, the elite are only interested in maintaining their power, wealth and lifestyles by making the workers and the poor pay for the crisis. For the elite, social dialogue is simply a tool to tie the unions up and limit their real strength – direct action by members. In fact, even before the crisis, social dialogue had been a disaster for the unions contributing towards their bureaucratisation and having abysmal results in terms of them trying to influence the state away from its pro-rich macro-economic policies. read full story / add a comment
Sciopero del pubblico impiego nel 2010
africa meridionale / economia / opinione / analisi Friday March 11, 2011 22:10 byLucien van der Walt   image 1 image
I sindacati sud-africani, confederati nel COSATU (Congress of South African Trade Unions), forte di 2 milioni di iscritti, hanno messo a punto una visione politica coerente che rompe con il neoliberismo. Il fatto è notevole - ma è sufficiente? Quanto vitale e desiderabile è questa visione proprio mentre l'era neoliberista barcolla? E c'è un'alternativa? [English] read full story / add a comment
southern africa / repression / prisoners / press release Friday March 04, 2011 07:24 byوقع على البيان   image 1 image
عندما أحرق محمد البوعزيزي نفسه كان يشعل في نفس الوقت و دون أن يدرك موجة من الانتفاضات و الثورات الشعبية التي انتشرت كالنار في الهشيم في شمال أفريقيا و الشرق الأوسط , و التي أمكن الشعور بحرارتها بعيدا جدا في زيمبابوي , حيث اعتقل يوم السبت 19 فبراير شباط 46 ناشط منهم طلاب , عمال و نقابيون في هراري . لقد اعتقلوا حسب وثائق الشرطة بتهمة التخطيط لثورة على النمط المصري للإطاحة بروبرت موغابي , الموجود في السلطة منذ عام 1980 , في اجتماع نوقش فيه سقوط حسني مبارك و الأحداث في شمال أفريقيا و الشرق الأوسط . المعتقلون , الذين يمثلون فدرالية نقابات زيمبابوي ZCTU و اتحاد الطلاب الوطني في زيمبابوي ZNSU و المنظمة الاشتراكية الأممية ISO , كانوا قد أنهوا للتو مشاهدة برنامج وثائقي أخباري عن الانتفاضة في مصر و قد وجدوا هناك , حسب المدعين العاميين للدولة , بغرض "تنظيم , و وضع إستراتيجية , و تنفيذ الإطاحة بالحكومة الدستورية لزيمبابوي ... على الطريقة المصرية" . read full story / add a comment
Àfrica austral / repression / prisoners / comunicat de premsa Friday March 04, 2011 01:43 byOrganitzacions Anarquistes   image 1 image
Quan Mohammed Bouazizi es va calar foc, sense voler va desencadenar una onada d’aixecaments i revoltes populars que s’ha estès com la pólvora per tot el nord d’Àfrica i Orient Mitjà. El calor pot sentir-se en llocs tan distants com Zimbabwe, on el dissabte 19 febrer 46 activistes a favor de la democràcia, entre ells estudiants, treballadors i sindicalistes van ser arrestats en la seva capital Harare. Segons la policia, van ser arrestats per tramar una revolta a l’estil d’Egipte per enderrocar a Robert Mugabe, que ha estat en el poder des de 1980, en una reunió per discutir la caiguda de Hosni Mubarak i els esdeveniments en el nord d’Àfrica i Orient Mitjà . Els arrestats, que pertanyen a la Federació de Sindicats de Zimbabwe (ZCTU), la Unió Nacional d’Estudiants de Zimbabwe (ZNSU) i l’Organització Socialista Internacional (ISO), acabaven de veure un documental sobre l’aixecament a Egipte i, d’acord amb els fiscals de l’Estat, parlaven de "organitzar, elaborar estratègies i acabar amb el govern constitucional de Zimbabwe … el camí d’Egipte".

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southern africa / repression / prisoners / feature Thursday March 03, 2011 18:42 byInternational Anarchist Organisations   text 3 comments (last - wednesday march 09, 2011 17:14)   image 2 images
When Mohammed Bouazizi set himself alight he unwittingly ignited a wave of popular uprisings and rebellions that have spread like wildfire across North Africa and the Middle East, the heat of which can be felt as far afield as Zimbabwe where, on Saturday 19th February, 46 pro-democracy activists including students, workers and trade unionists were arrested in Harare. According to police documents they were arrested for plotting an Egypt-style revolt to overthrow Robert Mugabe, who has been in power since 1980, at a meeting to discuss the fall of Hosni Mubarak and events in North Africa and the Middle East. The arrested, who represent the Zimbabwean Federation of Trade Unions (ZCTU), Zimbabwe National Students Union (ZNSU) and the International Socialist Organisation (ISO), had just watched documentary news footage on the uprising in Egypt and, according to state prosecutors, were there to "organise, strategise and implement the removal of the constitutional government of Zimbabwe ... the Egyptian way". [Castellano] [Dansk] [Italiano] [العربية ] [Català] read full story / add a comment
africa meridionale / repressione / prigionieri / comunicato stampa Monday February 28, 2011 21:22 byOrganizzazioni anarchiche   image 1 image
Quando in Tunisia Mohammed Bouazizi si è dato fuoco ha inconsapevolmente innescato un'ondata di rivolte popolari e di ribellioni che si sono propagate come un incendio in tutto il Nord Africa ed in Medio Oriente, sprigionando un'energia che si è sentita fino allo Zimbabwe dove, sabato 19 febbraio, 46 attivisti democratici, tra cui studenti, lavoratori ed attivisti sindacali sono stati arrestati ad Harare, durante un meeting per discutere della caduta di Hosni Mubarak e dei fatti in Nord Africa ed in Medio Oriente... [English] [Castellano] [Dansk] read full story / add a comment
África austral / represión / presos / comunicado de prensa Monday February 28, 2011 18:33 byOrganizaciones Anarquistas   text 1 comment (last - thursday march 03, 2011 22:17)   image 2 images
Cuando Mohammed Bouazizi se prendió fuego, sin querer desató una ola de levantamientos y rebeliones populares que se ha extendido como un reguero de pólvora por todo el norte de África y Oriente Medio, cuyo calor puede sentirse en lugares tan distantes como Zimbabwe, donde, el sábado 19 de febrero, 46 activistas a favor de la democracia, entre ellos estudiantes, trabajadores y sindicalistas fueron arrestados en su capital Harare. Según la policía, fueron arrestados por tramar una rebelión al estilo de Egipto para derrocar a Robert Mugabe, quien ha estado en el poder desde 1980, en una reunión para discutir la caída de Hosni Mubarak y los acontecimientos en el norte de África y Oriente Medio. Los arrestados, que pertenecen a la Federación de Sindicatos de Zimbabwe (ZCTU), la Unión Nacional de Estudiantes de Zimbabwe (ZNSU) y la Organización Socialista Internacional (ISO), acababan de ver un documental sobre el levantamiento en Egipto y, de acuerdo a los fiscales del Estado, hablaban de "organizar, elaborar estrategias y acabar con el gobierno constitucional de Zimbabwe ... el camino de Egipto ".
[English] [Dansk] read full story / add a comment
sydlige afrika / repression / prisoners / pressemeddelelse Monday February 28, 2011 01:53 byAnarkismo organisationer   image 2 images
Da Mohammed Bouazizi tændte ild til sig selv, antændte han uforvarende en bølge af folkelige opstande og oprør, der har spredt sig som en steppebrand hen over Nordafrika og Mellemøsten, hvis varme kan føles så langt væk som i Zimbabwe hvor 46 demokrati-aktivister – heriblandt studerende, arbejdere og fagforeningsfolk – d.19. februar blev anholdt i Harare. Ifølge politidokumenter er de blevet anholdt for ved et møde, hvor Hosni Mubaraks fald og begivenhederne i Nordafrika og Mellemøsten blev diskuteret, at planlægge et Egypten-inspireret oprør med henblik på at vælte Robert Mugabe, som har været ved magten siden 1980. De anholdte, der repræsenterer Den Zimbabwiske Sammenslutning af Fagforeninger (ZCTU), Zimbabwes Nationale Studentersammenslutning (ZNSU) og Den Internationale Socialistiske Organisation (ISO), havde lige set dokumentar-optagelser om opstanden i Egypten og var – ifølge statsanklageren – samlet for at ”organisere, planlægge og implementere fjernelsen af Zimbabwes forfatningsmæssige regering … med egyptiske metoder”.
[English] [Castellano] [Italiano] [Català] [العربية] read full story / add a comment

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