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aotearoa / pacific islands / anarchist movement / policy statement Wednesday January 08, 2020 06:44 byAWSM   image 1 image
A short history of the Aotearoa Workers Solidarity Movement (AWSM) a Platformist-inspired propaganda group in Aotearoa/New Zealand. read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / movimiento anarquista / policy statement Monday September 16, 2019 10:12 byGrupo Estudiantil Anarquista   image 1 image
Una vez más nos reunimos como Grupo Estudiantil Anarquista, en aras de fortalecer nuestro accionar político, para discutir desde la crítica y autocrítica acerca de los alcances, aciertos y desaciertos de nuestro trabajo como organización en el semestre que pasó, además de realizar un análisis sobre el panorama actual del país y el movimiento estudiantil, con el fin de construir un plan de trabajo semestral que nos permita seguir luchando por la educación combativa, antipatriarcal, digna, clasista –y un largo etcétera- que tanto soñamos con la convicción de que un mundo nuevo es posible. read full story / add a comment
international / anarchist movement / policy statement Wednesday March 20, 2019 19:12 byJornadas Anarquistas   image 1 image
In these challenging times, where there is great political confusion, where old practices which lead to the same port are renewed, as is the case with the variety of electioneering offers that ensure they are not going to deviate from the path of a “responsible and mature” politics: while global poverty, precariousness, unemployment and the desperate migration of millions of people increase; while despair grows and authoritarian and neoliberal proposals are gaining ground, where technical coups take place with a view to the most rancid bourgeoisie taking up the state's helm again. Nothing should escape its control and, within this framework, the imperialist policies of the USA and European Union place their chips and interests on the global game board. Thereby increasing, with variants in every region of the planet, the so-called surplus population, stripped of the essentials to live; while the population that suffers various levels of precariousness grows in size and severity. A world that is increasingly designed for less and less people, an increasingly small population that is fully “integrated” into the global capitalist system, where precariousness, segregation, segmentation and survival are constantly increasing. And at the other extreme, wealth is increasingly concentrated in the hands of fewer people. Castellano read full story / add a comment
internacional / movimiento anarquista / policy statement Wednesday March 20, 2019 19:08 byJornadas Anarquistas   image 1 image
Estos tiempos que corren, donde la confusión política es grande, donde se renuevan viejas prácticas que conducen al mismo puerto, como en el caso de las variadas ofertas electoralistas que aseguran que no van a desviarse del camino de una política "madura y responsable”; mientras aumenta a nivel mundial la pobreza, la precarización, el desempleo, las migraciones de millones de seres humanos en forma desesperada, mientras crece el desconsuelo y ganan terreno propuestas autoritarias y neoliberales, donde se producen golpes de Estado de carácter técnico en aras de retomar el timonel del Estado por parte de la burguesía más rancia. Nada debe escapar a su control y en ese marco, la política imperialista de EEUU y la Unión Europea disponen en el tablero mundial sus fichas y sus intereses. Aumenta de ese modo, con variantes en cada región del planeta, la población llamada sobrante, desplazada de todo lo elemental para vivir y también crece en volumen y problemática la población que sufre varios niveles de precarización. Un mundo diseñado cada vez para menos gente, cada vez menos población "integrada" plenamente al sistema mundo capitalista, donde aumenta de la precariedad, la segmentación, segregación y la sobrevivencia. Y en el otro extremo, la consiguiente concentración de la riqueza cada vez en menos manos. English read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / movimiento anarquista / policy statement Tuesday March 12, 2019 20:29 byGrupo Estudiantil Anarquista   image 1 image
En este sentido, hay que reconocer que si bien en los encuentros, marchas y asambleas se evidenciaba un gran flujo de personas, su participación no era igual de efectiva, vemos que muchas veces son las mismas quienes participan en todos los escenarios, lo cual puede limitar el abanico de opciones sobre las decisiones que se pueden tomar; pero esto no es para preocuparse, pues se debe reconocer también que es un proceso que todavía está empezando a construirse y que falta mucho camino, sin embargo para que este proceso siga adelante, nosotras, como estudiantes, debemos asumir una participación activa, sacar la militancia de la pertenencia de una organización y actuar bajo una militancia colectiva, que permita enriquecer los procesos y volverlos más contundentes read full story / add a comment
Διεθνή / Αναρχική Ιστορία / Επίσημα Κείμενα Wednesday June 13, 2018 06:15 byΠρώτο Ιταλικό Τμήμα   image 1 image
Από το Πρώτο Ιταλικό Τμήμα της Διεθνούς Αναρχικής Κομμουνιστικής Ομοσπονδίας
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mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialismo / guerra / policy statement Sunday May 27, 2018 17:08 byfederación Anarquista uruguaya   image 1 image
La lucha del pueblo palestino cuenta con el apoyo de los pueblos del mundo. Los anarquistas de FAU condenamos esta nueva masacre del Estado de Israel y toda la política que lleva adelante este país y Estados Unidos en la región, generadora de guerras y mayores divisiones entre los pueblos.

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italia / svizzera / repressione / prigionieri / documento politico Thursday January 04, 2018 03:03 byAcción Socialista Libertaria   image 1 image
In questi giorni di dicembre la gente si riunisce spontaneamente nelle strade del centro di La Plata e nei quartieri di Buenos Aires. La gente sta prendendo le strade contro il governo e in segno di protesta contro un'altra ondata di attacchi ai benefici sociali. Momenti come questi ci riportano in flashback ai giorni di dicembre 2001, l'anno della ribellione popolare che sorse sulla scia del crollo finanziario che scosse l'Argentina. Quello fu l'anno in cui la gente, le masse, lottavano per le strade, impadronendosi delle fabbriche e organizzando assemblee di quartiere contro molti degli effetti diretti dell'imperialismo, dello Stato e del sistema capitalista: il loro governo, le imposizioni del FMI (Fondo monetario internazionale) e i loro cosiddetti "rappresentanti" in diverse istituzioni. [English] read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / lotte sul territorio / documento politico Tuesday January 02, 2018 18:55 byEmbat   image 1 image
analisi d’Embat, Organització Llibertària de Catalunya, sulle elezioni del Parlament de Catalunya del 21 dicembre. [Catalá] [Castellano] read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / economia / documento politico Thursday June 29, 2017 20:58 byAlternativa Libertaria/FdCA
facilitando la riconquista della fiducia nella relazione e in una progettualità assembleare e orizzontale, autogestita e solidale, queste sperimentazioni possono assumere un ruolo prefigurativo dove far crescere forme di solidarietà sociale e di diversi rapporti di produzione e di orientamento e gestione del territorio su basi federaliste e libertarie, per riguadagnare nell’orizzonte del possibile una società più giusta e solidale. read full story / add a comment
greece / turkey / cyprus / miscellaneous / policy statement Saturday April 15, 2017 23:15 byDAF   image 1 image
On winning or losing;

For the last three elections, nearly one sixth of the voters do not participate in elections. This shows us that 10,000,000 of the nearly 60,000,000 voters will not participate in the referendum. 25,000,001 of the 50,000,000 voters will give yes vote or no vote. 24,999,999 voters will have lost with the difference of a single vote. It's that easy to win or lose in this system. [Turkçe] Also read On Referendum DAF Sur le référendum [en Turquie, NdT] DAF DAF’ın Referandum Üzerine Birinci Bildirisi Κείμενο της Επαναστατικής Αναρχικής Δράσης (DAF) read full story / add a comment
Το κείμενο της DAF δημοσιεύτηκε στις 17/2/2017

Επαναστατική Αναρχική Δράση

Σχετικά με το δημοψήφισμα: πρώτη ανακοίνωση
[Turkçe] [English][Français] Διαβάστε και Regarding Referendum 2 DAF (στα αγγλικά) Referanduma Dair 2 DAF (στα τουρκικά) read full story / add a comment
greece / turkey / cyprus / miscellaneous / policy statement Wednesday April 12, 2017 21:46 byDAF   image 1 image
In all selective systems, the ones who is majority takes the power. In democracy, the power of majority is democratic. Whoever is majority takes the power, whoever is minority does not have power. The relationship between the majority and minority during the election continues as a debate between two separate methods. The only thing that they don't discuss is elections. Election is a bet which begins when a group says "I-we want to administrate society" and they are replied by another group saying "no I-we want to administrate". Election is a process of counting voters, initiated by agreement of the parties of the bet and can not occur without the voters. The government of society is owned by the side which has more voters than the other side. The voter is only a numeric value in the bet. This numeric value is not a value to care about for a citizen trying to solve the many problems of everyday life. To increase participation to elections, the parties of the bet, want to promote the citizens from the voter title into the bettor title. This should increase the participation of the bet. The increase in attendance will cause the voter, being a number, to internalize the bet and then the domination formed as a result the result of the elections. The voter will accept the result of elections and the power of the selected side, regardless of who won or lost. This acceptance of the citizens is a win for each group who bets on elections. As long as the winner of the elections continues its government, the loser will continue its opposition and both sides will wait for the next elections.
[Turkçe][Français][Ελληνικά] Also read: Regarding Referendum 2 DAF Referanduma Dair 2 DAF (in Turkish) read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / storia dell'anarchismo / documento politico Tuesday August 30, 2016 06:38 bydonato romito   image 1 image
"Dobbiamo essere comunisti, perché siamo anarchici, perché l'anarchia e il comunismo sono i due termini necessari della rivoluzione." - Omaggio a Carlo Cafiero, internazionalista e comunista anarchico italiano, nel 170° anniversario della nascita read full story / add a comment
international / anarchist movement / policy statement Wednesday April 06, 2016 08:09 byTokologo African Anarchist Collective   image 1 image
Umzabalazo wenqanaba labantu abaxhomekeke kwimpilo yomsebenzi e-S.A. ngumzabalazo ophikisana nobugqili kuhlangene nohlelo lwe-capitalism ononqxowankulu abacandelo lolawulo buyyebi kunye nombuso. I-capitalism ononqxowankulu abacandelo lolawulo buyyebi kunye nombuso uhlelo lwaleyongcosana ebusayo. (amacapitalist abaphathi abasemazingeni aphezulu, osopolitiki abaqeqeshiwe) eqonde ukuxhaphaza iphinde icindezele iningi elingabasebenzi (abasebenzi bawowonke amazinga; imindeni yabo, amasotsha; abangaqashiwe kanye nemphakathi ehluphekayo yasemaphandleni). Lezinhlobo zombili zinenhloso ezehlukile zivaleleke emzabalazweni wangokwezinga. read full story / add a comment
international / anarchist movement / policy statement Tuesday April 05, 2016 18:34 byTokologo African Anarchist Collective   image 1 image
The struggle of the working class in South Africa is a struggle against the slave bondage of capitalism and the state. Capitalism and the state are based on the ruling class minority (capitalists, generals, top officials, professional politicians) exploiting and oppressing the working class majority (workers of all grades, our families, rank and file soldiers, the unemployed, and the rural poor). The two classes have totally different interests: we are locked in class struggle.
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italia / svizzera / migrazione / razzismo / documento politico Thursday March 31, 2016 18:33 byAlternativa Libertaria/FdCA
Noi siamo per la creazione di corridoi umanitari, il diritto d’asilo, la solidarietà dal basso, il diritto al lavoro e a una vita degna. Per tutte e per tutti. read full story / add a comment
Prévia do jornal
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / miscellaneous / policy statement Saturday December 05, 2015 07:17 byJORNAL DE APOIO ÀS LUTAS ESTUDANTIS EM SÃO PAULO   text 1 comment (last - monday december 07, 2015 05:06)   image 1 image


Importante mencionar que a propagação desse jornal há dias atrás em algumas escolas ocupadas fez os estudantes expulsarem o sindicato APEOESP (chefiado pelo PT) de dentro da ocupação e agora, quando o governador anuncia a "suspensão" da "reorganização" escolar em São Paulo, esses mesmos estudantes afirmam que vão manter as escolas ocupadas e que a luta prossegue, já que sabem qual é a manobra do estado. read full story / add a comment
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Αναρχικό κίνημα / Επίσημα Κείμενα Saturday November 28, 2015 17:49 byΑναρχική Πολιτική Οργάνωση/Ομοσπονδία Συλλογικ   image 1 image
Να κάνουμε απτή πραγματικότητα τη γενικευμένη κοινωνική Αυτοδιεύθυνση, την Αυτοδιαχείριση, να συνοψίσουμε την πολιτική ελευθερία και την οικονομική ισότητα στο σύγχρονο επαναστατικό πρόγραμμα. Για ένα ελευθεριακό κίνημα όλων των εκμεταλλευόμενων και των καταπιεσμένων που θα δίνει διέξοδο στις πραγματικές ανάγκες. read full story / add a comment
france / belgium / luxemburg / miscellaneous / policy statement Saturday November 14, 2015 22:11 byDAF   image 1 image
On 13th of November, more than 150 people have lost their lives and tens injured in 7 different neighbourhoods of Paris as a result of coordinated ISIS attacks with bombs and guns. The murderer ISIS continues its murders outside of the Middle East and Anatolia regions. The massacre which took place in Paris shows clearly that ISIS terror knows no bounds.
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