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ireland / britain / community struggles / press release Friday May 21, 2021 17:56 by Haringey SolidariTy Group   image 1 image
30 years Haringey Solidarity Group: A Celebration of 30 years of radical ideas
and campaigning in Haringey and beyond read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / repression / prisoners / press release Monday May 03, 2021 18:09 by A few members of Haringey SolidariTy Group   image 1 image
Haringey Solidarity Group supports this campaign Kill the Bill# and all struggles everywhere that seek to bring about more equality, autonomy, self- determination, and freedom for all people, we want to build a better world that liberates all. read full story / add a comment
Η απειλή της θανατικής ποινης με την garotte και η εικοσαετής, τελικά, ποινή του, επέστησαν τη διεθνή προσοχή στην αντίσταση στο καθεστώς του Φράνκο. Στη φυλακή ο Christie σχημάτισε μόνιμες φιλίες με αναρχικούς μαχητές της δικής του αλλά και παλαιότερων γενεών. Επέστρεψε από την Ισπανία το 1967, μεγαλύτερος και σοφότερος, αλλά εξίσου αποφασισμένος να συνεχίσει τον αγώνα και να χρησιμοποιήσει τη φήμη του για να βοηθήσει τους συντρόφους που άφησε πίσω του. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / miscellaneous / press release Tuesday May 12, 2020 19:58 by Haringey SolidariTy Group   image 1 image
We might all have our own campaigns. Some may see disability rights as most important; some housing; others refugees. All are equally important. We don’t want a hierarchy of needs. Fight for your particular cause yes – but link up with others. An injury to one is an injury to all. The state always tries to divide us. Too often we fight amongst ourselves and miss the real enemy. We need to stick together because once Covid-19 is over the state will come for us like they have never done before. And we need to be ready and supporting each other. read full story / add a comment
Μια σύντομη αναφορά στους Ισπανούς ανθρακωρύχους στη Νότια Ουαλία και τη σχέση τους -ορισμένες φορές θετική, μερικές φορές τεταμένη- με τον πληθυσμό των τοπικών ορυχείων. Ακριβώς όπως ο Γαλλο-ιταλός αναρχικός ανθρακωρύχος Lawrence Storione εισήγαγε επαναστατικές ιδέες στην περιοχή Fife της Σκωτίας, έτσι έκαναν και οι Ισπανοί αναρχικοί και σοσιαλιστές ανθρακωρύχοι και χαλυβουργοί στη Νότια Ουαλία σε ελάχιστα γνωστές συνθήκες. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / anarchist movement / feature Sunday June 09, 2019 04:27 by Die PlaTTform   text 2 comments (last - wednesday september 13, 2023 01:53)   image 1 image
We are happy to present you our interview with the Anarchist Communist Group (ACG) from Great Britain. The organization is relatively new. They are active in four regions: West Yorshire, Leicestershire, Surry and London. To connect internationally with other organizations is an important part of our current work to establish our Federation. An interview of the ACG with us is also already in planning. For now we wish you a pleasant lecture with this one.

In international solidarity towards anarchistic communism!
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Ιρλανδία / Μεγάλη Βρετανία / Αναρχικό κίνημα / Συνέντευξη Wednesday June 05, 2019 21:09 by Die PlaTTform   image 1 image
Είμαστε στην ευχάριστη θέση να σας παρουσιάσουμε μια συνέντευξή μας με την Αναρχική Κομμουνιστική Ομάδα (ACG) από τη Μεγάλη Βρετανία. Η οργάνωση είναι σχετικά νέα. Δραστηριοποιείται σε τέσσερις περιοχές: το Δυτικό Yorshire, το Leicestershire, το Surry και το Λονδίνο. Η σύνδεση σε διεθνές επίπεδο με άλλες οργανώσεις αποτελεί σημαντικό μέρος της παρούσας δράσης μας για την ίδρυση της Ομοσπονδίας μας. Μια συνέντευξη της ACG από μας είναι ήδη προγραμματισμένη. Προς το παρόν σας ευχόμαστε μια ευχάριστη ανάγνωση με αυτό. English | Deutsch read full story / add a comment
irland / großbritannien / anarchistische bewegung / interview Sunday May 26, 2019 02:30 by die plaTTform   image 1 image
Wir freuen uns euch dieses Interview präsentieren zu können, welches wir im April 2019 mit der “Anarchist Communist Group” (ACG) aus Großbritannien geführt haben. Die Organisation ist vergleichsweise neu und ist aktuell mit West Yorkshire, Leicestershire, Surrey und London in 4 Regionen aktiv. Auch das Knüpfen von internationalen Kontakten ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil unserer aktuellen Aufbauarbeit. Die Genoss*innen werden andersherum auch ein Interview mit uns führen, Aber nun wünschen wir euch erst einmal viel Freude mit dem bereits vorhandenen und – wie wir finden – spannenden Interview mit der ACG. Gemeinsam vorwärts zum anarchistischen Kommunismus!

die plattform April 2019 -
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ireland / britain / repression / prisoners / press release Monday May 13, 2019 23:17 by Melbourne AnarchisT CommunisT GroupTri   image 1 image
The MACG thus defends Julian Assange, not because of his politics, which have curdled and are now quite suspect, nor because we consider him innocent of the Swedish accusations. The US ruling class has no objection to his politics, because they are riddled with the sort of people with whom he has been collaborating. And neither do they have any objection to sexual assault – if they did, Donald Trump would not be President. The United States wants to punish him, not for any crimes he might have committed, but for his good deeds. The MACG defend Assange for those same good deeds. read full story / add a comment
irlanda / gran bretaña / movimiento anarquista / news report Wednesday December 26, 2018 19:07 by José AnTonio GuTiérrez D.   image 1 image
El 5 de Diciembre nos embargó un dolor inmenso al escuchar de la inesperada muerte de Alan MacSimóin, veterano anarquista, sindicalista y luchador infatigable de Irlanda. El 13 de Diciembre le despedimos en el cementerio de Glasnevin en Dublín, donde yacen muchos otros revolucionarios que lo precedieron. Será recordado, sin lugar a dudas, como una de las figuras más influyentes en la izquierda irlandesa de las últimas décadas. Fue parte de un puñado de personas que comenzaron a hablar de anarquismo en Irlanda en la década de 1970 y 1980. Su trabajo para crear un espacio para la izquierda libertaria en un país dominado por el conservadurismo político y religioso, cambió por siempre la cara de la política irlandesa por siempre. Ya no sería más un asunto exclusivo de los partidos tradicionales. Si la sociedad irlandesa ha avanzado, en algún grado, durante las últimas décadas, en gran medida se lo debemos a los esfuerzos de personas como Alan. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / anarchist movement / news report Friday December 14, 2018 08:34 by José AnTonio GuTiérrez D.   image 1 image
On December 5th we were pained to hear about the untimely death of Alan MacSimóin, veteran anarchist, trade unionist and tireless organiser in Ireland. Today we said farewell to him at Glasnevin cemetery in Dublin, where many other revolutionaries before him have been put to rest. Many friends and comrades from all parties and movements of the left joined his family to bid farewell to this exceptional man. SIPTU, his trade union, had arranged a guard of honour for him. The previous night, the wake at the Teachers’ Club was equally well attended by comrades of all persuasions: from the Communist Party, the Socialist Party and the Socialist Workers Party, Sinn Féin, Workers Solidarity Movement, Workers’ Party, even Labour. He, as a true non-sectarian, had friends in every single left-wing party, a friendship nurtured in decades of activism. read full story / add a comment
Monumento a los mártires de Loughgall McKearney y Lynagh en Drumfurrer, Monaghan (Imagen de José Antonio Gutiérrez D.)
irlanda / gran bretaña / imperialismo / guerra / opinión / análisis Tuesday June 26, 2018 18:26 by José AnTonio GuTiérrez D.   image 3 images
Publicado originalmente en el número 1 de la revista anarquista chilena Vida Libre, Abril de 2018. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / gender / opinion / analysis Friday October 13, 2017 23:32 by NaTional Conference
This is the Workers Solidarity Movement position paper on Abortion Rights as collectively agreed at July 2017 WSM National Conference.  This position paper sits under the Patriarchy paper which in turn is under the Anarchism, Oppression & Exploitation paper, and hence does not repeat any of that material in these. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / gender / press release Tuesday September 26, 2017 20:09 by InTernaTional Sec   image 1 image
The Workers Solidarity Movement in Ireland is in full support of the protests in Brussels on the 28th September demanding a guaranteed, free, and accessible access to abortion across Europe. The EU has stood by idly while the bodily autonomy of pregnant people continues to be violated by some member states including Ireland and Malta. It has similarly done nothing while other member states progressively attack reproductive rights based on the political whimsy of the controlling parties of ever-increasing conservative governments. We hope the this mobilisation will demonstrate the united commitment to reproductive freedom for all.

We stand with you in spirit as we prepare for our own mobilisation on the 30th of September for the Dublin March for Choice and it appears almost certain a constitutional referendum to remove the ban on abortion next summer. The text that follows is our position paper on abortion rights agreed by WSM national conference this summer. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / community struggles / opinion / analysis Tuesday March 21, 2017 01:18 by Tomás Lynch   image 1 image
The occupation of Apollo House in Dublin was the largest direct action in Ireland in recent years, but it did not materialize out of nowhere. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / miscellaneous / feature Saturday March 18, 2017 02:25 by Tomás Lynch   image 1 image
Aodhan Ó Ríordáin jets off to the States this week to try and crack America with his unique brand of hypocritical liberalism, trumpeting himself as an anti-racist icon in contrast to Trump’s policies of detention and deportation of undocumented migrants. Tómas Lynch takes a look at his record on the homefront. read full story / add a comment
irlanda / gran bretagna / imperialismo / guerra / cronaca Friday January 20, 2017 08:19 by Gianni SarTori
Dietro le recenti dimissioni del vice ministro nordirlandese i sintomi delle difficoltà e contraddizioni del processo di pace avviato venti anni fa read full story / add a comment
Retrato de Roger Casement realizado por Jim Fitzpatrick
irlanda / gran bretaña / historia / opinión / análisis Thursday August 04, 2016 06:13 by José AnTonio GuTiérrez D.   image 1 image
El 3 de Agosto de 1916, en la prisión de Pentonville, Londres, el revolucionario y humanista, nacionalista e internacionalista, irlandés Roger Casement era ahorcado por cargos de traición a la Corona británica. Su muerte fue la última de las ejecuciones de los líderes del republicanismo irlandés acusados de haber participado en la insurrección irlandesa de ese año. Cien años después, su ejemplo de vida sigue siendo una inspiración para quienes practican la solidaridad internacionalista en todo el mundo y para quienes buscan alterar las estructuras del poder en un mundo en el cual se ha convertido a la fuerza bruta en la nueva racionalidad de la época. read full story / add a comment
Ιρλανδία / Μεγάλη Βρετανία / Λαϊκοί Αγώνες / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Saturday June 25, 2016 08:55 by Workers SolidariTy ΜοvemenT   image 1 image
Χρειάζεται να πάρουμε τον κόσμο μας πίσω από την πατριαρχική λευκή υπεροχή της καπιταλιστική ελίτ που κυριαρχεί στον πλανήτη και διοικεί και τις δυο πλευρές του δημοψηφίσματος για την Ε.Ε. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / community struggles / feature Monday June 13, 2016 22:51 by Workers SolidariTy MovemenT   image 1 image
Our hearts ache for the victims of the homophobic hate crime that took place over the weekend in Orlando, Florida where a gunman attacked an LGBT+ club killing 50 and wounding over 50 more. Much has been asked by us and by other left queers about the LGBT+ community, whether it exists and if it exists why don’t we feel a part of it. Sadly it is at times like these that we become aware of its existence. When people are considered deviants and deserving of a murderous assault for their sexuality, a trait all of us in the community share, we cannot but come together in sadness and in mourning.

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