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italia / svizzera / storia / opinione / analisi Monday July 20, 2020 22:21 by Lucio Garofalo
19 anni or sono, il 20 luglio del 2001, Carlo Giuliani era solo un ragazzo di 23 anni. Era nato nel 1978, un anno di straordinari cambiamenti intervenuti nella società italiana, anzitutto sul fronte dei diritti e delle libertà civili e del costume... read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / storia / opinione / analisi Tuesday July 23, 2019 17:13 by Lucio Garofalo
A proposito del tema della violenza, in questi giorni, a 18 anni di distanza dal 2001, vengono rievocate le drammatiche giornate di Genova, segnate dalle terribili violenze della repressione poliziesca, dall'assalto alla scuola Diaz, dalle torture nel carcere di Bolzaneto, dall'assassinio di Carlo Giuliani, ecc. read full story / add a comment
Διεθνή / Ιστορία (γενική) / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Thursday July 04, 2019 17:06 by παναγιωτης ξηρουχακης
O ΠΟΛΕΜΟΣ ΣΑΝ ΕΠΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΗ read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / storia / evento comunista anarchico Tuesday June 13, 2017 23:09 by Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA
intervista a 10 donne anarchiche, marxiste e femministe incontrate tra la Catalogna, la Francia e l'Italia dal marzo 1997 al febbraio 2013 read full story / add a comment
internazionale / storia / opinione / analisi Tuesday April 18, 2017 03:32 by Gianni Sartori
Sono passato ormai ottanta anni dal bombardamento di Gernika, universalmente noto, opera dell'aviazione nazista tedesca.
Meno noti (o meglio: elegantemente rimossi) analoghi devastanti bombardamenti sulla popolazione civile operati dall'aviazione fascista italiana durante la Guerra civile spagnola. Per non dimenticare. read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / storia / opinione / analisi Thursday July 28, 2016 05:46 by Lucio Garofalo
Pochi conoscono la vicenda di Rita Atria, raccontata dal film di Marco Amenta, "La siciliana ribelle", uscito nel 2009 nelle sale cinematografiche. Il film si ispira alla tragica storia di questa ragazza, figlia di un boss mafioso ammazzato nei primi anni ‘80... read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / storia / comunicato stampa Thursday July 14, 2016 02:00 by Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA
Chi erano questi Enragés, chi faceva parte del movimento e quali obiettivi si proponevano di realizzare
Genova, Biblioteca Francisco Ferrer, Piazza Embriaci 5/13
venerdì 15 luglio ore 17.30 read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / history / opinion / analysis Wednesday April 20, 2016 22:31 by Andrew   text 3 comments (last - thursday april 28, 2016 21:41)
Almost a century ago, an armed insurrection took place in Ireland to end British rule and to establish an independent Irish Republic. The 1916 Rising was soon accompanied by major popular revolts against World War One across Europe and later emulated by anti-colonial movements across the Global South. When it comes to remembering the 1916 Rising, why do conservative politicians and historians want to convince us that it would have been better for us if Pearse and Connolly had stayed at home? Why did the state parade lots of military equipment and personnel down O’Connell Street to mark the centenary? Why did so many people turn out to watch it? This panel attempts to think through the meaning of 1916 for us today, and the politics at stake in how these events are remembered, forgotten, and mis-remembered. read full story / add a comment
/ Thursday November 27, 2014 04:50 by Daniel Cohn-Bendit
볼세비키 정권의 반혁명적 성격과 그 결과를 러시아혁명의 상황에서 서술 read full story / add a comment
west africa / history / opinion / analysis Thursday May 01, 2014 21:46 by Warren McGregor
The origin of May Day, International Workers Day, lies in the historic fight for decent working hours that culminated in the execution of four trade unionists in Chicago, the United States, in November 1887. This was a decisive moment in the struggle for a just society through militant trade unionism. In Nigeria, May Day was first declared in 1980 by the People’s Redemption Party (PRP)-led government of the late Abubakar Rimi in Kano State. read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / historia / anarchist communist event Saturday February 09, 2013 21:35 by Centro de Investigación Libertaria y Educación Popular
Organizado por el CILEP read full story / add a comment
north africa / history / opinion / analysis Thursday November 17, 2011 02:20 by Red and Black
Anthony Gorman, 2010, "'Diverse In Race, Religion And Nationality . . . But United In Aspirations Of Civil Progress': The Anarchist Movement In Egypt 1860–1940," in Steve Hirsch and Lucien van der Walt (eds), "Anarchism and Syndicalism in the Colonial and Postcolonial World, 1870-1940: the praxis of national liberation, internationalism and social revolution," Leiden, Boston, Brill.

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ireland / britain / history / press release Friday October 21, 2011 06:35 by Alan MacSimoin
The Irish Anarchist History archive goes online on Friday, October 21st. at

This site will be updated at least once every two weeks with new material added.

Our aim is to build an online archive of magazines, pamphlets, papers and books from and about anarchist organisations in Ireland, from their early beginnings in the 1880s through to today. read full story / add a comment
argentina/uruguay/paraguay / historia / anarchist communist event Friday August 12, 2011 17:29 by Federación Anarco-Comunista de Argentina
Lunes 15 de Agosto trataremos "La Comuna de Paris de 1873 " del material de historia libertaria “Un pueblo fuerte. Experiencias revolucionarias con participación del anarquismo organizado“ a las 18hs puntual en el C.S.A. (Centro Social Anarquista), Ituzaingó 1544 (entre Pte.Roca y Paraguay). read full story / add a comment
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / historia / opinión / análisis Wednesday September 15, 2010 05:52 by Andrés Bianque
Bicentenario de Calvarios. read full story / add a comment
Διεθνή / Ιστορία (γενική) / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Thursday June 10, 2010 08:19 by Vlad S.
Ένα σύντομο κείμενο για τη πολιτική κατάσταση των τριών επαναστάσεων των δούλων που κόντεψαν να γονατίσουν τη Ρωμαϊκή Αυτοκρατορία, με ειδική μνεία για την επανάσταση του Σπάρτακου μεταξύ 73 και 71 π.Χ. read full story / add a comment
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Ιστορία (γενική) / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Monday March 15, 2010 19:30 by ένας από ομάδα αυτομόρφωσης "Αλληλεγγύης-ΑΚΘ
Πρόκειται για ένα εκτεταμένο απόσπασμα της μιας από τις συνολικά τρεις εισηγήσεις που γίναν κατά την παρουσίαση της εκδήλωσης με θεματική την "Κομμούνα της Θεσσαλονίκης & το κίνημα των Ζηλωτών". read full story / add a comment
italie / suisse / histoire / opinion / analyse Monday September 14, 2009 02:16 by Makhno-Union Communiste Libertaire-Montréal
Cette semaine nous vous proposons le premier de 2 textes sur l’un des points culminants des mouvements de grèves et de lutte révolutionnaire de la deuxième moitié du 20ième siècle, l’automne chaud italien de 1969. Ces textes porteront dans un premier temps sur l'historique des luttes et dans un deuxième temps sur l'aspect politique des groupes militants qui ont pris part à ce mouvement. Il est évident que ces textes ne sont qu'un survol de la masse d'informations disponibles à ce sujet. C'est pourquoi les références à la fin des textes (dont certains bouquins incontournables sur le sujet), vous permettrons, si vous le désirez d'approfondir le sujet. read full story / add a comment
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