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indonesia / philippines / australia / anti-fascism / feature Sunday December 14, 2014 17:43 byMelbourne Anarchist Communist Group   image 1 image
During the last 3 years in Greece, savage austerity imposed by the Troika (International Monetary Fund, European Central Bank and European Commission) has crippled the country’s economy. The austerity has led to a depression that is as bad, if not worse, as the Great Depression was in the United States. Enjoying the atmosphere of anguish and despair associated with economic depression, Golden Dawn has flourished, espousing an ideology of hate. It is in effect a Fascist party that promotes anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant and misogynist chauvinism and has grown to become the third most popular political party in the country. read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / represión / presos / portada Friday November 14, 2014 20:31 byComisión Intereclesial de Justicia y Paz   image 1 image
Ref: Abusos y arbitrariedad contra JOSÉ A GUTIÉRREZ, defensor de derechos humanos y asistente de integrantes de la Comisión Histórica del Conflicto, en el bajo Caguán, Caquetá
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north america / mexico / anarchist movement / feature Thursday November 13, 2014 20:21 byWayne Price   text 4 comments (last - monday december 15, 2014 09:07)   image 1 image
Why hasn't there been more rebellion in the US lately? What are the indications that a popular movement may develop which leads to revolution? What is meant by revolution, anyway? read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / feature Saturday November 01, 2014 21:37 byAnarkismo Editors Group   text 35 comments (last - friday april 17, 2015 10:14)   image 1 image
This text is a response to the article Rojava: An Anarcho-Syndicalist Perspective by K. B., recently published on the Ideas and Action website of the North America-based Workers Solidarity Alliance (WSA). In the article, there is an attack on the Rojava revolution in the Middle East, an event in which the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) has played a key role. This response is not published in bad faith or with ill intentions towards the writer or their organisation but, rather, in order to clarify and share our thinking regards the question of anarchist support both for national liberation movements and what is, for us, a very important and inspiring struggle playing out in the Middle East. The aim is to have a frank, and comradely, debate that takes us all forward. [Français] read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / miscellaneous / feature Saturday October 25, 2014 00:40 byFederação Anarquista Gaúcha   image 1 image
Não temos nada a oferecer, hoje, àqueles e àquelas que pensam as eleições burguesas como um meio mais fácil, rápido e eficaz de resolução dos nossos problemas enquanto povo. O que temos a oferecer é um espaço de organização, um projeto coletivo a se construir no cotidiano das lutas por melhores condições de vida e um horizonte Socialista e Libertário. Não estamos falando de algo para um amanhã que nunca chega e sim da forja diária de valores combativos, de lutas por conquistas parciais no marco de conquistas estratégicas, de acúmulo de forças e de experiências coletivas que não são perdidas tão facilmente na troca de governos de turno. read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / feature Sunday September 28, 2014 06:13 byShawn Hattingh   image 1 image
This article highlights how the US state created the conditions in the Middle East in which a right-wing reactionary force like the Islamic State (formerly known as the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham) could emerge. Along with this – and central to the article – it discusses how the US state is refusing to back the only two effective forces that are fighting the Islamic State: the Kurdish Workers’ Party and the People’s Protection Units. Indeed, this article is also written to express solidarity with the People’s Protection Units that are currently fighting a key battle against the Islamic State to hold onto the city of Kobani in Syria. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / a esquerda / feature Saturday September 13, 2014 14:51 byCoordenação Anarquista Brasileira (CAB)   image 1 image
Para nós Socialistas Libertários, a política dos de baixo não se faz nas urnas, mas no cotidiano do protagonismo de classe e da ação direta. Falar disso no atual momento não significa mais remeter a abstrações ou ao passado “dos anos dourados dos movimentos de massa”, mas remeter a algo que evoca no imaginário coletivo um real exercício do poder do povo. Sem sermos ingênuos acreditando que só ir as ruas basta, sabemos que a falta de organização de base fragiliza os processos de mobilização e facilitam as tentativas de controle pelos dominantes. Deste modo, nossa aposta é nas Ruas como espaço privilegiado da ação política, mas também é a aposta na organização horizontal e de base que fortalece a ação direta, com uma agenda popular que delibera, encaminha e executa seu programa: um programa dos de baixo, que não delega poder a nenhum político de plantão. Ou se vota com os de cima, ou se organiza e se luta com os de baixo! read full story / add a comment
Public Tev-Dem meeting in Qamishli to discuss attacks by al-Nusra
mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / feature Monday September 01, 2014 05:07 byZaher Baher   text 2 comments (last - wednesday march 09, 2022 08:26)   image 1 image
What you read below is the experience of my visit, for a couple of weeks in May this year, 2014, to North East of Syria or Syrian Kurdistan (West of Kurdistan) with a close friend of mine. Throughout the visit we had the total freedom and opportunity to see and speak to whoever we wanted to. This includes women, men, youth, and the political parties. There are over 20 parties from Kurdish to Christian, of which some are in the Democratic Self Administration (DSA) or Democratic Self Management (DSM) of the region of Al Jazera. Al Jazera is one of three regions, (cantons) of West Kurdistan. We also met the Kurdish and Christian political parties who are not in the DSA or DSM. In addition, we met the top people from the Democratic Self Administration (DSM), members of the different committees, local groups and communes as well as businesspeople, shopkeepers, workers, people in the market and people who were just walking in the street. [Français] [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / workplace struggles / portada Thursday August 28, 2014 17:00 byNahuel Valenzuela   image 1 image
El Frente de Trabajadores y Trabajadoras Ernesto Miranda (FTEM), es un nuevo espacio organizativo de carácter político-social, asentado por ahora en la Región Metropolitana, en la cual convergen militantes del ámbito del trabajo: trabajadores y trabajadoras de base, dirigentes, delegados y compas vinculados a áreas técnicas o profesionales de apoyatura a la labor sindical. Este núcleo militante rescata la tradición organizativa que dio origen a la CUT del ‘53, así como a la figura de Ernesto Miranda Rivas, dirigente anarquista del gremio del cuero y calzado, promotor de la unidad de la clase trabajadora en la lucha por su emancipación en torno a los principios como la independencia política, la democracia directa, la solidaridad, el internacionalismo y el anticapitalismo. read full story / add a comment
russia / ukraine / belarus / anarchist movement / feature Saturday August 09, 2014 15:26 byAutonomous Action   text 2 comments (last - sunday august 17, 2014 18:47)   image 1 image
The Revolutionary Confederation of Anarcho-Syndicalists - N. I. Makhno (Революционная конфедерация анархо-синдикалистов им. Н. И. Махно), established in Ukraine in 1994, was one of the most famous anarchist organizations which emerged from the former Soviet Union. Platformist in essence, the organization managed to assemble a cohort of vigorous activists who wanted to adopt a strategic and responsible approach to the question of achieving a libertarian society. The RKAS survived many troubles, it was involved in the miners' strike and had several long-tem projects, but it was not without its internal squabbles and splits. Over the past year, however, the organization has been heard from less and less. To find out what had happened to the RKAS, and also hear their opinion on the current events in Ukraine, our Russia-based comrades of Autonomous Action interviewed a comrade from the RKAS, Samurai. [Italiano] [Français] read full story / add a comment
Operation "Protective Edge". Its Hebrew name translates as "Mighty Cliff"
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / feature Tuesday July 22, 2014 18:28 byIlan Shalif   image 1 image
The main confrontation between the Israeli ruling capitalist elite and the Palestinian working people which have continued forcefully over the last few weeks forms part of ongoing efforts by Israel to transfer them out of Palestine, or at least pressure them into voluntary transfer. [Italiano] [Ελληνικά] [Türkçe] read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / repressão / prisioneiros / feature Thursday July 17, 2014 18:07 byCoordenação Anarquista Brasileira   image 1 image
Dezenas de militantes e ativistas são presos e levados para o presídio de Bangu, onde estão detidos. Os argumentos para esta absurda ação são profundamente ideológicos, onde os governos fazem utilização da violência de Estado, como a velha e conhecida política por outros meios. Uma operação que tem como objetivo a privação da liberdade de se manifestar e opinar sobre as questões sociais no país. Uma operação policial que mancha com resquícios de estado de exceção o momento que vivemos. Não é novidade que as polícias apresentam como “provas” contra os manifestantes as opções de classe dos mesmos, com apreensões absurdas de materiais políticos como livros, cartilhas, bandeiras (como na invasão da sede da FAG e nos atuais processos). Montam a partir desta grande FARSA acusações como formação de quadrilha ou mesmo milícia privada para atacar quem se manifesta contra as injustiças sociais praticadas cotidianamente contra os setores mais oprimidos da sociedade. read full story / add a comment
international / the left / feature Thursday July 10, 2014 16:28 byWayne Price   text 4 comments (last - monday january 26, 2015 12:31)   image 1 image
The leader of the International Marxist Tendency has written an attack on anarchism from his Trotskyist perspective. He makes some correct criticisms of some versions of anarchism, in relation to those who reject revolution or political organization. But he attempts to defend the idea of a "workers' state" by limited quotes from Lenin and by mistating the history of the Russian revolution. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / feature Wednesday July 02, 2014 20:59 byKAF   image 1 image
هەڵوێستی سەربەخۆی جەماوەر لە نێوان داعش و دەوڵەت

بەدەر لەوەی کە هێرشی (داعش) و ڕەوی سوپای دەوڵەتی عیراق کێ و چی لە پشتەوەیە، بەدەر لەوەی نەخشەڕێژانی ئەم هێرشە ‌هێزە دەرەکییەکان و دەوڵەتەکانی ناوچەکەن یا هێزە نێوخۆییەکانی عیراق، جەنگێكی سەرتاپاگیر لەنێوان دەسەڵاتداران و دەسەڵاتخوازاندا لە ئارادایە و باجدەری سەرەکی ئەم جەنگە و هەموو جەنگەکانی سەراپای مێژوو، تەنیا خەڵکی سڤیل و چین و توێژە بندەستەکانی کۆمەڵن. [العربية] [English] [Italian] [ελληνικά] [Deutsch] [Français] [Português] read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / community struggles / feature Friday June 20, 2014 00:26 byCoordenação Anarquista Brasileira   text 1 comment (last - thursday july 03, 2014 11:48)   image 2 images
O quadro das lutas e dos conflitos sindicais e populares no país antes e durante a Copa do Mundo, tem pressionado o governo federal, alguns governos estaduais, municipais e as patronais, gerando uma guerra de nervos nos principais centros urbanos do Brasil. Se no ano passado as grandes mobilizações foram protagonizadas pelos setores precarizados da juventude e não pelos movimentos populares organizados, em 2014, a tônica tem sido e, pelo jeito, continuará sendo dada pela base dos trabalhadores de diversas categorias e por setores próximos e articulados com as classes oprimidas. O desenrolar do conflito dos Metroviários de São Paulo – que durante dias enfrentaram a intransigência de uma das piores expressões da direita desse país (o quadro da organização de extrema direita católica Opus Dei Geraldo Alckmin/PSDB) é um exemplo disto, recebendo a forte repressão policial, todo o jogo sujo dos grandes meios de comunicação e ainda o anúncio de mais de 40 demissões. Os metroviários prosseguem na campanha de readmissão dos 42 trabalhadores demitidos. Chumbo grosso está sendo jogado em cima desses valorosos companheiros/as e em cima de outras categorias atualmente em greve é por isso que precisamos estar atentos a todas as tentativas de criminalização das lutas. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / workplace struggles / feature Monday June 02, 2014 23:02 bySindicato dos Municipários de Cachoeirinha   image 1 image
O Sindicato dos Municipários de Cachoeirinha (SIMCA) manifesta sua solidariedade ao companheiro Guilherme Runge, atual presidente do SIMCA, que teve sua residência invadida de forma intimidatória na última quinta, dia 22 de Maio. read full story / add a comment
yunanistan / türkiye / kıbrıs / miscellaneous / feature Monday May 19, 2014 22:50 byDevrimci Anarşist Faaliyet   image 9 images
13 Mayıs günü Manisa Soma‘da bulunan kömür ocağında çıkan bir yangın, bu toprakların en büyük katliamı oldu. Vardiya değişimi esnasında çıkan yangınla, madende çalışan yüzlerce işçi yoğun karbonmonoksitle zehirlendi. Yangının çıktığı ilk anda açıklanan yaşamını yitirenlerin sayısı, saatler geçtikçe arttı. Enerji bakanı, başbakan, çalışma bakanı… Devlet erkanı madende yaşananın “elim bir iş kazası” olduğunu televizyonlardaki canlı yayınlarda söylerken, madende bulunan işçi sayısının kaç olduğunu saatler boyu açıklamadı. [ελληνικά] [English] [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
argentina/uruguay/paraguay / represión / presos / portada Saturday May 10, 2014 01:27 byColumna Cerro-Teja   text 5 comments (last - monday may 12, 2014 19:23)   image 2 images
Lo que aquí se intenta es acallar legítimas denuncias, reclamos, reivindicaciones. Endemoniar descontentos y rebeldías. Judicializar y criminalizar la protesta. Ha quedado claro que eso no corre para quienes asesinaron, secuestraron, torturaron y violaron y que siguen contando con impunidad que casi todos cubren y amparan. Que cuando surge una jueza como Motta que quiere solamente investigar enseguida salta de ese lugar y la mandan al último rincón. Eso sí, procesos para quienes protestaron por la tamaña artimaña de la corte. Impunidades y cárceles de lujo. Pero otras impunidades se han ido sumando y no dicen otra cosa que como es que funciona esto. read full story / add a comment
southern africa / the left / feature Wednesday May 07, 2014 21:28 byShawn Hattingh & Jonathan Payn   text 2 comments (last - tuesday may 13, 2014 21:37)   image 1 image
There has been much hype, amongst the media and sections of the public, in the run up to this year’s provincial and national elections in South Africa and, for some, the arrival of new parties to the electoral arena has renewed their faith in the possibility of an electoral solution to the myriad of problems facing South Africa. Politicians from across all parties have been using this hype and a seemingly renewed faith in the ballot box to their advantage. The question, therefore, is: can equality, socialism, national liberation or ‘economic freedom’ – or even a respite from state violence – for a majority be brought about through parties and activists entering into the state or through voting for parties that promise not to use the state for violent or oppressive means; or will this only lead to a dead-end for the working class yet again? read full story / add a comment
international / workplace struggles / feature Friday May 02, 2014 01:21 byVarious anarchist organizations   image 1 image
For far too long major segments of the working class have been dormant under the illusion that change can be delegated to exterior organizations or parties. When our struggles are bureaucratized and delegated to others, we lose ownership over them and in turn lose many benefits gained through them. A victory for the working class can only be established if our class is active in the struggle leading to victory. [Italiano] [Castellano] read full story / add a comment

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