AKBELEN FORESTS ARE CALLING EVERYONE FOR RESISTANCE 15:47 Jul 30 41 comments USA cambió su política migratoria respecto a inmigrantes endureciendo leyes 23:15 Jul 03 16 comments espero 7 – Die neue Sommerausgabe 2023 16:58 Jun 25 11 comments Internationalist Manifesto Against the War 07:38 Apr 15 30 comments War and Anarchists: Anti-Authoritarian Perspectives in Ukraine 19:25 Feb 22 18 comments more >> |
Βαλκανικές Χώρες / Ιστορία (γενική) / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Monday February 23, 2015 19:51 by Dmitri 3 images
Μακεδονία-Θράκη 1903. Η οθωμανική τουρκική αυτοκρατορία βρισκόταν σε στάδιο παρακμής. Για αιώνες, οι Αρχές της κυβερνούσαν με σκληρότητα, επιβάλλοντας φόρους και άλλες υποχρεώσεις, αλλά στις περισσότερες περιπτώσεις επιτρέποντας στους υπηκόους να μιλούν τη γλώσσα τους και να λατρεύουν τη θρησκεία τους. Τώρα, όμως, ήταν μια εποχή κρίσιμη. Τα σύνορα της Αυτοκρατορίας δέχονταν πιέσεις, και η οθωμανική κυριαρχία γινόταν ολοένα και πιο σκληρή και καταπιεστική. Το φάσμα των απελευθερωτικών αγώνων στοίχειωνε τις φθίνουσες οθωμανικές κατακτήσεις στα Νότια Βαλκάνια. Βίαιες εξεγέρσεις διαδέχονταν η μία την άλλη, από τη μια γενιά στην επόμενη. read full story / add a comment
regione balcanica / movimento anarchico / documento politico Thursday September 18, 2014 15:29 by bask/bab
E' evidente che il nazionalismo è uno strumento usato contro le classi sfruttate. Nei Balcani, (specialmente nella regione della ex-Jugoslavia), negli anni '90, il sorgere dell'ideologia nazionalista contribuì a rendere possibile il brutale attaco capitalista contro la società. La popolazione ne uscì atomizzata e vennero distrutte le pre-esistenti reti di solidarietà e di cooperazione. [English] read full story / add a comment
balkans region / anarchist movement / policy statement Monday September 15, 2014 19:44 by bask/bab
It is clear that nationalism is a tool used against the exploited classes. In the Balkans, (especially in the region of ex-Yugoslavia) the rise of nationalist ideology in the 1990’s helped enable the brutal capitalist attack against society. It further atomized the population and destroyed established networks of cooperation and solidarity. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
balkans region / anarchist movement / anarchist communist event Monday July 14, 2014 22:38 by Balkan Anarchist Bookfair
The Eighth Balkan Anarchist Bookfair will take place in Mostar (Bosnia and Hercegovina) on 5th and 6th of September 2014 as part of the Anti-fascist festival, an annual Mostar event. read full story / add a comment
Βαλκανικές Χώρες / Αναρχική Ιστορία / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Saturday November 30, 2013 19:56 by Dmitri 1 image
Το αναρχικό βιβλιοπωλείο Jura Books του Σίδνεϊ φιλοξένησε μια ομιλία με θέμα «Ο αναρχισμός στη Βουλγαρία, όπως τον βλέπω εγώ» από τον 88χρονο σήμερα αναρχικό εξόριστο Jack Grancharoff. Περίπου μια ντουζίνα άνθρωποι παρακολούθησαν τον Jack, να μιλά και να περιγράφει με ένταση την ανατροφή του και τη συμμετοχή του στο κίνημα. read full story / add a comment
balkans region / history / anarchist communist event Monday June 03, 2013 05:00 by The Ajde Project 2 images
Saturday 8th of June - A presentation of the book: “Overcoming the borders and the nations. A common front against nationalism”. A discussion. read full story / add a comment
balkans region / history of anarchism / link to audio Thursday May 23, 2013 09:32 by Sean Matthews 2 comments (last - sunday may 26, 2024 06:32) 1 image 1 audio file
Jura Books in Sydney recently hosted "Anarchism in Bulgaria as I see it" by the 88-year-old exiled anarchist Jack Grancharoff. Around a dozen people listened intensely to Jack as he described his upbringing and his involvement read full story / add a comment
balkans region / anarchist movement / feature Tuesday May 14, 2013 22:47 by Federacija za anarhistično organiziranje 1 comment (last - saturday july 06, 2013 06:52) 1 image
Practices of resistance, solidarity and the construction of communities against and beyond capitalism have always existed through history and have constituted an integral part of anarchist communities. Today the need for such practices has again spread far beyond our small communities and into the wider society.
Second Call for Balkan Anarchist Bookfair 2013 Programme for BAB 2013 read full story / add a comment
balkans region / miscellaneous / press release Tuesday May 14, 2013 22:42 by Federacija za anarhistično organiziranje 1 image
Programme will be regulary updated on http://www.a-federacija.org/bab2013
10 years of the Balkan Anarchist Bookfair Second Call for Balkan Anarchist Bookfair 2013 read full story / add a comment
balkans region / miscellaneous / press release Tuesday May 14, 2013 22:23 by Federacija za anarhistično organiziranje 1 image
In the midst of turmoil of the first massive, decentralized and non-hierarchical revolt in the recent history of Slovenia, Federation for Anarchist Organizing invites everyone to come to Ljubljana this May and join us at the Balkan Anarchist Bookfair (BAB) as we celebrate 10th anniversary of the launch of an event that connects local and regional as well as wider international anarchist community.
10 years of the Balkan Anarchist Bookfair Programme for BAB 2013 read full story / add a comment
balkans region / community struggles / comunicado de prensa Monday January 07, 2013 22:43 by Federacija za anarhistično organiziranje 1 image
Eslovenia está siendo sacudida por la primera revuelta masiva en dos décadas y la primera predominantemente orientada contra la clase política, las medidas de austeridad y en algunas ciudades con carácter anticapitalista. [English] read full story / add a comment
Βαλκανικές Χώρες / Λαϊκοί Αγώνες / Νέα Tuesday December 18, 2012 19:01 by Ομοσπονδία για την Αναρχική Οργάνωση Σλοβενίας 2 images
Η Σλοβενία συνταράσσεται από την πρώτη μαζική εξέγερση στις τελευταίες 2 δεκαετίες της σύγχρονης ιστορίας της και την πρώτη που βασικά κατευθύνεται ενάντια στο πολιτικό σύστημα, τα μέτρα λιτότητας, και σε μερικές πόλεις παίρνει καθαρά αντικαπιταλιστικά χαρακτηριστικά. read full story / add a comment
balkans region / community struggles / feature Tuesday December 18, 2012 04:51 by Federation for Anarchist Organizing 3 images
Slovenia is being shaken by the first massive revolt in two decades and the first that is predominantly oriented against political establishment, austerity measures and is in some cities already gaining anti-capitalist character. In less than three weeks there have been 35 protests in 18 cities, where more then 70.000 people participated altogether. Protests often turn into clashes with police that is violently breaking up the demonstrations. 284 people were arrested, some released, some not. Many people have been injured. [Italiano] [Castellano] read full story / add a comment
balkans region / community struggles / press release Monday December 17, 2012 22:22 by Federacija za anarhistično organiziranje 1 image
Na tisoče ljudi je zasedlo ulice v centru mesta in jasno sporočilo: Ne diskriminiramo, vsi so gotovi! [English] [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
regione balcanica / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Monday December 17, 2012 17:54 by Federation for Anarchist Organizing 3 images
La Slovenia è scossa dalla prima rivolta di massa degli ultimi 20 anni e dalla prima rivolta in assoluto contro il sistema politico, contro le politiche di austerity, tanto che in alcune città sta assumendo un carattere anti-capitalista. In meno di tre settimane ci sono state 35 manifestazioni in 18 città, dove più di 70.000 persone sono scese in piazza insieme. Le manifestazioni si sono spesso trasformate in scontri con la polizia che cerca di reprimerle violentemente. 284 persone sono state arrestate, alcune sono state rilasciate, altre no. Molti sono i feriti. [English] read full story / add a comment
balkans region / anarchist movement / anarchist communist event Thursday July 05, 2012 00:19 by Zlatibor
Fifth Zrenjanin Antifascist Festival (ZAF) will be held on 5th and 6th of October 2012. in the Cultural center of Zrenjanin (Zrenjanin, Serbia). During the second day of the festival, as a part of the program of ZAF, an anarchist bookfair will be held. Besides the bookfair this years program of the festival will consist of a concert, discussions, workshops, exhibition etc. read full story / add a comment
Βαλκανικές Χώρες / Αναρχική Ιστορία / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Monday April 16, 2012 09:20 by Dimitri (MACG - republishing) 1 image
Για να κλείσουμε αυτόν τον απολογισμό, που παραμένει ατελής, μπορούμε να σημειώσουμε κάποιες γενικές παρατηρήσεις. Η περιέργεια και η συμπάθεια προς τον αναρχισμό εμφανίστηκαν, για να μιλήσουμε με κοινωνιολογικούς όρους, στις πιο ανεπτυγμένες και τις πιο ανεκτικές περιοχές της Γιουγκοσλαβίας (Σλοβενία, Κροατία, Σερβία και την επαρχία της Βοιβοντίνα) και στα πιο μορφωμένα κοινωνικά στρώματα, όπως οι διανοούμενοι, οι ακαδημαϊκοί και οι φοιτητές (κι αυτό δεν είχε παρά θετικές συνέπειες). read full story / add a comment
balkans region / anarchist movement / anarchist communist event Tuesday January 10, 2012 16:59 by Anarhisticki sajam knjiga 1 comment (last - thursday march 15, 2012 20:23) 1 image
The Eighth Anarchist Bookfair in Zagreb will take place on March 30th to April 1st, 2012. The Anarchist Bookfair in Zagreb (ASK - Anarhisticki sajam knjiga) is annual anarchist event that aims to become a long-term, developing project. The first six bookfairs went well, and we hope to bring in more and more people every year as participants, publishers, groups, projects - whoever is interested in what the bookfair has to offer. read full story / add a comment
balkans region / anarchist movement / anarchist communist event Tuesday August 02, 2011 16:54 by Zlatibor
The fourth ZAF (Zrenjanin Anti-fascist Festival) will be held on 30th of September and 1st of October 2011. in the Cultural Center of Zrenjanin. read full story / add a comment
Βαλκανικές Χώρες / Ιμπεριαλισμός / Πόλεμος / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Thursday June 09, 2011 07:25 by 5ο βαλκανικό αναρχικό φεστιβάλ βιβλίου 1 image
Ανακοίνωση των συμμετεχόντων/ουσών στο 5ο βαλκανικό αναρχικό φεστιβάλ βιβλίου - Zrenjanin, 29-31 Oκτωβρίου 2010 read full story / add a comment |
Front pageSupport Sudanese anarchists in exile Joint Statement of European Anarchist Organizations International anarchist call for solidarity: Earthquake in Turkey, Syria and Kurdistan Elements of Anarchist Theory and Strategy 19 de Julio: Cuando el pueblo se levanta, escribe la historia International anarchist solidarity against Turkish state repression Declaración Anarquista Internacional por el Primero de Mayo, 2022 Le vieux monde opprime les femmes et les minorités de genre. Leur force le détruira ! Against Militarism and War: For self-organised struggle and social revolution Declaração anarquista internacional sobre a pandemia da Covid-19 Anarchist Theory and History in Global Perspective Capitalism, Anti-Capitalism and Popular Organisation [Booklet] Reflexiones sobre la situación de Afganistán South Africa: Historic rupture or warring brothers again? Death or Renewal: Is the Climate Crisis the Final Crisis? Gleichheit und Freiheit stehen nicht zur Debatte! Contre la guerre au Kurdistan irakien, contre la traîtrise du PDK Meurtre de Clément Méric : l’enjeu politique du procès en appel |