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bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / workplace struggles / news report Sunday March 04, 2012 00:53 byLa Batalla de los Trabajadores   image 1 image   video 2 video files
Los trabajadores del retail, víctimas de la realidad de precarización y explotación de la fuerza laboral en Chile, se organizan y luchan para transformarla y conseguir la vida digna que el capitalismo les niega. read full story / add a comment
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Καταστολή / Φυλακές / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Saturday March 03, 2012 09:49 byΣυνέλευση Αναρχικών για την Κοινωνική Αυτοδιεύ_   image 1 image
Το προηγούμενο διάστημα της ψήφισης της δανειακής σύμβασης έλαβε χώρα από τα καθεστωτικά ΜΜΕ μια απίστευτης έντασης πλύση εγκεφάλου προκειμένου να πειστεί ο κόσμος να σκύψει το κεφάλι στις επιλογές των ντόπιων και ξένων αφεντικών και να αποδεχθεί τις νέες συνθήκες εξαθλίωσης που του επιβάλουν. Η κορύφωσή της προπαγάνδας αυτής έγινε με τις ομιλίες στη βουλή του πρωθυπουργού Παπαδήμου και των πολιτικών αρχηγών που στηρίζουν την κυβέρνηση των τραπεζιτών και των καναλαρχών. read full story / add a comment
Δικαστήριο δικαίωσε εργαζόμενο συντάκτη στο site «» που, αντί για το «μαύρο» μηνιάτικο των 450 ευρώ, ζητούσε να αναγνωριστεί η εργασία του ως εξαρτημένη εργασία αορίστου χρόνου, και κατά συνέπεια να αμείβεται με βάση τα οριζόμενα στις συλλογικές συμβάσεις των ενώσεων συντακτών. read full story / add a comment
internazionale / economia / comunicato stampa Saturday March 03, 2012 05:54 byEuroAnarkismo   image 1 image
Per andare oltre, e per costruire un movimento di solidarietà internazionale, è anche necessaria una convergenza dei movimenti su scala europea. I capitalisti sanno come organizzarsi a livello europeo e sanno come adottare i trattati con cui pretendono di sigillare il destino dei popoli. Noi, i lavoratori e le lavoratrici d'Europa, ancora non vi riusciamo, anche se esistono delle convergenze tra il sindacalismo alternativo. E' necessario proseguire con questo sforzo e organizzare una risposta a livello internazionale. [Français] [English] [Ελληνικά] [Nederlands] [Română] read full story / add a comment
américa central / caribe / luchas indígenas / non-anarchist press Saturday March 03, 2012 04:00 byMarco A. Gandásegui, h.
En una breve cita, el sociólogo kuna, Juan Pérez A., resumió la esencia del diálogo entre gobierno nacional y pueblos ngobe y buglé en torno a la construcción de hidroeléctricas en la comarca del occidente panameño: “Este desarrollo me hace pobre”. Para algunos, la apropiación (robo) de tierras ajenas contribuye al “progreso” económico y al mal llamado crecimiento del producto interno bruto. Por lo tanto, si las leyes acaban con comunidades y desintegran familias es aceptable porque contribuye al “desarrollo”. Ese discurso gastado y mal concebido se sigue aplicando en Panamá. En el caso de la Comarca Ngobe-Buglé, se ha encontrado con el rechazo y la resistencia de los pueblos indígenas organizados y decididos a no ceder.
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ireland / britain / economy / news report Saturday March 03, 2012 00:57 byPaul
Wednesday the European Central Bank (ECB) gave out 530 billion euros in 3-year term loans to the private banks of the Eurozone. Together with the 490 billion they doled out last December, that's over 1 trillion euros. If pigs could fly and politicians never lied and every household in the country was magically able to pay the hated Household Tax, the total receipt would be 160 million euro. At that rate, it would take 6,250 years to amount to 1 trillion. It would also take 20 years to amount to the 3.2 billion euros the state are handing over to the Anglo bondholders on the 31st March coming. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / miscellaneous / opinion / analysis Saturday March 03, 2012 00:54 byandrew   image 1 image
Ireland is to have a referendum after all on the EU austerity treaty and a lot of the left is getting unreasonably excited about this. I say unreasonably because my opinion is that the referendum will not really, as the likes of the ULA claim, be a meaningful ballot on austerity. Austerity is not something simply being imposed on us by Europe through this referendum but something our domestic ruling class are already imposing and have been for a few years. Of course they have used the ECB/IMF as the 'bad cop' to scare us with and when passed will use the EU austerity treaty in the same way. But we need to recognize and organize around the fact that our local politicians and capitalist class are not really a 'good cop' eager to help us avoid the attentions of the 'bad cop' making threatening gestures at us across the room. read full story / add a comment
internaţional / economie / comunicat de presă Saturday March 03, 2012 00:08 byEuroAnarkismo   image 1 image
Pentru a merge mai departe şi pentru a construi solidaritate internaţională, toate mişcările trebuie să se unească la nivel european. Capitaliştii ştiu cum să organizeze la acest nivel şi modul în care să adopte tratate, ce vor pecetlui destinele oamenilor. Noi, oamenii muncii din Europa, nu am atins încă acest nivel de organizare, chiar dacă forme alternative de organizare sindicală au oferit modalităţi de convergenţă. Acest efort trebuie să fie continuat, şi un răspuns organizat la nivel internaţional. [Français] read full story / add a comment
international / Économie / article de fond Friday March 02, 2012 20:30 byEuroAnarkismo   image 1 image
Pour aller plus loin, et pour construire une solidarité internationale, une convergence des mouvements à l'échelle européenne est également nécessaire. Les capitalistes savent s'organiser à cette échelle et adopter des traités qui prétendent sceller le destin des peuples. Nous, travailleuses et travailleurs européens, n'y parvenons pas encore, même si des convergences existent dans le syndicalisme alternatif. Il est nécessaire de poursuivre cet effort et d'organiser une riposte internationale. [English] [Ελληνικά] [Nederlands] [Română] [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / community struggles / opinião / análise Friday March 02, 2012 20:25 byBruno Lima Rocha   image 1 image
Protestos contra aumento da passagem ocorrem há mais de dez anos em Porto Alegre. Estudantes questionam alto valor da passagem em um serviço que deveria ser público. read full story / add a comment
internationaal / economie / persbericht Friday March 02, 2012 20:11 byEuroAnarkismo   image 1 image
Om vooruit te komen en internationale solidariteit op te bouwen moeten alle bewegingen samen komen op een Europese schaal. De kapitalisten weten hoe ze zich op dat niveau moeten organiseren en hoe ze de verdragen moeten aannemen waarmee ze het lot van de gewone mensen kunnen bezegelen. Wij, de arbeiders en arbeidsters van Europa, hebben dit niveau van organisatie nog niet bereikt, hoewel alternatieve vormen van vakbondsorganisatie manieren hebben ontdekt om samen te werken. Deze inspanning moet worden geleverd, en een reactie op een internationaal niveau moet worden georganiseerd. [Français] read full story / add a comment
américa del norte / méxico / crime prison and punishment / other libertarian press Friday March 02, 2012 04:57 byComité de Resistencia Clasista
En el Palacio de Cantera y en los Pinos se esconden los asesinos read full story / add a comment
francia / bélgica / luxemburgo / community struggles / non-anarchist press Friday March 02, 2012 04:36 byBorroka Garaia   image 1 image
A lo largo del día de hoy el presidente francés Nicolas Sarkozy, del derechista UMP, se estará paseando por Itsasu y Baiona en viaje de campaña a la colonia y retaguardia turística de la burguesía francesa. Sin embargo no le está esperando Isabel Preysler con una bandeja de bombones ante esta visita inesperada sino reivindicaciones obreras, repulsa al TAV y movilizaciones del movimiento juvenil abertzale apoyadas por EHbai. Le va a estar esperando una nación, la vasca.
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venezuela / colombia / imperialismo / guerra / non-anarchist press Friday March 02, 2012 04:30 byMarcha
Las FARC anunciaron la liberación de los últimos 10 retenidos por la guerrilla y el fin de este método de lucha. Santos ya anunció que la medida le parece insuficiente. "Es un aporte a la paz de Colombia", opinó a Marcha Carlos Lozano de Colombianos y Colombianas por la Paz. La cartas de la guerrilla siguen sobre la mesa, el juego del gobierno colombiano nunca es alentador. read full story / add a comment
southern africa / economy / opinion / analysis Friday March 02, 2012 03:01 byShawn Hattingh   image 1 image
Once again much media fanfare has broken out in aftermath of the South African state’s budget speech. The budget, however, is yet more proof of the ANC’s ruling class agenda: free markets, budget cuts for the poor and subsidies for the rich. From the budget and other utterances it is clear the ANC has, despite media hysteria, no interest in nationalisation. The state will, therefore, try and deal with the global economic crisis largely through business-as-usual.
[Italiano] read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / news report Thursday March 01, 2012 18:15 byIlan S.
The common theme of the week end demonstration was the anniversary 18 of the Ibrahimi Mosque massacre by the colonialist settler Dr. Goldstein and the intense harassment that followed it.... as if the punishment of the Palestinian victims is the logical conclusion. The demonstration in Hebron drew hundreds of Palestinians, substantial part of the Israeli anarchists against the wall, and other Israeli activists - more than 100, similar to the numbers a week before in the 7th year anniversary demo in Bil'in. Both the struggle in the occupied west bank against occupation, and the social justice struggle within Israel are on the verge of the Spring uprising. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
iberia / education / policy statement Thursday March 01, 2012 18:11 byLlibertaris   image 1 image
In a context marked by unemployment, welfare cuts and a host of measures that do nothing but push our lives towards abject poverty, a new hispanicizing offensive is now under way, in the form of various attacks on the teaching of Catalan, using the most rancid anti-Catalanism as bait and as a smokescreen. [Català] [Castellano] read full story / add a comment
greece / turkey / cyprus / repression / prisoners / press release Thursday March 01, 2012 07:31 byDmitri (republishing)   image 1 image
The story behind the brutal police attack on comrade Panagiotis Giannikakis (Athens, Greece) [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Εργατικοί Αγώνες / Νέα Thursday March 01, 2012 06:28 byΑπό το Κιλκίς   image 1 image
Μήνυμα μέλους της γενικής συνέλευσης εργαζομένων, του κατειλημμένου Νοσοκομείου Κιλκίς
Στο διεθνές ενδιαφέρον για το συνεχιζόμενο αγώνα και την αυτοδιαχείριση στο απάντησε μία συμμετέχουσα στη γενική συνέλευση εργαζομένων, υποβάλλοντας σχόλιο στην αγγλική σελίδα του Contra Info στις 26 Φλεβάρη. Ζητήθηκε και κρίθηκε σκόπιμο να υπάρχει η τοποθέτηση αυτή και στα ελληνικά, καθώς διαμοιράστηκε ήδη σε άλλες γλώσσες... read full story / add a comment
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Καταστολή / Φυλακές / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Thursday March 01, 2012 06:16 byΑναρχική συλλογικότητα "Καθ' Οδόν"   image 1 image
Ανακοίνωση της Αναρχικής συλλογικότητας "Καθ' Οδόν" για τον ξυλοδαρμό του συντρόφου Παναγιώτη Γιαννικάκη από τις δυνάμεις καταστολής read full story / add a comment
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