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África austral / migração / racismo / news report Saturday December 10, 2022 06:11 byZabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   text 1 comment (last - tuesday june 06, 2023 11:00)   image 1 image
Como anarquistas, lutamos pela criação de uma sociedade livre e igualitária, fundamentada na democracia de base e na igualdade socioeconômica. Defendemos a destruição de todas as formas de exploração e dominação. Somos contrários à autoridade coercitiva e sustentamos que o único limite da liberdade de um indivíduo deve ser que ele não infrinja a liberdade de outros. Acreditamos que apenas uma revolução protagonizada pelas classes produtivas e exploradas da sociedade (a classe operária, os pobres e o campesinato) pode criar um mundo livre, e reconhecemos que essas classes só podem ser mobilizadas e unidas com base na oposição a todas as formas de opressão. Pelas razões expostas, nós, anarquistas, somos inimigos declarados do racismo e dos racistas. Qualquer movimento por liberdade que não combata diretamente o racismo não passa de uma vergonhosa fraude. read full story / add a comment
international / anarchist movement / press release Saturday June 20, 2020 00:29 byZabalaza Books   image 1 image
Over the past 18 months Zabalaza Books has published over two dozen new publications or new editions of previous publications, all of which can be read online or downloaded in PDF format from the Zabalaza Books website. Read the full list of titles and overviews of their contents, with links to the full texts, below. read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / repressão / prisioneiros / chamada / petição Saturday August 26, 2017 02:36 byZabalaza Anarchist Communist Front - ZACF
Liberdade para Dinah e Sipho, Justiça para Papi!

Em fevereiro de 2015, quatro militantes comunitários da favelai de Boiketlong, na região de Vaal, no sul de Joanesburgo, foram sentenciados a 16 anos de prisão cada um, após um protesto comunitário. Essa é uma sentença muito severa e a condenação foi baseada em evidências duvidosas. Os ‘Quatrode Boiketlong’ foram presos por terem supostamente atacado a sub-prefeita local e ateado fogo em seu barracão e em seus dois carros durante um protesto comunitário. Eles foram condenados por agressão com intenção de causar dano corporal grave, incêndio criminoso e dano intencional à propriedade.
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région sud de l'afrique / répression / prisonniers et prisonnières / communiqué de presse Friday August 04, 2017 20:43 byZabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   image 1 image
En février 2015, quatre militant-e-s de quartier [community activists] originaires de Boiketlong dans le Vaal, au sud de Johannesburg, ont été condamné-e-s à 16 ans de prison chacun-e à la suite d’une manifestation locale. C’est une condamnation très sévère et qui s’est basée sur des preuves très peu tangibles. Les « Quatre de Boiketlong » ont été arrêté-e-s et accusé-e-s d’avoir agressé de la conseillère local de quartier (membre de l’ANC1) et d’avoir mis le feu à sa maison et à deux voitures pendant ladite manifestation. Elles et ils ont été jugé-e-s coupables d’agression avec intention de causer de sérieux dégâts humains, d’incendie, de dégradations aggravées et d’atteinte à la propriété. C’est un exemple de la terrible injustice qui est menée contre les militant-e-s de la classe ouvrière noire et cela pourrait avoir de dangereuses répercussions pour les luttes à venir de la classe ouvrière noire et des pauvres en Afrique du Sud, si on ne combat pas cette décision de justice. Les gens doivent être mis-es au courant des faits et des actions doivent être menées pour demander justice et pour combattre la criminalisation de la pauvreté et des mouvements sociaux. read full story / add a comment
africa meridionale / repressione / prigionieri / comunicato stampa Friday August 04, 2017 15:27 byZabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   text 5 comments (last - friday april 19, 2024 10:56)
Nel febbraio del 2015, 4 attivisti comunitari di Boiketlong in the Vaal, a sud di Johannesburg, furono condannati ognuno a 16 anni di prigione a seguito di una protesta comunitaria. Si tratta di una sentenza molto severa e la condanna si basò su prove incerte. I 4 di Boiketlong vennero arrestati per aver attaccato, secondo quanto riportato, il locale consigliere distrettuale dell’ANC e aver appiccato il fuoco alla sua abitazione e a due macchine durante la protesta comunitaria. I 4 furono perciò condannati per assalto con l’intento di causare gravi lesioni personali, incendio e danneggiamento volontario della proprietà. Questo è un esempio della terribile ingiustizia perpetrata contro attivisti proletari neri e potrebbe avere pericolose ripercussioni per le future lotte della classe lavoratrice nera e dei poveri in Sud Africa, se non combattuta. La gente deve essere consapevole di ciò e attivarsi per chiedere giustizia e combattere la criminalizzazione della povertà e della protesta. read full story / add a comment
África austral / represión / presos / comunicado de prensa Friday August 04, 2017 03:51 byZabalaza Anarchist Communist Front
En febrero de 2015, cuatro militantes de Boiketlong in the Vaal, sur de Johannesburgo, fueron sentenciados a 16 años en prisión después de una protesta en su comunidad. Esta es una sentencia muy severa y está basada en una evidencia muy débil. Los cuatro de Boiketlong fueron arrestados por atacar al concejal local de la ANC (Consejo Nacional Africano, partido del fallecido Nelson Mandela) e incendiar su casa y dos autos durante la protesta de la comunidad. Fueron arrestados por daños corporales graves, incendios intencionales y daño intencional a la propiedad. Este es un ejemplo de una terrible injusticia perpetrada contra la los militantes trabajadores negros y puede tener peligrosas repercusiones en futuras luchas de los trabajadores negros y pobres en Sudáfrica si no es combatido. La gente debe ser advertida de estos hechos e iniciar acciones para reclamar justicia y luchar contra la criminalización de la pobreza y la protesta. read full story / add a comment
southern africa / repression / prisoners / press release Wednesday July 26, 2017 04:50 byZabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   image 1 image
In February 2015, four community activists from Boiketlong in the Vaal, south of Johannesburg, were sentenced to 16 years in prison each following a community protest. This is a very severe sentence and the conviction was based on shaky evidence. The ‘Boiketlong Four’ were arrested for allegedly attacking the local ANC ward councillor and setting fire to her shack and two cars during a community protest. They were convicted of assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, arson and malicious injury to property. This is an example of a terrible injustice perpetrated against black working class activists and could have dangerous repercussions for future struggles of the black working class and poor in South Africa if it is not fought. People need to be aware of the facts and take action to demand justice and to fight the criminalisation of poverty and protest.
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FAU – 60 years of struggle for socialism and freedom!
argentina / uruguay / paraguay / anarchist movement / press release Sunday October 30, 2016 03:54 byZabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   image 1 image
We, militants of the Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front (ZACF), send you a big clenched fist salute and revolutionary internationalist greetings on this the historic occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the founding of the Federación Anarquista Uruguaya (FAU) – commemorating 60 years of struggle for freedom and socialism. It has been a long and no doubt hard and bumpy road since 1956. We honour the many FAU militants who, like Alberto “Pocho” Mechoso, gave up their freedom and even their lives in the struggle for freedom and socialism. Yet, after all is said and done, you are celebrating another milestone, another anniversary. You continue to keep the red and black banner of class struggle anarchism alive and well on the Latin American continent – holding it up as an example for all to see. read full story / add a comment
C’de Bobo addressing the crowd at the “Reclaim June 16” demonstration in Soweto, 2009.
southern africa / history of anarchism / feature Monday October 03, 2016 19:07 byZabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   text 3 comments (last - monday october 03, 2016 06:12)   image 2 images
The ZACF is saddened to learn of the passing away of comrade Bobo Makhoba in Soweto this Thursday 29 September, at the age of 41, after a long illness. He is survived by his son, to whom we extend our deepest sympathies and condolences – as we do to the rest of his family, friends and comrades.

Bobo was a founding member of the ZACF as well as one of the original guerilla electricians for the Soweto Electricity Crisis Committee’s Operation Khanyisa campaign, which illegally reconnected thousands of households’ electricity after it was cut off for non-payment – forcing Eskom, the state electricity utility, to scrap arrears for thousands of Sowetans. read full story / add a comment
southern africa / anarchist movement / interview Friday September 23, 2016 02:34 bySosyal Savaş – Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   image 1 image
Dear comrades, glad to meet and to create a transcontinental communication and solidarity with you. We are an anarchist magazine/website from Turkey/Kurdistan. We can not say that we label ourselves anarcho-communists but mostly we agree in principles of solidarity, mutual aid, organized struggle and a world without bosses, states, ruling classes etc. the most important thing is for us to be in solidarity with all anarchists, libertarians and social movements which seek to destroy capitalism, states and dominations of all kinds. Only way to achieve success in class war against capitalism and its all apparatus, is to organize, to stay in touch/contact and to stay strong against it together. There are lots of documents about ZACF but mostly English. We have very few sources in turkish. So that we feel to inform anarchists and libertarians who are reading and speaking turkish about your long term struggle in South Africa. So that we have some questions which our comrades may wonder about you? Here are questions:
[Türkçe] read full story / add a comment
güney afrika / anarşist hareketin / interview Friday September 23, 2016 02:13 bySosyal Savaş – Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   image 1 image
Sevgili yoldaşlar, sizlerle tanışmak ve kıtalar arası bir iletişim ve bağlılık kurabildiğim için memnunum. Biz Türkiye/Kürdistan’dan anarşist bir dergi ve haber portalıyız. Kendimizi anarşi-komünist olarak tanımladığımızı söyleyemeyiz ancak genel olarak komünizm, dayanışma, karşılıklı yardımlaşma, örgütlü dayanışma ve patronların olmadığı bir dünya görüşü gibi prensiplerde sizlerle hem fikiriz. Kapitalizme karşı yürüttüğümüz sınıf savaşında başarı elde etmemizin tek yolu örgütlü olmak, bağlantıda kalmak ve onlara karşı birlikte güçlü bir şekilde durmaktır. ZACF hakkında bir sürü dosya ve doküman olmasına rağmen çoğu İngilizcedir. Türkçe kaynaklar çok az miktardadır. Arzumuz Türkçe yazıp konuşan anarşist ve liberter yoldaşlarımızı Güney Afrika’daki uzun süreli mücadeleniz hakkında bilgilendirmektir. Bu nedenle yoldaşlarımızın merak edebileceği bazı sorularımız olacak. İşte sorular:
[English] read full story / add a comment
southern africa / anarchist movement / press release Friday February 19, 2016 10:46 byZabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   text 39 comments (last - tuesday october 04, 2016 16:25)   image 1 image
19th February 2016 The following is the official statement of the Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front (ZACF) of South Africa on the controversy that erupted around Michael Schmidt, a South African activist, several months ago. It follows a careful collective discussion process and research and comes several weeks after the last installment in a series of articles claiming to be an expose of Schmidt. As we are also committed to a number of ongoing workshops, activities and publications, our time was limited. It has two main aims: to outline our position on the claims made for, and against, Schmidt, and to respond to a number of false statements that have been made about the ZACF in the course of the developing Schmidt affair. The statement opens with an executive summary, followed by a much more extensive discussion. The statement was collectively crafted and issued by the ZACF: Questions and requests for comment should be addressed to with a clearly-identifiable subject line (Please note that we will not be responding to questions, queries or claims from people using pseudonyms or otherwise concealing their identities. Organisational affiliation, if any, should please be stated). * Please note that a much earlier draft seems to have leaked online, labelled “Consolidated ZACF statement v18.docx” at 84kb, dated 22 December 2015. Our documents go through a process of collective writing and criticism and fact-checking, so THIS version (the one you are reading now) is the correct one, with significant changes from earlier versions. All previous drafts are made null-and-void by this final version and have no standing whatsoever, and we will not enter into discussion of such drafts. read full story / add a comment
África austral / represión / presos / comunicado de prensa Thursday October 29, 2015 16:14 byZabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   image 1 image
Sudáfrica, 16 de Octubre de 2015: En la noche del Viernes 9 de Octubre de 2015, un militante de Zabalaza fue amenazado con violencia por su militancia política por un grupo de jóvenes, en el empobrecido barrio de Khutsog (Oeste de Johannesburgo). En la mañana siguiente, una escuela de formación política que él y otros compañeros llevan adelante en el área, fue interrumpida a la fuerza por una multitud aún más grande.
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África austral / repressão / prisioneiros / comunicado de imprensa Thursday October 29, 2015 16:08 byZabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   image 1 image
África do Sul, 16 de outubro de 2015: Na noite de sexta-feira, 9 de outubro de 2015, um militante da Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front (Frente Anarquista-Comunista Zabalaza) do pobre município de Khutsong (oeste de Johannesburg), foi ameaçado com violência pelo seu trabalho político por um grupo de jovens. Na manhã seguinte, uma escola política que ele e outro membro organizam na área foi forçada a interromper suas atividades por um grupo ainda maior. read full story / add a comment
africa meridionale / repressione / prigionieri / comunicato stampa Sunday October 25, 2015 20:24 byZabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   image 2 images
Sud Africa, 16 ottobre 2015: la sera del 9 ottobre un militante dello Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front nel quartiere proletario nero di Khutsong (Johannesburg ovest), è stato minacciato con violenza d parte di un gruppo di giovani per il suo lavoro politico. [English] read full story / add a comment
région sud de l'afrique / répression / prisonniers et prisonnières / communiqué de presse Saturday October 24, 2015 06:30 byZabalaza Anarchist Communist Front
Traduction française du communiqué de Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front (ZACF), organisation sud-africaine qui subit la répression. [English] read full story / add a comment
southern africa / repression / prisoners / feature Friday October 16, 2015 16:18 byZabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   text 44 comments (last - tuesday december 15, 2015 15:06)   image 2 images
South Africa, 16 October 2015: On the evening of Friday 9 October 2015, a militant of the Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front in the impoverished black township of Khutsong (west of Johannesburg), was threatened with violence for his political work by a group of youths. The next morning, a political school that he and another member run in the area, was forcibly disrupted by an even larger mob. [Français] [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
southern africa / anarchist movement / link to pdf Monday August 17, 2015 23:16 byZabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   text 23 comments (last - thursday june 22, 2023 01:33)   image 1 image
Issue number 14 of the Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front's journal, Zabalaza: A Journal of Southern African Revolutionary Anarchism, published August 2015, is now available online read full story / add a comment
Sam Mbah
africa occidentale / movimento anarchico / comunicato stampa Sunday December 14, 2014 14:55 byZabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   image 1 image
Il Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front esprime la sua più profonda tristezza per la morte di San Mbah, un grande uomo, un fratello africano, un nostro compagno di lotta. Esprimiamo le nostre più sincere condoglianze a tutti coloro che conoscevano Sam. Ci sia di conforto sapere che il tempo da egli ha trascorso con noi è stato assolutamente di grande aiuto. [English] read full story / add a comment
région sud de l'afrique / mouvement anarchiste / communiqué de presse Friday December 12, 2014 07:49 byZabalaza Anarchist Communist Front
Le Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front [Ndt. Organisation communiste libertaire d’Afrique du Sud] est profondément attristé d’apprendre la mort d’un grand être humain, un frère africain et un camarade de lutte – Sam Mbah. Nous voudrions envoyer nos plus sincères sympathies à ceux et celles qui ont connu Sam. Nous espérons que vous puissiez vous consoler par le fait qu’il a fait le plus pleinement usage du temps passé avec nous. read full story / add a comment
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