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bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / movimiento anarquista / debate Thursday October 05, 2023 02:24 by ASamblea Anarquista Valparaíso y Federación Anarquista Santiago   text 2 comments (last - tuesday april 16, 2024 16:00)   image 1 image
En el marco de los 50 años del golpe cívico-militar en los territorios dominados por el Estado chileno, realizaremos, en la ciudad de Santiago y en Valparaíso, un foro conversatorio en el que compartiremos nuestras reflexiones sobre lo que significó el golpe para nuestra clase y la organización popular, así como sobre los desafíos y tareas del anarquismo hoy read full story / add a comment
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / historia / opinión / análisis Tuesday September 12, 2023 05:10 by ASamblea Anarquista de Valparaíso y Federación Anarquista de Santiago   text 2 comments (last - thursday november 30, 2023 23:12)   image 1 image
El terror fue desatado sistemáticamente desde el Estado y cayó la noche sobre la alegría de los pueblos. La contra revolución capitalista se abrió paso brutalmente con una imparable avanzada de muerte, tortura, violencia sexual y desaparición forzada, a la vez que llevaba a cabo la misión estratégica de desarticular todas las expresiones comunitarias en donde la vida fuera resuelta de manera solidaria, colectiva y en autogestión. La dictadura cívico-militar se desplegó tácticamente en múltiples dimensiones para sembrar el miedo en la sociedad, con el fin de desmantelar la fuerza social organizada que había hecho posible la experiencia socialista en la región chilena. Estos procesos de desmantelamiento político, social y emocional de gran parte de la clase organizada han provocado una herida colectiva, profunda y traumática, herida que la impunidad y los pactos de silencio institucionales mantienen abierta hasta el día de hoy y que ha traído múltiples consecuencias en la experiencia vital colectiva de todxs quienes hemos crecido en estos territorios los últimos 50 años y más. read full story / add a comment
Ως κοινωνία και ως αγωνιζόμενοι για την ατομική και κοινωνική απελευθέρωση να αγωνιστούμε οργανωμένα για τις συνθήκες της ζωής μας και για να πάρουμε εμείς, οι παραγωγοί του πλούτου, τις αποφάσεις στα χέρια μας για να μην υπάρξει ξανά φτώχεια, θάνατος, καταστροφή. read full story / add a comment
south-east asia / history / non-anarchist press Tuesday December 31, 2019 05:37 by Sameer Pandey   text 4 comments (last - saturday april 06, 2024 21:05)
Historically labour has always found itself at the unfortunate end of the table, denied the fruits of its labour. Organised labour has, therefore, always tried to alter the balance of power in society. Sometimes unions have attempting to align with state power, to try push it towards the side of the workers. Sometimes unions have instead developed organisational strategies that look beyond state power. In India, as elsewhere, “political unionism” – where unions support a political party aiming at state power – has been very common. This short article will critically discuss the history of “political unionism” in India. It will argue the need for a change in the strategic outlook of unions, towards working outside the state, building movements that refuse to participate in the state but aim instead to pressure it for reform where possible, through bottom-up mobilisation. read full story / add a comment
Alan at anti-fascist demo in the 1990s.
ireland / britain / anarchist movement / news report Thursday December 06, 2018 16:02 by Sam   text 1 comment (last - wednesday july 05, 2023 23:38)   image 1 image
We learned at lunchtime today of the tragic news that Alan MacSimóin has died. It was sudden and hit us hard. Alan was a social historian, political activist, trade unionist and great supporter of the Come Here To Me! project from day one. read full story / add a comment
america centrale / caraibi / la sinistra / opinione / analisi Friday December 02, 2016 06:57 by Samuel Farber   image 1 image
Dopo una lunga malattia che lo ha costretto a ritirarsi dalla carica nel luglio 2006, Fidel Castro è morto lo scorso 25 novembre. Nel corso della sua vita Castro era sopravvissuto a molti sforzi degli Stati Uniti per rovesciare il suo governo ed anche eliminarlo fisicamente, vedi la sponsorizzazione di invasioni, numerosi tentativi di assassinio e attacchi terroristici. Castro ha tenuto il potere politico supremo a Cuba per più di 47 anni, e anche dopo aver lasciato il suo alto ufficio ha continuato ad essere politicamente impegnato per diversi anni incontrando numerose personalità straniere e scrivendo le sue Reflexiones sulla stampa del Partito Comunista Cubano. [English] [Castellano] read full story / add a comment
central america / caribbean / the left / opinion / analysis Wednesday November 30, 2016 19:41 by Samuel Farber   text 2 comments (last - tuesday january 03, 2017 10:12)   image 1 image
After a long illness that forced him to withdraw from office in July 2006, Fidel Castro died on November 25. Castro had previously survived many U.S. efforts to overthrow his government and physically eliminate him including the sponsorship of invasions, numerous assassination attempts and terrorist attacks. He held supreme political power in Cuba for more than 47 years, and even after having left high office he continued to be politically engaged for several years meeting with numerous foreign personalities and writing his Reflexiones in the Cuban Communist Party press. In light of a likely future state capitalist transition and the role that foreign capital and political powers such as the United States, Brazil, Spain, Canada, Russia and China may play in it, the prospects for Cuban national sovereignty—perhaps the one unambiguously positive element of Fidel Castro’s legacy—are highly uncertain. [Italiano] [Castellano] read full story / add a comment
américa central / caribe / la izquierda / opinión / análisis Wednesday November 30, 2016 07:09 by Samuel Farber   image 1 image
Tras una larga enfermedad que le obligó a renunciar a su cargo en julio de 2006, Fidel Castro murió el 25 de noviembre pasado. Castro había sobrevivido antes a muchos intentos de EEUU de derribar su gobierno y eliminarlo físicamente mediante el patrocinio de invasiones militares, numerosas tentativas de asesinato y ataques terroristas. Ejerció el poder político supremo en Cuba durante más de 47 años, e incluso después de retirarse continuó políticamente activo durante varios años, reuniéndose con numerosas personalidades extranjeras y publicando sus Reflexiones en la prensa del Partido Comunista Cubano. Dada la probable transición futura hacia un capitalismo de Estado y el papel que puedan desempeñar los capitales y poderes políticos extranjeros, como EE UU, Brasil, España, Canadá, Rusia y China, el porvenir de la soberanía nacional cubana –tal vez el único elemento indudablemente positivo del legado de Fidel Castro– parece sumido en la incertidumbre. [Italiano] [English] read full story / add a comment
Νότια Αφρική (Περιφέρεια) / Λαϊκοί Αγώνες / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Monday March 28, 2016 19:12 by Selby Semela - Sam Thompson - Norman Abraham   image 1 image
Όμως ο αγώνας δεν έχει κατασταλεί, όπως μαρτυρούν οι επίμονες αναφορές αναταραχών και σποραδικής βίας στον Τύπο της Νότιας Αφρικής. Τέτοια γεγονότα υπογραμμίζουν τη συνεχιζόμενη ζύμωση που διατηρεί το επαναστατικό πνεύμα ζωντανό από μέρα σε μέρα σε όλη τη Νότια Αφρική. read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / history of anarchism / opinion / analysis Thursday December 03, 2015 06:01 by enato Ramos and Alexandre Samis,   image 2 images

I woke at 5.00 am. Passos, who had been up and about for hours, was sitting on his bed reading Determinism and Responsibility by Hamon. I grabbed a towel and went downstairs to wash my face. When I came back from the yard, after drying off, I saw two individuals. It was a moment or two before I realised who they were. With revolvers drawn they spoke to me and asked me harshly: “Where’s Domingos Passos?”Anticipating another of the attacks that our comrade had been through so often before, I was keen to cover for him and said that he was not around. I told them: “There’s no Domingos Passos living here!
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Δεν ήταν και λίγα αυτά τα στοιχεία για τα οποία ο Domingos Passos χαρακτηριζόταν από τους συγχρόνους του ως ο «Βραζιλιάνος Μπακούνιν». Λίγοι ήταν αφοσιωμένοι όσο αυτός στα ιδανικά τους, υποφέροντας τόσο πολύ, ως αποτέλεσμα αυτής της στάσης ζωής. Έθεσε τη ζωή του στον αγώνα για την χειραφέτηση των εργαζόμενων, γυναικών και των ανδρών. Πέρασε σχεδόν μια δεκαετία στη φυλακή και σε τροπικές συνθήκες ζούγκλας. Ο Passos έγινε ένας μεγάλος φάρος για τους ελευθεριακούς και κοινωνικούς αγωνιστές στην εποχή του αλλά και στη δική μας! read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / history of anarchism / opinion / analysis Wednesday September 09, 2015 17:34 by Renato Ramos and Alexandre Samis   image 1 image
We do not know the precise year of Passos’s birth (it was probably towards the end of the 19th century), but, from the books of Edgar Rodrigues, we know that he was born in Rio de Janeiro state. We find his first appearance in social struggles of the time as a UOCC delegate at the 3rd Brazilian Workers’ Congress (1920) at which he was elected as travel secretary for the Brazilian Workers’ Confederation (COB). Passos had been selected for that post because he stood out in the ranks of the organised proletariat on account of his intellect and oratorical gifts which he had honed in the day to day struggles of his trade. read full story / add a comment
Baluchi elder at the farm in Dasht. Balochistan 2014
western asia / imperialism / war / opinion / analysis Wednesday October 08, 2014 13:55 by Joshua ViraSami   image 1 image
“Come here, listen to this”, Ali slowly leafed through the pages of the local newspaper, “look, you see this small paragraph? This is an account from a fighter in the villages.” I asked him if he could translate. “Today we lost several fighters but we killed three Pakistani soldiers and shot down their helicopter”. I asked him whether he had visited the fighters in the Bolan Pass. “Yes, I’ve been there in my role as a government official but also as a Baloch, I negotiated with them on the release of a hostage, but I respect their fight”... read full story / add a comment
ISIS Fleet
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / opinion / analysis Sunday September 28, 2014 16:13 by Joshua ViraSami   image 1 image
It's official, extremist firebrand Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader of ISIS, will play the new bearded bogeyman. It's official, he didn’t loot the banks for gold but is in fact being paid by our friends, the good ol’ Gulf petro-monarchs. It's official, we are being frogmarched back into the 'kill the bogeyman' script. It's official, none of this is happening… "officially". read full story / add a comment
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / movimiento anarquista / news report Friday August 01, 2014 18:15 by PenSamiento y Batalla   image 3 images
Durante este invierno, en la ciudad de Santiago, se ha conformado un nuevo esfuerzo editorial de orientación libertaria. “Pensamiento y Batalla” pretende ser un aporte en la clarificación teórico-práctica del movimiento libertario en particular, editando textos claves del anarquismo revolucionario, que rescatan lo mejor de la tradición materialista, clasista y combativa de esta doctrina. read full story / add a comment
Διεθνή / Αναρχικό κίνημα / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Saturday December 14, 2013 19:17 by Erich MühSam   image 1 image
Αυτό είναι ένα σύντομο κομμάτι σχετικά με την αναρχία, που δημοσιεύτηκε από τον Γερμανό αναρχικό, Erich Mühsam (1878-1934). Φίλος του Gustav Landauer, που συμμετείχε στην Επανάσταση του 1919 στη Βαυαρία και ένας από τους πρώτους ριζοσπάστες που δολοφονήθηκε από τους Ναζί τον Ιούλη του1934 μετά την κατάληψη της εξουσίας από τους ίδιους, ο Mühsam υπήρξε, μαζί με τους Gustav Landauer και Rudolf Rocker, ένας από τους σημαντικότερους Γερμανούς αναρχικούς του 20ού αιώνα. Αυτή η μετάφραση έχει ληφθεί από τη συλλογή των γραπτών του Mühsam που εκδόθηκε από τον Gabriel Kuhn με τίτλο “Liberating Society from the State” (“Απελευθερώνοντας την Κοινωνία από το Κράτος“) που κυκλοφόρησε από PM Press. read full story / add a comment
Photo: Reuters
north africa / imperialism / war / non-anarchist press Friday January 25, 2013 03:01 by Joshua ViraSami   image 1 image
Exploiting the latest spillover from the two previous interventions in Libya and Mali, which are a product of AFRICOM intelligence and military assistance, they are making rapid gains in their North Africa advance. For what? One begins to ask, before continuing understanding how profitable chaos is, is crucial to answering the question. The ensuing chaos within Mali, expanding to Algeria and set to encompass North Africa leaves scope for a state of permanent low level war. This low level war is nothing new, it’s taking place as you read this over nearly all of the globalised world claiming millions of lives: described by John Pilger as the Third World War. This expanding theatre of the ‘war on terror’, which I will later explore, provides ample opportunity within its vast marketplace for hordes of corporations to destroy, ravage, rebuild and beautify entire nations. read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / genero / opinione / analisi Tuesday March 27, 2012 19:42 by DiverSamente Occupate
Circola in queste ore la relazione di Fornero sulla riforma del mercato del lavoro. E’ solo una relazione, non il testo di legge, ma già smaschera il trucco di quella che doveva essere la rivoluzione che parlava ai giovani e alle donne. A loro, le donne, Fornero dedica un intero paragrafo: Interventi per una maggiore inclusione delle donne nella vita economica. Ergo, la vita economica di questo paese passa per il lavoro, e le donne, ancora una volta, vanno “tutelate”, “incluse”. Vediamo come, secondo Fornero & co. read full story / add a comment
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / community struggles / comunicado de prensa Wednesday February 29, 2012 19:19 by ASamblea Ciudadana de Ñuñoa   text 1 comment (last - friday march 02, 2012 04:42)   image 1 image
Bajo la consigna “Tu problema es mi problema” el movimiento social de Aysén y Coyhaique ha demostrado al país que su lucha no es aislada. Las demandas históricas de la ciudadanía respecto al estado de abandono en que se encuentra esa región del extremo austral de Chile, obedecen directamente al exacerbado centralismo del poder económico y político del país, así como a su disfuncional ordenamiento territorial. read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialismo / guerra / non-anarchist press Thursday January 26, 2012 05:38 by BasSam Haddad
[Resulta oportuno escribir estas líneas desde Beirut, donde se da una profunda polarización entre quienes morirían por el régimen sirio y quienes querrían que desapareciese a toda costa. Los que no soportan ninguna de esas dos posturas son tachados, por ambas partes, de cobardes y oportunistas; también por quienes integran el campo pro saudí. Fuera del contexto árabe, a los comentaristas pro-Israel no les va a gustar la posición que aquí matizo porque Israel y EEUU aparecen con una luz no precisamente favorable. Tan buena compañía como son... El autor NO postula que esta sea la mejor interpretación acerca de una posición matizada: tan solo es una de las que cabría hacer.] read full story / add a comment
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