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ireland / britain / education / news report Friday November 18, 2011 01:17 by Andrew Flood   image 1 image
Over twenty thousand students demonstrated in Dublin today against the introduction of student fees and the cutting of student grants. The main demonstration organised by the Union of Students in Ireland (USI)also included a Free Education for Everyone (FEE) bloc comprised of rank & file students in disagreement with the passive lobbying tactics of the USI leadership.  USI stewards formed a line with Garda to prevent FEE rejoining the demonstration after they led a breakway protest at Fine Gael HQ. (Pic: From FEE twitterstream
USI stewards form 3 rows
to stop USI members
in FEE joining march) read full story / add a comment
international / the left / opinion / analysis Friday November 11, 2011 23:25 by Andrew   text 2 comments (last - monday november 14, 2011 18:48)   image 1 image
As we prepare to enter the 3rd month of the Occupy movement a commonly heard criticism targets both the lack of clear demands and the related complex and often drawn out decision making processes being used at Occupy General Assemblies. These criticisms however miss the point, against the traditional left with its package of pre-set answers (best before 1917) what makes Occupy different is that process of decision making through assembly. The assembly form is not just a way of making decisions but also a different form of doing politics.  The Assembly is in embryo the different world we seek to create. read full story / add a comment
The Bikehouse SLC
north america / mexico / community struggles / other libertarian press Thursday November 10, 2011 15:55 by Andrew   image 1 image
For a number of years now, the Bikehouse has been an established activist house in downtown salt lake. It's been home to punk rock kids, artists, vegans and alike. it's been a temporary home for hundreds of bands passing through town, or activists who need a place to crash while touring. It has been featured in a documentary by National Geographic, the book PUNKHOUSE, a number of independent documentaries and articles in papers all over the country. It has been a staple in the punk rock and activist community for nearly a decade. It is one of the longest running squats in the United States, and represents a symbol in the social housing movement, and sticking it to the man!! It is now home to 4 people, 3 cats, and one dog... and it's in jeopardy.
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ireland / britain / economy / opinion / analysis Friday October 28, 2011 01:10 by Andrew Flood
An Irish anarchist perspective on today's EU crisis summit decision to reduce Greek debt by 50%, in the face of the recent resistance by the Greek working class. Particularly as contrasted with the differing levels of resistence in Ireland and the corresponding dictat of making the people of Ireland pay 100% of the debts incurred in the Irish property boom casino by globalised finance. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / community struggles / news report Thursday October 13, 2011 00:56 by Andrew Flood
The 'Occupy X' movement arrived in Ireland over the weekend when a core group of around 50 people set up camp at the Central Bank Plaza on Dame street. Numbers grew to a few hundred at times over the next days and nights as supporters came down to join in for a while and the curious stopped to see what was going on. Issues highlighted by participants included the bank bail out, IMF intervention & the ongoing Great Oil & Gas Giveaway. read full story / add a comment
(Immagine di <a href="">B.R.Q.</a> via Flickr su licenza Creative Commons)
nordafrica / imperialismo / guerra / opinione / analisi Monday September 05, 2011 21:14 by Andrew Flood   text 2 comments (last - monday september 05, 2011 22:47)   image 1 image
L'improvvisa caduta del regime di Gheddafi, circa 6 mesi fa in seguito alla rivolta libica, solleva alcune domande difficili a cui la sinistra non ha saputo rispondere. La determinazione di Gheddafi nel reprimere fisicamente la rivolta, l'ha invece trasformata in una guerra civile che ha visto un notevole intervento imperialista dalla parte dei ribelli, decisivo per una loro eventuale vittoria. Questo intervento e il ruolo storico di Gheddafi hanno portato certa sinistra a prendere le sue parti nel corso della guerra civile, mentre altre organizzazioni hanno cercato di bilanciare l'appoggio della "primavera araba", giunta anche in Libia, con l'opposizione all'imperialismo. [English] read full story / add a comment
north africa / imperialism / war / opinion / analysis Thursday August 25, 2011 22:29 by Andrew Flood   text 23 comments (last - thursday october 27, 2011 23:41)
The sudden end of the Gaddafi regime some 6 months after the start of the Libyan revolt leaves some difficult questions unanswered for the left. Gaddafi’s determination to physically crush the revolt quickly transformed it into a civil war, a civil war that saw considerable imperialist intervention on the rebel side, intervention that was essential to their eventual victory. This and Gaddafi’s historic record led to some on the left taking his side in the civil war while other organisations tried to balance support for the ‘Arab spring’s’ arrival in Libya with opposition to imperialism. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
Déployement de police anti-émeute à Manchester
irlande / grande-bretagne / crime, prison et punition / opinion / analyse Wednesday August 24, 2011 19:37 by Aidan, Andrew & Dermot - Workers Solidarity Movement (WSM)   image 1 image
Le meurtre de Mark Duggan par la police a engendré quatre nuits d’émeutes dans toute l’Angleterre. Le déclencheur immédiat en a été le meurtre lui-même, mais aussi la goujaterie de la police envers la famille et les amis de Mark. Cependant, les émeutes ont rapidement pris une dimension plus large, exprimant une colère et une aliénation plus générales, colère qui trop souvent a été mal ciblée, frappant les cibles les plus proches et à portée de main. Il y eut par conséquent de grandes destructions de biens, dans des quartiers déjà déshérités, et des attaques anti-sociales contre des riverains. Malgré ces aspects, les racines des émeutes résident dans les conditions économiques et politiques qui régissent ces zones, non pas dans la “piètre éducation” des parents ou dans la “criminalité aveugle”. Ces conditions ont été créées par cette même élite de politiciens et d’hommes d’affaire qui en appellent maintenant à un retour à la normalité et à la répression. Les émeutes surgissent à un moment particulier, qui voit le capitalisme atteint d’une crise profonde. En effet, les émeutes ont eu lieu au même moment qu’un nouveau krach dans les marchés mondiaux. Les deux événements se sont tenus la dragée haute dans les Unes des medias. Il ne s’agit pas d’une coïncidence, car le krach et les coupes budgétaires destinées à rejeter son coût sur les épaules des gens ordinaires, ont non seulement fait monter en flèche le chômage, mais aussi saigné à blanc les services publics. Le montant total des destructions provoquées par les émeutes est estimé à 200 millions de £, chiffre dont l’insignifiance pâlit à côté des destructions de richesses causées par les marchés boursiers. [English] [Română] read full story / add a comment
Riot police deploy in Manchester
irlanda / marea britanie / crime prison and punishment / opinion/analysis Thursday August 18, 2011 21:23 by Aidan, Andrew & Dermot   image 1 image
Uciderea lui Mark Duggan de catre politie a rezultat in patru nopti de revolta in Anglia. Declansarea imediata a fost uciderea in sine si lipsa de respect a politiei in legatura cu familia si prieteni lui Mark. Dar revoltele si-au extins exprimarea spre o ura generala si anxietate; o ura prea des nefocalizata care pandea orice oportunitate. Acest fapt a dus la distrugerea resurselor in cartierele deja defavorizate si la atacuri anti-sociale asupra trecatorilor. In ciuda acestui fapt,radacinile rascoalei se regasesc in conditiile economice si politice din aceste cartiere, si nu in “educatia proasta” sau in “criminalitatea fara minte”. Aceste conditii au fost create de catre insusi politicienii si elita de afaceri, care acum fac apel la revenirea la normalitate si represiune. [English] read full story / add a comment
Riot police deploy in Manchester
ireland / britain / crime prison and punishment / feature Thursday August 18, 2011 15:03 by Aidan, Andrew & Dermot   text 1 comment (last - wednesday june 08, 2022 21:36)   image 5 images
The police killing of Mark Duggan resulted in four nights of rioting across England. The immediate trigger was the killing itself, and the disrespect shown by the police to Mark’s family and friends. But the riots rapidly broadened to expressions of a more general anger and alienation; an anger that was all too often unfocused and striking out at the nearest target of opportunity. This resulted in widespread destruction of resources in already deprived neighborhoods and some anti-social attacks on bystanders. Despite this, the roots of the riots lie in the economic and political conditions of these districts, and not in ‘poor parenting’ or ‘mindless criminality’. These conditions were created by the very politicians and business elite who now call for a return to normality and repression. (Image: By SkyFireXII via Flickr Creative Commons 2.0) read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / repression / prisoners / opinion / analysis Wednesday August 03, 2011 22:16 by Andrew   image 1 image
Last Thursday the Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission released an interim report on the Garda rape-threat tape recordings that were revealed last April. GSOC is the official state body to investigate complaints against the police force of southern Ireland (Garda). The GSOC report contains a major error that suggests GSOC are the source of repeated attempts to spin the story in the media as somehow being the fault of the women the Garda were recorded discussing threatening to rape. The timing of the release of the report was also suspect, coming in the week Shell resumed construction and the day before a national day of action in Erris durig which four Shell to Sea campaigners were injured by Garda and/or private security violence. Such was the level of spin applied that some media made the mistake of leading with the news that the Garda had been cleared of something no-one had ever accused them of - directly threatening the two women with rape. read full story / add a comment
Niente fotografie!
irlanda / gran bretagna / imperialismo / guerra / cronaca Monday June 06, 2011 16:26 by Andrew   image 2 images
Circa 250 persone hanno preso parte mercoledì sera alla marcia organizzata da Éirígí (Partito repubblicano socialista irlandese, ndt) durante il banchetto in onore della regina d'Inghilterra, presso il castello di Dublino. I membri del WSM (Workers Solidarity Movement) si sono uniti alla manifestazione ma la Garda (la polizia irlandese, ndt) ha intercettato la persona che trasportava le nostre bandiere e i nostri striscioni rendendoci invisibili. Questa è stata solo una parte della strategia di soppressione della protesta visibile che è stata adottata dalla Garda durante tutta la visita della regina d'Inghilterra, nonostante avesse precedentemente affermato che avrebbe "agevolato la protesta". [English] read full story / add a comment
No pictures allowed
ireland / britain / imperialism / war / news report Friday May 20, 2011 23:16 by Andrew   image 2 images
About 250 people took part in the éirígí organised march on the banquet for the British Queen staged in Dublin castle Wedensday night. WSM members joined the demonstration but Garda had intercepted the person transporting our flags and banner to the protest leaving us somewhat invisible. This was part of a pattern of suppression of visible protest that occurred throughout the visit of the British Queen despite Garda claims that they would "facilitate protest" in advance of the visit [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / anarchist movement / anarchist communist event Monday May 09, 2011 22:47 by Andrew   image 1 image
The 6th Anarchist Bookfair will take place in Dublin the weekend of 14th May 2011 at Liberty Hall, Eden Quay. We have a full schedule of meetings planned and a varied range of book stalls from a host of anarchist and radical publishers and organisations. Doors open at 10am and the first meetings start at 11:30 so forgo the weekend lie-in, grab a coffee and come on down! Admission is free but a donation to costs is appreciated! read full story / add a comment
irlanda / gran bretaña / represión / presos / news report Wednesday April 06, 2011 00:22 by Andrew   image 1 image   video 1 video file
“Dame tu nombre y dirección o te violamos” - Las palabras de un sargento de Garda, como él discutió con al menos otros dos Gardai cómo iban a interrogar a una de las dos mujeres Shell para los activistas del mar que habían arrestado y que estaban siendo llevados a la estación de Belmullet Garda. Sólo segundos antes, mientras que estaban discutiendo la forma de interrogar a las mujeres una Garda sugirió que la amenazan con la deportación. El sargento responde con la adición de la amenaza de violación que se repite antes de que otro hasta ahora no identificados Garda interviene con "manténgalo en esa posición, dame tu nombre y dirección en él, te violación " llevó al sargento a repetir que una vez más como "O que definitivamente voy a la violación." [Escuche el audio de 2 minutos ] read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / repression / prisoners / news report Wednesday April 06, 2011 00:10 by Andrew   image 2 images
Give me your name and address or I’ll rape you - the words of a Garda Sgt as he discussed with at least two other Gardai how they were going to interrogate one of two female Shell to Sea campaigners they had arrested and who were being brought to Belmullet Garda station. Just second earlier while they were discussing how to interrogate the women one Garda suggested they threaten her with deportation. The Sgt responds with the addition of the rape threat which he repeats before another so far unidentified Garda chimes in with “hold it there, give me your name and address there, I’ll rape you” prompting the Sgt to repeat it one last time as “or I’ll definitely rape you.” [Listen to the 2 minute audio] read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / community struggles / news report Tuesday March 29, 2011 22:29 by Andrew   image 1 image
Last week as Shell prepares to start construction on the final leg of their controversial Corrib gas pipeline & refinery they have faced multiple set backs. In Erris Shell were prevented accessing construction sites by a blockade of protesters on a number of days while in Dublin Shell were forced to pull out of a conference at the RDS. On top of this 22 TD's gathered under a Shell to Sea banner at the Dail demanding that the consents signed by the outgoing Fianna Fail minister on his last day in power be reversed. This public show of support for Shell to Sea by so many elected representatives is a demonstration of how strongly the public have turned against the project and the Great Oil & Gas Giveaway in general. Despite this it is now the Labour Party Minister Pat Rabbitte who is forcing the project through, who this week has refused to reverse the consents. (Photo C. William Hederman) read full story / add a comment
north africa / repression / prisoners / news report Thursday February 03, 2011 01:03 by Andrew   image 1 image
Following the refusal of Mubarak to resign a mob of his supporters attempted to fight their way into Tahir square in Cairo where anti-Mubarak protests demanding democracy have rallied over the last week. Some of the mob who have been captured were carrying police ID's. The intention appears to be to either drive the democracy protesters off the streets and/or create an excuse for army intervention to 'restore stability,'  something the official opposition is now calling for. The UN has issued a statement fearing that 300 have been killed and 500 injured, its unclear if this refers just to today's events read full story / add a comment
oost-azië / geschiedenis van het anarchisme / recensie Sunday December 26, 2010 19:11 by AndrewNFlood   image 1 image
In juli 1914 publiceerde de Shanghai Associatie van Anarchistisch Communistische Kameraden diens verklaring van principes, waarin werd afgesloten met de resolutie dat "de invoering van het anarchistische communisme afhankelijk is van de kracht van onze partij. Als we de kracht van onze partij willen laten toenemen is het ons verenigen als een geheel lichaam en het gezamenlijk optrekken vandaag onze meest belangrijke taak. Ongeacht waar ze zijn moeten al onze kameraden zich verenigen met degenen die de zelfde doelen delen en groepen in vrije associatie oprichten." Het bekendste lid van deze groep was een Chinese anarchist die bekend stond als Shifu, die negen maanden later zou sterven. Hoewel de groep na zijn dood door ging werd het kern concept van deze paragraaf nooit uitgevoerd. [English] [Italiano] [Ελληνικά] read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / gender / opinion / analysis Wednesday December 22, 2010 00:56 by Andrew   image 1 image
Last Thursday the European Court of Human Rights found that the Irish government had violated the rights of a woman living in Ireland who was forced to travel to Britain for an abortion. Abortion continues to be unavailable in Ireland and the court ruling was based on the failure of Irish governments to legislate for abortion under the 'X case' an infamous case from 1992 when a 14 year old rape victim X was prevented leaving the country to get an abortion in England. The WSM was centrally involved in the mobilizations that forced the courts to back down and allow X to travel and has continued to be involved in the pro-choice movement since that time. Below is the coverage we provided on Thursday on WSM.IE as the ABC result was revealed. read full story / add a comment
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