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Ινδονησία / Φιλιππίνες / Αυστραλία / Φύλο / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Saturday October 31, 2020 14:31 bySydney Anarcho-Communists   image 1 image
Μετάφραση κειμένου ανωνύμου συντάκτη στο bulletin #2 τωνSydney Anarcho-Communists*
(Το κείμενο αυτό μεταφράστηκε λόγω της μεγάλης εντύπωσης που μου έκανε η απλή αλλά συνάμα καίρια ανάλυση του, η οποία συμπεριλαμβάνει αρμονικά στην φεμινιστική ανάλυση του τις θεματικές της τάξης και της φυλής, πιστό στην παράδοση του ριζοσπαστικού και αναρχο-φεμινιστικού κινήματος, μακριά και ενάντια στις φιλελεύθερες αναλύσεις επί του θέματος) read full story / add a comment
greece / turkey / cyprus / migration / racism / press release Saturday January 25, 2014 13:00 byAnarchosyndicalist Initiative Rocinante   image 2 images
The mass murder of infants and women by the Greek state outside the island Farmakonisi is not an individual incident and absolutely not a tragedy, since ignorance is required for a tragedy to happen. It is one more result of the conscious murderous policy of Greece concerning the borders. Favored and motivated by the European Union policy of “Fortress Europe”, Dublin II Treaty, the formation of FRONTEX, Greece has installed a murderous mechanism in land and sea, whose stated target is in the best case the torture and in the worst the death of immigrants travelling towards Europe. read full story / add a comment
nordafrica / genero / cronaca Thursday February 21, 2013 22:14 byRussian Anarcho-feminists   image 1 image
Le Anarca-femministe si sono presentate il 12 febbraio 2013 davanti all'Ambasciata egiziana a Mosca per esprimere la loro solidarietà con le donne vittime delle aggressioni e delle violenze sessuali che sono avvenute in Egitto durante e dopo la rivoluzione, quando i Fratelli Musulamani sono giunti al potere. [English] read full story / add a comment
north africa / gender / news report Tuesday February 19, 2013 21:00 byRussian Anarcho-feminists   image 1 image
Anarcha-feminists came today, 12 february 2013, to the embassy of Egypt in Moscow to express solidarity with the victims of sexual assault/violence, that took place throughout Egypt during the revolution and even after the revolution, when the Muslim Brotherhood came to power. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
international / anarchist movement / opinion / analysis Wednesday February 01, 2012 01:45 byAlliance Syndicaliste Revolutionnaire et Anarcho-syndicalist   text 55 comments (last - saturday december 02, 2023 03:36)   image 1 image
This text was a translation from the French, and was published in English in the Libertarian Communist Review, no. 2, 1976. It is an excellent discussion of Bakunin, his method and his views on issues like dual organisationalism and taking power. Therefore it merits more exposure to contemporary militants.

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internationaal / geschiedenis van het anarchisme / recensie Thursday July 28, 2011 00:39 byAnarcho   image 1 image
Dit is een indrukwekkende toevoeging aan de anarchistische geschiedenis. De verslagen, debatten en moties van het Internationaal Anarchistisch Congres, dat werd gehouden van 24 augustus tot en met 31 augustus 1907, zijn voor het eerst in het Engels beschikbaar. Deze bijeenkomst, die in Amsterdam werd gehouden, trok de leidende lichten van de internationale libertaire beweging - Errico Malatesta, Emma Goldman, Pierre Ramus, Christiaan Cornelissen en talrijke anderen (waarbij Peter Kropotkin een opvallende afwezige was). Over een lange lijst onderwerpen werd gediscussieerd: syndicalisme, anti-militarisme, de Russische Revolutie van 1905, organisaties, coöperaties en veel meer. Het meeste hiervan is nog steeds van belang en dus is dit boek niet alleen voor degenen die geïnteresseerd zijn in de anarchistischegeschiedenis, het is van belang voor moderne activisten. [English] read full story / add a comment
international / history of anarchism / review Thursday July 28, 2011 00:24 byAnarcho   image 1 image
This is an impressive addition to anarchist history. The reports, debates and motions of the International Anarchist Congress held between August 24th and 31st 1907 are available for the first time in English. This meeting, held in Amsterdam, attracted the leading lights of the international libertarian movement – Errico Malatesta, Emma Goldman, Pierre Ramus, Christiaan Cornelissen and a host of others (Peter Kropotkin being an notable absentee). A long list of subjects was to be discussed: syndicalism, anti-militarism, the 1905 Russian Revolution, organisation, co-operatives and much more. Most of this is still relevant and so this book is not just for those interested in anarchist history, it is of interest to modern activists. [Nederlands] read full story / add a comment
afryka północna / community struggles / komunikat prasowy Friday January 28, 2011 16:31 byStanowisko Anarchokomunistów   image 1 image
Nasze organizacje pragną wyrazić solidarność ze społeczeństwem Tunezji walczącym o wolność i sprawiedliwość społeczną i pełne poparcie dla bojowych antykapitalistów Tunezji. Potępiamy postępowanie krajów Zachodu i rządzących w nich klas politycznych, tak prawicowych jak i socjaldemokratycznych, od zawsze aktywnie popierających autorytarne rządy Ben Aliego. [Français] read full story / add a comment
international / history of anarchism / press release Friday March 19, 2010 08:12 byAnarcho
A discussion of Proudhon's influence on the Paris Commune and how he raised many ideas associated with Marx first. Extracts from "System of Economic Contradictions" have been updated, along with material from the Paris Commune. read full story / add a comment
international / history of anarchism / press release Wednesday February 10, 2010 06:51 byAnarcho   image 1 image
Property is Theft! is a new anthology of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, the first person to call themselves an anarchist. It is due out later this year. A webpage ( has been launched to make the book's material available to the world read full story / add a comment
international / anarchist movement / other libertarian press Sunday September 06, 2009 13:26   text 1 comment (last - saturday january 15, 2011 01:39) is a new online community and anarcho music sharing forum. We just opened to the "general public" and you are welcome to join this new and growing community!


We are an international and multi-lingual community for anarcho-punks from all around the world.
The website is available in over 20 different languages, and we offer a variety of language-specific forums for non-english-speaking peoples.

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greece / turkey / cyprus / repression / prisoners / news report Friday August 21, 2009 03:03 by(((Anarchográpher)))   image 1 image
Solidarity to Thodoris Iliopoulos, and the anatomy of a Greek anarchist banner read full story / add a comment
international / anarchist movement / appeal / petition Monday August 03, 2009 23:20 byAnarcho   image 1 image
Looking for articles for the next issue of Black Flag read full story / add a comment
balkans region / miscellaneous / press release Saturday July 04, 2009 10:03 byNetwork of Anarcho-Sydicalists (MASA)   image 1 image
On the first day of July 2009, Croatian Prime Minister dr. sc. Ivo Sanader, who is also the president of Hrvatska demokratska zajednica (eng. Croatian Democratic Community – the largest Croatian conservative party, currently holding power in Croatia.), suddenly resigned from his position as the Prime Minister of Croatia. In accordance with the situation, an appropriate metaphor for the Prime Minister’s resignation appeared among the people: “Rats are first to leave the sinking ship”. read full story / add a comment
international / imperialismus / krieg / aufruf / petition Thursday March 12, 2009 06:07 byAnarchokommunistische Organisationen   image 1 image
Im Kontext der globalen Wirtschaftskrise und dem Schwinden der natürlichen und Energieressourcen werden die Beziehungen zwischen den Grossmächten hinsichtlich der Kontrolle über den Planeten angespannter. Um ihre aggressive und imperialistische Politik (Afghanistan, Irak, Georgien, Ukraine usw.) durchzusetzen, verstärken die westlichen Länder die NATO in ihrer Rolle als Herrschaftsinstrument. Als Verteidigerin der Freiheit, des Friedens und der Demokratie posierend, wird die NATO mit dem jährlich stattfindenden Gipfel am 3. und 4. April an der Deutsch-Französischen Grenze (Strassburg und Baden-Baden) ihren 60. Geburtstag begehen. [Français] [Castellano] [Ελληνικά] [Italiano] [English] [العربية] [中文] [Nederlands] [Português] read full story / add a comment
international / anarchist movement / appeal / petition Thursday February 05, 2009 17:48 byAnarcho
Black Flag is currently getting issue 229 ready and we are appealing for comrades to contribute articles. The deadline is mid-March (at the latest) and we need articles on current events -- for example, an analysis of the recent wildcat strikes would be good, or the crack-down in France on anarchists, or the recent riots in Greece. read full story / add a comment
international / history of anarchism / opinion / analysis Thursday December 11, 2008 23:10 byAnarcho
1858 first saw anarchists use the word libertarian to description their ideas. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / anarchist movement / press release Friday November 07, 2008 23:52 byAnarcho   text 4 comments (last - monday november 10, 2008 17:59)
Volume 1 of An Anarchist FAQ is being launched in Glasgow on the 6th of December read full story / add a comment
arjantin/uruguay/paraguay / community struggles / opinion/analysis Tuesday September 09, 2008 02:14 byAnarcho   image 1 image
2000'lerin başında Arjantin'deki ekonomik kriz döneminde halkın geliştirdiği çeşitli doğrudan eylem ve demokrasi örneklerini incelemektedir. read full story / add a comment
international / history / opinion / analysis Friday June 13, 2008 18:03 byAnarcho
An analysis of the Paris Commune, using a new Leninist book as its basis. Indicates what lessons we can learn from it, while correcting various Leninist myths about anarchism in the process. Also discusses how Leninism distorts both anarchist and Marxist perspectives on the Commune and the state. read full story / add a comment

Sat 20 Apr, 19:53

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Support the comrades! imageUpdate on the Campaign for the Sudanese Anarchists 08:45 Thu 18 Apr by International Anarchist Organisations 0 comments

In August 2023, we, anarchist organisations from five continents, launched an international solidarity campaign. Its aim was and is to support Sudanese anarchists fleeing war and repression in their country and to ensure that they arrive safely in a destination country of their choice. Six months have now passed since our first call for solidarity. In this short text, we would like to report on the current situation and the continuation of our campaign.

resist_genocide_1.jpg imageRésister au génocide 20:28 Sat 14 Oct by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group 6 comments

L’armée israélienne a ordonné aux habitants de la moitié nord de Gaza d’évacuer dans les 24 heures. Il est impossible pour plus d’un million de personnes de le faire en si peu de temps. Cet ordre ne peut être interprété que comme une formalité de relations publiques et un prélude à un génocide. Tous les travailleurs et soldats en mesure d’empêcher cela ont le devoir d’agir.

10801079108610731088107210781077108510801077_20230924_162632077min.png imageA volunteer from Kharkov was tortured by the military after trying to leave Ukraine 22:55 Wed 11 Oct by Assembly 3 comments

Full original version:
First published on Libcom:

sudan_soli_tu_copy.png imageSürgündeki Sudanlı anarşistleri destekleyin 15:53 Wed 30 Aug by Çeşitli anarşist örgütler 4 comments

Sürgün olmak asla kolay bir karar değildir. Asla bir seçim değildir. Kaynaklar olmadan, gerçek bir çileye dönüşebilir. Dayanışma, bu zor zamanların üstesinden gelmenin anahtarıdır.

[لغۃ العربیۃ] [Castellano] [Deutsch] [English] [Français] [Italiano] [한국어] [Português]

text망명중인 수단 아나키스트 동&... 05:56 Tue 29 Aug by Various anarchist organisations 0 comments

우리의 아나키스트 동지들은 여전히 수단에 남아 있으며 그곳에서 은밀하게 선전 활동을 계속하고자 합니다. 우리는 전쟁 전과 전쟁 초기에도 동지들에 대하여 재정적으로 지원을 제공했습니다. 하지만 상황이 더욱 악화되면서, 수단 내부에서의 사회적 활동이나 정치활동은 불가능한 것이 되었습니다. ‘신속지원군’에게 고향을 약탈당한 일부 회원들은 RSF에 가능한 한 빨리 수단을 떠나기로 결정했습니다. 다른 사람들은 아직 수단에서의 활동을 더 이어가기로 결정했으며 우리도 그들을 돕기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. [عربي] [Castellano] [Deutsch] [Eλληνικά] [English] [Français] [Italiano] [Português] [Türkçe]

textΥποστηρίξτε τους Σ&#... 05:45 Tue 29 Aug by Διεθνές κάλεσμα 0 comments

Οι αναρχικοί σύντροφοί μας βρίσκονται ακόμα στο Σουδάν και ήλπιζαν να μπορέσουν να συνεχίσουν τις αγωνιστικές τους δραστηριότητες εκεί κρυφά. Παρέχαμε οικονομική βοήθεια πριν από τον πόλεμο και ακόμη και στην αρχή του. Αλλά η κατάσταση έχει γίνει αφόρητη και δεν επιτρέπει πλέον καμία κοινωνική ή πολιτική δραστηριότητα. Κάποια μέλη της ομάδας αποφάσισαν να εγκαταλείψουν τη χώρα το συντομότερο δυνατό μετά τη λεηλασία του σπιτιού τους από τις ΔΤY. Άλλα αποφάσισαν να παραμείνουν προς το παρόν και προσπαθούμε να τα βοηθήσουμε και αυτά.
[عربي] [Castellano] [Deutsch] [English] [Français] [Italiano] [한국어] [Português] [Türkçe]

دعم اللاسلطويين السودانيين في المنفى imageدعم اللاسلطويين ... 18:27 Sun 27 Aug by اللاسلطويين 1 comments

لا يزال رفاقنا الاناركيين في السودان يأملون أن يتمكنوا من مواصلة أنشطتهم بي ادوات التعبير السلمية المجربة والغير مجربة هناك سراً. لقد قدمنا ​​مساعدات مالية قبل الحرب وحتى في بدايتها. لكن الوضع أصبح غير محتمل ولم يعد يسمح بأي نشاط اجتماعي أو سياسي. وقرر بعض أعضاء المجموعة مغادرة البلاد في أسرع وقت ممكن بعد أن تعرضت منازلهم للنهب والتدمير والإرهاب المستمر من قبل قوات الدعم السريع. وقد قرر آخرون البقاء في الوقت الحالي، ونحن نحاول مساعدتهم أيضًا [Castellano] [Deutsch] [Eλληνικά] [English] [Français] [Italiano] [한국어] [Português] [Türkçe]

textSosteniamo le anarchiche e anarchici sudanesi in esilio 02:19 Sat 26 Aug by Varie organizzazioni anarchiche 3 comments

Le nostre compagne e i nostri compagni anarchici sono ancora in Sudan e speravano di poter continuare le loro attività di agitazione in modo clandestino. Abbiamo fornito aiuti finanziari prima della guerra e anche all'inizio. Ma la situazione è diventata insostenibile e non consente più alcuna attività sociale o politica. Alcuni membri del gruppo hanno deciso di lasciare il Paese il più rapidamente possibile dopo che la loro casa è stata saccheggiata dall'RSF. Altri hanno deciso di rimanere per il momento, e stiamo cercando di aiutare anche loro. [لغۃ العربیۃ] [Castellano] [Deutsch] [Eλληνικά] [English] [Français] [한국어] [Português] [Türkçe]

portugais.jpeg imageApoie anarquistas sudaneses no exílio 23:32 Wed 23 Aug by Várias organizações anarquistas 0 comments

Nossas companheiras anarquistas ainda estão no Sudão e esperam conseguir dar continuidade às suas atividades de agitação clandestina. Nós garantimos apoio financeiro antes da guerra e também no início dela, mas a situação se tornou insustentável e não nos permite mais qualquer atividade política ou social. Alguns dos membros do grupo decidiram deixar o país o mais rápido possível depois de sua casa ter sido devastada pelo RSF. Outros decidiram ficar por enquanto e nós estamos tentando ajudar eles também. [لغۃ العربیۃ] [Castellano] [Deutsch] [English] [Français] [Italiano] [한국어] [Türkçe]

espanol.jpeg imageApoyo a los anarquistas sudaneses en el exilio 18:15 Wed 23 Aug by Diversas organizaciones anarquistas 0 comments

Nuestros/as compañeros/as libertarios/as están todavía en Sudán, esperando poder continuar allí sus actividades de agitación clandestinas. Les hemos proporcionado ayuda financiera tanto antes de la guerra como poco después de su comienzo. Pero la situación se ha vuelto insostenible y ya no permite la organización de ninguna actividad social o política. A raíz de que su casa fuera saqueada por las Fuerzas de Apoyo Rápido, algunos miembros del grupo decidieron abandonar el país lo antes posible. Otros/as han decidido quedarse por el momento, y también estamos intentando ayudarles.
[لغۃ العربیۃ] [Deutsch] [Eλληνικά] [English] [Français] [Italiano] [한국어] [Português] [Türkçe]

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imageCarta de Opinión Marzo 2024 Mar 09 by Federación Anarquista Santiago 6 comments

(...) la destrucción de lo que nos oprime no vendrá de una de las instituciones que sostiene el sistema de dominación, ningún tipo de Estado ni de proyectos que pacten con él podrán aterrizar cambios significativos en la autonomía de nuestras cuerpas, derechos sociales para las de abajo o construcción de espacios seguros. El caso de Argentina es ejemplificador de aquello, de qué sirve tener un Ministerio de las Mujeres, Géneros y Diversidad o decretar el uso del lenguaje inclusivo en todos los documentos de las instituciones estatales si basta con un cambio de gobierno para desmotar estas medidas con los mismos instrumentos con los que se “ganaron”. Como lo mencionamos en nuestra matriz de análisis, el Estado es una institución central para el actual sistema de dominación, de ahí que las medidas de corto plazo que surgen desde él siempre tenderán a reforzar su legitimidad. Mientras no sean los movimientos sociales, en el marco de la lucha de clases, los que logren conquistas sociales y políticas, prefiguren la sociedad libre y den la batalla ideológica que se contraponga al modelo actual, ningún cambio será duradero ni podrá movilizar y articular a las de abajo por su defensa. En síntesis, no será garantía ni certeza de nada.

imageCarta de Opinión Enero 2024 Jan 29 by Federación Anarquista Santiago 4 comments

En el plano internacional, el genocidio sobre el pueblo de palestina continúa; el Estado de Israel con el apoyo de EEUU, la Unión Europea y el mundo occidental en general, llevan meses realizando una política sistemática de aniquilación de la población de Gaza. Por nuestra parte no nos extraviamos en laberintos epistémicos y nos solidarizamos con la resistencia palestina en Gaza y Cisjordania. Sin embargo, no hay que mirar solamente al sionismo y su política de muerte, en Wallmapu se vive una guerra sucia sin la extensión y crudeza de Gaza, pero con el mismo objetivo: la erradicación de quienes se oponen a los opresores. En el territorio ancestral mapuche, el gobierno progresista ha sostenido una militarización sin precedentes, buscando desarticular el movimiento autónomo mapuche por medio del terrorismo de Estado. A día de hoy existen más de 60 presxs políticxs mapuche, las comunidades son acosadas constantemente e incluso desalojadas de sus tierras por la “Ley Anti Toma”, a su vez, comunerxs encarceladxs mantienen una larga huelga de hambre, que ya se ha extendido por más de 70 días exigiendo la nulidad del juicio racista que les ha condenado a extensas penas.

imageΚοοπερατίβες ή ταξ&#... Oct 12 by Tommy Lawson 1 comments

Επιπλέον, οι κοοπερατίβες δε θα πρέπει να στοχεύουν στο κράτος να ενσωματώσει τους εργαζόμενους στη διοίκηση. Οι ουσιαστικές κατακτήσεις των εργατών θα είναι το αποτέλεσμα του αγώνα που δίνουν στους χώρους εργασίας, μέσα από μορφές άμεσης δράσης που έρχονται σε ευθεία αντιπαράθεση με το κεφάλαιο. Οι σοσιαλιστές που στρέφονται στην εργασία σε συνεταιρισμούς μπορεί κάλλιστα να είναι σοσιαλιστές στην καρδιά και την πρόθεση, αλλά δεν ακολουθούν επαναστατική στρατηγική.

imageComunicado Público a 50 años del Golpe Cívico-Militar Sep 12 by Asamblea Anarquista de Valparaíso y Federación Anarquista de Santiago 2 comments

El terror fue desatado sistemáticamente desde el Estado y cayó la noche sobre la alegría de los pueblos. La contra revolución capitalista se abrió paso brutalmente con una imparable avanzada de muerte, tortura, violencia sexual y desaparición forzada, a la vez que llevaba a cabo la misión estratégica de desarticular todas las expresiones comunitarias en donde la vida fuera resuelta de manera solidaria, colectiva y en autogestión. La dictadura cívico-militar se desplegó tácticamente en múltiples dimensiones para sembrar el miedo en la sociedad, con el fin de desmantelar la fuerza social organizada que había hecho posible la experiencia socialista en la región chilena. Estos procesos de desmantelamiento político, social y emocional de gran parte de la clase organizada han provocado una herida colectiva, profunda y traumática, herida que la impunidad y los pactos de silencio institucionales mantienen abierta hasta el día de hoy y que ha traído múltiples consecuencias en la experiencia vital colectiva de todxs quienes hemos crecido en estos territorios los últimos 50 años y más.

imageA Talk on the Ukrainian-Russian War Aug 31 by Wayne Price 9 comments

A talk on the Ukrainian-Russian war, from an anarchist perspective. I reviewed my reasons for being in solidarity with the Ukrainian people. But revolutionary anarchists should give no political support to the Ukrainian government nor to the U.S. imperialists who help it.

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imageRésister au génocide Oct 14 MACG 6 comments

L’armée israélienne a ordonné aux habitants de la moitié nord de Gaza d’évacuer dans les 24 heures. Il est impossible pour plus d’un million de personnes de le faire en si peu de temps. Cet ordre ne peut être interprété que comme une formalité de relations publiques et un prélude à un génocide. Tous les travailleurs et soldats en mesure d’empêcher cela ont le devoir d’agir.

imageSürgündeki Sudanlı anarşistleri destekleyin Aug 30 4 comments

Sürgün olmak asla kolay bir karar değildir. Asla bir seçim değildir. Kaynaklar olmadan, gerçek bir çileye dönüşebilir. Dayanışma, bu zor zamanların üstesinden gelmenin anahtarıdır.

[لغۃ العربیۃ] [Castellano] [Deutsch] [English] [Français] [Italiano] [한국어] [Português]

text망명중인 수단 아나키스트 동&... Aug 29 0 comments

우리의 아나키스트 동지들은 여전히 수단에 남아 있으며 그곳에서 은밀하게 선전 활동을 계속하고자 합니다. 우리는 전쟁 전과 전쟁 초기에도 동지들에 대하여 재정적으로 지원을 제공했습니다. 하지만 상황이 더욱 악화되면서, 수단 내부에서의 사회적 활동이나 정치활동은 불가능한 것이 되었습니다. ‘신속지원군’에게 고향을 약탈당한 일부 회원들은 RSF에 가능한 한 빨리 수단을 떠나기로 결정했습니다. 다른 사람들은 아직 수단에서의 활동을 더 이어가기로 결정했으며 우리도 그들을 돕기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. [عربي] [Castellano] [Deutsch] [Eλληνικά] [English] [Français] [Italiano] [Português] [Türkçe]

textΥποστηρίξτε τους Σ&#... Aug 29 0 comments

Οι αναρχικοί σύντροφοί μας βρίσκονται ακόμα στο Σουδάν και ήλπιζαν να μπορέσουν να συνεχίσουν τις αγωνιστικές τους δραστηριότητες εκεί κρυφά. Παρέχαμε οικονομική βοήθεια πριν από τον πόλεμο και ακόμη και στην αρχή του. Αλλά η κατάσταση έχει γίνει αφόρητη και δεν επιτρέπει πλέον καμία κοινωνική ή πολιτική δραστηριότητα. Κάποια μέλη της ομάδας αποφάσισαν να εγκαταλείψουν τη χώρα το συντομότερο δυνατό μετά τη λεηλασία του σπιτιού τους από τις ΔΤY. Άλλα αποφάσισαν να παραμείνουν προς το παρόν και προσπαθούμε να τα βοηθήσουμε και αυτά.
[عربي] [Castellano] [Deutsch] [English] [Français] [Italiano] [한국어] [Português] [Türkçe]

imageدعم اللاسلطويين ... Aug 27 1 comments

لا يزال رفاقنا الاناركيين في السودان يأملون أن يتمكنوا من مواصلة أنشطتهم بي ادوات التعبير السلمية المجربة والغير مجربة هناك سراً. لقد قدمنا ​​مساعدات مالية قبل الحرب وحتى في بدايتها. لكن الوضع أصبح غير محتمل ولم يعد يسمح بأي نشاط اجتماعي أو سياسي. وقرر بعض أعضاء المجموعة مغادرة البلاد في أسرع وقت ممكن بعد أن تعرضت منازلهم للنهب والتدمير والإرهاب المستمر من قبل قوات الدعم السريع. وقد قرر آخرون البقاء في الوقت الحالي، ونحن نحاول مساعدتهم أيضًا [Castellano] [Deutsch] [Eλληνικά] [English] [Français] [Italiano] [한국어] [Português] [Türkçe]

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