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francia / bélgica / luxemburgo / historia / comunicado de prensa Friday March 19, 2021 00:56 by Vários organizaciones Anarquistas   image 1 image
Este año se cumple el 150 aniversario de la primera revolución social moderna en la gloriosa historia de las luchas del pueblo oprimido, la Comuna de París de 1871. Durante 72 días, el proletariado de París reorganizó las relaciones sociales en términos de democracia directa en
la dirección de la igualdad económica, la ayuda mutua y la libertad política. read full story / add a comment
frança / bèlgica / luxemburg / història de lanarquisme / comunicat de premsa Thursday March 18, 2021 18:33 by Diverses organitzacions Anarquistes   image 1 image
Enguany es compleix el 150 aniversari de la primera gran invasió proletària al cel, la Comuna de París de 1871. Durant 72 dies, el proletariat de París va reorganitzar les relacions socials en termes de democràcia directa i en la direcció de la igualtat econòmica, l'ajuda mútua i la llibertat política. read full story / add a comment
frankreich / belgien / luxemburg / geschichte des anarchismus / pressemitteilung Thursday March 18, 2021 17:51 by Verschiedene Anarchistische Organisationen   image 1 image
In diesem Jahr jährt sich die erste moderne soziale Revolution in der ruhmreichen Geschichte des Kampfs der Unterdrückten, die Pariser Kommune von 1871, zum 150. Mal. 72 Tage lang organisierten die Proletarier*innen der Stadt Paris die gesellschaftlichen Verhältnisse im Sinne der direkten Demokratie neu, in Richtung wirtschaftlicher Gleichheit, gegenseitiger Hilfe und politischer Freiheit read full story / add a comment
france / belgique / luxembourg / histoire de l'anarchisme / article de fond Thursday March 18, 2021 17:01 by Diverses organisations Anarchistes   text 63 comments (last - tuesday march 12, 2024 01:25)   image 1 image
Cette année marque le 150e anniversaire de la première révolution moderne dans la glorieuse histoire des peuples opprimés, la Commune de Paris de 1871. Pendant 72 jours, le prolétariat de Paris a réorganisé les relations sociales en impulsant une démocratie directe et en poussant dans le sens de l'égalité économique, de l'entraide et de la liberté politique. read full story / add a comment
francia / belgio / lussemburgo / storia dell'anarchismo / comunicato stampa Thursday March 18, 2021 16:49 by Varie organizzazioni Anarchiche   image 1 image
Quest'anno ricorre il 150° anniversario della prima rivoluzione sociale moderna nella gloriosa storia della lotta dei popoli oppressi, la Comune di Parigi del 1871. Per 72 giorni, il proletariato della città di Parigi riorganizzò i rapporti sociali in termini di democrazia diretta, in direzione dell'uguaglianza economica, dell'aiuto reciproco e della libertà politica. read full story / add a comment
france / belgium / luxemburg / history of anarchism / press release Thursday March 18, 2021 16:20 by Various Anarchist organisations   text 12 comments (last - tuesday january 30, 2024 00:53)   image 1 image
This year marks the 150th anniversary of the first modern social revolution in the glorious history of oppressed people's struggle, the Paris Commune of 1871. For 72 days, the proletarians of the city of Paris re-organised the social relationships in terms of direct democracy, towards the direction of economic equality, mutual aid and political freedom. read full story / add a comment
international / gender / pressemitteilung Wednesday March 10, 2021 18:54 by Verschiedene Anarchistische Organisationen   image 1 image
Heute, am 8. März, begehen wir den Internationalen Tag der arbeitenden Frauen* und Queers, ein historisches Datum, an dem wir den Kampf für die politischen, sozialen, wirtschaftlichen und sexuellen Rechte von Frauen*, Lesben, Inter-, Nichtbinären, Transgender- und Agender-Personen (FLINTA*s) der unterdrückten Klassen hervorheben. Heute zielen wir darauf ab, die systematischen Gewalt des Patriarchats vollständig zu beenden und unterstützen den revolutionären Kampf der Arbeiter*innen, der von unten ausgeht und dabei auch ein antikolonialer Kampf ist. read full story / add a comment
internazionale / genero / documento politico Monday March 08, 2021 14:46 by Varie organizzazioni Anarchiche
Oggi, 8 marzo, commemoriamo la Giornata Internazionale delle Donne Lavoratrici, una data storica in cui si rilancia la lotta per i diritti politici, sociali, economici e sessuali di donne, lesbiche e transessuali delle classi oppresse, per porre fine alla violenza sistematica del patriarcato e per la lotta rivoluzionaria operaia, popolare e anticoloniale. read full story / add a comment
internacional / género / portada Monday March 08, 2021 05:56 by Vários organizaciones Anarquistas   text 1 comment (last - monday august 07, 2023 17:45)   image 1 image
Hoy 8 de marzo conmemoramos el Día Internacional de las Mujeres Trabajadoras, fecha histórica en la cual levantamos la lucha por los derechos políticos, sociales, económicos y sexuales de las mujeres, lesbianas, y personas transgénero de las clases oprimidas, por terminar de raíz con las violencias sistemáticas del patriarcado y por la lucha revolucionaria obrera, popular y anticolonial.

Propuesta por primera vez por un grupo de mujeres socialistas en la Segunda Conferencia Internacional de Mujeres Socialistas de 1910 en Copenhague, el día tuvo la inicial intención de promover los derechos civiles de las mujeres, para luego convertirse en una jornada de agitación, movilización, protesta, y huelga por y para la vida y libertad de las mujeres y disidentes del sistema de género a lo largo y ancho del globo. Desde la protesta por los derechos laborales y políticos de las mujeres en los Estados industriales a comienzos del siglo XX, hasta la revuelta por el pan y la paz de las mujeres trabajadoras que dio inicio, junto a otras huelgas y demostraciones, a la Revolución Rusa de febrero de 1917, el 8 de marzo como Día Internacional de las Mujeres fue lentamente consolidado por medio de la lucha activa de las mujeres de la clase trabajadora, razón inicial por la cual rescatamos tan gran logro que nos permite no sólo recordar las conquistas del movimiento feminista frente a la opresión patriarcal, sino también apropiarnos de los debates y propuestas que plantearon nuestras antecesoras para construir espacios que nos permitan levantar la voz frente a las injusticias y las violencias de este sistema de dominación capitalista, patriarcal y colonial. read full story / add a comment
international / genre / communiqué de presse Monday March 08, 2021 05:53 by Diverses organisations Anarchistes   image 1 image
Aujourd'hui, 8 mars, nous commémorons la Journée internationale de lutte pour les droits des femmes travailleuses, une date historique pendant laquelle nous mettons en avant la lutte pour les droits politiques, sociaux, économiques et sexuels, des femmes et des personnes transgenres issues des classes opprimées, pour mettre fin aux violences systémiques du patriarcat et pour la lutte révolutionnaire ouvrière, populaire et anticoloniale. read full story / add a comment
internacional / gender / comunicat de premsa Monday March 08, 2021 03:06 by Diverses organitzacions Anarquistes   image 1 image
Avui 8 de març commemorem el Dia Internacional de les Dones Treballadores, data històrica en la qual aixequem la lluita pels drets polítics, socials, econòmics i sexuals de les dones, lesbianes, i persones transgènere de les classes oprimides, per acabar d'arrel amb les violències sistemàtiques del patriarcat i per la lluita revolucionària obrera, popular i anticolonial. read full story / add a comment
international / gender / press release Monday March 08, 2021 02:57 by Various Anarchist organisations   text 8 comments (last - wednesday march 29, 2023 03:35)   image 1 image
Today, March 8, we commemorate International Working Women's Day, a historic date on which we raise the struggle for the political, social, economic, and sexual rights of women, lesbians, and transgender people of the oppressed classes. Today, we aim to put an end to the systematic violence of patriarchy and support the revolutionary workers', popular and anti-colonial struggle. First proposed by a group of socialist women at the Second International Conference of Socialist Women in 1910 in Copenhagen, the day was initially intended to promote women's civil rights. Later, it became a day of agitation, mobilization, protest, and strike for the lives and liberty of women and dissidents of the gender system across the globe. From the protest for women's labor and political rights in the industrial states at the beginning of the 20th century to the revolt for bread and peace by working women that began, along with other strikes and demonstrations, the Russian Revolution of February 1917, March 8 as International Women's Day was slowly consolidated through the active struggle of working-class women. Therefore, we rescue such great attainment that allows us to remember the achievements of the feminist movement against patriarchal oppression. March 8 also allows us to appropriate the debates and proposals our predecessors had and build spaces that enable us to raise our voices against the injustices and violence of this capitalist, patriarchal and colonialist, system of domination. read full story / add a comment
rússia / ucraïna / bielorússia / història de lanarquisme / comunicat de premsa Monday March 01, 2021 20:00 by Diverses organitzacions Anarquistes   image 1 image
El primer de març de 1921, el Soviet de Kronstadt es va revoltar en contra del règim del Partit Comunista Rus. La Guerra Civil s'havia efectivament acabat amb la derrota en 1920 de les últimes seccions de l'Exèrcit Blanc a la Rússia europea. Les batalles restants en els territoris de Sibèria i Àsia central van ser per l'extensió territorial de la Unió Soviètica. No obstant això, les condicions econòmiques van continuar sent nefastes. En resposta, van esclatar vagues en tota la ciutat de Petrograd al febrer de 1921. Els mariners de Kronstadt van enviar una delegació per a investigar les vagues. read full story / add a comment
russia / ukraine / belarus / history of anarchism / feature Monday March 01, 2021 19:09 by Various Anarchist organisations   text 4 comments (last - monday august 07, 2023 17:52)   image 1 image
On 1 March, 1921, the Kronstadt Soviet rose in revolt against the regime of the Russian “Communist” Party. The Civil War was effectively over, with the last of the White armies in European Russia defeated in November, 1920. The remaining battles in Siberia and Central Asia were over the territorial extent of what would become the USSR the following year. Economic conditions, though, remained dire. In response, strikes broke out across Petrograd in February, 1921. The sailors of Kronstadt sent a delegation to investigate the strikes. [Castellano] [Català] [Ελληνικά] [Italiano] [Deutsch] [Français] read full story / add a comment
russie / ukraine / biélorussie / histoire de l'anarchisme / communiqué de presse Monday March 01, 2021 16:10 by Diverses organisations Anarchistes   text 2 comments (last - wednesday may 11, 2022 11:56)   image 1 image
Le 1er mars 1921, le Soviet de Cronstadt se soulève contre le régime du Parti “Communiste” de Russie. La Guerre Civile est finie, ce qu’il restait des armées Blanches en Russie occidentale a été défait en novembre 1920. Les dernières batailles en Sibérie et en Asie centrale se déroulent sur l'étendue territoriale de ce qui deviendra un an plus tard l'URSS. La situation économique, cependant, reste désastreuse. En réaction, des grèves éclatent à Petrograd en février 1921. Les marins de Cronstadt y envoient une délégation pour se renseigner sur ces grèves. read full story / add a comment
russland / ukraine / belarus / geschichte des anarchismus / pressemitteilung Monday March 01, 2021 00:59 by Verschiedene Anarchistische Organisationen   image 1 image
Am 1. März 1921 erhob sich der Sowjet (russischer Begriff für einen basisdemokratisch gewählten Arbeiter*innen- und/oder Soldatenrat) der Marinefestung Kronstadt vor den Toren Petrograds (heute St. Petersburg) gegen das Regime der russischen “kommunistischen” Partei. Der russische Bürgerkrieg war effektiv zu Ende, da die letzte der konterrevolutionären weißen Armeen im europäischen Teil Russlands im November 1920 besiegt worden war. In den verbleibenden Schlachten in Sibirien und Zentralasien ging es um die territoriale Ausdehnung der sich formierenden UdSSR. Die wirtschaftlichen Bedingungen waren jedoch weiterhin katastrophal. Als Reaktion darauf brachen im Februar 1921 in Petrograd Streiks aus. Die Matrosen von Kronstadt schickten eine Delegation, um die Streiks zu untersuchen. read full story / add a comment
russia / ucraina / bielorussia / storia dell'anarchismo / comunicato stampa Monday March 01, 2021 00:47 by Varie organizzazioni Anarchiche   text 2 comments (last - wednesday may 11, 2022 11:58)   image 1 image
Il 1° marzo 1921, il Soviet di Kronstadt si sollevò in rivolta contro il regime del Partito "Comunista" russo. La guerra civile era effettivamente finita, con l'ultimo degli eserciti bianchi nella Russia europea sconfitto nel novembre 1920. Le rimanenti battaglie in Siberia e in Asia centrale erano oltre l'estensione territoriale di quella che sarebbe stata l'URSS l'anno successivo. Le condizioni economiche, tuttavia, rimanevano terribili. In risposta, gli scioperi scoppiarono in tutta Pietrogrado nel febbraio 1921. I marinai di Kronstadt inviarono una delegazione per indagare sugli scioperi. read full story / add a comment
rusia / ucrania / bielorrusia / historia del anarquismo / comunicado de prensa Monday March 01, 2021 00:25 by Vários organizaciones Anarquistas   image 1 image
El primero de marzo de 1921 el Soviet de Kronstadt se sublevó en contra del régimen del Partido Comunista Ruso. La Guerra Civil se había efectivamente acabado con la derrota en 1920 de las últimas secciones del Ejército Blanco en la Rusia europea. Las batallas restantes en los territorios de Siberia y Asia central fueron por la extensión territorial de la Unión Soviética. No obstante, las condiciones económicas siguieron siendo nefastas. En respuesta, huelgas estallaron en toda la cuidad de Petrogrado en febrero de 1921. Los marineros de Kronstadt enviaron una delegación para investigar las huelgas. read full story / add a comment
argentina / uruguay / paraguay / miscellaneous / opinion / analysis Thursday February 18, 2021 19:44 by Federación Anarquista Uruguaya   image 1 image
We present these texts which are relevant in several ways.

On the one hand, "7 letters from FAU" which talk about the importance and decisiveness of the Political Organisation in the struggle, where it is stressed that it is not possible to aspire to a revolutionary outcome of the political accumulation of the popular struggles without such a specific organisation. Political organisation which is not a vanguard but a driving force which pushes and contributes to the popular struggles, but which has as its mission an important area of specific tasks to develop in a process of such characteristics.

These texts date from around 1968 to 1970 and in them we will see these concepts clearly expressed, through the sieve of the language of that time.

Secondly, two "tendency" materials are published, both at trade union and student level, setting out the need to deepen the struggle and also explaining what the unity of the trade union movement is for and what role a student tendency should play.

We hope that both materials will be useful to anarchist comrades all over the world. Health and Up with those that Struggle!
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argentina / uruguay / paraguay / anarchist movement / opinion / analysis Wednesday February 17, 2021 18:53 by Federación Anarquista Uruguaya   image 1 image
Today we present in English the FAU text "40 points for action here", a material of balance and analysis of the social situation and the struggles of 1968.

The authoritarian advance in Uruguay was relevant at that time, as was the resistance to it and the new levels of popular struggle that were developing. In this context, the "40 points", as well as being a balance sheet, mark an orientation of work in the trade union milieu, but are extendable to the whole social milieu, focusing on political organisation as the decisive factor.

It is a material of enormous relevance that is still valid today and can guide the work of social insertion in the most diverse situations. It is very useful today.

The text is made up of several points that deal with the national situation at the time, the political and ideological changes, the disastrous role of reformism in putting the brakes on the struggles and attempting to channel them into the electoral-institutional terrain and, finally, the approach to the method of class-based trade union building and struggle to be deployed in the framework of a general strategy of rupture.

We hope that this material will be of use to anarchist comrades all over the world. Health and Up with those that Struggle!
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