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Search author name words: Alan MacSimoin

asie de l'est / mouvement anarchiste / opinion / analyse Wednesday November 02, 2011 21:24 by Alan MacSimóin   image 1 image
Il y a eu au cours des 2000 ans d'histoire coréenne des mouvements qui ont surgit et lutté pour les droits des paysans et pour l'indépendance nationale. A l'intérieur de ces mouvements il y avait des tendances qui peuvent être vues comme des précurseurs de l'anarchisme moderne, de la même manière que nous pouvons voir les Diggers dans la révolution anglaise. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / history / press release Friday October 21, 2011 06:35 by Alan MacSimoin
The Irish Anarchist History archive goes online on Friday, October 21st. at

This site will be updated at least once every two weeks with new material added.

Our aim is to build an online archive of magazines, pamphlets, papers and books from and about anarchist organisations in Ireland, from their early beginnings in the 1880s through to today. read full story / add a comment
irlande / grande-bretagne / histoire / opinion / analyse Tuesday August 02, 2011 21:26 by Alan MacSimóin   image 3 images
Quand le drapeau rouge flottait dans la province de Munster... Grèves d'ouvriers agricoles, occupations de laiteries, des drapeaux rouges qui flottent et des constitutions de « soviets ». Pas le genre de choses habituellement associées aux années 1919-1923, les années de la Guerre d'Indépendance et de la Guerre Civile. Ce furent des années parmi les plus inquiétantes pour l'establishment, à tel point que même encore maintenant ils préfèrent que ces évènements demeurent oubliés. Les anarchistes, à l'opposé, sont désireux/ses de voir cette histoire redécouverte parce que cela nous rappelle l'esprit et le pouvoir potentiel qui vit dans la classe ouvrière. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / workplace struggles / news report Thursday September 03, 2009 18:39 by Alan MacSimóin - Workers Solidarity 111   image 1 image
Thomas Cooke workers refused to go quietly when they were tossed onto the dole. Cooks had made £400m profit in 2008 and their boss, Manny Fontela-Novoa, took home €7 million. This was not a failing business. read full story / add a comment
ierland / groot-brittannië / workplace struggles / news report Wednesday July 29, 2009 20:27 by Alan MacSimóin
De bezetting van de motor onderdelen fabriek Visteon in Belfast eindigde op 3 mei, toen het bedrijf toe gaf en instemde met extra compensatie van tussen zes maanden en bijna twee jaar geld voor de arbeiders voor het verlies van hun banen. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / workplace struggles / opinion / analysis Wednesday March 25, 2009 22:48 by Alan MacSimoin   image 1 image
It's just been announced that the strike for March 30 in Ireland is off. This is the article from WS108 arguing for it. The national strike called by ICTU should be just the first day of action in what must become a strike wave across every sector until all pay cuts are withdrawn. The super-rich can shoulder the costs of their crisis themselves. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / economy / news report Tuesday March 24, 2009 00:44 by Alan MacSimoin
There is no money left in Ireland. At least that’s what you might think after listening to Brian Cowen, Enda Kenny, IBEC and the parade of capitalist economists and pundits who parrot this nonsense. Yes, we are heading into a deep recession but guess who is expected to pay the cost? [Ελληνικά] read full story / add a comment
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / la izquierda / opinión / análisis Friday December 19, 2008 03:43 by Alan MacSimoin   image 1 image
Artículo publicado en la revista irlandesa "Workers Solidarity" sobre la situación en Bolivia. [English] read full story / add a comment
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / the left / opinion / analysis Thursday December 04, 2008 20:46 by Alan MacSimoin   image 3 images
In Bolivia sections of the local ruling class got so riled up that they tried to overthrow President Morales in September. The US ruling class, in collusion with local bosses, is trying to destabilise political and economic reforms. [Castellano] read full story / add a comment
uluslararası / workplace struggles / opinion/analysis Thursday October 30, 2008 22:14 by Alan MacSimoin
Kara Kızıl Notlar dergisinin 4 nolu Aralık-Ocak-Şubat 2005/6 sayısında yayımlandı. read full story / add a comment
uluslararası / workplace struggles / opinion/analysis Thursday October 30, 2008 22:08 by Alan MacSimoin
Kara Kızıl Notlar dergisinin 4 nolu Aralık-Ocak-Şubat 2005/6 sayısında yayımlandı.
Bu makale ilk olarak Workers Solidarity Movement'in (İşçilerin Dayanışma Hareketi, WSM) teorik yayın organı Red&Black Revolution'ın 1. sayısında 1995 yılında, Dublin İşçi Sendikaları Konseyi delegesi Alan MacSimoin imzasıyla yayınlanmıştır. Aşağıdaki çeviri WSM’nin internet sitesinde bulunan B.K. tarafından yapılmış çevirinin üzerinde pek az oynanmış halidir. read full story / add a comment
uluslararası / anarşizmin tarihi / opinion/analysis Sunday May 25, 2008 03:52 by Alan MacSimoin, 1989
[Liberter Çeviri Kolektifi #3 liberterceviri-et-gmail-nokta-com]] read full story / add a comment
Greek translation of Alan MacSimoin “Whatever Happened to the Anarchist Workers Group?” - Ομιλία του Alan MacSimoin στο Τμήμα «Jack White» του ιρλανδικού WSM τον Φλεβάρη του 2008. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / repression / prisoners / press release Tuesday April 15, 2008 06:26 by Alan MacSimoin
Join the protest in Dublin on Saturday April 19th
2pm,US Embassy, Ballsbridge.
Journalist and former Black Panther, Mumia Abu-Jamal, still faces execution by the US state. Last month the Appeal Court in Philadelphia ruled against a new trial. Thee will now be a new sentencing hearing, which will result in either execution or life in prison without parole.
This man has been on death row since 1982. It is widely believed that he was railroaded to jail because of his radical views and personal history. Among those who have taken up his case are: The National Union of Journalists, the Graphical, Paper & Media Union, International Organisation of Journalists, Nelson Mandela, Salman Rushdie, Rage Against the Machine, Christy Moore, Whoopi Goldberg, Proinsias DeRossa MEP, Joe Higgins (Socialist Party), the Workers Solidarity Movement and the Connolly Youth Movement. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / history of anarchism / opinion / analysis Sunday March 30, 2008 04:20 by Alan MacSimoin   text 5 comments (last - friday october 24, 2008 23:44)
For many years the experience of the Anarchist Workers Group in Britain was used to smear ‘platformists’ as some sort of authoritarian tapeworm within the body of anarchism. It was claimed that our politics leads people out of anarchism and into Leninism.

The emergence of the Anarchist Workers Group at the start of the 1990's was something the WSM welcomed. Most of the people involved initially came from the South London branch of the Direct Action Movement. At least one founder member of the ACF was also involved. They also had branches in the North of England with people from Manchester, Huddersfield and Liverpool. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / economy / opinion / analysis Saturday January 05, 2008 01:33 by Alan MacSimóín   image 1 image
In Ireland the WSM is demanding the nationalisation of the Corrib gas field so that the profits can go to education and healthcare rather than Shell Oil. The article explains why they think this is possible. read full story / add a comment
Greek translation of Alan MacSimoin’s «Anarchism and Nationalisation» in «Worker’s Solidarity» No100. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / community struggles / news report Thursday November 01, 2007 22:57 by Alan MacSimoin   image 1 image
The Workers Solidarity Movement is urging anarchists and other supporters of Shell To Sea to get to Rossport for the day-of-action on November 9th. WSM members will join people from around the country in showing, one year since Gardai batoned protesters, that we will not be intimidated. read full story / add a comment
Shin Chae Ho, fundador del anarquismo coreano
eastern asia / history of anarchism / opinion / analysis Tuesday February 06, 2007 22:23 by Alan MacSimoin   image 1 image
Note on the Korean anarchist movement up to 1940 based on Ha Ki-Rak's 'A History of the Korean Anarchist Movement'. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / migration / racism / press release Monday December 18, 2006 19:52 by Alan MacSimoin
Local members of the WSM have removed racist slogans which had been painted along the canal. read full story / add a comment
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