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West Africa

Fri 19 Apr, 11:41

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Movimiento por la Emancipación del Delta del Níger imageMovimiento por la Emancipación del Delta Níger inicia diálogos exploratorios con gobierno 03:06 Mon 12 Sep by Rebeldía Contrainformativa 0 comments

Luego de un conflicto armado de varios años, donde especialmente se ha visto afectada la industria petrolera transnacional en Nígeria, la guerrilla ecologista y comunitaria Movimiento por la Emancipación del Delta Níger (MEDN) confirmó el inicio de negociaciones con el gobierno regional. Esta confirmación se da luego de rumores salidos desde el gobierno y difundidos por los medios de comunicación, que en un primer momento fueron desmentidos por el grupo rebelde.

Sam Mbah imageNecrologio dell'anarchico nigeriano Sam Mbah (1963-2014) 14:55 Sun 14 Dec by Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front 0 comments

Il Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front esprime la sua più profonda tristezza per la morte di San Mbah, un grande uomo, un fratello africano, un nostro compagno di lotta. Esprimiamo le nostre più sincere condoglianze a tutti coloro che conoscevano Sam. Ci sia di conforto sapere che il tempo da egli ha trascorso con noi è stato assolutamente di grande aiuto. [English]

Sam Mbah imageObituary of Nigerian anarchist Sam Mbah 15:34 Tue 09 Dec by Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front 0 comments

Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front is deeply saddened to hear of the death a great human being, African brother, and fellow activist – Sam Mbah. We would like to send our deepest sympathies to those who knew Sam. We hope that you are comforted by the fact that the time he did spend with us was put to its absolute fullest use. [Italiano]

intervencion_mali.jpg imageAu Mali comme ailleurs, guerre de classe contre guerre impérialiste 23:52 Sun 27 Jan by CGA Relations Internationales 0 comments

Depuis plusieurs mois, des groupes fascistes religieux sèment la terreur dans le nord Mali, et ont imposé une dictature aux populations locales. Composés d'anciens mercenaires kadhafistes, rapatriés avec armes et bagages de Libye, de bandits et trafiquants, ils brandissent opportunément une idéologie politico-religieuse pour justifier leurs activités.

malifr.jpg imageMali: Areva val bene una guerra 15:03 Sat 26 Jan by Alternative libertaire 0 comments

Pensavate che l'Africa Francese fosse una cosa del passato? E invece no, e nonostante la retorica di Hollande su questi temi, così come di molti altri, il Partito Socialista e l'UMP sono come 2 facce della stessa medaglia. [Français]

malifr.jpg imageMali: Areva is well worth a war 18:09 Wed 23 Jan by Alternative libertaire 0 comments

You thought French Africa was a thing of the past? It most certainly is not, and despite Hollande's rhetoric on this issue, as on many others, the Socialist Party and the UMP are like Tweedledum and Tweedledee. [Français]

malifr_1.jpg imageMali: Areva bien vale una guerra 23:19 Tue 22 Jan by Alternative Libertaire 0 comments

¿Finalizó la "Françafrique"? Decididamente no y, a pesar de los bellos discursos de Hollande, tanto sobre esta cuestión como sobre tantas otras, el PS y el UMP son dos caras de la misma moneda. [Français]

arton4148_1_1.jpg imageCosta d’Ivori: França defensa els seus propis interessos 19:28 Tue 19 Apr by Alternative Libertaire - AL 0 comments

Declaració pública de l’organització comunista llibertària francesa Alternative Libertaire denunciant la intervenció imperialista de França a Costa d’Ivori.

325338h413pd1w620_1_1.jpg imageElfenbeinküste: Frankreich eilt seinen eigenen Interessen zu Hilfe 18:26 Mon 18 Apr by Alternative Libertaire - AL 0 comments

Für Laurent Gbagbo ist die Partie zu Ende. Der Präsident der Elfenbeinküste wird seinen Platz an Alassane Ouattara abtreten, der von den „Forces nouvelles“ (umbenannt in „Forces républicaines de Côte d'Ivoire“) sowie von den UNO-Truppen und der französischen Armee – der berühmten „Force Licorne“ –, die für den letzten Akt auf die Bühne getreten sind, unterstützt wird. Es ist sehr schwierig, zu wissen, welcher der zwei Kandidaten bei den Präsidentschaftswahlen am 28. November 2010 angesichts des massiven Wahlbetrugs von beiden Seiten die Mehrheit der Stimmen erhalten hat. Aber das ist auch nebensächlich: Die ausländischen Mächte haben auf jeden Fall Alassane Ouattara zum Gewinner gekürt. [Français] [Castellano] [Ελληνικά]

heavy_fighting_in_ivory_coast___04.06.11_vombxw1z_001.embedded.prod_affiliate.156.jpg imageΗ Γαλλία επεμβαίνε&#... 21:04 Sun 17 Apr by Dmitri 0 comments

Οι τροχοί γέρνουν προς την πλευρά των υπηρετών του ιμπεριαλισμού. Πρέπει να ελευθερωθούν αυτοί για να οικοδομήσει η Ακτή Ελεφαντόδοντος το μέλλον της! [Français] [Castellano] [Deutsch]

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textIL MIO NOME E' DUMA KUMALO Feb 06 by Gianni Sartori 0 comments

Un ricordo di un militante sudafricano vittima dell'apartheid: per non dimenticare

image"Seek Ye First the Political Kingdom"? Learning from Kwame Nkrumah's Failures in Ghana Apr 04 by Tokologo African Anarchist Collective 1 comments

Ghana, West Africa, was a British colony called "Gold Coast" until 1957. It became the first independent country in "black" Africa after reforms and struggles in the 1940s and 1950s. The new president, the brilliant Kwame Nkrumah, and his Convention People's Party (CPP), had fought for independence. Now they aimed at major changes in the society, even speaking of socialism. And Nkrumah proposed a united African government for the continent: Pan-Africanism.

But by the mid-1960s, hopes were fading. There were good reforms in education and services and self- respect for Africans that helped remove colonialism's damages. But the CPP has become a dictatorship, with a personality cult around Nkrumah. Unions and struggles were suppressed. The economy was in trouble. A new elite hijacked independence and resources. When the military seized power in 1966, people celebrated in the streets. Today Ghana is one of the poorest African countries.

What went wrong and what can we, anarchists in Africa, learn from this experience?

textBeyond MayDay Celebrations: Towards a Viable Counter Movement in Nigeria May 01 by Warren McGregor 0 comments

The origin of May Day, International Workers Day, lies in the historic fight for decent working hours that culminated in the execution of four trade unionists in Chicago, the United States, in November 1887. This was a decisive moment in the struggle for a just society through militant trade unionism. In Nigeria, May Day was first declared in 1980 by the People’s Redemption Party (PRP)-led government of the late Abubakar Rimi in Kano State.

imageThe war in Mali Jan 22 by Filistina 0 comments

Regardless of what is said in the media, the aim of this new war is none other than to strip another country of its natural resources by ensuring access for international companies to do so. What is now happening in Mali with bombs and bullets, is the same thing that is happening in Ireland, Greece, Portugal and Spain through debt bondage. [Ελληνικά]

imageΟ πόλεμος στο Μάλι Jan 22 by Filistina 0 comments

Ανεξάρτητα από το τι αναφέρεται στα μέσα μαζικής ενημέρωσης, ο στόχος αυτού του νέου πολέμου δεν είναι άλλος από την απογύμνωση μιας ακόμη χώρας από τους φυσικούς πόρους της με την εξασφάλιση της πρόσβασης των διεθνών εταιρειών για να το κάνουν. Αυτό που τώρα γίνεται στο Μάλι με βόμβες και σφαίρες, γίνεται στην Ιρλανδία, την Ελλάδα, την Πορτογαλία και την Ισπανία, μέσω της υποδούλωσης του χρέους. [English]

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imageNecrologio dell'anarchico nigeriano Sam Mbah (1963-2014) Dec 14 ZACF 0 comments

Il Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front esprime la sua più profonda tristezza per la morte di San Mbah, un grande uomo, un fratello africano, un nostro compagno di lotta. Esprimiamo le nostre più sincere condoglianze a tutti coloro che conoscevano Sam. Ci sia di conforto sapere che il tempo da egli ha trascorso con noi è stato assolutamente di grande aiuto. [English]

imageObituary of Nigerian anarchist Sam Mbah Dec 09 ZACF 0 comments

Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front is deeply saddened to hear of the death a great human being, African brother, and fellow activist – Sam Mbah. We would like to send our deepest sympathies to those who knew Sam. We hope that you are comforted by the fact that the time he did spend with us was put to its absolute fullest use. [Italiano]

imageAu Mali comme ailleurs, guerre de classe contre guerre impérialiste Jan 27 0 comments

Depuis plusieurs mois, des groupes fascistes religieux sèment la terreur dans le nord Mali, et ont imposé une dictature aux populations locales. Composés d'anciens mercenaires kadhafistes, rapatriés avec armes et bagages de Libye, de bandits et trafiquants, ils brandissent opportunément une idéologie politico-religieuse pour justifier leurs activités.

imageMali: Areva val bene una guerra Jan 26 AL 0 comments

Pensavate che l'Africa Francese fosse una cosa del passato? E invece no, e nonostante la retorica di Hollande su questi temi, così come di molti altri, il Partito Socialista e l'UMP sono come 2 facce della stessa medaglia. [Français]

imageMali: Areva is well worth a war Jan 23 AL 0 comments

You thought French Africa was a thing of the past? It most certainly is not, and despite Hollande's rhetoric on this issue, as on many others, the Socialist Party and the UMP are like Tweedledum and Tweedledee. [Français]

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