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Striscione sulla rampa. Foto: Christian Vassdal
scandinavia / danimarca / islanda / ambiente / cronaca Saturday March 07, 2015 16:19 by Motmakt   image 1 image
Il 18 febbraio, noi, ambientalisti autonomi, abbiamo appeso uno striscione di 40 mq dalla rampa di lancio con gli sci di Holmenkollen per protestare contro il Forum dell'Energia ad Oslo. Il Forum si teneva all'interno dell'Hotel Scandic, che si trova a solo 200 metri dalla rampa di lancio. Le ragioni per mettere lo striscione proprio lì sono state due: la prima per la notorietà nazionale del sito così vicino alla sede del Forum e la seconda perchè uno sport come lo sci potrebbe diventare presto qualcosa da trovare solo nei libri di storia se l'industria dei carburanti fossili continuerà a produrre gli attuali livelli di inquinamento. [Norsk] read full story / add a comment
Banner from the action. Photo: Christian Vassdal
scandinavia / denmark / iceland / environment / news report Friday March 06, 2015 00:33 by Motmakt   image 1 image
Today we, a group of autonomous environmental activists, hung a 40 square metre banner from the Holmenkollen ski jump to protest the Oslo Energy Forum. The forum is being held at Scandic Holmenkollen Hotel, which is located just a couple of hundred metres from the ski jump. There are two primary reasons for why we chose to have our banner action at this location: firstly, because it is a national landmark that lies in close proximity to the place where the forum is held, and secondly, because winter sports like skiing will be something only found in history books if the fossil fuel industry is allowed to continue at its current levels of pollution. [Norsk] read full story / add a comment
Banner fra aksjonen. Foto: Christian Vassdal
scandinavia / danmark / island / environment / news report Friday March 06, 2015 00:29 by Motmakt   image 1 image
Vi, en gruppe autonome miljøaktivister, har i dag festet et ca 40 kvm. stort banner til Holmenkollbakken for å protestere mot Oslo Energy Forum, som avholdes et stenkast unna hoppanlegget på Scandic Holmenkollen hotell. Vi valgte Holmenkollbakken ikke bare fordi det er et kjent landemerke som vil gi budskapet vårt den nødvendige oppmerksomheten, men også fordi skisporten er noe av det vi bare kan glemme i framtiden hvis vi lar fossilindustrien fortsette å ødelegge kloden vår. [English] [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
escandinavia / dinamarca / islandia / miscellaneous / opinión / análisis Thursday June 26, 2014 18:26 by Brenda Aguilar   image 1 image
Los políticos y las buenas conciencias no tardaron en poner a Islandia como un ejemplo para el mundo, pero tal vez tendríamos que revisar el ejemplo que nos imponen. Un ejemplo de la viabilidad del capitalismo mediante la administración pacífica de su crisis para así garantizar su rápida recuperación. Hoy día queda poco de la memoria del 2008, las inmobiliarias florecen cambiando el aspecto de Reikiavik, sustituyendo las hermosas casas antiguas por horribles complejos departamentales de lujo sobre los que el ciudadano común apuesta su futuro convirtiéndolo nuevamente en deuda. read full story / add a comment
Høstens kongressdeltakere og observatører smiler for kamera
scandinavia / danmark / island / anarkistiske bevegelsen / feature Sunday October 27, 2013 17:15 by Adrien A. Wilkins   image 1 image
Den 19. og 20. oktober holdt Motmakt høstkongress i Oslo. Denne kongressen var litt annerledes enn de tidligere kongressene. Vi hadde for første gang representanter fra tre lokallag til stede, og spørsmålet var hvordan disse lokallagene skulle koordineres fremover. [English] read full story / add a comment
Fall Congress participants and observers smile for the camera
scandinavia / denmark / iceland / repression / prisoners / policy statement Saturday October 26, 2013 03:57 by Adrien A. Wilkins   image 1 image
The 19th and 20th of October, Motmakt (Counterpower) held its fall congress in Oslo. This congress was slightly different from previous congresses we have had. For the first time representatives from three local chapters were gathered, and the question was how we were to coordinate these chapters moving forward. The Second day of the congress Counterpower was formally founded as a federation. It's only proper that we explain what we mean by it and why we have chosen this way of organizing. [Norsk] read full story / add a comment
scandinavia / denmark / iceland / community struggles / press release Monday May 27, 2013 17:52 by Skrivgruppen Pantrarna   image 1 image
Vi skriver först och främst till våra syskon i Megafonen. Nyss pratade vi i telefon och ni avbröt er mitt i en mening för att säga: “Det brinner en bil till, vi måste dra”. [English] read full story / add a comment
scandinavia / danimarca / islanda / migrazione / razzismo / cronaca Monday May 27, 2013 17:42 by infoaut   image 1 image
Da Stoccolma un po' di chiarezza sugli ultimi giorni e le ultime notti della città scandinava. A Husby, la banlieue dove gli scontri sono iniziati domenica 19 maggio, nessuno é rimasto sorpreso. L'episodio del signore di 68 anni portoghese a cui la polizia svedese ha sparato uccidendolo in casa e, a cui sono seguite una serie di bugie mediatiche, é stato solo la miccia. Andando a fondo si vede invece un paese che risale velocemente la classifica delle disuguaglianze sociali;i tagli e vere e proprie rapine delle risorse comuni stanno dividendo sempre di piú il ricco centro dalle periferie. read full story / add a comment
scandinavia / denmark / iceland / community struggles / press release Monday May 27, 2013 17:40 by Pantrarna   image 1 image
Open letter from the Pantrarnas skrivgrupp (an anti-authoritarian community organizing group in Gothenburg) to their sister group Megafonen in Stockholm. [Svenska] read full story / add a comment
scandinavia / danmark / island / anarkistiske bevegelsen / other libertarian press Thursday March 07, 2013 15:14 by El Libertario
När ett sjukdomstillstånd blir så allvarligt, när en medicinsk behandling motiveras av trångsynta politiska beslut, när patienten blivit fullständigt berusad av sin makt - då kan en historia bara sluta på ett sätt. Caudillon har fallit, och därmed har han orsakat en allvarlig förskjutning i Venezuelas politiska landskap. read full story / add a comment
scandinavia / danimarca / islanda / lotte sindacali / documento politico Monday February 11, 2013 19:15 by SAC:s Arbetsutskott   image 1 image
Il sindacato SAC [Sveriges Arbetares Centralorganisation] esprime un netto NO al taglio dei salari ai giovani, indipendentemente dal fatto che si passi tramite accordi, patti o normative. [Svenska] read full story / add a comment
scandinavia / denmark / iceland / workplace struggles / policy statement Wednesday February 06, 2013 15:35 by SAC:s Arbetsutskott   image 1 image
Vi i fackföreningen SAC Syndikalisterna säger bestämt nej till dumpningen av ungdomslöner oavsett om den sker via pakter, avtal eller lagstiftning. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
scandinavia / denmark / iceland / imperialism / war / non-anarchist press Monday September 10, 2012 22:44 by Mark Weisbrot
Even in the past, Sweden had "collaborated with its Washington allies" to violate human rights and international law. read full story / add a comment
scandinavia / denmark / iceland / history of anarchism / interview Thursday June 14, 2012 23:38 by Olle Eriksson
Sydafrika har en lång historia av anarkism och syndikalism, men denna har haft liten eller ingen plats i den västliga anarkistiska historieskrivningen. Michael Schmidt, anarkist, journalist och författare från Sydafrika, vill ändra på det. read full story / add a comment
skandinavien / danmark / island / workplace struggles / pressemeddelelse Wednesday May 02, 2012 22:43 by Libertære Socialister   image 1 image
Vi nærmer os efterhånden snart 1. maj – Arbejdernes internationale kampdag – og sædvanen tro vil vi i LIBERTÆRE SOCIALISTER KØBENHAVN sætte fokus på dagens indhold som politisk kampdag og ikke bare en festdag; det kan næppe være gået nogen forbi, at det er hårdt tiltrængt!

I lyset af, at arbejdet (og især arbejdsløsheden) igen er blevet en højaktuel kamp-arena, arrangerer vi en 1. maj-demonstration i arbejderkampens tegn. Under parolen UANSET REGERING, ARBEJDERKAMP! indkalder vi til SYNDIKALISTISK 1. MAJ-demonstration fra Gammeltorv d. 1. maj kl. 14.00. read full story / add a comment
escandinavia / dinamarca / islandia / economía / non-anarchist press Wednesday January 11, 2012 04:49 by La Vanguardia   image 1 image
¿Porqué la prensa europea ya no habla de Islandia?

A diferencia de España, Grecia o Italia, que tiene en sus gobiernos a personas responsables de la criris, procedentes de Lehman Brothers o Goldman Sachs, Islandia consiguió acabar con un gobierno corrupto y parásito. Encerró a los responsables de la crisis financiera en la cárcel. Empezó a redactar una nueva Constitución hecha por ellos y para ellos. Y hoy, gracias a la movilización, será el país más próspero de un occidente sometido a una tenaz crisis de la deuda. read full story / add a comment
Ας κάνουμε μια υποθετική – όχι όμως και αβάσιμη – ερώτηση: τί θα είχαν δει τα μάτια μας και τί θα είχαν ακούσει τ’ αυτιά μας, αν στη θέση του νορβηγού φασίστα (και έχοντος απολύτως σώας τας φρένας) δολοφόνου βρισκόταν ένας ισλαμιστής; Ας θέσουμε και μια άλλη υποθετική – αλλά εξίσου βάσιμη– ερώτηση: τί (δεν) θα είχαμε ακούσει και δει, αν αυτό το φασιστικό παλιοτόμαρο είχε δολοφονήσει, αντί για ντόπιους νορβηγούς, μουσουλμάνους μετανάστες; Ο αναγνώστης/στρια που θέλει να χρησιμοποιεί το μυαλό του/της έχει δώσει ήδη την προφανή απάντηση. read full story / add a comment
scandinavia / denmark / iceland / history of anarchism / anarchist communist event Tuesday December 13, 2011 20:45 by Lucien van der Walt   text 1 comment (last - tuesday january 10, 2012 19:08)
Lucien van der Walt från Sydafrika presenterar sin bok "Black Flame: The Revolutionary Class Politics of Anarchism and Syndikalism" read full story / add a comment
scandinavia / denmark / iceland / history of anarchism / anarchist communist event Tuesday December 13, 2011 20:40 by Lucien van der Walt   text 1 comment (last - tuesday january 10, 2012 19:06)
Lucien van der Walt, en av författarna till "Black Flame: the Revolutionary Class Politics of Anarchism and Syndicalism" kommer på Sverigebesök i mitten av december.
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skandinavien / danmark / island / anarkistiske bevægelse / anarchist communist event Wednesday November 09, 2011 22:04 by LS København   image 1 image
De fire møder finde alle sted på onsdag aftener kl. 19 i Kulturhuset STØBERIET på Blågårds Plads 3 (2200 KBH N). Forud for oplæggene byder STØBERIET på lækkert folkekøkken fra kl. 17.30, både for vegetarer (35 kr.) og kødspisere (40 kr.). read full story / add a comment
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