AKBELEN FORESTS ARE CALLING EVERYONE FOR RESISTANCE 15:47 Jul 30 41 comments USA cambió su política migratoria respecto a inmigrantes endureciendo leyes 23:15 Jul 03 16 comments espero 7 – Die neue Sommerausgabe 2023 16:58 Jun 25 11 comments Internationalist Manifesto Against the War 07:38 Apr 15 30 comments War and Anarchists: Anti-Authoritarian Perspectives in Ukraine 19:25 Feb 22 18 comments more >> |
russia / ukraine / belarus / repression / prisoners / news report Monday February 09, 2015 21:15 by ABC
The forth presidential term of Alexander Lukashenko will expire in 2015. In 21 years Lukashenko has managed to suppress almost all social struggles in the country, kill several political opponents in the 90s, and eradicate nearly all of the official opposition. Lukashenko didn’t allow Belarusian society to transcend the limits of Soviet mentality. Any complaint or criticism of the government are met with repression from the police or the KGB. Any attempts of organizing face with prosecution and hysteria from the state. The policy of the government can be described simply as follows: “Everything that cannot be controlled must be destroyed”. At this moment Belarusian state is slowly but steadily getting to the extermination of any dissent or independent thinking. read full story / add a comment
rússia / ucrânia / bielorússia / história do anarquismo / opinião / análise Thursday January 29, 2015 03:40 by Piotr Arshinov 1 image
Este texto -- o capítulo XII do livro "História do Movimento Makhnovista", de Piotr Arshinov -- foi escrito no início dos anos 1920 e reflete sobre as relações entre a makhnovitchina e o anarquismo. Ele estabelece, a partir de uma avaliação autocrítica, os primeiros elementos das posições que serão mais bem delineadas na Plataforma, de 1926, escrita pelos militantes russos exilados na França que se articulavam em torno da revista "Dielo Truda". read full story / add a comment
russia / ucraina / bielorussia / imperialismo / guerra / opinione / analisi Thursday December 11, 2014 15:42 by Michael Schmidt 6 images
La guerra civile precipitata quest'anno con l'intervento revanscista ed imperialista della Russia nelle regioni di Donetsk e Luhansk nell'Ucraina orientale - ironicamente una volta parte del nucleo rivoluzionario makhnovista - e con la mobilitazione lì di forze armate apertamente neo-fasciste, ha sollevato la critica questione di come le organizzaazioni anarchiche ucraine, tanto quelle sintetiste quanto quelle piattaformiste, abbiano risposto alla crisi. [English] read full story / add a comment
russia / ukraine / belarus / imperialism / war / opinion / analysis Friday December 05, 2014 19:02 by Michael Schmidt 3 comments (last - thursday december 31, 2015 22:48) 6 images
The civil war precipitated this year by a revanchist, imperialist Russia in the eastern Ukrainian oblasts of Donetsk and Luhansk - ironically once part of the Makhnovist revolutionary heartland - and the mobilisation there of openly neo-fascist armed forces has raised the critical question of how the Ukrainian anarchist synthesist and platformist formations have responded to the crisis. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
볼세비키 정권의 반혁명적 성격과 그 결과를 러시아혁명의 상황에서 서술 read full story / add a comment
russia / ukraine / belarus / repression / prisoners / appeal / petition Saturday November 08, 2014 15:34 by ABC Moscow 1 image
Dear friends! We ask you to support Ilya Romanov, Russian anarchist accused of 'terrorism', who has already spent a year in prison. ABC-Moscow included him in the list of anarchist political prisoners.
On 26 October 2013 46-year-old anarchist Ilya Romanov was wounded in the city of Nizhnii Novgorod. The explosion which occurred late at night severely injured his left hand and burned his face. Ilya was taken to hospital where doctors amputated his arm. Romanov explained to the police that he unwarily used a pyrotechnic device. In December 2013 Romanov was charged with Article 205 and Article 30 of the Criminal Code of Russian Federation ("attempt to commit a terrorist attack"). read full story / add a comment
russie / ukraine / biélorussie / impérialisme / guerre / opinion / analyse Wednesday September 10, 2014 23:56 by Commission international 1 image
La RKAS a survécu à plusieurs crises, s'est impliquée dans la grève des mineurs, et eut plusieurs projets à long-terme, mais qui ne furent pas sans querelles et scissions internes. Au fil des années, l'organisation a été de moins en moins entendu. Pour comprendre ce qui est arrivé à la RKAS, mais aussi pour connaître leur opinions sur les récents événements en Ukraine, nos camarades russes d' "Action Autonome" sont allés interviewer un camarade de RKAS , Samourai. Version en anglais publiée le 9 août 2014 read full story / add a comment
russia / ucraina / bielorussia / imperialismo / guerra / opinione / analisi Sunday August 31, 2014 16:36 by Třídní válka 1 image
Quando alcuni mesi fa scrivemmo "Preparativi di guerra in Ucraina e Russia: realtà o show?" intendendo dire che stavano maturando le condizioni per un nuova guerra, molti compagni espressero dubbi o anche disaccordo verso un comunicato così categorico. Ora possiamo dire che il conflitto in Ucraina è chiaramente passato dalla fase "fredda" a quella "calda" e che ciò di cui siamo testimoni nell'est del paese è proprio guerra in tutti i sensi. [Čeština] read full story / add a comment
russia / ucraina / bielorussia / imperialismo / guerra / stampa non anarchica Wednesday August 27, 2014 18:17 by David Mandel
Il conflitto ucraino, come la maggior parte dei fenomeni politici, è multidimensionale ed altamente complesso. La sua comprensione richiede un approccio olistico -dialettico se volete. Ma a sentire i portavoce americani e della NATO ed i loro mezzi di comunicazione, vi è un solo fattore decisivo che spiegherebbe tutto: l'imperialismo russo e la determinazione di Putin nel voler dominare e quindi smembrare l'Ucraina quale passaggio interno al suo piano di restaurazione dell'impero sovietico. Secondo questa semplicistica visione, l'Ucraina, col benevolo sostegno dell'Occidente, sarebbe abbastanza in grado di gestire i suoi problemi per avviarsi rapidamente sulla strada di diventare una prosperosa democrazia in stile occidentale. [English] read full story / add a comment
russia / ukraine / belarus / imperialism / war / non-anarchist press Sunday August 24, 2014 16:36 by David Mandel
The Ukrainian conflict, like most political phenomena, is multi-dimensional and highly complex. As such, it calls for a holistic – dialectical, if you wish – approach. But to judge by American and NATO spokespersons and by their mass media, there is only one really decisive factor that explains everything: Russia's imperialism, Vladimir Putin's determination to dominate and further dismember the Ukraine as part of his plan to restore the Soviet empire. In this simplistic view, Ukraine, with benevolent support from the West, would be quite capable of dealing with its problems and would soon be on its way to becoming a prosperous, Western-style democracy. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
russia / ukraine / belarus / imperialism / war / non-anarchist press Wednesday August 20, 2014 19:29 by Roger Annis
The following interview was conducted by Roger Annis for Truthout with Daniel Grigor’ev, a social researcher at the Moscow-based Institute for the Study of Globalization and Social Movements and a graduate of Moscow State University. Among his academic duties, Grigor’ev teaches courses in social and political engagement to activists from eastern Ukraine who attend the Institute's school of political administration. read full story / add a comment
rusko / ukrajina / bělorusko / imperialismus / válečný / opinion/analysis Monday August 18, 2014 02:43 by Třídní válka 1 image
Když jsme před jistou dobou v našem textu „Válečné přípravy Ruska a Ukrajiny – Show nebo realita?“i napsali, že na Ukrajině dozrávají podmínky pro novou válku, mnoho našich soudruhů vyjadřovalo pochybnosti či dokonce nesouhlas s tak kategorickým prohlášením. Nyní už můžeme s klidným svědomím prohlásit, že konflikt na Ukrajině se zcela jasně přelil ze „studené“ fáze do „horké“ a že to, čeho jsme v současnosti svědky na východě země, je válka podle všech definic. [Français] [English] [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
russie / ukraine / biélorussie / impérialisme / guerre / opinion / analyse Monday August 18, 2014 02:39 by Třídní válka 1 image
Lorsque nous avons écrit il y a un quelques mois dans notre texte « Préparatifs de guerre entre l’Ukraine et la Russie – Show ou réalité ? »i que les conditions d’une nouvelle guerre mûrissaient en Ukraine, beaucoup de camarades ont exprimé des doutes ou même des désaccords avec une telle affirmation catégorique. Maintenant nous pouvons affirmer que le conflit en Ukraine a clairement permuté de la phase « froide » à la phase « chaude » et que ce à quoi nous assistons actuellement dans l’est du pays, c’est la guerre sous toutes ses définitions. [Čeština] read full story / add a comment
russia / ukraine / belarus / imperialism / war / opinion / analysis Monday August 18, 2014 02:36 by Třídní válka 1 image
When we wrote some months ago in our text, “War preparations between Ukraine and Russia – Show or Reality?”i that the conditions for a new war ripen in Ukraine, many comrades expressed doubts or even disagreements with such a categorical statement. Now we can say that the conflict in Ukraine has clearly switched from the “cold” phase to the “hot” one and that what we are currently witnessing in the east of the country is the war by all definitions. [Čeština] read full story / add a comment
russia / ucraina / bielorussia / movimento anarchico / intervista Saturday August 09, 2014 17:11 by Autonomous Action 1 image
La Confederazione Rivoluzionario degli Anarcosindacalisti (RKAS - N. I. Makhno, Революционная конфедерация анархо-синдикалистов им. Н. И. Махно), nata in Ucraina nel1994, fu unadelle più note organizzazioni anarchicha che emersero dall'ex Unione Sovietica. Essenzialmente piattaformista, l'organizzazione è riuscita a raccogliere a sé una schiera di attivisti militanti che adottavano un approccio strategico e responsabile alla questione di come arrivare alla società libertaria. [English] read full story / add a comment
russia / ukraine / belarus / anarchist movement / feature Saturday August 09, 2014 15:26 by Autonomous Action 2 comments (last - sunday august 17, 2014 18:47) 1 image
The Revolutionary Confederation of Anarcho-Syndicalists - N. I. Makhno (Революционная конфедерация анархо-синдикалистов им. Н. И. Махно), established in Ukraine in 1994, was one of the most famous anarchist organizations which emerged from the former Soviet Union. Platformist in essence, the organization managed to assemble a cohort of vigorous activists who wanted to adopt a strategic and responsible approach to the question of achieving a libertarian society. The RKAS survived many troubles, it was involved in the miners' strike and had several long-tem projects, but it was not without its internal squabbles and splits. Over the past year, however, the organization has been heard from less and less. To find out what had happened to the RKAS, and also hear their opinion on the current events in Ukraine, our Russia-based comrades of Autonomous Action interviewed a comrade from the RKAS, Samurai. [Italiano] [Français] read full story / add a comment
Ρωσία / Ουκρανία / Λευκορωσία / Αναρχικό κίνημα / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Friday May 23, 2014 06:45 by Ελευθεριακή Πρωτοβουλία Θεσσαλονίκης 1 image
Ο μόνος τρόπος να απεμπλακεί η απελευθερωτική συνθήκη από τα ψευτο-διλήμματα που θέτουν οι κυρίαρχοι όλων των εθνικών -και άλλων- αποχρώσεων είναι να πολεμήσει ενάντια στο φασισμό και τον καπιταλισμό. Γιατί όσοι μοιράζονται τον αγώνα δικαιούνται απ’ την ιστορία να συμμετέχουν στη διαμόρφωση της λαϊκής βούλησης. Έτσι για να δικαιούσαι να λες: "ούτε Δεξιός Τομέας ούτε Πούτιν" -αν είσαι αναρχικός στο Κίεβο- οφείλεις να πολεμάς τον Ουκρανικό ναζισμό, αλλιώς κάνεις απλώς δήλωση νομιμοφροσύνης στους φασίστες. Κι εν κατακλείδι το δικαίωμα στην άποψη και το φιλοσοφείν το κερδίζει το κίνημα πολεμώντας κι όχι ιεραρχώντας τη «δημοκρατικότητα» των καθεστωτικών επιλογών. read full story / add a comment
russia / ucraina / bielorussia / la sinistra / opinione / analisi Sunday May 18, 2014 14:45 by Antti Rautiainen 1 image
I fatti della Casa dei Sindacati a Odessa sono una tragedia ed è possibile che tra coloro che vi hanno trovato la morte ci fossero anche persone che non c'entravano nulla con l'accendersi della violenza. Chi ha tirato le molotov contro l'edificio avrebbe dovuto sapere quali potevano essere le conseguenze, anche se l'incendio non era dovuto solo alle molotov. [English] read full story / add a comment
russie / ukraine / biélorussie / impérialisme / guerre / opinion / analyse Wednesday May 14, 2014 05:47 by Par Antti Rautiainen (version anglaise sur Tahrir-ICN, LibC
Traduction française de of http://anarkismo.net/article/26991 read full story / add a comment
russia / ukraine / belarus / the left / opinion / analysis Monday May 12, 2014 04:49 by Antti Rautiainen 1 image
The events at the House of Trade Unions in Odessa are a tragedy, and it is possible, that among those who died there were also people who played no part in flaring up the violence. People who threw molotov cocktails at the House should have understood the consequences. Even if the fire igniting was not solely due to them, it is not for lack of trying. In case civil war spreads, these deaths are just the beginning. No doubt that on both sides the majority only wants a better life for their close ones and their motherland, and many hate governments and oligarchs to an equal extent. The more sincerely naïve people die, the greater the pressure to support one of the factions in the war, and we must struggle against this pressure. [Italiano] [Français] read full story / add a comment |
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