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brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / miscellaneous / opinion / analysis Monday January 21, 2019 05:15 por BrunoL   image 1 image
The October 2018 presidential and general elections in Brazil challenged that notion. An extreme right wing candidate, Jair Messias Bolsonaro, rose to power in a contested victory. This was the last straw in a mounting political crisis with multiple causes and, the way it looks at the moment, even more consequences. read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / miscellaneous / opinión / análisis Tuesday January 15, 2019 06:03 por Ana Líos Morales   image 1 image
Nos han hecho creer que la cotidianidad colombiana es una novela en la que el show no se detiene y uno tras otro nos van presentando personajes que en lo absoluto son improvisados. Nunca se arriesgarían a tanto quienes tienen las riendas de los caballos que halan la cosa política, aquellos que conscientes van escribiendo, con sangre por tinta, el guion del acontecer colombiano. Teniendo en cuenta que no dan puntada sin dedal, en esta temporada de la novela: ¿Cuál será la evolución del personaje que interpreta Iván Duque?
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Διεθνή / Διάφορα / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Sunday January 06, 2019 20:28 por Μιχαήλ Μπακούνιν   image 1 image
Το κοινωνικό περιβάλλον και η κοινή γνώμη, που πάντα εκφράζει την υλική και πολιτική γνώμη του περιβάλλοντος αυτού, βαραίνει πολύ πάνω στην ελεύθερη σκέψη και χρειάζεται πολύ μεγάλη δύναμη σκέψης, κι ακόμη περισσότερο αντικοινωνικού ενδιαφέροντος και πάθους, για να αντισταθεί κανείς σ’αυτή την βαριά καταπίεση. Η ίδια η κοινωνία, με την θετική και αρνητική της επίδραση, γεννά την ελεύθερη σκέψη στον άνθρωπο και από την άλλη, η κοινωνία είναι εκείνη που συχνά την συντρίβει. read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / miscellaneous / non-anarchist press Friday December 28, 2018 23:11 por Joao Marcio and João Pedro Stédile
"Reformed" captain Jair Bolsonaro already committed to the “market” the handover of all decisions in the economic area to large capital, under the hegemony of financial capital and foreign corporations (as personified in Paulo Guedes and his Chicago Boys, including Levy in the Brazilian Development Bank-BNDES). As per the President’s statements, his will be a government directly headed by businessmen committed to the reduction of the “Brazil cost,” that is, to the increase of private profit. A government with such profile would not only give continuity but also radicalize Michel Temer’s agenda with the aim of implementing the following measures: read full story / add a comment
Εκδόσεις Furtuna
Διεθνή / Διάφορα / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Monday November 19, 2018 19:19 por Dmitri   image 1 image
Οι όμορφες γεωγραφίες του αναρχισμού - Από την εισαγωγή του βιβλίου του Simon Springer: Οι αναρχικές ρίζες της γεωγραφίας read full story / add a comment
aotearoa / pacific islands / miscellaneous / appeal / petition Thursday November 08, 2018 14:00 por AWSM
This is a call out for solidarity with social activist Alex Pirie who has recently been diagnosed with advanced cancer. read full story / add a comment
Διεθνή / Διάφορα / Κριτική / Παρουσίαση Wednesday November 07, 2018 19:46 por Dmitri (αναδημοσίευση)   image 1 image
Στο βιβλίο του "Οι αναρχικές ρίζες της γεωγραφίας", ο Simon Springer θέτει τις προϋποθέσεις για μια ριζοσπαστική πολιτική δυνατοτήτων και ελευθερίας μέσα από μια συζήτηση για τις εξεγερσιακές γεωγραφίες που καλύπτουν τις καθημερινές μας εμπειρίες. Προσεγγίζοντας τις αναρχικές γεωγραφίες ως καλειδοσκοπικές χωρικότητες που επιτρέπουν τη δημιουργία μη ιεραρχικών σχέσεων μεταξύ αυτόνομων οντοτήτων, ο Springer επιχειρεί να διαμορφώσει μια νέα πολιτική φαντασία. read full story / add a comment
aotearoa / pacific islands / miscellaneous / opinion / analysis Monday October 29, 2018 19:16 por AWSM   image 1 image
On 31st October two members of the British monarchy will be visiting Rotorua, Aotearoa/New Zealand as part of a nationwide tour. AWSM has distributed this leaflet in anticipation of the visit. read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / miscellaneous / non-anarchist press Sunday October 28, 2018 04:06 por Alfredo Saad-Filho
Brazil will elect its new President on 28 October 2018. Since the judicial-parliamentary coup that removed elected President Dilma Rousseff, of the Workers’ Party (PT), the new administration (led by her former Vice-President, Michel Temer) has advanced its agenda of neoliberal ‘reforms’. The economic crisis has continued unabated, and the campaign for the destruction of the PT has intensified, leading to the imprisonment of former President and PT founder Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.[1] Finally, the Armed Forces have increasingly intervened in political life, particularly through the occupation of peripheral areas in Rio de Janeiro. Their close articulation with the Judiciary is encapsulated in the appointment of General Fernando Azevedo e Silva as ‘advisor’ to the President of the Supreme Court, and in statements that would be scandalous in less turbulent times, such as the thinly-disguised demand for Lula’s incarceration issued by Army Commander General Eduardo Villas Boas. The co-ordinated shift of public institutions toward an exceptionally excluding variety of neoliberalism was challenged by attempts to rebuild the left through Lula’s campaign for the presidency and, in particular, through his convoy around the country in early 2018, which led to his steep rise in the opinion polls. read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / miscellaneous / opinião / análise Saturday October 27, 2018 05:52 por Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira   image 1 image
Na última semana e com mais intensidade no dia de hoje, Polícia Federal, Justiça Eleitoral, Ministério Público Eleitoral e Tribunais Regionais Eleitorais fizeram uma ofensiva contra a liberdade de expressão de norte a sul pelas Universidades brasileiras.
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greece / turkey / cyprus / miscellaneous / feature Monday October 01, 2018 19:47 por Paddy Rua   image 1 image
As repression keeps mounting in Turkey amidst a generalised economic crisis, we had the chance of discussing with a member of Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet (DAF), a Turkey-based anarchist organisation, the current situation under Ergogan and its implications in the ongoing Syrian conflict and the new balance of power which is being created out of this civil war. Their perspectives are of interest to militants everywhere in the Globe. read full story / add a comment
france / belgique / luxembourg / divers / critique Monday October 01, 2018 00:21 por Lukas Stella
Nous oublions trop souvent que nos points de vue varient selon les situations, notre histoire et notre culture. Si notre mode de vie influe sur nos perceptions, voir d’une certaine façon crée sa propre réalité. Nous survivons sous influence d’un système qui formate nos conditions d’existences. read full story / add a comment
aotearoa / pacific islands / miscellaneous / opinion / analysis Friday July 13, 2018 19:42 por AWSM
Simon Bridges is the leader of the National Party, one of the two main traditional parties of government in Aotearoa/New Zealand. He is currently touring the regions of the country. This is a report of one of the public meetings held on the tour. read full story / add a comment
yunanistan / türkiye / kıbrıs / miscellaneous / opinion/analysis Tuesday July 10, 2018 01:02 por DAF   image 1 image
Yine bir seçim ve yine bir seçim öncesi gerilimli günleri bu coğrafyada yaşayanlar olarak deneyimlemekteyiz. Yaşadığımız coğrafyada ya da diğer coğrafyalarda, seçim denilen siyasi sürecin yarattığı şey, oluşan yeni “gerçekliğin” bir sonraki seçimlere kadar süreceğidir. Siyasal iktidarın şekillendiği seçimler sürecinde, seçimler sosyal ve ekonomik gerçeklikte şekillenir, toplumun iktidarını isteyen tarafların bireye sunduğu vaatlerle geçen bu seçim gerçekliği, iktidarın kazanılmasıyla sonlanacaktır.
Seçim ismi verilen siyasal sürecin, toplumun sosyal ve ekonomik ihtiyaçlarının karşılanması için organize edildiği iddiasının gerçek olup olmadığını soru ve cevaplarla tartışarak içselleştirmeliyiz. Çünkü katılacağımız ya da katılmayacağımız seçim süreci gerçekliğinin iddiası şudur; katılmamamız durumunda toplumun sosyal ve ekonomik işleyişine dair söz söyleyemeyiz.
Peki katılmamız durumunda bu işleyişe dair söz söyleyebilir miyiz? Toplum içinde siyasal etken bir birey olmanın şartı olarak karşımıza konan seçimlerin dışında başka bir yol yordam yok mu? Toplumun bütünlüğünü önemseyen, sosyal ve ekonomik kararlarının bir parçası olan, adalet ve özgürlüğü sağlayan bir birey olmanın tek yol yordamı seçimlerde seçmen olmak mı?
Sorular ve cevaplarıyla, Haziran 2018 seçimlerinde seçmen olup olmama, oy kullanıp kullanmama şeçimini yapmak için yani gerçek seçimi yapmak için siyasal süreci, bu süreçte olanları ve olasılıkları değerlendirelim. read full story / add a comment
aotearoa / pacific islands / miscellaneous / news report Wednesday June 13, 2018 10:15 por Pink Panther   image 1 image
This article looks at the moral panic surrounding supposed drug use by tenants of state housing in Aotearoa/New Zealand. read full story / add a comment
Διεθνή / Διάφορα / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Wednesday May 30, 2018 20:34 por Κώστας Δεσποινιάδης   image 1 image

Καθήκον μας σήμερα να διαλυθούν κατά το δυνατόν αυτές οι «γκρίζες ζώνες», ο φονιάς και το θύμα να μην είναι αγκαλιά.

Στον βράχο του Προμηθέα, ξέρουμε με ποιανού τη μοίρα ταυτιζόμαστε. read full story / add a comment
greece / turkey / cyprus / miscellaneous / opinion / analysis Wednesday May 30, 2018 05:05 por Zaher Baher   image 1 image
This article covers the similarity between President Trump and President Erdogan . It tells the readers that President Erdogan has been dangerous to the world too and probably there is no comparison between him and Trump. The article also covers the role of UK Media about Trump as the most dangerous man in the world but very little about Erdogan while he is more dangerous than Trump.
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Διεθνή / Διάφορα / Νέα Wednesday May 09, 2018 21:53 por εκδ. Σκαντζόχοιρου   image 1 image

Σε αυτόν τον δρόμο, αντιλαμβανόμαστε το Σκαντζόχοιρο σαν το δοχείο που αποτυπώνει μια περιπέτεια παραγωγής ιδεών, στον βηματισμό ενδιάμεσων —ποτέ τελικών— πορισμάτων μιας διαρκούς αναζήτησης, με στόχο την απελευθέρωση της ανθρώπινης πράξης και επιθυμίας. Γι’ αυτό και στην φωλιά του Σκαντζόχοιρου ψάχνουμε να ζεστάνουμε κείμενα, ποιήματα και δημιουργίες που πάνω τους θα φέρουν ακόμα τα αίματα και τις αγωνίες αυτών που τα έφτιαξαν• που πάνω τους θα αποτυπώνεται η αβέβαιη πάλη των δημιουργών τους με τις λέξεις, τις ιδέες, τα χρώματα, τις μορφές. read full story / add a comment
Διεθνή / Διάφορα / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Sunday April 29, 2018 22:31 por Ερρίκο Μαλατέστα   image 1 image
Η αποστολή της επιστήμης είναι να ανακαλύπτει τους φυσικούς νόμους και να προσδιορίσει τα όρια που τελειώνει το αναπόφευκτο και αρχίζει η ελευθερία. Η μεγαλύτερη χρησιμότητά της έγκειται στο να απαλλάξει τον άνθρωπο από την ψευδαίσθηση πως μπορεί να κάνει ό,τι θέλει. Όσο οι νόμοι της βαρύτητας ήταν άγνωστοι, ο άνθρωπος μπορεί να θεωρούσε πιθανό ότι γινόταν να πετάξει αν το ήθελε, αλλά παρέμενε στο έδαφος. Όταν η επιστήμη βρήκε τους τρόπους βάσει των οποίων μπορεί κάποιος να επιπλέει ή να κινείται στην ατμόσφαιρα, τότε ο άνθρωπος απέκτησε την ελευθερία να πετάει. read full story / add a comment
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