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Por 61 votos a 20, os senadores do Brasil consumaram o golpe parlamentar contra a ex-esquerda
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / local contacts / opinião / análise Sunday September 11, 2016 08:28 byBruno Lima Rocha   image 1 image
No final da manhã e início da tarde de quarta feira, 31 de agosto de 2016, o Brasil assistiu pela televisão aberta e por assinatura, a destituição da presidente Dilma Rousseff, com pouco mais de um ano e meio decorridos de seu segundo mandato. A traição teve como um dos pivôs o próprio vice, Michel Temer, eleito e reeleito junto à Dilma, com a bênção de Lula e da direção nacional do PT. Neste breve texto, trago algumas evidências, categorias e debates os quais entendo como urgentemente necessários. read full story / add a comment
Ex-aliados cobram a fatura do golpe no plenário do Senado
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / local contacts / opinião / análise Sunday September 11, 2016 08:20 byBruno Lima Rocha   image 1 image
A manhã de 26 de agosto de 2016, na sessão especial do julgamento do Senado presidida pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), o ministro Ricardo Lewandowski, demonstrou a ruptura entre a oligarquia e a ex-esquerda. Ao definir o andamento do processo de impeachment, o presidente do Senado Renan Calheiros (PMDB-AL), definiu o mesmo como “um hospício” e na sequência afirmou que fez pressão e intermediou a retirada do indiciamento da senadora Gleisi Hoffmann (PT-PR) e de seu marido, o ex-ministro das Comunicações e do Planejamento, Paulo Bernardo. read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / local contacts / opinião / análise Saturday August 13, 2016 02:15 byBrunoL   image 1 image
A Operação Lava Jato é um marco na história brasileira em todos os sentidos. Ao afirmar que é marcante e criva um paradigma, não me refiro a esta operação jurídico-policial como necessariamente positiva. No final das contas, o volume de dúvidas é equivalente ao de certezas. Ficamos na dúvida se a operação criminaliza toda atividade de Estado e nos certificamos que as empreiteiras de sempre são culpadas de novo. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / local contacts / anarchist communist event Sunday July 24, 2016 01:37 byTorontoAnarchist
The Toronto Anarchist Bookfair is on right now! Join us for a weekend full of anti-authoritarian activities, workshops, books, zines, food, friends, and great conversations!

Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th

10:30am – 6pm

Steelworkers’ Hall (25 Cecil Street). Toronto, Ontario, Canada read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / local contacts / news report Wednesday July 04, 2012 01:19 byIlan S.
The social struggle within Israel and support for refugees under intense expulsion efforts draw activist from the joint struggle. The internal repression of Palestinians within the west bank by Palestinian Authority personal do not contribute the moral of the people. The sporadic escalation and deescalation of Israeli assaults on the Gaza Ghetto continue, and so are the efforts to transfer Palestinian farmers from the C areas coveted by the colonialist settlers project. Beit Umar, Susia, and the southern Hebron hills are the main victims. read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / local contacts / policy statement Tuesday September 06, 2011 23:46 byColetivo Anarquista Luta de Classe   image 1 image
Essa é a Carta de Apresentação do Coletivo Anarquista Luta de Classe – CALC – formado a partir do ano de 2008. Ela fala dos nossos objetivos, princípios, atividades, com referência no Anarquismo Social e Organizado. read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / local contacts / policy statement Tuesday September 06, 2011 23:32 byColetivo Anarquista Bandeira Negra   image 1 image
Apresentação e Carta de Princípios do Coletivo Anarquista Bandeira Negra (SC, Brasil). read full story / add a comment
argentina/uruguay/paraguay / local contacts / comunicado de prensa Monday June 20, 2011 18:43 byFrente de Estudiantes Libertarios   image 1 image
El Frente de Estudiantes Libertarios (FeL) es una organización político-social revolucionaria de orientación anarquista que tiene como ámbito de militancia el medio estudiantil. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / local contacts / news report Saturday May 14, 2011 02:10 byKdog   text 1 comment (last - wednesday may 18, 2011 07:41)
Recently our new organization First of May Anarchist Alliance initiated a website and brought out several documents that help describe our views and approach, some of which may be controversial among the present anarchist and left movements and scenes.

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Για μας δεν αποτέλεσε έκπληξη αυτή η νέα προδοσία από την καστρική συνδικαλιστική νομενκλατούρα. Εδώ και αρκετά χρόνια έχουμε καταγγείλει αυτή τη συνδικαλιστική φάρσα την οποία έπρεπε να υπομένουν οι εργαζόμενοι. Τώρα, όμως, έχει μείνει γελοία εκτεθειμένη η «ταξική» και «επαναστατική» δημαγωγία της κι η πραγματική λειτουργία της ως μέσου ελέγχου και καθυπόταξης της κουβανικής εργατικής τάξης. Εξ ου κι οι οργισμένες και καταγγελτικές αντιδράσεις των κουβανών εργαζομένων οι οποίοι κραυγάζουν προς όλες τις κατευθύνσεις την απογοήτευση και την απόρριψη τους έναντι αυτού του Κρατικού «συνδικαλισμού», «ιμάντα μεταφοράς» της Εξουσίας. read full story / add a comment
Το Rebel αποτελεί δικτυακό τόπο με μεταφράσεις θεωρητικών κειμένων και στοχεύει στην κυκλοφορία αναλύσεων, κειμένων και θεωρητικών προσεγγίσεων, για τους σκοπούς του ανταγωνιστικού κινήματος. read full story / add a comment
Βόρεια Αμερική / Μεξικό / Τοπικές Επαφές / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Thursday May 13, 2010 19:14 by“Amanecer: Για ένα Λαϊκό Αναρχισμό”
Η ομάδα “Amanecer: Για ένα Λαϊκό Αναρχισμό” παρουσιάζει με περηφάνεια το πρώτο τεύχος της έκδοσής της “Especifista. read full story / add a comment
Η Wild Rose (WRC) είναι μια αναρχική οργάνωση που εδρεύει λίγο έξω από την πόλη της Iowa των ΗΠΑ. Είμαστε μια μικρή ομάδα από συντρόφους που έχουν συμμετάσχει σε διάφορα εγχειρήματα στην περιοχή τα τελευταία 3 περίπου χρόνια. read full story / add a comment
M1AA logo
north america / mexico / local contacts / press release Saturday May 01, 2010 19:20 byFirst of May Anarchist Alliance   image 1 image
On this Mayday we send both our warmest greetings as well as an announcement of the creation of a new organization. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / local contacts / press release Thursday April 22, 2010 17:42 byWild Rose Collective   image 1 image
Wild Rose Collective is an anarchist organization based out of Iowa City, Iowa. We are a small group of folks who have been involved in various projects in the immediate area for the last 3 years or so. read full story / add a comment
russia / ukraine / belarus / local contacts / news report Thursday April 15, 2010 20:02 byРеволюционное Действие
Our organization is called "Revolutionary Action" because we struggle regardless of the government machinery and state institutions and do not rely on the current political system. Our purpose is revolutionary changes, which will completely change social order and mind of individuals. read full story / add a comment
Σκανδιναβία / Δανία / Ισλανδία / Τοπικές Επαφές / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Tuesday November 24, 2009 19:18 byMatias Jensen - Libertære Socialiste
Για πρώτη φορά εδώ και πολλά χρόνια, οι αναρχικοί σοσιαλιστές οργανώνονται στη Δανία. read full story / add a comment
scandinavia / denmark / iceland / local contacts / press release Monday November 23, 2009 20:39 byMatias Jensen   image 1 image
The 8th of November witnessed the founding conference of the Danish group Libertære Socialister (literally: Libertarian Socialists). It's over ten years since Denmark last had a specifically socialist anarchist group, so this happy event was long overdue. read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / local contacts / news report Saturday October 03, 2009 10:00 byPró-CAO   image 1 image
O presente documento é a primeira produção publica do “Pró-CAO” (Pró – Coletivo Anarquista Organizado) de Joinville, Santa Catarina, no qual buscaremos apresentar o nosso projeto de construção de uma organização política anarquista com programa ideologicamente revolucionário. read full story / add a comment

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Sat 20 Apr, 05:58

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textPalestine-Israel, The joint struggle in a non stable midsummer situation. 01:19 Wed 04 Jul by Ilan S. 0 comments

The social struggle within Israel and support for refugees under intense expulsion efforts draw activist from the joint struggle. The internal repression of Palestinians within the west bank by Palestinian Authority personal do not contribute the moral of the people. The sporadic escalation and deescalation of Israeli assaults on the Gaza Ghetto continue, and so are the efforts to transfer Palestinian farmers from the C areas coveted by the colonialist settlers project. Beit Umar, Susia, and the southern Hebron hills are the main victims.

felarg.jpg image[Argentina] Nace el Frente de Estudiantes Libertarios (FeL) 18:43 Mon 20 Jun by Frente de Estudiantes Libertarios 0 comments

El Frente de Estudiantes Libertarios (FeL) es una organización político-social revolucionaria de orientación anarquista que tiene como ámbito de militancia el medio estudiantil.

textNew anarchist organization: First of May Anarchist Alliance 02:10 Sat 14 May by Kdog 1 comments

Recently our new organization First of May Anarchist Alliance initiated a website and brought out several documents that help describe our views and approach, some of which may be controversial among the present anarchist and left movements and scenes.

logo1.png imageRebel: Μεταφραστικό εγχ&#... 06:44 Tue 15 Jun by X 0 comments

Το Rebel αποτελεί δικτυακό τόπο με μεταφράσεις θεωρητικών κειμένων και στοχεύει στην κυκλοφορία αναλύσεων, κειμένων και θεωρητικών προσεγγίσεων, για τους σκοπούς του ανταγωνιστικού κινήματος.

textΚυκλοφόρησε το περ&#... 19:14 Thu 13 May by “Amanecer: Για ένα Λαϊκό Αναρχισμό” 0 comments

Η ομάδα “Amanecer: Για ένα Λαϊκό Αναρχισμό” παρουσιάζει με περηφάνεια το πρώτο τεύχος της έκδοσής της “Especifista.

textΑναρχική Ομάδα Wild Rose 20:56 Mon 03 May by Wild Rose (WRC) 0 comments

Η Wild Rose (WRC) είναι μια αναρχική οργάνωση που εδρεύει λίγο έξω από την πόλη της Iowa των ΗΠΑ. Είμαστε μια μικρή ομάδα από συντρόφους που έχουν συμμετάσχει σε διάφορα εγχειρήματα στην περιοχή τα τελευταία 3 περίπου χρόνια.

M1AA logo imageMayday Greetings from First of May Anarchist Alliance 19:20 Sat 01 May by First of May Anarchist Alliance 0 comments

On this Mayday we send both our warmest greetings as well as an announcement of the creation of a new organization.

wrcban.jpg imageAnnouncing Wild Rose Collective In Iowa City, Iowa 17:42 Thu 22 Apr by Wild Rose Collective 0 comments

Wild Rose Collective is an anarchist organization based out of Iowa City, Iowa. We are a small group of folks who have been involved in various projects in the immediate area for the last 3 years or so.

textRevolyutsionnoe Deistvie - about us 20:02 Thu 15 Apr by Революционное Действие 0 comments

Our organization is called "Revolutionary Action" because we struggle regardless of the government machinery and state institutions and do not rely on the current political system. Our purpose is revolutionary changes, which will completely change social order and mind of individuals.

textΟι Ελευθεριακοί Σο&#... 19:18 Tue 24 Nov by Matias Jensen - Libertære Socialiste 0 comments

Για πρώτη φορά εδώ και πολλά χρόνια, οι αναρχικοί σοσιαλιστές οργανώνονται στη Δανία.

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imageA sessão final do golpe com nome de impeachment no Senado, parte 2 – epílogo da Operação Café Filho Sep 11 by Bruno Lima Rocha 0 comments

No final da manhã e início da tarde de quarta feira, 31 de agosto de 2016, o Brasil assistiu pela televisão aberta e por assinatura, a destituição da presidente Dilma Rousseff, com pouco mais de um ano e meio decorridos de seu segundo mandato. A traição teve como um dos pivôs o próprio vice, Michel Temer, eleito e reeleito junto à Dilma, com a bênção de Lula e da direção nacional do PT. Neste breve texto, trago algumas evidências, categorias e debates os quais entendo como urgentemente necessários.

imageA sessão final do golpe com nome de impeachment no Senado – parte 1 Sep 11 by Bruno Lima Rocha 0 comments

A manhã de 26 de agosto de 2016, na sessão especial do julgamento do Senado presidida pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), o ministro Ricardo Lewandowski, demonstrou a ruptura entre a oligarquia e a ex-esquerda. Ao definir o andamento do processo de impeachment, o presidente do Senado Renan Calheiros (PMDB-AL), definiu o mesmo como “um hospício” e na sequência afirmou que fez pressão e intermediou a retirada do indiciamento da senadora Gleisi Hoffmann (PT-PR) e de seu marido, o ex-ministro das Comunicações e do Planejamento, Paulo Bernardo.

imageOperação Lava Jato: comunicação mediada e apelação midiática Aug 13 by BrunoL 0 comments

A Operação Lava Jato é um marco na história brasileira em todos os sentidos. Ao afirmar que é marcante e criva um paradigma, não me refiro a esta operação jurídico-policial como necessariamente positiva. No final das contas, o volume de dúvidas é equivalente ao de certezas. Ficamos na dúvida se a operação criminaliza toda atividade de Estado e nos certificamos que as empreiteiras de sempre são culpadas de novo.

imageΚολλεκτίβα Εσκάντ ... May 22 by Μυρτώ 0 comments

Η Εσκάντα είναι μια αυτόνομη αντικαπιταλιστική κολλεκτίβα στην Ισπανία, μια χώρα με παράδοση στην λαϊκή αυτονομία αλλά και τον αναρχισμό. Με έντονες οικολογικές ευαισθησίες, η Εσκάντα οργανώνει σεμινάρια κατασκευής ανεμογεννήτριας και καλλιεργεί το δικό της κήπο. Δεκτοί γίνονται και επισκέπτες, αρκεί να έχουν όρεξη για δουλειά και αντοχή στην έλλειψη ανέσεων που φαντάζουν τριτοκοσμικές στην καταναλωτική συνείδηση όσων δεν έχουν ζήσει σε παρόμοιο χώρο.

textUna mirada crítica a un continente revuelto. Dec 16 by FAU 0 comments

Los análisis que suelen circular acerca de la situación de América Latina, por lo general están cargados en demasía, de expresiones de deseo. Ya desde los que afirman que “acá no pasa nada”, hasta los que dicen poco menos que el continente está en llamas, movido por los “nuevos vientos”. Podríamos decir que ni tanto ni tan poco. Ciertamente que el panorama está cambiado, que ha habido recambios en los aparatos gubernamentales, y que esto conlleva a que el imperio rediseñe su táctica, sin que ello implique una renuncia a sus objetivos estratégicos.

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image[Argentina] Nace el Frente de Estudiantes Libertarios (FeL) Jun 20 FeL 0 comments

El Frente de Estudiantes Libertarios (FeL) es una organización político-social revolucionaria de orientación anarquista que tiene como ámbito de militancia el medio estudiantil.

imageRebel: Μεταφραστικό εγχ&#... Jun 15 0 comments

Το Rebel αποτελεί δικτυακό τόπο με μεταφράσεις θεωρητικών κειμένων και στοχεύει στην κυκλοφορία αναλύσεων, κειμένων και θεωρητικών προσεγγίσεων, για τους σκοπούς του ανταγωνιστικού κινήματος.

textΚυκλοφόρησε το περ&#... May 13 Anarkismo 0 comments

Η ομάδα “Amanecer: Για ένα Λαϊκό Αναρχισμό” παρουσιάζει με περηφάνεια το πρώτο τεύχος της έκδοσής της “Especifista.

textΑναρχική Ομάδα Wild Rose May 03 0 comments

Η Wild Rose (WRC) είναι μια αναρχική οργάνωση που εδρεύει λίγο έξω από την πόλη της Iowa των ΗΠΑ. Είμαστε μια μικρή ομάδα από συντρόφους που έχουν συμμετάσχει σε διάφορα εγχειρήματα στην περιοχή τα τελευταία 3 περίπου χρόνια.

imageMayday Greetings from First of May Anarchist Alliance May 01 M1 0 comments

On this Mayday we send both our warmest greetings as well as an announcement of the creation of a new organization.

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