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ibèria / miscellaneous / feature Sunday January 24, 2016 21:36 por Embat   image 1 image
El pacte entre Junts pel Sí i la CUP-CC ha permès el nomenament com a President de la Generalitat de Carles Puigdemont (JxS, CDC), a poques hores del tancament del termini de la investidura. [Castellano] read full story / add a comment
El joven Manuel Rojas, con dos camaradas anarquistas
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / cultura / portada Friday January 15, 2016 18:23 por Gastón Carrasco   image 1 image
Los relatos de Manuel Rojas recogen experiencias marcadas por los conflictos sociales y políticos de principios del siglo XX: desde el movimiento obrero hasta la vida en los márgenes de la sociedad, el gran escritor chileno expresa la búsqueda constante de una sociedad distinta, a través de la dignidad y la solidaridad humana. read full story / add a comment
international / anarchist movement / feature Friday January 01, 2016 02:39 por Editorial Group   image 1 image
This year -2015- has finished with a number of challenges to those who stand for a world without privilege, a world of equality and liberty but we are sure 2016 will be a year to learn and help grow the new world in our hearts. hopes to be a useful tool to help think this alternative. We thanks our readers in this process and we wait for your contributions. [Castellano] [ελληνικά] [Italiano] [العَرَبِية] [Português] [中文] [Kurdî] [Türkçe] read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / migrazione / razzismo / editoriale Monday December 21, 2015 01:59 por Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA   image 1 image
Non sarà facile sorreggere il peso dello scontro, una nuova fase della lotta antimilitarista ed antifascista ci vedrà coinvolti come sempre, per l’internazionalismo proletario contro il capitalismo e le sue sempre nuove, sempre vecchie, forme di sfruttamento e di violenza. read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / education / feature Sunday December 06, 2015 22:03 por Organização Anarquista Socialismo Libertário   image 1 image
Em resposta ao projeto de “reorganização escolar” do governo do estado de São Paulo, que previa, dentre outras medidas, o fechamento de 94 escolas, teve início um processo de luta e organização dos estudantes com a ocupação de escolas. Começando entre 9 e 10 de novembro com a Escola Estadual Diadema (Diadema - SP) e a Escola Estadual Fernão Dias Paes (São Paulo - SP), o processo teve continuidade com uma sequência de mobilização e novas ocupações, que envolveu mais de 220 escolas em menos de 20 dias e se alastrou na capital e em outras cidades do estado. Depois de uma série de ações de rua, que contou com marchas e trancamentos de vias públicas, e sofrendo enorme repressão por parte do governo, houve, enfim, um recuo por parte do inimigo.

[Italiano] read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / movimento anarquista / feature Friday November 27, 2015 21:53 por Federação Anarquista Gaúcha   image 10 images
Entre os dias 20, 21, 22 e 23 de novembro a FAG/CAB realizaram um conjunto de atividades programadas para as comemorações do 20° aniversario de vida militante desta organização política anarquista. Foram momentos de fraternidade libertária, de debates e cultura política, afirmação da concepção especifista para as lutas de classe e dos povos oprimidos. Onde o emotivo também fez sua presença. Brindaram gerações que não tem visto cansados seus esforços. Trocaram experiências, aportes e solidariedades delegações de distintas partes do Brasil, América Latina, Europa e Estados Unidos.

Um plenário sindical de militantes da CAB tomou lugar para fazer planos e afiar as ferramentas de luta no movimento dos trabalhadores. As companheiras fizeram seu debate no dia 22. Como contexto geral uma feira libertária em praça pública com charlas diversas, livros e materiais de propaganda, teatro e música popular. Dia 23 uma reunião internacional de delegações para firmar pactos de apoio mútuo, discutir elementos de concepção para um anarquismo forte politicamente e inserto nas lutas sociais, gerar internacionalismo desde as conjunturas concretas e as estruturas do poder que tocam nossos povos.

O Ato Público se fez num teatro cheio no coração do centro de Porto Alegre. Entre os oradores a FAU, a FAR, o cancioneiro popular libertário e “rompidiomas” de Chito de Melo. Por fim a palavra de CAB e FAG. Ambiente muito concentrado no que era exprimido pelos oradores e com uma emoção que não disfarçava as alegrias e as recordações do caminho percorrido até aqui. Cartas de adesões vindas de muitos lugares, sopros de generosa saudação a este momento tão especial. Saúdos em própria voz de Alternativa Libertária da França, Alternativa Libertária/FdCA da Itália, Federação Anarquista Rosa Negra dos Estados Unidos, Grupo Via Libre da Colômbia, núcleo sul do Congresso Comunista Libertário do Chile. No encerramento do Ato, um desfecho simbólico marcado de lenços vermelho e negros ao som de A Internacional. read full story / add a comment
france / belgique / luxembourg / divers / article de fond Monday November 16, 2015 01:03 por Alternative Libertaire   image 1 image
La solution ne viendra pas de celles et ceux qui ont contribué à créer cette situation par leurs politiques militaristes, impérialistes, discriminatoires, haineuses. Ils utilisent cette situation pour imposer une société toujours plus policière et une unité nationale entre exploiteurs et exploité-es, que nous refusons et dénonçons. [English] [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
greece / turkey / cyprus / imperialism / war / feature Sunday October 18, 2015 02:47 por Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet - DAF   image 1 image
Today, on the 10th of October, the “Labor, Democracy and Peace Meeting” that was organized by various unions, associations and organizations has been attacked. Like in Amed on June and in Suruc on July, the bombs exploding in Ankara today has killed tens of people. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
southern africa / repression / prisoners / feature Friday October 16, 2015 16:18 por Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   text 44 comments (last - tuesday december 15, 2015 15:06)   image 2 images
South Africa, 16 October 2015: On the evening of Friday 9 October 2015, a militant of the Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front in the impoverished black township of Khutsong (west of Johannesburg), was threatened with violence for his political work by a group of youths. The next morning, a political school that he and another member run in the area, was forcibly disrupted by an even larger mob. [Français] [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
international / anarchist movement / feature Wednesday September 30, 2015 05:09 por Anarkismo Network   text 25 comments (last - monday april 08, 2024 23:55)   image 1 image
The international Anarkismo Network, which brings together class struggle anarchist organisations from more than a dozen countries in both the global South and North, and has relations with far more from across the globe, has noted with great surprise and concern the recent accusations by AK Press that Michael Schmidt is a fascist working undercover to infiltrate the anarchist movement. Before we can make any pronouncements on the matter, however, we need to carefully examine both the AK Press evidence, the article by Alexander Reid Ross, as well as Michael Schmidt’s response to the evidence and article. As a network Anarkismo has not taken sides, and will not accuse the accuser or the accused before there is more information and all the evidence has been presented. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
El apretón de manos de Juan Manuel Santos y Timoleón Jiménez, mediado por Raúl Castro.
venezuela / colombia / imperialismo / guerra / portada Monday September 28, 2015 22:02 por José Antonio Gutiérrez D.   text 2 comments (last - tuesday september 29, 2015 16:53)   image 1 image
Sea como sea, la firma de un acuerdo de paz, eventualmente, debería ser el comienzo de un nuevo proceso de luchas sociales en donde –si las cosas salen como deberían, algo altamente improbable- la oligarquía debería, en teoría, renunciar a la guerra sucia contra el pueblo. Pero sabemos –y esto lo sabe la comunidad internacional y los burócratas de la resolución de conflictos y construcción de paz- que el gobierno no cumplirá los acuerdos, mentirá y mantendrá niveles importantes de represión, que serán descritos como niveles “aceptables” por los socios en EEUU y la UE, que tienen demasiados intereses estratégicos en Colombia como para montar una alharaca por unos cuantos campesinos masacrados. No hay que caer en esa infantil ilusión burguesa de que con el fin del conflicto armado se le acabará a la oligarquía la “excusa” para criminalizar al movimiento popular y para reprimir. Como lo dijo el revolucionario guineano Amílcar Cabral, bajo las condiciones del capitalismo, toda lucha es armada: sólo que a veces el pueblo tiene armas y a veces no. Pero el Estado siempre las tiene y siempre las utiliza contra el pueblo cuando ve sus intereses estratégicos amenazados. La fuerza organizada del pueblo es la única barrera objetiva que tendrá esa violencia de clase. Hay que estar advertidos y preparados para los conflictos del post-conflicto. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / anarchist movement / feature Wednesday September 23, 2015 20:58 por LCG/GGL   image 1 image
About ten months have now passed since the Libertarian Communist Group (Grŵp Gomiwnyddol Libertaraidd) was formed in Wales, in November 2014. The decision to launch a new organisation last year was borne out of disappointment at the demise of both Collective Action (CA) and its short-lived follow-up, the Libertarian Communist Initiative (LCI). Our consequent frustration was compounded to some extent by the fact that one of our comrades had also been a member of the previously defunct Liberty & Solidarity (L&S). In retrospect we can discern that both of these erstwhile projects - CA/LCI and L&S - failed due to a lack of ideological cohesion and a confusion of political direction. From our perspective such failures can fairly be viewed as epic if one takes into account that these organisations were, on separate occasions, the products of would-be “platformist” splits from the Anarchist Federation (AF). Be that as it may, in the case of CA/LCI, having seen various members and associates drift away, and with our remaining England-based cadre not unreasonably opting to become involved in an accessible and potentially worthwhile enterprise, the Welsh contingent was simply left with a fait accompli. read full story / add a comment
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Αναρχικό κίνημα / Αφιέρωμα Wednesday September 16, 2015 20:41 por Πρωτοβουλία για τη συγκρότηση Αναρχικής Πολιτι_   image 1 image
Δυόμιση χρόνια μετά την κατάθεση του πανελλαδικού καλέσματος για την προοπτική δημιουργίας Αναρχικής Πολιτικής Οργάνωσης από τέσσερις αναρχικές συλλογικότητες της Αθήνας («Κύκλος της Φωτιάς», «Στέκι Αντίπνοια», «Καθοδόν», «Αναρχικοί για την Κοινωνική Απελευθέρωση»), οι διαδικασίες του προσυνεδριακού διαλόγου ολοκληρώθηκαν.
Το αρχικό κάλεσμα πλαισίωσαν μια σειρά από συλλογικότητες που ανταποκρίθηκαν και οι οποίες δεσμεύτηκαν επί ενός πολιτικού πλαισίου όπως αυτό αποτυπώθηκε σε επτά βασικά σημεία. [English] read full story / add a comment
international / economy / feature Sunday September 13, 2015 08:46 por Shawn Hattingh   text 1 comment (last - monday september 14, 2015 03:52)   image 1 image
It was long ago stated that capitalism came into the world dripping in blood and dirt, from every pore, from head to toe. While it has demonstrated that it won’t simply collapse under its own weight, the recent goings-on around the current capitalist crisis have shown that with age it has become even more hideous. Capitalism is now rank with massive state intervention required to simply keep its rotting body moving: through states propping up the financial sector and deepening the colossal attack on the working class.
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france / belgique / luxembourg / mouvement anarchiste / article de fond Wednesday September 09, 2015 16:47 por Commission internationale A.L.   image 1 image
Tous les deux ans, Alternative libertaire tient un congrès, qui est sa principale instance décisionnelle. Les textes adoptés, après débats dans les Collectifs AL et lors du congrès, permettent de tirer les enseignements des années passées, de définir nos orientations et nos priorités pour notre activité quotidienne à venir. Ce congrès a notamment été l'occasion d'adopter des textes sur le féminisme, sur l'antiracisme, sur l'écologie et sur le bilan de l'activité de notre courant communiste-libertaire depuis la fin du XXème siècle. read full story / add a comment
southern africa / community struggles / feature Thursday September 03, 2015 19:24 por Sifuna Zonke   text 1 comment (last - wednesday march 09, 2016 21:35)   image 1 image
On 3 September 1984, the Vaal Triangle, which is located southeast of Johannesburg and was part of the industrial heartland of South Africa, exploded into unrest. A general stay-away from work was called, schools were closed, buses and taxis stood idle and militant protest spread across the country. It was the most significant and large-scale rebellion of the black working class since the Soweto Uprising of June, 1976, and signified one of the final nails in the coffin of apartheid and white minority rule.

For the black working class living in the townships across the Vaal Triangle, such as Sharpeville, Sebokeng, Evaton, Bophelong, Boiketlong, Zamdela and others the conditions were very similar to those of today. A slump in the steel industry had led to many workers being retrenched, there were evictions of rent defaulters and bribery, corruption and self-enrichment of local councillors was rife. Councillors’ election promises went unfulfilled and township residents demanded their resignation.

Thirty-one years later, on 21 April 2015, the Sebokeng Magistrate’s Court in the Vaal sentenced four community activists from Boiketlong to sixteen years in prison each for allegedly setting fire to the local ward councillor’s house and cars during a protest action. read full story / add a comment
international / anarchist movement / feature Tuesday September 01, 2015 19:41 por Corporate Watch   image 1 image
In May this year, Corporate Watch researchers travelled to Turkey and Kurdistan to investigate the companies supplying military equipment to the Turkish police and army. We talked to a range of groups from a variety of different movements and campaigns

Below is the transcript of our interview with three members of the anarchist group Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet (DAF, or Revolutionary Anarchist Action) in Istanbul during May 2015. DAF are involved in solidarity with the Kurdish struggle, the Rojava revolution and against ISIS' attack on Kobane, and have taken action against Turkish state repression and corporate abuse. They are attempting to establish alternatives to the current system through self-organisation, mutual aid and co-operatives.

The interview was carried out in the run-up to the Turkish elections, and touches on the election campaign by the HDP, the pro-Kurdish People's Democratic Party. Soon after the interview took place, the HDP passed the threshold of 10% of the total vote needed to enter the Turkish parliament.

The DAF members – who all preferred to remain anonymous – began the interview by talking about the history of anarchism in the region. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
Tsipras and Iglesias
greece / turkey / cyprus / the left / feature Thursday August 20, 2015 18:11 por Enrique Guerrero-López and Adam Weaver   text 4 comments (last - monday august 24, 2015 23:12)   image 1 image
Syriza’s rise to power elicited widespread praise from the left internationally, inspiring renewed enthusiasm for the possibilities and promise of “mass left” party building in and outside the United States. At a rally celebrating Syriza’s electoral victory in Spain, Pablo Iglesias, secretary general of the Spanish anti-austerity party Podemos, declared that “the sun of hope rose over Greece.”

Yet “the sun of hope” began to set on Greece almost as quickly as it rose. Shortly after taking office, Syriza, the “Coalition of the Radical Left,” formed a coalition government with the right-wing, anti-immigrant Independent Greeks (ANEL) party, followed only months later by the predictable surrender of the government to a new round of harsh austerity imposed by Greece’s creditors. read full story / add a comment
argentina/uruguay/paraguay / historia / portada Monday August 17, 2015 15:44 por Prensa FAR   image 2 images
El objetivo del análisis que se desarrollará a continuación es el de proveer una aproximación a algunos procesos centrales de la historia reciente tanto mundial, regional como local. Entendemos que como militantes anarquistas debemos tener claro cuál es el contexto en el que vivimos para poder intervenir en las luchas sociales en sintonía con el mismo y potenciar así nuestras prácticas. read full story / add a comment
international / economy / feature Thursday August 13, 2015 03:04 por Lucien van der Walt   image 1 image
**Based on a talk given in Kenya, this article argues that, while official minimum wages and other improvements are welcome gains, they are inadequate in an exploiting system based on the rule of the few. It is necessary to pose the more ambitious demand for a 'living wage,' set by the working class, and to enforce this by building powerful, autonomous, self-managed, conscientised class-struggle movements. Rejecting 'privilege' theories, it argues that all sectors of the working class benefit from demands and campaigns that secure equal rights, equal treatment and equal wages, against divide-and-rule systems, and in which strikers build alliances with communities and users. A 'living wage' movement of this type should be located in a larger project of building a popular counter-power that can resist, and then topple, ruling class power. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
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