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france / belgique / luxembourg / migration / racisme Saturday January 18, 2014 15:10 by BErckman
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Une analyse de la dynamique antisémite en France

I - Comprendre la dynamique antisémite pour mieux la combattre
II - « Complot sioniste-illuminatis », le « rebranding » du complot « juif et franc maçon »
III - L’impasse du légitimisme institutionnel bourgeois des institutions communautaires
IV - L’impasse de l’option sioniste
V - L’option révolutionnaire : la seule voie pour briser l’antisémitisme

Dans la rue, sur internet, au travail : l’antisémitisme explose. Pour la première fois en France depuis la seconde guerre mondiale, des enfants ont été assassiné parce que juifs, à Ozar Hatorah, à Toulouse. Des synagogues sont attaquées, des cimetières et lieux communautaires vandalisés. Des personnes agressées, insultées, parce qu’elles sont juives ou parce qu’elles sont considérés comme telles. Les propos antisémites explosent sur internet : la vieille rengaine puante du « complot juif mondial » se propage à grande vitesse par textes et vidéos...

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southern africa / migration / racism Monday December 16, 2013 00:39 by Shawn Hattingh and Lucien van der Walt
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The destruction of the apartheid state form, with its odious policies of coercion and racism, was a major triumph for the working class in South Africa and elsewhere, showing that ordinary people can challenge and defeat systems that seem quite unbreakable. Mandela did play a heroic role, but was also the first to admit that “It is not the kings and generals that make history but the masses of the people, the workers, the peasants, the doctors, the clergy." And indeed, it was the black working class, above all, that through struggle tore down many features of apartheid by the late 1980s, such as the pass law system, the Group Areas Act and numerous other odious laws and policies.

The 1994 transition in South Africa was a political revolution, a break with the apartheid and colonial periods of state-sanctioned white supremacy, a “massive advance” in the conditions of the majority. It introduced a new state, based on non-racialism, in which South Africa was to be a multi-racial, multi-cultural but unified country, founded on human rights; welfare and social policy and legislation was transformed; capitalism was kept in place, but despite this, there were very massive and very real changes, political and material, that made qualitative differences in the daily lives of millions of black and working class people. And for millions, it is precisely the association of Mandela with that victory and with those changes that makes him so emotionally powerful.

Yet at the same time, Mandela’s policies and politics had important limitations that must be faced if the current quandary of South Africa, nearly 20 years later, is to be understood. Mandela never sold out: he was committed to a reformed capitalism, and a parliamentary democracy, and unified South Africa based on equal civil and political rights, a project in which black capitalists and black state elites would loom large. These goals have been achieved, but bring with them numerous problems that must be faced up if the final liberation – including national liberation – of South Africa’s working class is to be achieved.

The 1994 breakthrough was a major victory, but it was not the final one, for a final one requires a radical change in society, towards a libertarian and socialist order based on participatory democracy, human needs rather than profit and power, and social and economic justice, and attention to issues of culture and the psychological impact of apartheid.

As long as the basic legacy of apartheid remains, in education, incomes, housing and other spheres, and as long as the working class of all races is excluded from basic power and wealth by a black and white ruling class, so long will the national question – the deep racial / national divisions in South Africa, and the reality of ongoing racial/ national oppression for the black, Coloured and Indian working class – remain unresolved. And so long will it continue to generate antagonisms and conflicts, the breeding ground for rightwing populist demagogy, xenophobia and crime. By contrast, a powerful black elite, centred on the state and with a growing corporate presence, has achieved its national liberation.

international / migration / racisme Monday August 02, 2010 17:33 by Organisations européennes
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Campagne internationale des organisations européennes du réseau Anarkismo

Ces dernières années, la xénophobie, le racisme et la peur des impacts économiques des migrations ont dominé le débat politique dans bien des pays européens. L'immigration est un effet inévitable des politiques économiques et militaires conduites par les Etats européens. Les efforts concertés pour l'empêcher est le résultat du racisme et de la volonté de ne pas en affronter les conséquences dans son pays.

En tant qu'internationalistes nous nous opposons à tout type de frontières ou de barrières entre les peuples et nous nous opposons au renforcement des frontières aux portes de l'UE. Nous combattrons tout type de racisme et de xénophobie comme facteur de division à l'intérieur de la classe laborieuse et comme un problème majeur en soi-même. Nous combattrons toute discriminations à l'encontre des migrant-e-s et des personnes de couleur.

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southern africa / migration / racism Friday September 26, 2008 19:14 by Steffi, Jonathan Payn and James Pendlebury
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Pogroms then... and now.

Only 14 years after the end of apartheid some say that this is a new apartheid. Only 14 years after the genocide in Rwanda some say that this is a genocide South African style. But this time it is not just about the still existing economic gap between South Africans of different skin colours, nor about a war between different ethnopolitical groups like in Rwanda.

It is about nationality and the fight between those who have the minimum security of being born in South Africa, and the unlucky ones who have no such security – who have, in many cases, had to flee to South Africa from violence or starvation elsewhere. The events of May 2008 show a deep xenophobic sentiment in South Africa that is largely due to social and economic circumstances. It is a poisonous cocktail of nationalism mixed with lack of service delivery.


international / migration / racism Friday March 04, 2005 00:35 by Workers Solidarity Federation
Racial oppression remains a defining feature of the modern capitalist world. It is manifest most spectacularly in violent attacks on immigrants and minorities by fascist gangs. More important to the fate of these communities has been the systematic and increasing discrimination by capitalist states, manifest in attacks on the rights of immigrants, cuts in welfare services, and racist police and court systems.
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Migration / racism

Fri 19 Apr, 12:34

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