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international / miscellaneous Monday May 01, 2023 21:08 by European anarchist organizations
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Social anarchism understands that empowered peoples cannot expect substantial improvements in their lives through parliamentary struggle. On the contrary, in times of scarcity authoritarian monsters grow. Right-wing ideology pretends to use the diversity of the working class to single out groups to hate: immigrants, the LGTBI community, Romani and Sinto people or even feminism or environmentalism.



international / anarchist movement Friday August 12, 2022 23:44 by Felipe Corrêa
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Felipe Corrêa

The steady revival of organized Anarchism in the anglosphere has led to a re-engagement with the fundamental strategic questions of Anarchism. In what way should a revolutionary organization be structured? How should a revolutionary organization struggle for reforms? What role does the revolutionary organization play in the revolutionary process? In grappling with these questions the most novel contemporary insights have undoubtedly come from the Anarchist movement in Latin America, where the tradition of organized, class struggle anarchism was growing and successfully struggling whilst in the anglosphere it was languishing in a long period of decline.

In the spirit of clarifying and spreading the debates of Latin American Anarchism to the anglosphere, I contacted Felipe Correa in early 2022 and asked him questions that various comrades had raised during reading groups and informal discussions concerning the tendency – questions that could not be easily answered by the texts available to us. His extensive response to my questions, ranging from the notion of power, the role of organizations, and the relation between Anarchism and class politics, offers valuable and unique insight into this important tendency.


internacional / movimiento anarquista Thursday May 19, 2022 21:02 by Varias organizaciones anarquistas
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Primero de Mayo 2022

1 de mayo de 1886! Hoy hace 136 años que la clase obrera estadounidense creó una experiencia invaluable para las próximas luchas de las clases trabajadoras de todo el mundo al decir "¡esta lucha es nuestra última lucha!". Ella sigue siendo una victoria hoy por hoy. La exigencia de "8 horas para trabajar, 8 horas para dormir, 8 horas para lo que queramos" para reemplazar las 16 horas de trabajo y los ataques del capitalismo contra las vidas de las clases trabajadoras en el siglo XIX se convirtió en una huelga general en Estados Unidos. La huelga general ha sido una de las armas más significativas de la acción anarquista como una ganancia para la historia de la lucha de clases.

La lucha por las 8 horas nunca ha sido vista como una simple petición de reforma por parte de los anarquistas. Los y las anarquistas lucharon para reemplazarla por una revolución social con la afirmación: "independientemente de nuestra jornada de trabajo, sea de 2 horas o de 8 horas, este tiempo es esclavitud si trabajamos para los patrones".

[English] [Italiano] [Türkçe]

international / genre Wednesday March 09, 2022 00:00 by Diverses organisations anarchistes
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"Journée de résistance et de lutte / Contre la culture du viol, les féminicides et le patriarcat"

Il y a plus de cent ans, le 8 mars 1917, les ouvrières de Saint-Pétersbourg (Russie) se mettaient en grève et manifestaient pour réclamer du pain et la paix et déclenchait ainsi un mouvement révolutionnaire historique. Le 8 mars de lutte pour les droits des femmes était lancé.

En 2022, les femmes restent l’un des secteurs de l’humanité les plus opprimés, aux côtés des minorités de genre qui défient la binarité. C’est le cas dans toutes les sphères de la société : au boulot, à la maison, face à la crise sanitaire ou aux situations de guerre. C’est la raison pour laquelle leur soulèvement peut faire chanceler les Etats, le capitalisme et la domination raciste et patriarcale.

[Castellano] [Ελληνικά] [English] [Italiano]

internacional / miscellaneous Wednesday February 09, 2022 22:21 by Várias organizações anarquistas
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A pandemia da COVID-19 tem afetado todos os aspectos da vida humana. Tem tido um efeito devastador sobre a saúde física e mental das pessoas, sobre as relações sociais e sobre as comunidades, sobre nossos meios de subsistência e liberdade de movimento. Também reduziu significativamente nossa capacidade de organizar protestos políticos efetivos e fortaleceu o Estado.

[Castellano] [English] [Français] [Italiano] [Türkçe] [български]

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Tue 18 Feb, 04:12

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