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mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialismo / guerra / comunicado de imprensa Wednesday January 05, 2022 - 00:04 byVárias organizações anarquistas   image 1 image
Embargo, corte de fontes de água e ataques aéreos contra civis foram alguns dos crimes de guerra cometidos pelo Estado fascista turco ao longo deste ano contra a revolução em Rojava. ... read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialismo / guerra / comunicado de prensa Wednesday January 05, 2022 - 00:02 byVarias organizaciones anarquistas   image 1 image
El embargo, el corte de las fuentes de agua y los ataques aéreos contra civiles han sido algunos de los crímenes de guerra cometidos por el Estado turco fascista a lo largo de este año contra la Revolución en Roj*va.

Mientras enfrenta la crisis política y económica interna, el gobierno de Erdogan tiene que aceptar el fracaso de las operaciones militares en las montañas de Kurdistán, apelando al uso de armas químicas, frente a la resistencia de las guerrilleras y los guerilleros Kurdos de la revolución. ... read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / press release Friday June 18, 2021 - 04:38 byInternational Delegation for Peace and Freedom   image 1 image
The UCL participated in the European delegation to observe the Turkish war crimes in Iraqi Kurdistan.
This delegation is taking place at a time when Erdogan is received at the NATO summit. His formal meeting with Macron does not hide his objective, which is obviously to legitimize his illegal invasion of Iraq, and to obtain from NATO a blank check to continue his military campaign.
His pretext: to eradicate the PKK, a "terrorist organization" according to the Council of Europe's blacklist.
His strategy: to intimidate European nations, to maintain bombings, military pressure and destruction of crops in Iraqi Kurdistan, to force Mahmoud Barzani's KDP to collaborate openly with him, against its brothers and sisters in Kurdistan.
At the time of publishing this information, the conference of the delegation has been prevented by the KDP, the hotel where it is held is surrounded by the military, and our comrades have been sent back to France after interrogation by the police of the KDP, traitor to the Kurdish cause. ... read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / press release Friday June 18, 2021 - 04:28 byInternational delegation for Kurdistan
We – nearly 150 politicians, human rights advocates, journalists, academics, members of parliaments, political activists, ecologists, and feminists from all over Europe – have been closely following the dangerous developments resulting from Turkey’s attacks on South Kurdistan (North Iraq) since the 23rd of April 2021. As a result, we have gathered in Erbil today and decided that we must speak out. ... read full story / add a comment
machrek / arabie / irak / impérialisme / guerre / communiqué de presse Wednesday June 16, 2021 - 21:43 byDélégation internationale Kurdistan   image 1 image
L’UCL a participé à la délégation européenne d’observation des crimes de guerre turcs au Kurdistan irakien.
Cette délégation prend place au moment où Erdogan est reçu au sommet de l’OTAN. Sa rencontre formelle avec Macron, ne dissimule pas son objectif qui est évidemment de légitimer son invasion illégale de l’Irak, et d’obtenir de l’OTAN un blanc-seing pour poursuivre sa campagne militaire.
Son prétexte : éradiquer le PKK, « organisation terroriste », selon la liste noire du Conseil de l’Europe.
Sa stratégie : intimider les nations européennes, maintenir bombardements, pression militaire et destruction de moissons au Kurdistan irakien, obliger le PDK de Mahmoud Barzani à collaborer ouvertement avec lui, contre ses frères et sœurs au Kurdistan.
A l’heure où nous publions ces informations, la conférence de la délégation a été empêchée par le PDK, l’hôtel où elle se tient est encerclé par les militaires, et nos camarades ont été renvoyé-e-s en France après interrogatoire par la police du PDK, traître à la cause kurde. ... read full story / add a comment
Μέση Ανατολή / Αραβία / Ιράκ / Ιμπεριαλισμός / Πόλεμος / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Friday May 14, 2021 - 21:34 byΑναρχικοί-Κομμουνιστές Ωκεανίας   image 1 image
Μόνο η αλληλεγγύη μεταξύ των καταπιεσμένων λαών της Παλαιστίνης και των εργατικών τάξεων του κόσμου μπορεί να τερματίσει την κατοχή. Καλούμε το διεθνές αναρχικό κίνημα και όλους τους επαναστάτες της εργατικής τάξης να συμμετάσχουν στην καταγγελία της ισραηλινής κατοχής στην Παλαιστίνη και την υποστήριξη της αντίστασης σε αυτό. ... read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / press release Friday May 14, 2021 - 20:02 byAnarchist-Communist Groups in Oceania   image 1 image
Only solidarity between the oppressed people of Palestine and the working classes of the world can end the occupation. We call on the international anarchist movement and all working-class rebels to join us in denouncing the Israeli occupation of Palestine and supporting resistance to it. ... read full story / add a comment
machrek / arabie / irak / impérialisme / guerre / nouvelles Friday May 14, 2021 - 02:19 byIlan Shalif   image 1 image
La nuit dernière, nous avons vu le résultat de l’accumulation de la colère des jeunes, qui sont les principales victimes de la pandémie et de la crise du COVID-19. La grande montée du chômage a entraîné une montée également de la pression subie par les Palestiniens à Jérusalem et dans les villes multiethniques de l’État d’Israël. L’intensité de la violence policière a augmenté de même lors de la répression des rassemblements et autres mobilisations. ... read full story / add a comment
machrek / arabie / irak / impérialisme / guerre / communiqué de presse Friday May 14, 2021 - 02:11 byUnion Communiste Libertaire   image 1 image
Depuis le 6 mai, l’État israélien a lancé une offensive militaire pour faire taire la colère à Jérusalem-Est et à Gaza. Il s’agit bien plus que d’une énième répétition d’hostilités asymétriques (roquettes artisanales contre frappes aériennes) : c’est un soulèvement populaire, incluant les Palestiniennes et Palestiniens ayant la nationalité israélienne, qui conteste l’apartheid et la domination coloniale. ... read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / news report Wednesday May 12, 2021 - 19:50 byIlan Shalif   text 2 comments (last - tuesday march 05, 2024 - 13:00)   image 1 image
Last night have shown the result of the accumulation of anger of the youth who are the main victims of the COVID-19 pandemic and crisis. There is a much increase of unemployment which brought the increase of pressure on Palestinians in Jerusalem and the multiethnic cities within Israel, as well as the intensity of police brutality in order to suppress the rallies and other mobilisations. ... read full story / add a comment
indonesia / philippines / australia / imperialism / war / press release Sunday April 25, 2021 - 20:08 byMelbourne Anarchist Communist Group   image 1 image
The myth of Australia’s unique military has been deployed to boost support for Australian participation in all subsequent imperialist wars. The less justification there is for the war, the more the propaganda focuses on the supposed virtues of the troops rather than the justice of the cause. While the virtues of the Anzacs were part of the propaganda for World War II, they were more prominent during the Korean and Vietnam Wars and have become the dominant theme in reporting and discussion of Australia’s participation in the imperialist wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. ... read full story / add a comment
Ως αναρχικοί, υποστηρίζουμε την εργατική επανάσταση σε όλο τον κόσμο και αναλαμβάνουμε ως πρωταρχικό καθήκον μας την καταπολέμηση των καπιταλιστών όπου ζούμε. Εδώ στην Αυστραλία, πρέπει να πολεμήσουμε ενάντια στη στρατιωτική συμμαχία της Αυστραλιανής Κυβέρνησης με τις ΗΠΑ, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της Συνθήκης ANZUS, της ομάδας πληροφοριών 5 Eyes και της βάσης κατασκοπείας στο Pine Gap. Και πρέπει να αγωνιστούμε για να οικοδομήσουμε ένα εργατικό κίνημα που μπορεί να συνδεθεί με την εργατική τάξη σε ολόκληρη την περιοχή για να κάνει επανάσταση ενάντια τόσο στους καπιταλιστές όσο και στο κινεζικό λεγόμενο «Κομμουνιστικό» Κόμμα. Δεν υπάρχει άλλος τρόπος. ... read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / press release Thursday June 25, 2020 - 22:46 byKurdish-speaking Libertarians   image 1 image
The support and solidarity with innocent people can be done in different ways. It can be through launching complaints, expressing anger and frustration, protests, and demonstrations. The best kind of support and solidarity is boycotting all the goods that are made in Turkey and by Turkish companies wherever they are. Boycotting its media, universities, language colleges and stopping holiday bookings to Turkey. While Turkey has got so many interests in Iraqi Kurdistan the boycott is very effective. Turkey has hundreds of companies plus colleges, shops, factories there, and it is the main country for Kurdish holiday makers. In short Iraqi Kurdistan is one of the main market for the Turkish capitalists and the others. Boycotting Turkey and the Turkish goods can also put pressure on the Kurdistan Reginal Government, KRG, Iraq and the foreign companies to meet people’s demand. ... read full story / add a comment
indonesia / philippines / australia / imperialism / war / press release Saturday April 25, 2020 - 15:39 byMelbourne Anarchist Communist Group   image 1 image
The US-dominated world order can only be maintained by endless war. Australia, a junior partner, has signed up to this to maintain its domination of the South Pacific and Timor L’Este. The situation would not be improved by allying with China or any other would-be hegemon, because that wouldn’t change the system. The working class needs to unite internationally and abolish capitalism. Only this can build the basis for a world of liberty, equality and solidarity, where war is no more and the nation state has been abolished. We can have a new world of libertarian communism ... read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / press release Saturday April 18, 2020 - 01:27 byVarious anarchist organizations   image 1 image
COVID-19, which has quarantined an innumerable number of cities and has paralyzed entire economic sectors, has not yet stopped the continuous dirty war by Turkey and its ally Daesh against the people of the northern region of Syria, who have had to continue to defend themselves without any truce. ... read full story / add a comment
Μέση Ανατολή / Αραβία / Ιράκ / Ιμπεριαλισμός / Πόλεμος / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Thursday April 16, 2020 - 19:37 byΑναρχοκομμουνιστικές οργανώσεις   image 1 image
Αντιμετωπίζοντας την κυνική και υποκριτική σιωπή του Κράτους και της αστικής τάξης, εμείς, αναρχικοί του κόσμου, επαναλαμβάνουμε για άλλη μια φορά τον διεθνισμό μας και την από τα κάτω αλληλεγγύη μας προς την επανάσταση στη Rojava, έτσι ώστε να θριαμβεύσει σε βάρος της παγκόσμιας πανδημίας του κοροναϊού και της πανδημίας του πολέμου. Στην πραγματικότητα, όσοι συνεχίζουν να πολεμούν εναντίον ανθρώπων, ενώ τα συστήματα υγειονομικής περίθαλψης καταρρέουν λόγω του COVID-19, είναι δύο φορές εγκληματίες. ... read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / press release Tuesday March 03, 2020 - 17:22 byDAF   image 1 image
The long-awaited developments began to happen In Idlib where is the last point of the war and also the last point of the djihadist gangs supported by TAF were stucked. The troops of the TAF were attacked by aerial strike on the night of 27 February to 28 -shortly before the “ultimatum” that T.C gave to the Syrian Army to withdraw from the places it took in Idlip- According to official figures, 34 soldiers died as a result of this airstrike, It was carried out by Syria according to T.C sources.
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Ανακοίνωση από την Anarchist Era Collective, της Ένωσης Αναρχικών Αφγανιστάν και Ιράν, για τη δολοφονία του Κασέμ Σολεϊμανί
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mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / press release Tuesday October 22, 2019 - 19:16 byKAF   image 1 image
We are against the war, but we support and defending people against the attacks that they face. We offer our solidarity towards those facing invasion and repression. ... read full story / add a comment
machrek / arabie / irak / impérialisme / guerre / communiqué de presse Tuesday October 15, 2019 - 01:12 byForum Anarchiste Kurdophone
Il ne fait aucun doute qu’ignorer les expériences de l’histoire mènera à reproduire les mêmes expériences. Ce qui se passe en ce moment au Rojava prouve cette affirmation. ... read full story / add a comment
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