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international / environment / review Friday February 05, 2016 - 15:22 byWayne Price   image 1 image
Speth's The Bridge at the Edge of the World is shown to represent a trend among left-environmentalists: They show that the global ecological crisis is due to capitalism's grow-or-die drive. Yet they do not go on to call for the replacement of capitalism. Unlike ecological radicals, they claim that capitalism could be tweaked to no longer have a need to grow and accumulate. ... read full story / add a comment
international / environment / opinion / analysis Thursday January 28, 2016 - 06:00 byPink Panther   image 1 image
This article looks at the way capitalism and consumerism are destroying the resources of the planet, while critiquing mainstream environmentalist responses to this destruction. ... read full story / add a comment
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / medio ambiente / opinión / análisis Saturday January 23, 2016 - 06:27 bySolidaridad   image 1 image
Una proporción significativa del terreno fue afectado por un deslizamiento y un derrumbe de tierra, provocando la rotura de mangueras que transportan gas metano. La situación afectó a más de 100.000 personas de las comunas aledañas a raíz de los fuertes olores. ... read full story / add a comment
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / medio ambiente / opinión / análisis Tuesday January 19, 2016 - 05:22 byCorriente Libertaria   image 1 image
Publicado originalmente en la edición N°31 del periódico anarquista chileno Solidaridad. ... read full story / add a comment
international / environment / opinion / analysis Monday January 11, 2016 - 13:41 byWayne Price   image 1 image
Theorists of the climate-justice movement have been raising decentralist ideas as part of their programs for an ecologically-balanced society. This ecological program means more local democracy, workers’ management of industry, consumer coops, and federations of radically-democratic institutions. Such ideas revive the decentralist ideas of anarchism.
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Ιρλανδία / Μεγάλη Βρετανία / Περιβάλλον / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Thursday January 07, 2016 - 05:04 byAndrew Flood   image 1 image
Τότε ήταν η κρίση του Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου που εξάντλησε τα όρια της κοινοβουλευτικής δημοκρατίας και, τελικά, οδήγησε σε μαζική εξέγερση. Σήμερα οι κρίσεις που αντιμετωπίζουμε είναι αρκετά διαφορετικές, αλλά είναι όλο και πιο σαφές ότι δεν είναι λιγότερο καταστροφικές και όλο και περισσότερο δεν μπορούν να γίνουν αντικείμενο τροποποιήσεων. ... read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / environment / opinion / analysis Saturday January 02, 2016 - 22:59 byAndrew Flood   image 1 image
We awake to news that more towns in Ireland are under water due to storm flooding. And that perhaps the sea ice at the north pole might melt due to temperatures rising above zero. The first story is given a lot more prominence in Irish media than the second but strangely at the same time another story is being celebrated. The start of yet more greenhouse gases being pumped out of their safe place far below the sea off the Irish shore to be processed and then released into the atmosphere via the Corrib refinery (The refinery was sold off by the Irish Government to the Shell company for a fraction of what it is worth). ... read full story / add a comment
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / medio ambiente / opinión / análisis Saturday January 02, 2016 - 17:53 byNicolás Fuentes   image 1 image
En Renaico, una pequeña comuna ubicada al norte de la región de La Araucanía, se está viviendo un importante proceso de organización y lucha por la recuperación de su río. El río Renaico se encuentra en franco proceso de depredación por la Compañía Manufacturera de Papeles y Cartones (CMPC), la cual es propiedad de una de las familias más poderosas de Chile, los Matte. Las plantas industriales de la CMPC se encuentran instaladas en Mininco, un sector ubicado a 24 kilómetros de Renaico, que pertenece jurisdiccionalmente a Collipulli. El río Renaico es el principal atractivo turístico de la comuna, y por ende una de las principales fuentes de ingreso para las familias renaiquinas. Pero también, en el transcurso de esta lucha, se ha comprendido el profundo vínculo emotivo que existe entre nuestra gente y la naturaleza. ... read full story / add a comment
international / environment / non-anarchist press Thursday December 17, 2015 - 17:04 bySteffen Böhm   text 1 comment (last - friday december 01, 2023 - 11:48)
The Paris Agreement has mostly been greeted with enthusiasm, though it contains at least one obvious flaw. Few seem to have noticed that the main tool mooted for keeping us within the 2℃ global warming target is a massive expansion of carbon trading, including offsetting, which allows the market exchange of credits between companies and nations to achieve an overall emissions reduction. That's despite plenty of evidence that markets haven't worked well enough, or quickly enough, to actually keep the planet safe.

The debate over whether to include carbon markets in the final agreement came right to the wire. Some left-leaning Latin American countries such as Venezuela and Bolivia vehemently opposed any mention, while the EU, Brazil, and New Zealand, among other countries, pushed hard for their inclusion – with support from the World Bank, the IMF and many business groups. ... read full story / add a comment
internacional / medio ambiente / opinión / análisis Thursday December 17, 2015 - 16:33 byTom Kucharz   image 1 image
Debemos estar alarmados con tanta autocomplacencia con el acuerdo "histórico" de París. La imagen es de una mascarada lamentable. Naciones Unidas, jefes de Estado y la mayoría de los medios de comunicación celebran con euforia el Acuerdo de París, pero en realidad es inhumano, engañoso y esquizofrénico. ... read full story / add a comment
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / medio ambiente / news report Monday December 07, 2015 - 05:37 byEmilio Urtubia   image 2 images
Miles de personas se dieron cita este mediodía para manifestarse en contra del proyecto hidroeléctrico Alto Maipo. Entre batucadas, gritos, expresiones artísticas y culturales, la masiva columna avanzó desde Plaza Italia por la alameda, concentrándose frente al palacio de La Moneda y finalizando en la estación de metro Los Héroes. El proyecto impulsado por la transnacional AES Gener, pretende generar energía para la minera privada Los Pelambres, perteneciente al Grupo Luksic, quien a su vez financia el 40% de esta obra. ... read full story / add a comment
international / environnement / opinion / analyse Tuesday December 01, 2015 - 16:17 byRelations Extérieures de la CGA   image 1 image
La conférence COP21 réunit au Bourget du 29 Novembre au 11 Décembre de nombreux experts et chefs d’États autour de la question du réchauffement climatique lié aux activités humaines. Cette conférence est organisée, financée et animée par les entrepreneurs et politiciens responsables de ce dont ils prétendent nous sauver. ... read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / medio ambiente / opinión / análisis Tuesday November 24, 2015 - 16:28 byColectivo ContraInformativo Sub*Versión   image 1 image
La extracción de materias primas para aumentar las exportaciones según la demanda a nivel mundial de los países netamente industrializados y de primer orden, afectan en gran medida las condiciones sociales y económicas de las poblaciones donde se realiza esta nefasta práctica, es decir, en los sectores subalternos de los países periféricos donde el neoliberalismo extremo, la economía transnacionalizada acompañada de la violencia para-institucional son protagonistas en la realidad nacional de dichos territorios. ... read full story / add a comment
international / environnement / opinion / analyse Tuesday October 20, 2015 - 19:50 byCommission internationale A.L.   image 1 image
En décembre 2015 se tient à Paris le 21e sommet des chefs d’État consacré au changement climatique (Cop 21), censé prendre des mesures pour endiguer le péril.

Qu’en attendre ? Hélas rien. Cette grand-messe sera un écran de fumée. Les décideurs politiques (États) et économiques (multinationales) ne peuvent vouloir à la fois :
- la croissance infinie en produisant toujours plus, en vendant toujours plus, en exploitant, en délocalisant, en enrichissant toujours davantage une minorité de possédants ;
- une décroissance nécessaire par la relocalisation des productions, la réduction des gaspillages, la sobriété ­énergétique, la satisfaction des besoins du plus grand nombre par la répartition égalitaire des richesses.

Contradiction insurmontable.

C’est par la mobilisation de ceux qui y ont réellement intérêt – les travailleuses et les travailleurs de toute condition, manuels et intellectuels, urbains et ruraux, du Nord comme du Sud… – que l’on pourra changer la société, ­reprendre le contrôle de l’économie, et donc de l’avenir. ... read full story / add a comment
international / environment / opinion / analysis Friday October 02, 2015 - 17:18 byBongani Maponyane   image 1 image
The planet is warming. This is not new to the earth’s history, which is billions of years old. But why the controversy regarding this fact? Does it lie in the association between climate change and the man-made contributing factors to this change? Is it because of the reality of the impact of the industrial age; the very foundations on which modern capitalism and empire has been built? Many within these industries spend billions on promoting the idea that climate change is a naturally-occurring phenomenon. But scientists around the world show convincingly that man-made fossil-fuel economies (economies built on the use of oil and coal, which release massive amounts of pollution and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, creating the greenhouse effect and global warming) have contributed, over a short period of time, to rapidly accelerating the usual naturally-occurring effect. The impact has been, amongst other things, rising sea levels, increased drought and destructive weather patterns. However, this knowledge has been met by a strong response from capitalists – and the politicians they fund – to throw doubt on the role and culpability of the industries that are causing the most damage (and have made them very rich and powerful.) They continue to fund “alternative” research and media propaganda to do so.
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international / environment / review Sunday September 20, 2015 - 09:55 byWayne Price   image 1 image
Pope Francis’ encyclical speaks both to global climate change and to global inequality and poverty, arguing that they are intertwined and require a common response. The strengths and limitations of his letter are discussed from an eco-socialist and anarchist perspective. ... read full story / add a comment
aotearoa / pacific islands / environment / opinion / analysis Sunday September 20, 2015 - 09:45 byKaye Richards   image 1 image
This article explores a point of historical change during which housing policy shifted in Aotearoa/New Zealand. It looks at the actions of the National government in 1991 in the context of the neo-liberal ideology that was heavily influencing the government at the time and their consequences in terms of poverty levels and inequalities in the housing market in the 1990’s and beyond. I begin with a brief overview of the history of state housing policies and intervention in the housing market. What follows are examples of how successive policies effected people on the receiving end of them. ... read full story / add a comment
international / environment / opinion / analysis Thursday September 10, 2015 - 18:37 byBongani Maponyane   image 1 image
The planet is warming. This is not new to the earth’s history, which is billions of years old. But why the controversy regarding this fact? Does it lie in the association between climate change and the man-made contributing factors to this change? Is it because of the reality of the impact of the industrial age; the very foundations on which modern capitalism and empire has been built? Many within these industries spend billions on promoting the idea that climate change is a naturally-occurring phenomenon. But scientists around the world show convincingly that man-made fossil-fuel economies (economies built on the use of oil and coal, which release massive amounts of pollution and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, creating the greenhouse effect and global warming) have contributed, over a short period of time, to rapidly accelerating the usual naturally-occurring effect. The impact has been, amongst other things, rising sea levels, increased drought and destructive weather patterns. However, this knowledge has been met by a strong response from capitalists – and the politicians they fund – to throw doubt on the role and culpability of the industries that are causing the most damage (and have made them very rich and powerful.) They continue to fund “alternative” research and media propaganda to do so.
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Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Περιβάλλον / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Monday August 10, 2015 - 18:20 byαμοιβάδα   image 1 image
Σε αυτόν τον τόπο αν κάτι έχει γίνει ξεκάθαρο σε όποιον-α έχει ακόμα τη θέληση να δει, είναι ο τρόπος διαχείρησης και η μεταβίβαση των χρεών των αφεντικών, που τα ίδια δημιούργησαν, σε δημόσιο χρέος. Είναι σχεδόν πλήρης η από μέρους μας υιοθέτηση της αφήγησής τους πως το «χρέος» και η κρίση είναι κάτι για το οποίο εκείνα δε φταίνε, αλλά φταίμε εμείς και οι «κακοί ξένοι». ... read full story / add a comment
indonesia / philippines / australia / environment / opinion / analysis Friday July 10, 2015 - 20:19 byMACG   image 2 images
And so the question arises – who can abolish capitalism and how can we manage to do it? Again we say the only way to abolish capitalism is through workers’ revolution. By organising in the workplace and taking control out of the hands of the capitalists we can stop the capitalists destroying the environment and begin active reconstruction of economic processes. We can use the campaign to close Hazelwood to open discussion with workers who want to save the planet, but don’t want to become human sacrifi ces in the process. ... read full story / add a comment
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