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Conférences Internationales Syndicales - I07

category international | luttes en milieu de travail | article de fond author Tuesday April 24, 2007 19:35author by Confédération nationale du travail - CNT-fauthor email international at cnt-f dot orgauthor address 33, rue des Vignoles, 75020 Parisauthor phone 01 43 72 09 54 Report this post to the editors

Dans le monde ... une classe en lutte !

Lors de son dernier Congrès Confédéral, la CNT a décidé d'organiser du 28 avril 2007 au 1er mai 2007 des rencontres internationales intitulées I 07. Ces rencontres font suite aux rencontres précédentes à San Francisco en 1999 (I 99) et à Essen en Allemagne en 2002 (I 02).

A cette occasion nous attendons des délégations qui viendront des quatre coins du monde : Bangladesh, Cameroun,Etat espagnol, Suède, Pologne, Colombie, Allemagne, Côte d'ivoire, Palestine, Maroc, Argentine, Algérie, Burkina Faso, Portugal, Grèce, Guinée-Conakry, Irlande, Bénin, Grande Bretagne, Etats-Unis, Mexique,...

Ces rencontres seront l'occasion d'échanger nos expériences de lutte et voir, toutes et tous ensemble, comment construire les fondements d'une solidarité de classe au plan international.

Conférences Internationales Syndicales - I07


Si l'espoir demeure, il se doit de faire, cependant, attention aux écueils de la facilité et des faux espoirs. Faux espoirs "politiques" tout d'abord, mais aussi au sein du camp même du syndicalisme. Car aujourd'hui, plus que jamais, il existe deux syndicalismes.

Le syndicalisme institutionnel, qui n'est finalement qu'un rouage de plus du système capitaliste, en vue de contrôler et domestiquer les travailleur-ses. C'est contre ce type de syndicalisme, celui personnifié par la nouvelle internationale réformiste la CSI, que nous inscrivons notre combat.

I 07 sera, donc, l'occasion de promouvoir un autre type de syndicalisme : un syndicalisme antibureaucratique, anticapitaliste et donc révolutionnaire.

Car le système capitaliste ne s'aménage pas, il ne se réforme pas. L'illusion d'un système capitaliste à visage humain est, lui aussi, une lourde erreur d'appréciation qui mine le mouvement alter mondialiste. Pour nous, ce système fait de misère, d'exclusion et de guerre se combat. Il se combat pour qu'un jour nous puissions dire oui.

Oui, un autre société est possible.

Oui, et nos compagnons de l'Espagne rouge et noire de 1936 nous le rappellent, c'est en le détruisant que nous serons libres.

I 07 ne sera qu'une étape afin d'échanger, nous coordonner et construire ensemble.

La route est encore longue. Mais comme le disait Buenaventura Durruti : "nous portons en nous un monde nouveau". Et cela, ni aucun Etat, ni aucun patron, ni aucun semeur de faux espoirs, ni aucun coup porté contre nous, ne nous l'enlèvera. Notre rage, notre détermination, notre sentiment d'appartenir à une seule et même classe, sont nos armes. Et l'avenir appartient à ceux qui luttent...



Conferenze internazionali sindacali: I 07 CNT-f [Italiano]

International Syndicalist Conference: I-07 CNT-f [English]

Toujours anticapitalistes... ... internationalistes toujours !!! CNT-f [Français]

Workers' Initiative at the I07 Conference in Paris Inicjatywa Pracownicza (Poland) [English]

Διεθνής Συνδικαλιστική Συνάντηση CNT-f [Ellinika]

Documento USI AIT per il Convegno di Parigi USI [Italiano]

Dossier de presse I 07 [PDF]

I-07 Open Forum

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author by Nestor - Anarkismopublication date Thu May 03, 2007 17:25author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Some fotos of the May Day demo in Paris:

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author by Nestor - Anarkismopublication date Thu May 03, 2007 21:42author address author phone Report this post to the editors

author by via Indymediapublication date Fri May 04, 2007 19:31author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Anarcho-syndicalists and revolutionary unionists from all over the world met in Paris from April 28th to May 1st 2007 in Paris for a conference. Following the conferences of San Francisco (i99) and Essen (i02), the CNT-F i07 took place with the goal of starting to build links between different organisations and unite workers of different countries, to struggle and take action through organising international solidarity.

The weekend included discussions and debates in syndicalist meetings (eg. 'Revolutionary syndicalism, anarchosyndicalism and institutions', 'Precarity at work'), branch meetings (building industry, education etc.) and thematic discussions (eg. 'Struggle against imperialism and neo-colonialism', 'Migration'). The anarchist/anarcho-syndicalist/syndicalist block at the 1st May demonstration had over 4000 participants from every corner of this planet.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

International Workers Day was celebrated all over the planet with anti-capitalist demonstrations. In Jakarta, 100 anarchists marched in a block; a campaign against youth rates was relaunched in Auckland; police attacked families and immigrants with tear gas and rubber bullets in Los Angeles; riots erupted in Zurich where bank windows were smashed and 100,000 people took part in a demonstration in Oaxaca.

International Solidarity

Activists came to Paris from all over the world! Unfortunately some people from Africa and Palestine couldn't attend because they were refused a visa. The following countries and organisations were represented:

Algeria (SNAPAP), Morocco (UMT, CDT, ANDCN, paysans pauvres, FDR-UDT), Tunisia (CGTT), Guinea (CNTG, CEK, SLEG), Cameroon (CSP, CGT Liberté), Côte d'Ivoire (CGT-CI), Djibouti (UDT), Congo RDC (LO), Mali (Cocidirail, Sytrail), Benin (FNEB, UNSTB, AIPR), Burkina Faso (UGEB, CGT-B, AEBF), Madagascar (FISEMARE).

Bangladesh (NGWF, Sans-Terre), Palestine (Refugee camp Dheisheh, PFU, DWRC), Turkey (ACI), Siberia (SKT).

Colombia (SINALTRAINAL, Estudios libertarios, Anarchist Black Cross), Mexico (APPO (Oaxaca), Chiapas, Atenco), Argentina, USA (IWW), Brazil (Anarchist Federation of Rio).

Portugal (AC Interpro), Poland (IT, CK-LA), Italy (USI, Unicobas), Greece (ESE), UK (SolFed), Ireland (Organize), Germany (FAU), Spain (CGT, CNT, Solidaridad Obrera), Sweden (SAC, SUF).



The meetings took place on Saturday/Sunday 28/29 April. Many fruitful discussions were had and plans made for future actions and campaigns. The meetings included regional meetings, branch meetings as well as thematic discussions and debates.

Syndicalist meetings

High cost of life, wages, housing
Undoubtedly workers around the world know a true lowering of their purchasing power and must face more and more difficulties around housing, transportation and food. Facing this, some social movements are developing with vindications going from simple demands for respect of fundamental rights to the requirement of a true redistribution of wealth: as capitalism produce more and more wealth, is redistribution more and more unequal?

Outsourcing, redundancies, unemployment
Capitalist globalisation brings more and more changes whether under the form of outsourcing, shooting down unprofitable factories, mergers and so on. What international reaction can we have in front of this critical situation for the workers of the world?

The co-operative system of production can be an alternative to the dominant economical system as a way of self-organisation of the workers as well as a weapon of the syndicalist struggle, notably for the repossession of closing factories...

Representativity, law, syndicalist freedom and antisyndicalist repression
First of all we will look over at different situations in each country present (syndicalist existence rights in companies or at a national level, right to strike, attacks against syndicalist freedom). This will bring us to look at the perspectives of struggles and of common means of actions to reinforce syndicalist rights.

Revolutionary syndicalism, anarchosyndicalism and institutions
How can we combine our day-to-day struggles and our revolutionary vision of syndicalism? How far can syndicalism go without loosing its independence toward the State and the bosses? What is the relationship between syndicalism and politics?

European union
Statement of different social situations and reforms at different level. Possibility of a concrete co-ordination of struggles at this level facing a «europeanisation» of laws and rights of the workers.

Public services and privatisation
World-wide public sector is being privatised. What kind of resistance for what kind of public service?

Precarity at work
Neoliberalism means precarity, the circle precarity of the workers which is being a work force with no rights. It's about time to fight back?

Branch meetings
Everybody met in branch meetings on Saturday afternoon. The networking will connect workers for future struggles and strengthen the international solidarity. The following meetings took place: Building industry (Fédération SUB-CNT), Culture and media (inculding archeology) (Fédération CCS), Education (Fédération Education), Agriculture and Environment (Fédération des travailleurs de la terre et de l'environnement), Health and social industry (Fédération Santé-social), Trade and food industry (SCIAL RP), Transportation (inculding railroad) (CNT Nancy), Cleaning industry (Nettoyage RP et 69),- Steel industry and car industry (CNT 93), Telecom industry (postal services, telecom, etc) (Fédération PTT), Computer workers (Syndicat de l'industrie informatique RP) and Homecare workers (Fédération Santé-social/UL Poitiers).

Thematic meetings

This debate will be mostly on how can laws permit the development of the exploitation of migrant workers. From there, how do we organise a syndicalist fightback ?

Energy, industrial pollution, agriculture (GM props, etc), growth and degrowth. How to define a social ecology ? How should syndicalism approach ecology ?

What do women today struggle for?

How can we organise the resistance against the global rise of fascism today?

We will talk about the project of an international meeting in Chiapas (Mexico) brought up by the EZLN for 2008. There would the participation of countries with whom they have little or no contact with.

Around the world the conditions of detention are getting worse (overcrowded cells, torture, etc). Not to mention the economic exploitation of prisoners mostly used as extremely cheap work force. How to denounce prison as a true tool of repression of the ruling classes? What alternative for tomorrow?

Worldwide campaign against Coca-Cola
This multinational company is the symbol of global capitalism: from murdering syndicalists in Colombia to spoliation of resources. An international campaign started to promote the boycott of the products of this company.

Struggle against imperialism and neo-colonialism
How can and should syndicalism bring up the struggle for self-determination of the peoples?

What is the best way to bring class consciousness to the youth? Why and how?

Confederal meetings
Meetings with the delegates of the various syndicalist organisations took place on Monday morning.

Mediterranean Zone Meeting
Specific meeting about the creating of a syndicalist solidarity group in the Mediterranean area. Proposition of methodology (which, obviously, can be modified). A general assembly on the global analysis of the situation on both side of the Mediterranean Sea (the potential participants should send in advance their written presentations in order to have more time to discuss). Later, group meetings on: the struggle against unemployment and precarity, liberties and syndicalist rights, privatisation, relocating companies and multinationals, women, the youth and syndicalism, immigration and labour market, syndicalist formation, communication networks, the defense of the common good (water, earth, etc.), the struggle of the poor peasants, the Amazigh people. Then, we will return in general assembly with the minutes of each group meeting and collective conclusions (what sort of campaigns, joint statements, etc.)

G8 Meeting in Germany, what are we doing?

The next G8 meeting will take place in Germany, in Rostock, in the beginning of June 2007. We will discuss the perspectives and how to mobilise for the event.

International Meeting

An international meeting on 30th April brought hundreds of people together at Place de la réunion. Speakers from Siberia, Guniea, Atenco and Palestine reported on their current struggles. 'Le Choeur du Peuple' (the people's choir) performed songs from the Paris Commune and a song about Nestor Makhno (he is buried just around the corner in the Père-Lachaise Cemetery).

The CNT-F organised a fantastic cultural program too with several concerts taking place over the weekend at the CNT's local and other places in Paris.

See you at the next conference!

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author by Nestor - Anarkismopublication date Thu May 10, 2007 18:31author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Interview with the CNT's International Relations Secretary during the recent I07:

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author by Nestor - Anarkismopublication date Mon May 21, 2007 21:38author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Entrevista com delegado da FARJ ao encontro I 07 de Paris

Entrevista con un miembro de la FARJ sobre el i-07 de París

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