Racism a disease of antogonistic class relation
Cure the disease
APPROPRIATE THE disease of racism, laid the groundwork to CURE IT, AND MAKE SURE IT DOESN'T COME BACK
APPROPRIATE THE disease of racism, laid the groundwork to CURE IT, AND MAKE SURE IT DOESN'T COME BACK
A policeman, a legal thug, killed George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota while three others legal thugs stood by. They did this in front of a crowd of people watching this despicable and horrifying crime. TRUMP, the head fascist in town, threatened to call the National Guard and blamed the protesters for spontaneously expressing their anger, but said nothing, absolutely nothing of the thugs who murdered this brother.
The local and federal state apparatus held a press conference mainly to absolve four of their members of the crime they committed. It was mostly a diplomatic and hypocritical support, mainly to caution that if a crime had been committed, it would have to be proven in the capitalist judicial system. But capitalist law is not designed to protect the masses. It is designed to enshrine capitalists and protect their apparatus of repression. It took the entire country taking the streets in uprising, plus international support for over a week to get four murderers arrested and charged. We can sometimes benefit from the capitalist judicial system due to the internal contradictions of capitalism, but that’s mainly through struggles waged by the popular masses, mostly workers. These benefits can only enlarge bourgeois democratic rights, though.
The brother was black. Petit bourgeois intellectuals took the street to wave the flag of racism. It is RACISM. YET IT IS MUCH DEEPER THAN RACISM. Racism is a contradictory outcome of a much deeper phenomenon. All these murders of black persons are racist. These are acts that we call racist, but they will not find a solution in an anti-racist struggle only, since their origins are much deeper than racism, even as they are palpably racist.
Racism is an expression of a much deeper contradiction – the class struggle that drives the organization and reproduction of society, from its economy to its politics and ideologies. To address racism, we need to address this much deeper contradiction and bring a solution to that contradiction.
We need to define a political orientation for the gradual disintegration of the contradiction itself as well as the gradual disintegration of all the forms of this fundamental contradiction manifesting itself. Otherwise, these expressions will keep coming back. These expressions were recurring way before the civil rights struggles, to a far worse extent. We should not forget the hanging of black men just for looking at a white girl. The raping of black girls by white men and public lynching’s advertised in newspapers, where white people would bring their families to a public park to witness lynching’s, impressing this culture of hate to their young. The “Founding Fathers” where all white men and many of them thieves and slave owners.
Where does “Racism” come from?
Slavery is a mode of production. Two classes are at the center of that mode of production: slaves and slave masters. The relations between these two classes are antagonistic, to maintain that mode of production and its reproduction for the sole benefit of the slave masters. Slavery is not a race relation, even if it has appeared to be so in some societies. Slavery has existed in Ireland, Egypt, and the Caribbean, in Europe, Rome, Greece, and Asia, in the US and in Africa. In many occurrences, it had little or nothing to do with skin color.
In all societies based on classes, the underpinning element of social relations is the antagonism between the fundamental classes. Only revolution can address that contradictory social relation and resolve it. So far, humanity, in our modern times, has produced three main modes of production: slavery, feudalism and capitalism. Historically, these were intertwined in many societies. All these modes of production were founded and depended on an antagonistic relation for their reproduction: slaves vs. slave owners, peasants vs. landlords, workers vs. capitalists
But slavery in the pre-civil war era American social formation was a hybrid capitalist mode of production, fully integrated into the capitalist market economy. The slaves and their labor were the property of the plantation masters, as opposed to the wage labor in the farms and factories of the North
The civil war was not an anti-slavery struggle. If it had been, it would have been a slave revolution where slaves themselves, not the U.S. state, would have overtaken masters.
Instead, the civil war was an inter-capitalist class struggle that resolved that industrial capitalism, based on the antagonistic relation of workers and capital, was far more profitable and sustainable than slavery, since capitalist factory owners were only liable for measly subsistence wages and had no labor supply problem.
Industrial capitalism, based on the wage slavery of the working class, was far more productive and far more sustainable than plantation slavery. It also required and promoted a very advanced and rapid development of the productive forces through market competition, in the interest of capitalist accumulation. Slaves did not overthrow the slave owners, so the result of the civil war addressed the needs of capitalists, not the newly freed ex-slaves.
Unlike most European states, the U.S. did not go through a period of feudalism. The defeat of slavery by industrial capitalism made industrial capitalism not only dominant but also hegemonic nationally and internationally, as U.S. imperialism extended itself. We are now in a period in which industrial capital is being challenged by non-productive forms of capitalist surplus-value appropriation for dominance and hegemony, mainly financial capital, setting the stage for a new era of struggle for hegemony within the capitalist power bloc.
Since the defeat of slavery was not resolved through a slave revolution overthrowing the class of slave owners, the fundamental contradiction of slavery was only resolved in a deformed way. The slave owner class, even though defeated as slave owners, were only dispossessed of their slaves, but preserved most of their other capital. They quickly integrated other fractions of the capitalist class. They maintained, reproduced and adapted the structures of political and ideological domination they had developed to facilitate their domination of slaves.
Examples of this include “Black Codes” laws, sharecropping, convict leasing, “Jim Crow” laws, “sundown town” policies, redlining and restrictive covenants for housing, exclusion from G.I. Bill benefits, discriminatory/predatory lending for housing, and discriminatory law enforcement and criminal justice practices They used this power and integrated it into their transformed economic dominant roles as capitalists, or as plantation owners with former slaves as share croppers.
This structure and mechanism of domination is still perpetuated today and do the dominant classes in the U.S. social formation to perpetuate their domination and exploitation of the popular masses use the underlying root of the persistent “racism”. The former slaves mostly integrated the dominated and exploited classes while a tiny few integrated the capitalist class, which has remained for the most part “white.”
Even if denounced in some sectors of the main stream media, by some churches, schools and some prominent politicians… racism, as an ideology, is still produced by the structures of capitalist domination and still facilitates the exploitation and domination of large sectors of the popular masses. In the U.S., capitalism profits from and breeds racism. “Racism” is structurally built into U.S. capitalism. Just look at the growing racial wealth disparities. Racism can’t be eradicated without the overthrow of capitalism.
The “original sin” of the U.S. is not “racism” or racist beliefs, but rather the material practices of slavery and the genocidal pillage of indigenous people. Genocidal pillage specifically further developed capitalism by transferring land to the capitalist class for production activities while removing forces who opposed that development and promoting collusion in some cases. Slavery specifically further developed capitalism by providing an ongoing supply of laborers to build up the forces of production. Both genocidal pillage and slavery laid the foundation for developing capitalism into imperialism and paved the path for exploiting all members of the working class once slavery was abolished through the inter-capitalist struggle we call the civil war.
Over the past week, the murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, and countless others, have fueled people in many different states to take the streets to manifest their anger. These are mostly spontaneous acts of protest and rejection of this system of mass oppression. But the power bloc of the capitalist class, from Biden, to AOC to Trump and others, are all in unison, denouncing “violence.” To them, the right to use violence is solely reserved to the dominant classes and their ruling state apparatus. But reactionary violence must be opposed by revolutionary violence.
These uprising are limited, but they are POPULAR DEMOCRATIC UPRISINGS. They should force the capitalists to retreat, even temporarily. At the same time, they should allow revolutionary forces to transition to building a disciplined, organized movement to defeat capitalism.
In order to realize these objectives, revolutionaries will have to defeat opportunism and populism in the ranks of the popular masses, at all levels. The concepts of brown, red, and black people are bourgeois concepts that do not address the fundamental contradiction at hand. Brown, red, black do not precisely describe the social relations that exist under capitalism/imperialism. If we could magically eliminate all racial disparities, this capitalist system would still be fundamentally as unjust, inhumane, and reprehensible.
Imperialist capitalism brings exploitation, domination, and oppression. We have no choice but to defeat the fundamental contradiction if we want to stop the capitalist class from growing its power. We have no choice but to destroy the fundamental contradiction if we want the imperialist domination to be stopped dead in its tracks.
Only our understanding of economic, political and ideological relations can determine who are our friends, and who are our enemies There are no guarantees that a “brown,” “black,” or “red” person will be a friend of the struggle against capitalism and imperialism. In the U.S., many “black and brown” persons are our class enemies because they are capitalists and promote imperialism.
All those in Congress are our enemies or potential enemies. All those in the capitalist classes are our enemies. Unity cannot be defined by complexion, but only by politics and fundamentally, their relation with the economy: exploiter or exploited. There are many countries that are dominantly black and dominated by black ruling classes. And in those countries there also exists a tremendous class struggle. In Latin America, mostly “brown,” there exists the same thing. As long you are dominated, regardless of your consciousness you are part of the masses.
We can’t win against racism with anti-racism only. We can however up rise against it every time it manifests itself to force the realization of some of our demands. The unity of the masses for the defeat of capitalism and imperialism is the only path to rid us of capitalism and of all the roots of racism.
As opposed to an idealist conception of democracy, a materialist conception of democracy, for us, is the dictatorship of the dominant classes to guarantee their reproduction as dominant classes. Bourgeois democracy is the dictatorship of the capitalist class to perpetuate capitalism. Proletarian Dictatorship is the democracy of the proletariat to achieve an historical objective: a society based on no antagonism, to bring about a classless society.
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5This is a complex and thought-provoking perspective on the intersection of racism and class struggle. It underscores the need for systemic change to eliminate racism by addressing its economic and political underpinnings.
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It's a profound analysis, emphasizing that racism is not merely a surface issue but deeply intertwined with the class struggle.