[South Africa] We are dying for food 22:31 Aug 06 1602 comments "En Haití está desarrollándose una rebelión de las masas en contra de un sistema neocolonial" 09:04 Mar 28 0 comments What Colour is Your Vest? The Gilets Jaunes Revolt Shaking France 20:53 Feb 14 5 comments Yellow Vests and I 19:55 Jan 12 1 comments Trespass 3 23:45 Jan 03 0 comments more >> |
Recent articles by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group
Resist Genocide 174 comments Résister au génocide 21 comments Capitalism can’t stop Climate Change 3 comments Recent Articles about France / Belgium / Luxemburg Community strugglesYellow Vests and Raincoats Jun 05 19 Los Chalecos Amarillos han destrozado las viejas categorías políticas Feb 28 19 What Colour is Your Vest? The Gilets Jaunes Revolt Shaking France Feb 14 19 Lessons from the Yellow Vests
france / belgium / luxemburg |
community struggles |
opinion / analysis
Wednesday January 30, 2019 20:36 by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group - Anarkismo
The only realistic approach to climate change is one that recognises the inequality in our society. The policies of neo-liberalism, in particular carbon pricing, are a prescription for failure. Workers and communities currently reliant on unsustainable industries deserve a just transition. Working class living standards as a whole must be protected to maintain social support for a transition to a carbon free economy. The price of the transition must be borne by those who built and profited from unsustainable industries – the capitalists. In short, we need to abolish capitalism. It is the only strategy that can work. The Yellow Vests movement in France began on 17 November and, after peaking in early December, has continued to this day. It was triggered by the decision of the French Government to increase taxes on petrol and diesel fuel at the start of 2019 and to justify it on environmental grounds, in particular to mitigate climate change. Opinion polls report that the movement has the support of the vast majority of people in France. |
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