Internationalist Manifesto Against the War 07:38 Apr 15 30 comments War and Anarchists: Anti-Authoritarian Perspectives in Ukraine 19:25 Feb 22 17 comments We condemn the Turkish state attack and invasion of the Iraqi Kurdistan 07:12 Jun 26 8 comments A Dirty Military Incursion into Venezuela 23:20 May 11 11 comments US refusal to withdraw troops from Iraq is a breach of international law 22:27 Feb 08 2 comments more >> |
Recent articles by Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet
Covid19 Değil Akp19 Yasakları: 14 Maddede Akp19 Krizi 1 comments Yaşasın 1 Mayıs! 0 comments Suriye’deki Savaş Büyüyor 0 comments Recent Articles about Mashriq / Arabia / Iraq Imperialism / WarResist Genocide Oct 14 23 Résister au génocide Oct 14 23 La révolution du Rojava a défendu le monde, maintenant le monde doit d... Jan 09 22 States at War with Peoples will Lose
mashriq / arabia / iraq |
imperialism / war |
press release
Wednesday January 24, 2018 09:23 by Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet - DAF
Afrin belongs to the peoples of Afrin. Peoples living in Afrin were born in these lands and died in these lands. Living there is not related to any plans or programs. They are not in Afrin as part of a strategy. Afrin, for them is water, bread, food, play, stories, friends, mates, lovers, streets, homes, neighborhoods. But for the state, it is only a strategy. A strategy that does not care about Afrin or the peoples of Afrin. [Türkçe] [Castellano] [Ελληνικά] [Français] [Italiano] The attack on Afrin is a strategy of the Energy War that has resulted in the breakdown of Syria and that will break down many states in the region. States create the illusion that they are waging these wars "for their citizens". They make nationalist conservative propaganda to convince their citizens of this misconception. This is an inescapable need both internally and externally. While it is required for elections internally, it is valid on the tables externally. Rulers who go through a completely commercial process such as the extraction, transportation and sale of energy resources use all their materials to increase their gains. In these discussions where the numbers of rifles, tanks, airplanes are important, the number of soldiers is the most important. A soldier is no different than a material. This is why the nationalist conservative fallacy is created
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