Recent articles by Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira
Comunicado da CAB às organizações amigas e parcerias de luta Feb 01 23 CAB's announcement to the fellow organisations and comrades Feb 01 23 Declaration of Principles of the Brazilian Anarchist Co-ordination (CAB)![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira (CAB) is an organisational area founded in 2012 that gathers together on a nationwide level anarchist organisations and groups that work on the basis of the principles and strategy of especifista anarchism. The CAB has come about as the result of a ten-year organising process which started in 2002 with the founding of the Fórum do Anarquismo Organizado (FAO). Over the decade, it make progress both in political and ideological terms and in relation to the workers in the popular movements. The foundation of the CAB marks the passage from a forum to a nationwide co-ordination, and brings greater organisational agreement and establishing the basis for an advance towards a Brazilian anarchist organisation. [Português] Declaration of Principles of the Brazilian Anarchist Co-ordination (Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira - CAB)What is the CAB?The Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira (CAB) is an organisational area founded in 2012 that gathers together on a nationwide level anarchist organisations and groups that work on the basis of the principles and strategy of especifista anarchism. The CAB has come about as the result of a ten-year organising process which started in 2002 with the founding of the Fórum do Anarquismo Organizado (FAO). Over the decade, it make progress both in political and ideological terms and in relation to the workers in the popular movements. The foundation of the CAB marks the passage from a forum to a nationwide co-ordination, and brings greater organisational agreement and establishing the basis for an advance towards a Brazilian anarchist organisation.Our organisational conception of anarchismAll the groups and organisations of the CAB, as well as those interested in being its members, must agree, support and apply this conception of anarchism, which we consider to be the minimum requirement for the initiation of joint projects. The anarchism advocated by the CAB is understood by the following political-ideological principles and overall strategy.Political and ideological principlesThe understanding, support and implementation of the following:a) Anarchism as an ideology and therefore as a system of ideas, motivations and aspirations that necessarily have a connection with action whose goal is social transformation - political practice. b) An anarchism in permanent contact with the class struggle of the social movements of our time, and functioning as a tool of struggle and not as pure philosophy or in small, isolated and sectarian groups. c) A concept of class that includes all parts of the exploited, dominated and oppressed of our society. d) The need for anarchism to regain its place as a leading mover within society and to seek out the best spaces in which to work. e) The social revolution and libertarian socialism as final long-term objectives. f) Organisation as something essential and contrary to individualism and spontaneity. g) The specific anarchist organisation as an indispensable factor for activity in the most varied manifestations of the class struggle. That is, the separation between the political level (of the specific anarchist organisation) and the social level (of social movements, unions, etc.). h) The anarchist organisation as an organisation of the active minority, differing from the authoritarian vanguard in that it does not consider itself superior to the organisations on the social level. The political level is complementary to the social level and vice versa. i) That the main activity of the anarchist organisation is social work/insertion among the manifestations of people’s struggle. j) That ethics are a fundamental pillar of the anarchist organisation and that they guide its whole practice. k) The need for propaganda, and for it to be carried out on fertile terrain. l) The operational logic of concentric circles, giving body to an organisational form in which commitment is directly associated with decision-making power. Likewise, an organisation that offers efficient interaction with the popular movements. m) That the organisation should have clear entrance criteria and well-defined positions for all who want to help (levels of supporter/helper). n) Self-management and federalism for decision-making and necessary articulations, employing direct democracy. o) The continuous search for consensus but, failing that, the adoption of voting as method of decision-making. p) Working with theoretical, ideological and programmatic (strategic/practical) unity. The organisation collectively constructs a theoretical and ideological line and, in the same way, determines and rigorously follows the defined paths, all rowing the boat in the same direction, towards the established objectives. q) Militant commitment and collective responsibility. An organisation with responsible members, that does not indulge the lack of commitment or irresponsibility. Similarly, the defence of a model in which the militants are responsible for the organisation, as well as the organisation being responsible for the militants. r) The militants that make up the organisation have, necessarily, to be inserted in social work, as well as to engage in the internal activities of the organisation (secretaries, etc.). General strategyThe general strategy of the anarchism that we advocate is based on popular movements, in their organisation, accumulation of strength, and on the application of advanced forms of struggle, in order to get to the revolution and to libertarian socialism. A process that occurs in conjunction with the specific anarchist organisation which, by functioning as a tool/motor, acts in conjunction with the popular movements and provides the conditions for transformation. These two levels (the popular movements and the anarchist organisation) may also be complemented by a third, that of the tendency, which adds a sector akin to the popular movements.This strategy, therefore, aims to create and participate in popular movements advocating certain methodological and programmatic conceptions within them, so that they can point towards a final objective which is consolidated in the construction of the new society. Translation: Jonathan - ZACF |
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