Police brutality in Athens
Comrade face death
Photos and videos from the brutal police attack with tear gases etc against protesters in centre of Athens, 11 May 2011.

Here are photos and videos ffrom various sites and blogs, speciallly from Athens Indynedia, from and about the events in the centre of Athens during the demonstration as a part of the general strike of 11 May 2011 against austerity measures, visit of troika (of E.U., IMF and Eur. Bank - which are co-ordinating greek economy etc).
The police attacked to the contigents of protsters without a reason, without been a class before or an attack in a bank or so. The police attack was so brutal that dozens of people went to the hospitals to take some aid.
Also there are reports that some police special forces men were brutal especially against women protesters.
One protester named Yannis K., member of the local Resistance Assembly of Kypseli/Patisia (inner Athens suburbs) is facing death after went into aan emergenecy surgery in Nikaia Hospital after been beat by the police severly.
There are information that government and police leadership are reinforcing the police in Athens by bringing more forces from other cities, in a case that Yannis will die something that will cause similar to December 2008 events after the killing of 16 yo Alexis Grigoropoulos.
Here are some links:
(stay a little bit on this site because the photos are coming the one after the other)
Intrnational solidarity to our Greek comrades and the greek social movement.
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3Announcement of EINAP (Association of Hospital Doctors Of Athens
Local Committee of EINAP [Association of Hospital Doctors Of Athens and Piraeus] General Hospital of Nikaia
Today we witnessed the endless and unimaginable brutality by the Greek goverment of Memorandum [austerity measures] , in order to suppress any citizens' action, who are opposed against the measures which are planning by the foreign and local capital.
Dozens of injured protesters were hit by the riot police and transfered with ambulance or came alone in our hospital. Most of them had head injuries. Among them, there is a 30 – years old protestor with heavy, antemortem condition, anisocoria and huge epidural hematoma. At this time the protestor is in surgery by our collegues who are trying to save his life.
We condemn the police brutality and arbitrariness.
We condemn all the members of the Greek Government and the Prime Minister for the assassination attempt against the specific citizen who is in serious condition and his life is in danger, also against all other protestors.
The violence and repression against the people who resist have no future.
The government with the brazen tactics of popular's rights rape, which are necessary for the people's survival and also with the brutal violence which directly threaten people's lives, will increase our stubbornness and our decision to fight until the end in order people have bread, education and freedom. We are not going to stop until the guilty of murder attempt will be punished. We are not going to stop until our people win!
Comité Local de l’EINAP [Association des Docteurs d’Hôpitaux d’Athènes et de Le Pirée] de l’Hôpital Général de Nikaia
Aujourd’hui, nous avons été témoins de la brutalité inimaginable et interminable du gouvernement grec du Mémorandum [celui des mesures d’austérité], dans le but de supprimer toute action des citoyen-ne-s opposé-e-s aux mesures planifiées par le capital étranger et local.
Des douzaines de manifestant-e-s furent blessé-e-s par les coups de la police antiémeute et transféré-e-s par ambulance ou par leurs propres moyens à notre hôpital. La plupart d’entre elles et eux avaient des blessures à la tête. Parmi elles et eux, il y avait un manifestant de 30 ans qui était dans de lourdes conditions antemortem et présentait de l’anisocorie et un énorme hématome épidural. À ce moment, le manifestant subit une chirurgie par nos collègues qui tentent de lui sauver la vie.
Nous condamnons la brutalité policière et leur arbitraire.
Nous condamnons tou-te-s les membres du Gouvernement grec et le Premier Ministre pour la tentative d’assassinat, spécialement contre un citoyen qui est dans une grave condition et dont la vie est en danger, mais également contre tou-te-s les autres manifestant-e-s.
La violence et la répression contre les gens qui résistent n’a aucun futur.
Le gouvernement, avec ses tactiques éhontées de viol des droits populaires nécessaires à la survie des gens et avec la violence brutale qui menace directement la vie des gens, va accroître notre persistance et notre détermination de lutter jusqu’au bout pour que les gens aient du pain, l’éducation et la liberté. Nous ne nous arrêterons pas tant que les coupables de tentatives de meurtre ne seront pas puni-e-s. Nous ne nous arrêterons pas tant que le peuple n’aura pas gagné!
A coverage at German FAU's website can be found here