"Direkte Aktion", No 1 - Vol.1
The new news-sheet from Libertære Socialister "Direkte Aktion" can now be downloaded as PDF
The libertarian movement in Denmark has a new national magazine!
Read "Direkte Aktion" and spread the good news! [Dansk]
Direkte Aktion nr. 1
"Direkte Aktion", No 1 - Vol.1
We are proud today to announce the first issue of our publication "Direkte Aktion" (Direct Action). "Direkte Aktion" is a pilot project - we have secured resources to publish two issues, but if all goes well we plan to publish it approximately 4-5 times a year.
The aim of "Direkte Aktion" is to reach out to a wider audience with libertarian socialist ideas and analyses in a welcoming and accessible format. By the same token, "Direkte Aktion" will also be distributed free at a variety of locations, primarily in those cities where Libertære Socialister has branches. You can get a copy directly from your nearest LS branch or of course download it here.
Read on:
- The Arab insurgency - people in struggle for freedom and social justice
- Anarchism & Violence - bombing wave in Southern Europe
- Culture of Fear - the war against the ghetto
- Anarchist organization - why should anarchists organize themselves?
- Review of "Brand" - the old Swedish socialist youth newspaper
All articles are in Danish.
Translation by FdCA International Relations Office
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