France at a Crossroads 06:59 Jan 16 4 comments Apoyo a los y las Trabajadoras de los Servicios Públicos en Rosario (Argentina) 01:37 Dec 31 2 comments Labor in the age of Duterte: The Pacific Plaza strike 00:20 Mar 14 1 comments The Google Walkout: An International Working-Class Movement 18:55 Nov 05 2 comments [South Africa] Stop the repression of casualised/contract workers in Ekurhuleni! 07:27 Sep 29 0 comments more >> |
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Thursday April 02, 2009 19:04 by Andrew
In the latest round of attacks on ordinary workers in order to force us to pay for the crisis in capitalism the government had "declared a moratorium on Recruitment and Promotions in the Public Service with effect from 27th March". This is both yet another direct attack on public sector workers and an indirect attack on all workers as it means our access to health, education and other essential services will be further reduced. As usual the government is spinning this attack to sow division between workers. So for instance it is implied that the freeze in the health sector will not target 'front line' staff but only administrative posts. In fact the plan is to allow a very limited number of front line posts to be protected by further slashing of administration grades. Does the government really expect us to believe that a modern health service can be run without all the background processing of medical information that falls under administration. Or that a hospital can function without someone ordering everything from medical supplies to toilet paper. Over the last decade we have already seen large numbers of superbug deaths in the hospitals due to the decision to outsource 'non essential' cleaning services, is this latest scam not more of the same? Are we really going to fall for it? |
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