"We Are All Anarchists Against The Wall" - PDF pamphlet
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Thursday August 25, 2005 23:20
by FdCA Int - FdCA

Documents from the movement in Israel/Palestine
Produced by the Italian FdCA this is a 70-page PDF booklet on the struggle against the Apartheid Wall, specially produced for the international day of anarchist solidarity 22 October actions. Lots of interviews, documents and analysis. They invite anarchist organizations to download, print and distribute the booklet.
"We Are All Anarchists Against The Wall"
Produced by the Italian FdCA this is a 70-page PDF booklet on the
struggle against the Apartheid Wall, specially produced for the
international day of anarchist solidarity 22 October actions. Lots
of interviews, documents and analysis. They invite anarchist
organizations to download, print and distribute the booklet.
FdCA website on Anarchists aganst
the Wall
This page can be viewed in
English Italiano Deutsch
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Comments (3 of 3)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3This English version of the document stops at p. 35
«it with dynamite, now he's trying it with a fence. The objective»
Hi Manuel,
Actually, it IS the full booklet. If you look carefully you will see that each "page" in fact contins 2 pages. It is designed so that it can be printed out in booklet format (2 A5 pages per A4 leaf).
In solidarity,
PS. By the way, if people are not happy about downloading a .ZIP file (this one IS safe!) the they can access the .PDF file of the cover at http://www.fdca.it/wall/media/anarwall_EN_cover.pdf and the main text at http://www.fdca.it/wall/media/anarwall_EN.pdf.
There is also an Italian version available:
Cover http://www.fdca.it/wall/media/anarwall_cop.pdf
Text http://www.fdca.it/wall/media/anarwall.pdf
ZIP http://www.fdca.it/wall/media/wall_italiano.zip
Thanks! I appreciate the invitation to download, print and distribute the booklet, as it can help spread awareness and understanding about the ongoing struggle against imperialism and war in the region.