espero 7 – Die neue Sommerausgabe 2023 16:58 Jun 25 11 comments Hier ist sie: Die espero-Sommerausgabe 2021! 18:20 Jun 16 16 comments David Graeber, anthropologist and author of Bullshit Jobs, dies aged 59 00:24 Sep 06 10 comments Poder e Governação 02:58 May 17 2 comments Against Anarcho-Liberalism and the curse of identity politics 18:34 Jan 14 4 comments more >> |
Recent articles by WS
That's Capitalism! 0 comments Capitalism is not collapsing 1 comments Anarchist activity in Ireland 0 comments Recent Articles about Ireland / Britain Anarchist movementDavid Graeber, anthropologist and author of Bullshit Jobs, dies aged 5... Sep 06 20 Why anarchism isn’t a popular idea? Jul 13 20 Interview with the Anarchist Communist Group (ACG) from Great Britain Jun 09 19 Workers Solidarity 106 is online
ireland / britain |
anarchist movement |
link to pdf
Wednesday December 03, 2008 19:43 by WS - WSM wsm_ireland at yahoo dot com
November/December Edition of Ireland's anarchist paper Workers Solidarity freesheet. is online for you to read. You can also download, print out and distribute the PDF files. WS is published in separate northern and southern editions, you can download either. Anarchism and the WSMThe WSM stands for a society where production is organised to meet human needs and desires rather than to generate profit for a few. We hold that there should no limits on human liberty other than respect for the liberty of others. We believe in democracy, in direct democracy. This means everyone being able to have a say in making the decisions that will effect them. We are an organisation of working class anarchists who have come together to maximise the impact of anarchist ideas. Pooling the resources of many people allows us to distribute 10,000 copies of this paper every two months, and 1,000 copies of our twice yearly magazine, Red & Black Revolution. It allows us to discuss the best ways to advance working class interests, and prioritise particular activities rather than be so widely dispersed as to have little effect. The next issue of Red and Black Revolution is due out in the coming weeks. Over the next six months, the WSM will be organizing a series of public talks on the recent financial collapse and the libertarian socialist alternative. We’ve already published extensive analysis of the origin and role of the financial system which are well worth a read. Check out our website for the full articles. We aim to host meetings, in Tralee, Limerick, Galway, Belfast, Dublin and Cork. If you would like to help out in organising these meetings or are interested in organising one in your area, please get in touch via email at If you think the world needs to be built on a saner and more just economic basis, then consider getting organised in your trade union, residents’ association, women’s group etc. If, like us, you think that a just world requires the replacement of capitalism by a libertarian socialist approach, then consider getting involved in the WSM; replacing capitalism is going take a lot of people getting very organised. In this issue ..People Power! Pensioners show the way Students say “Feck Fees” ‘Partnership’ – A farce and a con District Policing Partnerships – A talking shop Stormont continues to crumble under its own contradictions! NI Women sold out by Labour on equal access to abortion Get out of that relationship! (Thinking About Anarchism) Crisis, What Crisis? - Pyramids not houses What’s happening in Bolivia? That's capitalism Click on one of the thumbnails above for an PDF version of the northern or southern edition of Workers Solidarity 106 which can be printed out on eight A4 pages. ws106northern.pdf 1.78 Mb ws106southern.pdf 1.96 Mb |
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