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mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war Saturday October 14, 2023 20:31 by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group
The Israeli military has ordered the residents of the northern half of Gaza to evacuate within 24 hours. It is impossible for over one million people to do this in such a short time. The order can only be interpreted as a public relations formality and prelude to genocide. All workers and soldiers in a position to prevent this have a duty to act. [Français]
east africa / anarchist movement Wednesday August 23, 2023 18:19 by International anarchist organisations
Our anarchist comrades are still in sudan and were hoping to be able to continue their agitation activities there clandestinely. We provided financial aid before the war and even at the beginning. But the situation has become untenable and no longer allows for any social or political activity. Some members of the group decided to leave the country as quickly as possible after their house was ransacked by the rsf. Others have decided to stay for the time being, and we are trying to help them too. [عربي] [Castellano] [Deutsch] [Eλληνικά] [Français] [Italiano] [한국어] [Português] [Türkçe]
international / miscellaneous Monday May 01, 2023 21:08 by European anarchist organizations
Social anarchism understands that empowered peoples cannot expect substantial improvements in their lives through parliamentary struggle. On the contrary, in times of scarcity authoritarian monsters grow. Right-wing ideology pretends to use the diversity of the working class to single out groups to hate: immigrants, the LGTBI community, Romani and Sinto people or even feminism or environmentalism. [Castellano]
Sun 09 Feb, 00:59