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mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war Saturday October 14, 2023 20:31 byMelbourne Anarchist Communist Group   text 7 comments (last - monday april 01, 2024 14:23)

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The Israeli military has ordered the residents of the northern half of Gaza to evacuate within 24 hours. It is impossible for over one million people to do this in such a short time. The order can only be interpreted as a public relations formality and prelude to genocide. All workers and soldiers in a position to prevent this have a duty to act.


east africa / anarchist movement Wednesday August 23, 2023 18:19 byInternational anarchist organisations   text 30 comments (last - thursday april 18, 2024 18:39)
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Our anarchist comrades are still in sudan and were hoping to be able to continue their agitation activities there clandestinely. We provided financial aid before the war and even at the beginning. But the situation has become untenable and no longer allows for any social or political activity. Some members of the group decided to leave the country as quickly as possible after their house was ransacked by the rsf. Others have decided to stay for the time being, and we are trying to help them too.

[عربي] [Castellano] [Deutsch] [Eλληνικά] [Français] [Italiano] [한국어] [Português] [Türkçe]

international / miscellaneous Monday May 01, 2023 21:08 byEuropean anarchist organizations   text 9 comments (last - saturday november 25, 2023 17:51)
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Social anarchism understands that empowered peoples cannot expect substantial improvements in their lives through parliamentary struggle. On the contrary, in times of scarcity authoritarian monsters grow. Right-wing ideology pretends to use the diversity of the working class to single out groups to hate: immigrants, the LGTBI community, Romani and Sinto people or even feminism or environmentalism.



greece / turkey / cyprus / miscellaneous Wednesday February 15, 2023 21:43 byInternational anarchist organisations   text 31 comments (last - wednesday april 10, 2024 18:21)
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The earthquakes of 6 February and their aftershocks have devastated entire regions. The death toll is in the tens of thousands and continues to rise. Access to water, electricity, gas, food and other basic necessities is reduced or non-existent for millions of people.

Our comrades in anarchist organisations, grassroots unions and popular organisations are working together and are directly involved in the relief efforts.

We are now launching a fundraising drive to support the work of these organisations.

[Castellano] [Português] [Italiano] [Deutsch] [Türkçe] [Français]

international / anarchist movement Friday August 12, 2022 23:44 byFelipe Corrêa   text 249 comments (last - thursday march 28, 2024 20:16)
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Felipe Corrêa

The steady revival of organized Anarchism in the anglosphere has led to a re-engagement with the fundamental strategic questions of Anarchism. In what way should a revolutionary organization be structured? How should a revolutionary organization struggle for reforms? What role does the revolutionary organization play in the revolutionary process? In grappling with these questions the most novel contemporary insights have undoubtedly come from the Anarchist movement in Latin America, where the tradition of organized, class struggle anarchism was growing and successfully struggling whilst in the anglosphere it was languishing in a long period of decline.

In the spirit of clarifying and spreading the debates of Latin American Anarchism to the anglosphere, I contacted Felipe Correa in early 2022 and asked him questions that various comrades had raised during reading groups and informal discussions concerning the tendency – questions that could not be easily answered by the texts available to us. His extensive response to my questions, ranging from the notion of power, the role of organizations, and the relation between Anarchism and class politics, offers valuable and unique insight into this important tendency.



News Report

Thu 18 Apr, 19:54

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10801079108610731088107210781077108510801077_20230924_162632077min.png imageA volunteer from Kharkov was tortured by the military after trying to leave Ukraine Oct 11 22:55 by Assembly 3 comments

Full original version:
First published on Libcom:

Internationalists in Rojava in Solidarity with Alfredo imageSolidarity with Alfredo Cospito From Rojava Mar 27 23:06 by Tekosin 24 comments

Solidarity statement with the anarchist prisoner Alfredo Cospito

300_0___20_0_0_0_0_0_earthquake_solidarity_1.jpg imageAppel anarchiste international à la solidarité: Tremblement de terre en Turquie, en Syrie ... Feb 19 02:59 by International anarchist organisations 2 comments

Les tremblements de terre du 6 février et leurs répliques ont dévasté des régions entières. Le nombre de morts se chiffre en dizaines de milliers et continue d'augmenter. L'accès à l'eau, à l'électricité, au gaz, à la nourriture et aux autres produits de première nécessité est réduit ou inexistant pour des millions de personnes.

Nos camarades des organisations anarchistes, des syndicats de base et des organisations populaires travaillent ensemble et sont directement impliqués dans les efforts de secours.

Nous lançons maintenant une campagne de collecte de fonds pour soutenir le travail de ces organisations.

zacf.png imageCombatendo e Derrotando o Racismo Dec 10 06:11 by Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front 1 comments

Como anarquistas, lutamos pela criação de uma sociedade livre e igualitária, fundamentada na democracia de base e na igualdade socioeconômica. Defendemos a destruição de todas as formas de exploração e dominação. Somos contrários à autoridade coercitiva e sustentamos que o único limite da liberdade de um indivíduo deve ser que ele não infrinja a liberdade de outros. Acreditamos que apenas uma revolução protagonizada pelas classes produtivas e exploradas da sociedade (a classe operária, os pobres e o campesinato) pode criar um mundo livre, e reconhecemos que essas classes só podem ser mobilizadas e unidas com base na oposição a todas as formas de opressão. Pelas razões expostas, nós, anarquistas, somos inimigos declarados do racismo e dos racistas. Qualquer movimento por liberdade que não combata diretamente o racismo não passa de uma vergonhosa fraude.

963960945950959957964945962.jpg imageΣπάζοντας τις αλ`... Jul 08 21:12 by Ελευθεριακή Συνδικαλιστική Ένωση 1 comments

Lucien van der Walt: Σπάζοντας τις αλυσίδες / Ενα σύντομο βιβλίο για την ιστορία του αναρχισμού. Είναι μια ιστορία περίπου 120 χρόνων συνεχούς αγώνα / Νέα έκδοση απο την ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΑΚΗ ΣΥΝΔΙΚΑΛΙΣΤΙΚΗ ΕΝΩΣΗ

920949769963949953962206x300.jpg imageΓια τις εκπαιδευ`... Jun 11 20:19 by Αναρχικό Στέκι Φιλοσοφικής 0 comments

Η επικαιρότητα των θέσεων που εμπεριέχονται σε αυτά τα κείμενα είναι δεδομένη. Σε μια περίοδο που ανακινείται η εφαρμογή των διατάξεων του νομοσχεδίου Κεραμέως με την έναρξη της εκπαίδευσης της ΟΠΠΙ και τον νέο κύκλο αστυνομικών εισβολών στα πανεπιστήμια, το πώς θα δράσουν οι αγωνιζόμενες δυνάμεις επικαθορίζεται από τον τρόπο με τον οποίο θα αναλύσουν τις εξελίξεις και σε ποιο στρατηγικό πλαίσιο θα κινηθούν. Με αυτό το σκεπτικό εκδίδουμε και το παρόν έντυπο με στόχο να τροφοδοτήσουμε και να εμπλουτίσουμε τον δημόσιο διάλογο ενόψει των νέων αγώνων που είναι προ των πυλών.

health_workers.jpg imageHealth Workers Strike Report May 16 13:59 by LAMA 2 comments

A short report on a strike by health workers in Aotearoa/New Zealand.

kurdistan.png imageAttaque de la prison d'Hassaké par l'Etat Islamique, solidarité internationale! Feb 01 22:01 by Commission internationale UCL 1 comments

Depuis le jeudi 20 janvier, l'administration autonome du nord et de l'est de la Syrie (AANES) subit des attaques coordonnées de la part de Daesh, les plus importantes de par leur envergure depuis la résurgence de l'État Islamique en Syrie (EI). En parallèle, l'État fasciste Turc d'Erdogan profite de la crise pour affaiblir l'AANES et appuie l'EI. La coalition internationale reste muette et quasi inactive alors que cette crise révèle au grand jour un des multiples problèmes d'ampleur auquel est confronté l'AANES et pour lequel la communauté internationale a une responsabilité écrasante : la gestion des dizaines de milliers de détenu·es membres de l'EI et de leurs familles et le rapatriement des milliers de ressortissant·es dans leurs pays d'origine.

hikoi.jpg imageProtect Putiki Hikoi Report Jan 25 08:16 by AWSM 1 comments

A report about a hikoi/march in opposition to the construction of a marina in Tamaki Makarau/Auckland in Aotearoa/New Zealand.

textMeydan: 3 miembros de DAF detenidos por escribir sobre la masacre del 10 de octubre en Ank... Oct 11 23:08 by Marusia 0 comments

Fueron detenidas tres personas de la Federación Anarquista Revolucionaria (DAF) que escribieron sobre la masacre del 10 de octubre en Ankara Yenimahalle.

haroldq.jpg image¡Harold está libre, cayó el montaje judicial! Sep 07 14:57 by José Antonio Gutiérrez D. 1 comments

En audiencia el 6 de Septiembre cayó el burdo montaje que desde la Fiscalía y desde el ejército se venía adelantando contra Harold Ordóñez Botero, reincorporado e incansable luchador social vallecaucano. En realidad, las pruebas de la parte acusadora, con la cual lo sindicaban de ser “Óscar”, comandante de la columna Adán Izquierdo de las FARC-EP, no se sostenían ni por un segundo. Era un montaje a todas luces, parte de una persecución en contra de Harold por sus denuncias a la militarización de las zonas rurales y los continuos abusos que ha sufrido la población a manos del Batallón Palacé. Un acto más de revanchismo en contra de los firmantes de la paz que se han mantenido firmes en sus convicciones y comprometidos con seguir luchando (sin armas) por los cambios sociales que las mayorías claman en las calles y campos de Colombia.

geronimo_protest_4.jpg imageWellington “Save Geronimo!” Protest Report Aug 15 14:00 by AWSM 2 comments

A report on a protest in Aotearoa to save the condemned alpaca Geronimo

textL’Algérie au temps du hirak : contestation et répression Jun 15 15:25 by COURANT Alternatif 0 comments

Un aperçu du feu social qui couve en Algérie

illu_palestine.png imageUn bref compte-rendu des événements récents en Palestine May 14 02:19 by Ilan Shalif 0 comments

La nuit dernière, nous avons vu le résultat de l’accumulation de la colère des jeunes, qui sont les principales victimes de la pandémie et de la crise du COVID-19. La grande montée du chômage a entraîné une montée également de la pression subie par les Palestiniens à Jérusalem et dans les villes multiethniques de l’État d’Israël. L’intensité de la violence policière a augmenté de même lors de la répression des rassemblements et autres mobilisations.

israelexplosioningaza.jpg imageAn account on the current events in Palestine May 12 19:50 by Ilan Shalif 2 comments

Last night have shown the result of the accumulation of anger of the youth who are the main victims of the COVID-19 pandemic and crisis. There is a much increase of unemployment which brought the increase of pressure on Palestinians in Jerusalem and the multiethnic cities within Israel, as well as the intensity of police brutality in order to suppress the rallies and other mobilisations.

beehive.jpg imageWellington Climate Strike Report Apr 23 19:22 by AWSM 0 comments

A report on the recent Climate Strike action in Wellington, Aotearoa.

strike.jpg imageVictory To The Wellington Bus Drivers Strike! Apr 22 21:14 by AWSM 0 comments

A short review of a current industrial dispute in Aotearoa.

textRotorua Climate Strike Report Apr 12 12:27 by LAMA 0 comments

A brief report on recent action in support of the Climate Strike in Aotearoa/New Zealand.

tne_three_roses.jpg imageΤα τρία τριαντάφ`... Sep 20 19:19 by Dmitri (translation, editing) 0 comments

Τις έβαλαν σε ένα από τα αυτοκίνητα εν μέσω της οργής του πλήθους των φασιστών, αρκετοί από τους οποίους ήταν μισομεθυσμένοι, και εν μέσω ενός απερίγραπτου χάους κατευθύνθηκαν προς το νότο με άγνωστο προορισμό. Οι τρεις γυναίκες δεν είχαν μιλήσει μεταξύ τους μέχρι εκείνη τη στιγμή. Η Julia έσπασε τη σιωπή, λέγοντας στην Josefa: “Μας βγάζουν από την μια κόλαση, αλλά μας οδηγούν σε μια άλλη. Μην τους πείτε τίποτα, μην αποκαλύψετε τα ονόματα ούτε τις διευθύνσεις των συντρόφων”.

bfe4f243a8e9af091bf522fcee239347.png image“Biennio Rosso-Η Κόκκινη Διετ&... Sep 17 20:15 by Ortus 0 comments

“Biennio Rosso-Η Κόκκινη Διετία (1919-1920) Το κίνημα των εργοστασιακών συμβουλίων καταλήψεων στην Ιταλία και η συμβολή των αναρχικών”. Από την πρωτοβουλία για την παραγωγή και διακίνηση αναρχικού πολιτικού λόγου και θεωρίας “Ortus”.

belarusriots.jpg imageHow did the Belarusians come to rebellion against the dictatorship Aug 12 00:11 by Pramen 0 comments

If you had asked people in Belarus how long the dictatorship of Lukashenko was left in early 2020, they would have looked at you like a fool. In a respected dictatorship, such questions are not asked, because you know what can happen. And in general, it so happens that the reign of the great leader is timeless. But the situation has changed so radically over the last 8 months that Belarusians took to the streets and for the first time in the new history of Belarus they fought back the police in at least 33 different cities of the country.

Today Belarusians have woken up in a new country. In it, people openly talk about hatred for the government and prepare for a violent confrontation with the police and state. They discuss online and live effective methods of struggle. Several factories went on strike the day after the elections.

And although the electoral commission reports about the victory of the dictator once again, objectively speaking, Lukashenko lost the election. He lost the election not to some certain candidate, but rather to the Belarusian people, who said that 26 years was enough.

How has Belarus turned from a stable dictatorship, where the most peaceful people live, into a protest center in Europe?

guillen.jpg image1η Αυγούστου 1993 έφυ^... Aug 01 15:57 by Dmitri 0 comments

Την 1η Αυγούστου 1993, πριν από 27 χρόνια, πέθανε στη Μαδρίτη ο Abraham Guillén Sanz (Αβραάμ Γκιγέν Σανθ), δάσκαλος, μαχητής στον Ισπανικό Εμφύλιο Πόλεμο και ένας από τους σημαντικότερους θεωρητικούς του σύγχρονου αναρχισμού.

10_aos_4.jpg imageReseña Foros: Historia del Anarquismo en Colombia Jul 22 08:25 by ViaLibre 0 comments

En este escrito se presenta una reseña del conjunto de foros virtuales sobre Historia del Anarquismo en Colombia realizados en junio de 2020, 3 días de actividades de formación y debate, que contaron en total con 210 asistentes en línea, organizados por el Grupo Libertario Vía Libre por los 10 años de actividad de su organización.

whatsapp_image_20200528_at_21.07.jpeg imageUna mirada socialista y libertaria de la crisis capitalista y sanitaria en el continente a... May 30 23:26 by Coordinadora de las Américas 1 comments

La Coordinadora de las Américas llevó a cabo una charla virtual el pasado 9 de mayo sobre la situación actual que se vive en América, particularmente en Argentina, Chile, Colombia y Estados Unidos desde una perspectiva socialista libertaria. Durante el debate se expresaron los diferentes análisis y proyecciones que cada organización construye sobre este momento de crisis económica mundial. La pandemia del Covid-19 profundizó las miserias generadas por este sistema capitalista en todos los territorios.

solida_pluk.png imageSolidaridad Con El Proceso De Liberación De La Madre Tierra En El Norte Del Cauca May 28 12:05 by Colectivo Contrainformativo SubVersión 0 comments

En Colombia, específicamente en el norte del Cauca, miles de hombres y mujeres junto a niñas y niños, siguiendo el camino de los mayores, han regresado a liberar parte de sus territorios ancestrales usurpados por el Gran Capital nacional e internacional, representado en ingenios azucareros, proyectos mineros y hasta hidroeléctricos de la mano con el poder militar y paramilitar colombiano.

thumb_spargel.jpg imageWilder Streik von Erntehelfer*innen in Bornheim | Video von Die Plattform Ruhr May 20 20:20 by die plattform Ruhr 0 comments

Das was wir am 18. Mai beim wilden Streik der Erntehelfer*innen in Bornheim bei Bonn erlebt haben, lässt sich schwer in Worte fassen. Auch dieses Video kann nur einen kleinen Eindruck von dem herausragenden Charakter dieses Kampfes trasportieren.

covid19__una_mirada_desde_el_anarquismo_organizado_3.png imageCOVID-19: Una mirada desde el Anarquismo Organizado Apr 13 12:23 by ORA 0 comments

La Organización Resistencia Anarquista difunde su nota titulada: COVID-19: Una mirada desde el Anarquismo Organizado.
"Creemos que el anarquismo tiene mucho que aportar en este contexto. Las expresiones de solidaridad y apoyo mutuo son ciertamente las herramientas históricas que están mostrando la plena vigencia de las ideas libertarias. Allí donde el individualismo y la meritocracia generan muerte el apoyo mutuo y la solidaridad dan esperanza"
Además en la nota se encuentran los apartados:
▪️COVID-19 en el mundo y en la Argentina.
▪️El Estado no somos todxs.
▪️La Burguesía principal aliado del virus para quebrar la cuarentena.
▪️Las dos caras del aislamiento social preventivo y obligatorio.
▪️Aportes del Anarquismo Organizado. Si queres leer la nota completa clickea en

270162740imagea12_1586461103651.jpg image“Clap for Carers” but now they want our money as well Apr 13 06:40 by HSG 0 comments

This is a statement from some activists from Haringey Solidarity Croup express its support and solidarity to UK National Health Service (NHS) and other workers. In the meantime expresses its anger about that people been asked to pay the money to NHS while the health system is being suffered for almost two decades on the hands of the current government of conservative party and the former one of Labour. The demand is unreasonable while the UK is 3rd richest country in Europe and 6th richest country the world. The statement clarifies the current position of NHS and treatment of the government to NHS.

leaders.jpg imageNZ Election: Money, Power and Kiwi Non-Exceptionalism Feb 22 06:48 by Pink Panther 0 comments

NZ politicians are embroiled in a financial scandal during an election year.

textUn taller sobre anarcofeminismo para un 8M reivindicativo. Feb 22 00:57 by Comunicació CGT PV 0 comments

CGT València en el marco preparativo para el 8M, día internacional de la mujer trabajadora, ha realizado una charla-taller sobre anarcofeminismo a cargo de Vicky Criado, compañera de CGT Alacant. El acto organizado por la secretaría de la mujer de la federación local de València se ha celebrado en la sede del sindicato en la avenida del Cid 154.

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