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mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war Saturday October 14, 2023 20:31 by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group   text 7 comments (last - monday april 01, 2024 14:23)

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The Israeli military has ordered the residents of the northern half of Gaza to evacuate within 24 hours. It is impossible for over one million people to do this in such a short time. The order can only be interpreted as a public relations formality and prelude to genocide. All workers and soldiers in a position to prevent this have a duty to act.


east africa / anarchist movement Wednesday August 23, 2023 18:19 by International anarchist organisations   text 30 comments (last - thursday april 18, 2024 18:39)
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Our anarchist comrades are still in sudan and were hoping to be able to continue their agitation activities there clandestinely. We provided financial aid before the war and even at the beginning. But the situation has become untenable and no longer allows for any social or political activity. Some members of the group decided to leave the country as quickly as possible after their house was ransacked by the rsf. Others have decided to stay for the time being, and we are trying to help them too.

[عربي] [Castellano] [Deutsch] [Eλληνικά] [Français] [Italiano] [한국어] [Português] [Türkçe]

international / miscellaneous Monday May 01, 2023 21:08 by European anarchist organizations   text 9 comments (last - saturday november 25, 2023 17:51)
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Social anarchism understands that empowered peoples cannot expect substantial improvements in their lives through parliamentary struggle. On the contrary, in times of scarcity authoritarian monsters grow. Right-wing ideology pretends to use the diversity of the working class to single out groups to hate: immigrants, the LGTBI community, Romani and Sinto people or even feminism or environmentalism.



greece / turkey / cyprus / miscellaneous Wednesday February 15, 2023 21:43 by International anarchist organisations   text 31 comments (last - wednesday april 10, 2024 18:21)
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The earthquakes of 6 February and their aftershocks have devastated entire regions. The death toll is in the tens of thousands and continues to rise. Access to water, electricity, gas, food and other basic necessities is reduced or non-existent for millions of people.

Our comrades in anarchist organisations, grassroots unions and popular organisations are working together and are directly involved in the relief efforts.

We are now launching a fundraising drive to support the work of these organisations.

[Castellano] [Português] [Italiano] [Deutsch] [Türkçe] [Français]

international / anarchist movement Friday August 12, 2022 23:44 by Felipe Corrêa   text 249 comments (last - thursday march 28, 2024 20:16)
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Felipe Corrêa

The steady revival of organized Anarchism in the anglosphere has led to a re-engagement with the fundamental strategic questions of Anarchism. In what way should a revolutionary organization be structured? How should a revolutionary organization struggle for reforms? What role does the revolutionary organization play in the revolutionary process? In grappling with these questions the most novel contemporary insights have undoubtedly come from the Anarchist movement in Latin America, where the tradition of organized, class struggle anarchism was growing and successfully struggling whilst in the anglosphere it was languishing in a long period of decline.

In the spirit of clarifying and spreading the debates of Latin American Anarchism to the anglosphere, I contacted Felipe Correa in early 2022 and asked him questions that various comrades had raised during reading groups and informal discussions concerning the tendency – questions that could not be easily answered by the texts available to us. His extensive response to my questions, ranging from the notion of power, the role of organizations, and the relation between Anarchism and class politics, offers valuable and unique insight into this important tendency.



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Fri 19 Apr, 10:29

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audioPodcast (in Englisch): Massenbewegungen in Lateinamerika May 24 21:54 by Libertäre Aktion 0 comments

Ein Mitglied der Anarchistischen Föderation Rio de Janeiro erzählt von den Entwicklungen und Geschehnissen in Lateinamerika der letzten 30 Jahre. Zur Sprache kommen der «Sozialismus des 21. Jahrhunderts», das erneute Aufkommen des Neoliberalismus, die momentane Welle an Aufständen in der Region und ein Ausblick in die Zukunft.

audioPodcast: Mass movements in Latin America May 24 21:07 by Libertäre Aktion 0 comments

A member of the Anarchist Federation Rio de Janeiro tells about the developments and incidents in Latin America over the last 30 years. To be discussed are the "socialism of the 21st century", the renewed rise of neoliberalism, the current wave of uprisings in the region and an outlook into the future.

videoAnarquismo, organização e o covid na Itália Apr 06 07:52 by Bloco A 0 comments

Uma conversa com militante da Alternativa Libertaria/Fdca, da Itália, sobre anarquismo, organização, antifascismo e o covid.

textAnarquismo, militância y arte: Entrevista con Juan Pilo (FAU) Sep 10 02:16 by Podcast Bloco A 0 comments

La entrevista fue realizada por la compañera Mi, vinculado al anarquismo y al muralismo. El entrevistado es Juan Pilo, militante anarquista de la FAU (Federación Anarquista Uruguaya) desde que tenía 13 años, todavía en la década de 1960. La conversación tuvo lugar en julio de 2019, en Montevideo, Uruguay, sobre la militancia y el arte realizado por FAU y los movimientos sociales y sindicales con militancia anarquista.

Nathaniel Clavijo - fAu (Federación Anarquista Uruguaya) image“Desde el punto de vista del poder, en las elecciones no se disputa nada” May 29 00:51 by Nathaniel Clavijo 0 comments

Nathaniel Clavijo es militante de fAu (Federación Anarquista uruguaya). En esta entrevista hablamos de la condición “especifista” de su organización. De las características de ese “partido” anarquista no electoral y de las diferencias metodológicas con los partidos de ideología marxista. Desde ese lugar tan particular reflexionó sobre la relación entre los grupos políticos y las organizaciones sociales.

brazilseries_2.jpg imageBrazil's right-wing rising – Part 3: The oil plants sell out May 16 14:42 by Bruno Lima Rocha 0 comments

Part 3 of an audio series debating the reasons for the right-wing rising in Brazil, contextualising and analysing the rise of Bolsonaro and the right-wing in Brazil. Part 1 | Part 2

brazilseries_1.jpg imageBrazil's right-wing rising – Part 2: The ultra right wing government elected in Brazil May 13 15:40 by Bruno Lima Rocha 0 comments

Part 2 of an audio series debating the reasons for the right-wing rising in Brazil, contextualising and analysing the rise of Bolsonaro and the right-wing in Brazil. Part 1 | Part 3

brazilseries.jpg imageBrazil's right-wing rising – Part 1 May 10 17:35 by Bruno Lima Rocha 0 comments

Part 1 of an audio series debating the reasons for the right-wing rising in Brazil, contextualising and analysing the rise of Bolsonaro and the right-wing in Brazil. Part 2 | Part 3

colin.jpg imagePeople United: Colin O’Malley Talks Especifismo in Texas Oct 02 19:55 by Rochester Red and Black 1 comments

As part of the multi-city Building a Revolutionary Anarchism Speaking Tour, Colin O’Malley stopped in Austin, Texas, to discuss the these ideas with a crowd at Monkey Wrench Books.

melbourneanarchistclub.jpg imageConstruindo um movimento anarquista efetivo na Australia Aug 30 04:15 by Sean Mathews 0 comments

Essa foi a conversa pós feira do livro anarquista de Melbourne e, ganhou lugar no Melbourne Anarchist Club (MAC) da qual a história nos remete de volta à 1890. Ao visitar o local que contém uma biblioteca, espaço para reuniões e infoshop Eu me encontrei com Brendan e Ben, dois membros ativos do coletivo e Kieran de Afinidade anarquista, que está buscando construir uma organização semelhante à WSM, com base teórica e unidade tática e responsabilidade coletiva. [English]

melbourneanarchistclub.jpg imageBuilding an effective anarchist movement in Australia Aug 22 11:25 by Sean Matthews 0 comments

This post- Melbourne Anarchist bookfair conversation took place in the Melbourne Anarchist Club (MAC) which has a history stretching back to the 1890s. While visiting the premises which contains a library, meeting space and infoshop I caught up with Brendan and Ben two active members of the collective and Kieran from Anarchist Affinity which is seeking to build a similar organisation to the WSM, based on theoretical and tactical unity and collective responsibility. [ Português]

dimiti.jpg imageaudioAnarchism, the left and fighting austerity in Greece - audio interview Aug 14 00:29 by Sean 0 comments

Conversation with Dimitris, a Greek anarchist living in Melbourne, co-founder of Anarkismo and translator of many English anarchist publications.

iww.jpg imageDare to struggle, Dare to win! A conversation with IWW Sydney -audio Jun 01 15:27 by Sean Matthews 0 comments

An Irish emigrant to Australia and WSM supporter gives his story about working on building sites, unions and audio conversation with IWW.

bulgaria.jpg imageaudio"My experience of Anarchism in Bulgaria" May 23 09:32 by Sean Matthews 1 comments

Jura Books in Sydney recently hosted "Anarchism in Bulgaria as I see it" by the 88-year-old exiled anarchist Jack Grancharoff. Around a dozen people listened intensely to Jack as he described his upbringing and his involvement

textMAS at the Los Angeles Bookfair Dec 10 08:50 by Miami Autonomy & Solidarity 0 comments

Pablo a MAS member presented on political organization and intermediate level analysis at the Losa Angeles Anarchist Bookfair.

ayotzinapa.jpg imageEntrevistas con Radios Comunitarias de Guerrero Aug 17 23:27 by La Pirata 0 comments

En el marco de una gira de talleres con la Red de Radios Comunitarias y Medios Libres de Guerrero, realizada por compañer@s de Nomads/PIRATA (Italia) publicamos las entrevistas a l@s compañer@s de Radio Voces Nuestras, Radio Palabra Verdadera, Vaza Radio, Radio Unisur, Radio Voz de la Costa Chica y Radio Voz de los Pueblos. Seguirá la entrevista de Radio Nomndaa.

Les agradecemos el favor de difundir la palabra abajo y a la izquierda de Guerrero.

indignados.jpg imageEstado español: Del 19 de julio de 1936 a la crisis actual Jul 19 23:06 by Manu García 0 comments

Entrevista realizada por el programa "Econonuestras" de la radio "La Voz de los Trabajadores", de la Confederación General de los Trabajadores de Chile.

fel.jpg imageEntrevista al FEL-Chile Jun 01 17:32 by Frente de Estudiantes Libertarios de Argentina 2 comments

La siguiente es una entrevista realizada a dos compañeros del Frente de Estudiantes Libertarios de Chile por un compañero del FEL Argentina que acudió como observador del VI congreso del FEL Chile que se realizó en la ciudad de Valparaíso. En esta, se abordan temas desde político-ideológicos hasta programáticos, pasando por las experiencias y balances pertinentes de las diferentes experiencias de militancia y lucha de nuestros compañeros trasandinos.

waterecannonkickoff.jpg imageThe Networked Individual in Why its Kicking Off Everywhere - audio of discussion on Paul M... Mar 17 00:50 by Andrew 0 comments

Andrew Flood looks at Paul Mason's recently published book 'Why its kicking off everywhere' and in particular what Mason has to say about the internet and the emergance of the 'Networked Individual'. The recording is of a WSM supporters meeting in Dublin and the 20 minute presentation is followed by 30 minutes of discussion on the ideas outlined, roughly as summarised below.

Ybor City, Fl. Cigar factory workers imageRecomposition: Nov 09 07:45 by Scott Nappalos 0 comments

This is a recording of a presentation by Scott Nappalos with One Struggle in Miami, Florida about capitalist models of work, workers struggle, and history.

insideegypt.jpg imageInside Egypt: An Interview with Mohamed Abdelfattah Feb 28 21:30 by Radio Solidarity 0 comments

This is the first of a series of interviews with Egyptians speaking directly of their experiences within the revolution and ongoing struggles. I hope to cover some themes not covered by the traditonal/mainstream press, and allow space for Eygptians themselves to talk about aspects of the recent uprising they feel is important.

textEntrevista a ICEA en Radio Malva Feb 22 14:08 by ICEA 0 comments

A continuación presentamos una entrevista a Gaspar Fuster miembro del Icea en Radio Malva

vdf.gif imageVoix de faits dans tes oreilles Oct 28 12:35 by Voix de faits 0 comments

Au menu cette semaine:
- Lancement du Réseau Liberté Québec
- La France en grève, entrevue avec Théo d'Alternative Libertaire
- Actualité internationale

freedomflotilla.jpg imageFreedom Flotilla and Gaza Blockade - Radio Solidarity Prog. 5 - Jul 14 18:35 by Radio Solidarity 0 comments

A radio solidarity special on the Gaza bound Freedom Flotilla including interviews with participants.

timemeeting_stencil.jpg imageaudioAudio: IT workers and struggles in work over time May 10 20:47 by Speaker Aileen; Editing Andrew 0 comments

IT workers and struggles in work over time - 3rd Rethinking Revolution discussion

In this audio download from the third of the Rethinking Revolution sessions Aileen O'Carroll draws on the stories and diaries of those working in IT company’s to talk about the secrets and contradictions of working in a global industry. The myth is that IT workers happily work a 60 hour week but like workplaces of a previous era, there is a struggle over the nature of work and the length of working time within our lives. The left tends to focus on the formal visible struggles conducted through trade unions. What can this other level of often individualised struggle teach us in the fight for a new world?

groupshot_stenciler.jpg imageaudioWill we see a revolution in our lifetime? - Audio from Rethinking Revolution 2 May 04 02:36 by Andrew 0 comments

This is the audio recording of the second 'Rethinking Revolution' meeting on the topic of 'Will there be a revolution in our lifetime.' "Are we spending our precious time outside of work at protests and meetings because we want to improve our lives or are we just fighting for future generations. In either case what is it that we are trying to do as we move from topic to topic and struggle to struggle?"

slide01.jpg imageaudioAudio: How do we know who will struggle? May 04 02:22 by Paul Bowman 0 comments

The left talks a lot about class but in a manner that often confuses more than it clarifies. In this audio recording of a Rethinking revolution seminar at Seomra Spraoi Paul Bowman wonders just how useful the classification obsessed approach of the left actually is.

petitradio.gif imageVoix de faits dans tes oreilles Feb 19 12:11 by Voix de faits 0 comments

Au menu cette semaine:
- Actualité sur le front municipal et sur le logement
- Menace au droit à l'éducation et hausses de tarifs divers
- Qui surveille la police?
- Mobilisation antifa à Dresde
- 5 ans de résistance à Bil'in plus!

petitradio.gif imageVoix de faits dans tes oreilles Feb 12 11:30 by Voix de faits 0 comments

Au menu cette semaine:
- Les cols bleus touchent une corde sensible
- Haro sur la Régie du logement
- Nouvelles internationales (Italie, Grèce)
- Les zapartistes s'engagent aux côtés de la CSN
- La CNT revisite ses classiques

petitradio.gif imageVoix de faits dans tes oreilles Jan 22 10:09 by Voix de faits 0 comments

Au sommaire:
- L'actualité libertaire
- Haïti, un regard libertaire
- Iran en lutte
- Manifestation du comité d'accueil de Jean Charest a Lévis
- La tournée «Usines sans patron»

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