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internazionale / ambiente Monday December 14, 2009 06:57 by FdCA - Gruppo di Lavoro energia e ambiente   text 1 comment (last - thursday january 07, 2010 06:28)
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Il mondo malato

Quanti anni sono passati dal vertice di Kyoto che partorì il famoso protocollo, secondo il quale gran parte degli Stati della Terra si impegnavano a ridurre le proprie emissioni di CO2 e degli altri gas serra, responsabili principali dell'aumento repentino della temperatura media del Pianeta?

Come possiamo continuare a delegare i nostri bisogni, la difesa della nostra salute e dell'ambiente biologico in cui viviamo, a persone che, per il ruolo sociale che rivestono, pensano prima di tutto ad accumulare denaro e proprietà, infischiandosene del bene collettivo?

italia / svizzera / ambiente Sunday March 08, 2009 07:05 by FdCA - Gruppo di Lavoro Ambiente ed Energia
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Il 24 febbraio in un vertice bilaterale svoltosi a Villa Madama, a Roma, Silvio Berlusconi e Nicolas Sarkozy hanno firmato un Protocollo che getta le basi per una cooperazione in tutti i settori della filiera produttiva dell'energia atomica che accompagna il primo concreto atto verso il ritorno dell'Italia al nucleare.

Ma gli obiettivi futuri dello Stato italiano in campo energetico, del tutto in linea con la berlusconiana megalomania, sono molto più ambiziosi del suddetto protocollo d'intesa e prevedono entro il 2020 un contributo dell'energia nucleare sulla potenza totale elettrica italiana installata del 12%.

Ciò significa mettere in campo circa 12 mila megawatt e per realizzare questo obiettivo i nostri governanti non disdegnano di rivolgersi anche alla concorrenza dei francesi, ossia l'americana Westinghouse, costruttrice degli impianti Ap1000.

E ciò significa costruire almeno una decina di centrali, calcolando un cocktail tra gli Epr, aventi una potenza media di circa 1600 megawatt, e gli Ap1000 più piccoli, con potenza media di 1100 megawatt. La media di una centrale ogni due regioni.

Tutto ciò quando, nella peggiore delle ipotesi, noi sfruttiamo nei momenti di maggior consumo solo il 75% della potenza elettrica gia installata nel nostro territorio, con una riserva di potenza elettrica che non ha eguali nel mondo.

international / environment Friday April 06, 2007 00:53 by Andrew Flood & Chekov Feeney   text 31 comments (last - wednesday february 13, 2008 08:26)
Peak Oil Theory has been around since the 1970s. Some think we have already reached 'peak oil', others think it will happen with the next twenty-five years. The theory argues that when we reach 'peak oil' the rate at which we extract oil from the earth (measured in millions of barrels per day) will reach a maximum and thereafter will start to drop.

As the rate at which we use oil is currently close to the rate at which we extract it, the point of peak oil will coincide or be closely followed by the world consuming more oil than it is producing. As oil reserves are very limited, within months there simply will not be enough oil available.

ireland / britain / environment Saturday December 31, 2005 20:13 by Sean
The economic boom in Ireland and the construction boom that has come alongside it has led to a growth in the importance of environmental campaigns. There has frequently been a large gap between the environmentalists involved in such campaigns and the left - including anarchists. Sean, one of the 'Carrickminders' and now a member of the WSM gives his view on what can be learnt from the recent struggles.

This article is not an attempt to be a pejorative statement from a class struggle point of view; there is a lot to be learnt on our part from these campaigns. Primarily the heritage based activists who took on the authorities at Carrickmines and the ecologists at the Glen of the Downs were doing something we failed at - taking on the issue of the environment. The campaign at Carrickmines, which I was directly involved in, felt resentment at the time due to the lack of participation and even interest from organised political left-wing groups

ireland / britain / environment Thursday July 21, 2005 20:40 by Andrew   text 7 comments (last - monday october 17, 2005 20:09)
Residents of the Eris peninsula in North Mayo have for five years being fighting against a proposed high-pressure gas pipeline line. The pipeline will pass over land, approaching farms and houses as close as 20 metres in some cases. A consortium comprising Shell, Marathon and Statoil is building the pipeline

For about a month now locals with some help from outside have been blockading the proposed refinery site, the Shell depot and the site where the pipeline is supposed to come ashore. This July five of them jailed for refusing to allow Shell from moving onto their own land which has sparked off an escalating round of nationwide protests including the blockading of Shell and Statoil filling stations and depots.

Irish anarchists have been playing a role in these protests for some time including a few who have been working with the locals for months. A number of reports have already been carried on - here we bring these together with some more detailed explanations about what is going on.



Thu 18 Apr, 20:04

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f2cdwgrwyaekrcv.jpg imageAKBELEN FORESTS ARE CALLING EVERYONE FOR RESISTANCE Jul 30 15:47 by Various Turkish anarchiss 15 comments

Akbelen forests are trying to be shredded and slaughtered with the cooperation of the capital and the state in Muğla, Turkey.

In order to supply coal to the two thermal power plants owned by Limak Holding and İçtaş Holding, whose association with the government is well known, efforts are being made to expand the coal mine in the region to swallow Akbelen forests.

capitalism.jpg imageCapitalism Is the Disaster Mar 23 06:26 by Pink Panther 4 comments

An article examining the underlying link between disasters.

images.jpg imageThe burning issue Sep 14 22:32 by MACG 1 comments

The unions in Australia today are a shadow of their former selves, led by cowards whose main job is to police their members to ensure that unions aren't fined out of business by the vicious anti-union laws. This needs to be turned around completely before workers will consider fighting for a Just Transition – but also for workers to defend working conditions, maintain health and safety and be adequately compensated for the inflation that is now ripping through the economy and devastating real wages. And to do that, we need to take on the union bureaucracy and beat them.

À Tadoussac imageGNL Québec : Les gains matériels d'une lutte écologiste May 24 06:45 by CEG 2 comments

À l’été 2021, le gouvernement du Québec officialisait son rejet du projet d’usine de liquéfaction du gaz naturel de GNL Québec après avoir longuement persisté à le promouvoir. Cette volteface sur un projet évalué à 14 milliards $ est le résultat de plusieurs années de luttes écologistes. Concrètement, ce sont de petits collectifs populaires locaux, organisés sur la base d’assemblées, qui ont réussi à faire pencher la balance. Devant eux se dressaient un promoteur, un État et des élu-e-s qui ont dépensé des millions $ dans une bataille qui leur était annoncée gagnée d’avance par un gouvernement conquis à leurs idées.

Credit: imageCapitalism can’t stop Climate Change Jan 04 19:26 by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group 3 comments

Not every step that is necessary is suitable for solving at the level of the individual workplace. Cities need a massive expansion of public transport and improvement of facilities for active transport modes like walking and cycling. Mobilising public transport workers alone, however, would be insufficient to achieve the power necessary to get the system expanded to the degree required. These questions, and some others, would have to be resolved at the society-wide level by the labour movement as a whole.

global_fossil_fuel_emissions.png imageCapitalism is destroying the climate Nov 03 18:55 by MACG 2 comments

What is necessary is to create workplace climate groups that link up with the School Strike for Climate. These groups will discuss the way the climate crisis affects their industries, the responsibility of their bosses for aggravating climate change and what possible solutions could be. They would develop the School Strike for Climate into a Workers’ Strike for Climate. In the process, workers would need to become capable of acting independently of the union officials and of defeating them when these officials try to dampen down action.

textSelf Organisation Or Chaos Sep 16 15:09 by Anarchist Federation (Gr) 0 comments

A statement of Anarchist Federation (Gr) about the ongoing forest fires and the disastrous handlings of the Greek State

download.jpg imageΗ βιβλική καταστ`... Aug 07 21:14 by Αναρχικοί από την Εύβοια 0 comments

Οι εκλογές δεν αποτελούν τίποτα παραπάνω από ένα μηχανισμό του συστήματος για να ανανεώνει τον εαυτό του, απλά αλλάζοντας το προσωπείο της καταπίεσης. Ανεξάρτητα από το ποια θα είναι η επόμενη κυβέρνηση, το Ελληνικό καπιταλιστικό κράτος θα έχει ακριβώς τις ίδιες ανάγκες για συνεχή ανάπτυξη και θα εξακολουθήσει να αφήνει τα βουνά μας να κατασπαράσσονται από τη φωτιά. ... Συμπατριώτισσες και συμπατριώτες να είστε δυνατοί και να μην έχετε αυταπάτες. Δύσκολες μέρες έρχονται. Οργανωθείτε οριζόντια και διεκδικήστε το ανθρώπινο δικαίωμα για μια αξιοπρεπή ζωή.

rtx73uz7.jpeg imageDeath or Renewal: Is the Climate Crisis the Final Crisis? Jul 13 22:36 by Wayne Price 132 comments

Classical socialists, both anarchists and Marxists, have written of the eventual end of capitalism--either through a popular revolution creating a new society or through the self-destruction of capitalism. Global warming raises the question of whether humanity is now facing such a possible total crisis, of choosing between socialism or social ruin.

minamata.jpg imageMovie Review: 'MINAMATA' (2020) Jun 14 21:16 by LAMA 0 comments

A review of a movie about a Japanese village that suffered from industrial pollution.

beehive.jpg imageWellington Climate Strike Report Apr 23 19:22 by AWSM 0 comments

A report on the recent Climate Strike action in Wellington, Aotearoa.

textRotorua Climate Strike Report Apr 12 12:27 by LAMA 0 comments

A brief report on recent action in support of the Climate Strike in Aotearoa/New Zealand.

textAgroecologia e anarchismo organizzato: Un'intervista con la Federazione Anarchica di Rio d... Feb 07 03:14 by Un membro della sezione di New York di Black Rose Anarchist Federation 0 comments

In risposta al modello industriale e capitalista di produzione alimentare che ha decimato i modi di vita rurali e la nostra madre terra, i movimenti sociali di tutto il mondo hanno identificato l'agroecologia come la loro proposta alternativa per lo sviluppo rurale. Fondata sulle conoscenze contadine e indigene, sulle lotte per la sovranità alimentare e sulla riforma agraria, l'agroecologia è intesa dai movimenti sociali come "uno strumento per la trasformazione sociale, economica, culturale, politica ed ecologica delle comunità e dei territori". Questa intervista che Black Rose ha condotto nell'estate del 2020 con un militante del Fronte di Lotta Contadina della Federazione Anarchica di Rio de Janeiro (FARJ), esamina il loro lavoro con alcuni dei movimenti sociali del Brasile che lottano per l'agroecologia e la sovranità alimentare. Provenendo da un contesto con movimenti sociali contadini molto sviluppati, FARJ condivide importanti intuizioni da cui i militanti anarchici possono imparare.

101905482_1358437274345467_8524878269019743096_o700x525.jpg imageAgroecologia e Anarquismo Organizado Feb 04 19:25 by Militante de BRRN 0 comments

Em resposta ao modelo industrial capitalista de produção de alimentos que dizimou modos de vida rurais e nossa mãe Terra, movimentos sociais ao redor do mundo identificaram a agroecologia como sua proposta alternativa para o desenvolvimento rural. Baseadas em conhecimentos camponeses e indígenas, lutas pela soberania alimentar e reforma agrária, a agroecologia é compreendida pelos movimentos sociais como “uma ferramenta para a transformação social, econômica, cultural, política e ecológica de comunidades e territórios.” Esta entrevista que o Rosa Negra conduziu no Verão de 2020 [no hemisfério norte] com um militante da Frente de Luta Camponesa da Federação Anarquista do Rio de Janeiro (FARJ), mostra seu trabalho com a luta de alguns movimentos sociais brasileiros por agroecologia e soberania alimentar. Em um contexto de movimentos sociais camponeses altamente desenvolvidos, a FARJ compartilha questões importantes para o aprendizado dos militantes anarquistas.

textAgroecología y anarquismo organizado Feb 04 07:06 by A member of BRRN's NYC local 1 comments

En respuesta al modelo de producción de alimentos industrial y capitalista que ha diezmado las formas de vida rurales y nuestra madre tierra, los movimientos sociales de todo el mundo han identificado la agroecología como su propuesta alternativa para el desarrollo rural. Basada en los conocimientos campesinos e indígenas, las luchas por la soberanía alimentaria y la reforma agraria, la agroecología es entendida por los movimientos sociales como “una herramienta para la transformación social, económica, cultural, política y ecológica de comunidades y territorios”.

Esta entrevista, que Black Rose realizó en el verano de 2020 con un militante del Frente de Lucha Campesina de la Federación Anarquista de Río de Janeiro (FARJ), explora su trabajo con algunos de los movimientos sociales brasileños que luchan por la agroecología y la soberanía alimentaria. Viniendo de un contexto con movimientos sociales campesinos altamente desarrollados, la FARJ comparte ideas importantes que pueden servir de inspiración de la militancia anarquista.

farjbrrn.jpeg imageAgroecology and Organized Anarchism: An Interview With the Anarchist Federation of Rio de ... Feb 04 06:45 by A member of Black Rose Anarchist Federation’s New York City Local 1 comments

Repost from the Black Rose Anarchist Federation

green_new_deal.jpg imageΈνα Πράσινο New Deal Jul 14 21:31 by Wayne Price 0 comments

Στον θόρυβο που έχει δημιουργηθεί στις μέρες μας σε σχέση με την κλιματική αλλαγή μπορούν και πρέπει να ειπωθούν πολλά. Το παρόν κείμενο του Price είναι ένα κείμενο σημερινό (δημοσιεύτηκε το Γενάρη 2019 – πριν γίνει ο μεγάλος ντόρος) το οποίο μας δίνει τη μεγάλη εικόνα από την άλλη μεριά του Ατλαντικού. Οι αναγνώστες ας έχουν κατά νου ότι αντίστοιχο με του αμερικανικού «Πράσινου New Deal» πάει να επιτευχθεί και σε επίπεδο Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης (οι προτάσεις έχουν ήδη κατέβει στο ευρωκοινοβούλιο). Αυτά σαν μια προσπάθεια κατανόησης της πρεμούρας των αστών για το κλίμα σήμερα…
Το κείμενο είναι “σημερινό” ωστόσο τα ζητήματα αυτά οι Αναρχικοί, ανά τον κόσμο, τα έχουν στην ατζέντα τους εδώ και πολλά χρόνια. Σε θεωρητικό επίπεδο τίποτα δεν έχει αλλάξει· το ζήτημα της οικολογίας παραμένει στην επιφάνεια, μαζί με την αναγκαιότητα καταστροφής του συστήματος της ατομικής ιδιοκτησίας.

article_australiafiresnearme2159748_1.jpg imageΗ Ανατολική Αυστ`... Dec 26 14:39 by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group (MACG) 0 comments

Η Αναρχική Κομμουνιστική Ομάδα Μελβούρνης πιστεύει ότι το Κίνημα Απεργιών στα Σχολεία για το Κλίμα έχει μεγάλες δυνατότητες και ότι θα πρέπει ολόψυχα να ενωθούν μαζί του τα συνδικάτα. Οι σχολικές απεργίες πρέπει να μετατραπούν σε απεργίες των εργαζομένων. Στην Αυστραλία, η επόμενη ημέρα παγκόσμιας σχολικής απεργίας πρέπει να είναι η ευκαιρία μαζικών συντονισμένων απεργιών από εργαζόμενους από όσο το δυνατόν περισσότερες βιομηχανίες και κλάδους, με στόχο την οικοδόμηση μιας γενικής απεργίας. Η δύναμη του κεφαλαίου δημιουργείται στο χώρο εργασίας και μόνο με την οργάνωση εκεί μπορούν οι εργαζόμενοι να ανατρέψουν αυτή την εξουσία, να την αφαιρέσουν από τους καπιταλιστές και να την χειριστούν οι ίδιοι.

article_australiafiresnearme2159748.jpg imageEastern Australia on fire Dec 25 18:16 by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group (MACG) 0 comments

The Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group believes that the School Strike for Climate movement has great potential and that it should be joined wholeheartedly by the unions. School strikes should be turned into workers’ strikes. In Australia, the next global school strike day should be the occasion for mass co-ordinated strikes by workers from as many industries as possible, with the aim of building towards a general strike. The power of capital arises in the workplace and it is only by organising there that workers can wrench that power away from the capitalists and wield it themselves.

newslinksstrike092019.jpg imageStrike for a sustainable climate Nov 13 19:08 by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group (MACG) 0 comments

The general strike for a Just Transition will be the beginning, but not the end of the matter. We will open up a debate about the dimensions and shape of the Just Transition. As the struggle progresses, more workers will come to realise that the only Just Transition is a transition away from capitalism. Two facts will drive this. First more people will see the existing capitalist class is so invested in fossil fuels that it has to be swept aside for humanity to achieve sustainability. The understanding will also emerge that eternal growth is the ideology of the cancer cell. Only by abolishing capitalism can we disconnect living standards from resource consumption and adopt a circular zero waste economy.

a2druck1.jpg imageFIGHT FOR FUTURE! Klima retten heißt: Kapital – entmachten, enteignen, überwinden! Sep 17 08:19 by die plattform 0 comments

Am 20. September startet der globale Klimastreik. Der Aufruf von Fridays for Future richtet sich dieses mal nicht nur an Schüler*innen, sondern an “Kolleg*innen und Arbeitgeber*innen, an Eltern und Nachbar*innen, an Lehrer*innen und Wissenschaftler*innen, Sportler*innen und Arbeitssuchende, Kreative und Auszubildende…”

amazonia.png imageLas llamas de la Amazonía y el avance del capitalismo. Sep 10 02:04 by El Mirlo Pardo 0 comments

Expandir fronteras agroganaderas mediante la quema de un cierto territorio (técnica de rose y quema) es una práctica antigua y recurrente en muchas culturas a lo largo de la historia. Usualmente se la considera una técnica “primitiva”, propia de aquellas sociedades mal llamadas “de economía de subsistencia” . No obstante, paradójicamente, es dentro del capitalismo moderno donde esta técnica ha tomado dimensiones desproporcionadas que han provocado la destrucción irreversible de ecosistemas así como el masivo etnocidio hacia pueblos indígenas que viven dentro de aquellos territorios deseados por la burguesía rural y el Estado.

69209318_2271482926239881_625954353399726080_n.jpg imageΓια την άμυνα του &#... Sep 05 20:19 by Dmitri 0 comments

Τα στοιχεία του Εθνικού Ινστιτούτου Έρευνας (INPE) έδειξαν σημαντική αύξηση των πυρκαγιών από τις 10 Αυγούστου και ιδιαίτερα στους Δήμους Novo Progreso και Altamira, οι οποίοι περιλαμβάνονται τόσο στο πρόγραμμα ROUTE BR-163 όσο και στo πρόγραμμα αποδάσωσης εκ μέρους των «αφεντικών» της περιοχής του Αμαζονίου. Σύμφωνα με το INPE, ο Novo Progresso διαθέτει στοιχεία για 124 αρχικούς πυρήνες πυρκαγιάς κατά τη διάρκεια της «ημέρας της φωτιάς», δηλαδή αύξηση κατά 300% σε σχέση με την προηγούμενη ημέρα. Την επόμενη μέρα υπήρχαν 203 πυρήνες. Στη Altamira, οι δορυφόροι ανίχνευσαν 194 πυρήνες στις 10 Αυγούστου και 237 την επόμενη ημέρα, μια εντυπωσιακή αύξηση κατά 743%.

cab_amazon_1.jpeg imageEn caso de incendio, queme al terrateniente y al imperialismo: ¡en defensa del Amazonas! Sep 04 04:31 by Coordenación Anarquista Brasileña 0 comments

En agosto, la sociedad brasileña e internacional se vio sorprendida por un aumento del 50% en la deforestación y un 70% más de incendios en el Amazonas. La Ministra de Agricultura del Gobierno de Bolsonaro, Tereza Cristina, conocida como “la musa del veneno”, se apuró para justificar el fenómeno, culpando inmediatamente a las condiciones climáticas de la región. Rápidamente fue elegido el villano principal, la misma naturaleza: el verano y el comienzo de la estación seca en la selva tropical del Amazonas. [Português]

cab_amazon.jpeg imageEm caso de incêndio queime o latifúndio e o imperialismo: em defesa da Amazônia! Sep 04 04:26 by Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira 0 comments

No mês de agosto a sociedade brasileira e internacional foram surpreendidas pelo aumento em 50% do desmatamento e de 70% nas queimadas na Amazônia Legal. A Ministra da Agricultura do Governo Bolsonaro, Tereza Cristina, apelidada de musa do veneno, correu para justificar o fenômeno depositando de imediato a culpa nas condições climáticas da região. Rápido se elegeu o principal vilão, a própria natureza: o verão e o início do período seco na hiléia amazônica. [Castellano]

extinction.jpg imageCan Extinction Rebellion Aotearoa NZ help save the world? Mar 13 12:29 by AWSM 0 comments

AWSM are encouraged by the fact that the movement [Extinction Rebellion] has managed to tap into the sense of alarm over climate change... but we feel that there is a conversation that needs to be had about some of their demands.

2019_02_21___2.jpg imageΕνάντια στους εν^... Feb 01 21:50 by BA 0 comments

Ας συνδυάσουμε όλο τον πλούτο που έχουμε γεννήσει τις τελευταίες δεκαετίες. Την αυτοοργάνωση, τον αντιφασισμό (θα βρούμε πολλούς πατριώτες μπροστά μας, να μην αφήσουμε στους φασίστες χώρο), την κριτική στον σπισισμό και την καταστροφή της φύσης, την μάχη ενάντια στην πατριαρχία (η απληστία και η αδιαφορία για τη φύση είναι συγκροτητικό της πατριαρχίας), τις πρακτικές άμεσης δράσης. Και ας δοκιμάσουμε αυτό που τόσο συχνά λέμε. Την συνδιαμόρφωση με άλλους, έξω από εμάς, παράλληλα με την δικιά μας παρέμβαση.

p_18_11_2016.jpeg imageA Green New Deal vs. Revolutionary Ecosocialism Jan 02 18:49 by Wayne Price 4 comments

The idea of a "Green New Deal" has been raised in response to the threat of climate and ecological catastrophe. Two such proposals are analyzed here and counterposed to the program of revolutionary libertarian ecosocialism.

pollution.jpg imageSouth Africa’s polluting giants: it’s about profits and class Dec 07 19:20 by Shawn Hattingh 0 comments

When it comes to greenhouse gas emissions, South Africa falls within the 15 biggest polluters in the world. But there is also a class dimension when it comes to pinning down which sections of society are responsible for air pollution – the major polluters in South Africa are the ruling class (capitalists, politicians and top state bureaucrats) and their state and corporations (including state corporations), continuing an economy based on cheap black labour, mining and externalising costs. State-backed”empowerment” firms — for Afrikaners from 1948, and blacks from 1994 — are deeply involved.

theblast363x480.jpg imageΜετά την καταστρ_... Aug 16 05:42 by provo 0 comments

Μακάρι να γίνει αυτή η νέα καταστροφή πέρα από αφορμή πένθους και επίδειξης εθελοντισμού και κοινωνικής αλληλεγγύης (που πρέπει να ειπωθεί ότι είναι ανέλπιστα συγκινητική) και αφορμή προβληματισμού. Βαθύ προβληματισμού γύρω από την ποιότητα και την ιεράρχηση των κοινωνικών αξιών. Γιατί από τις προηγούμενες μεγάλες καταστροφές το μόνο που έμεινε ήταν δυστυχώς περισσότερα αυθαίρετα.

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