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Thu 18 Apr, 11:49

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textPKK can seize this opportunity before President Erdogan grab it May 08 23:34 by Zaher Baher 0 comments

This article is analysing the current situation of PKK after seeing Abdulla Ocalan By his lawyers on 02/05. Should PKK transform itself from an army struggle movement to a mass movement or staying the same? In responding to this question i will try to point out some facts.

basra.jpg imageThe Protest in Basra’s city, south of Iraq, continues Sep 09 00:57 by Zaher Baher 0 comments

This is a report about what is currently going on in Basra, the third main city in Iraq. The protesters back to the streets from 4th of this month, September demanding their basic rights.

textRęka w ręke z kobiecą rewolucją Aug 09 21:02 by Justyna Wróblewska 0 comments

Poniższy artykuł jest tłumaczeniem z języka angielskiego artykułu napisanego przez Międzynarowody Komun w Rożawie - Demokratyczną Federację Północnej Syrii (DFNS). DFNS to rewolucyjny eksperiment Kurdów i ich soluszników, który aktualnie ma miejsce pod postacią demokratyczego konfederalizmu opartym na podstawie bezpośredniej demokracji, równouprawnieniu kobiet i ekologii. Jeśli chcesz dowiedzieć się więcej, odwiedź:

anarchy_rojava_stim.jpg imageConfederalism, Democratic Confederalism and Rojava Feb 21 06:06 by Zaher Baher 0 comments

This article explains the definition of Confederalism by Murray Bookchin and the concept of the Democratic Confederalism by Abdulla Ocalan . The article tries to show the similarities and differences between both concepts and both views . In addition it followed by brief review of what has been achieved in Rojava.

img_0485.jpg imageWe, supporters of Rojava, should be worried about its partnership with the United States. May 18 12:50 by Zaher Baher 1 comments

This article covers the current military situation in Rojava. While the PYD and Syrian Democratic Party are getting closer and closer to UNited States some of the anarchists and anarchist-communists are happy with that . The Article tries to bring the attention of those anarchists that the partnership between them is in the interest of US and its allies in Europe and the region . In the end, Rojava, might lose what it has been achieved so far.

textWhat sort of Uprising do we need in Iraqi Kurdistan? Mar 06 00:58 by Zaher Baher 1 comments

This article is about the brief history of how Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has set up and its treatment of its own people. While KRG has been sunk in corruption, engaged the war with Isis and overwhelmed by huge numbers of refugees from Syria, middle and south of Iraq, is unable to pay wages to its employees. As a result of that there have been demos ,protest and boycotting work by people.
The article also explains why it is important to organise ourselves independently from the political parties.

textL'Anarchiste Révolutionnaire, N°5 automne 2012 Oct 09 00:32 by FAR 0 comments

Un bulletin sans prétentions, diffusable sur le net, et même tirable sur papier, émanation de membres du forum anarchiste révolutionnaire, permettant la diffusion d'informations et de contenus piochés dans le forum, un élément de dynamique du "faire ensemble". Les articles signés engagent leurs auteurs, les articles non signés font un minimum de consensus collectif.
Forum Anarchiste Révolutionnaire, FAR : index.php



Rencontre internationale sur l’anarchisme, St-Imier 2012

- Intervention aux Rencontres internationales sur l’anarchisme,
Saint-Imier 8-12 août 2012 par René (extrait)
- Déclaration finale du réseau international Anarkismo à la Rencontre
Internationale de l’Anarchisme, St-Imier 2012
- Communiqué de l’IFA (Internationale des Fédérations Anarchistes)
- Anarchistes détenu-es par la police anti-terroriste à leur retour d'une
conférence en Suisse (com CGA)
- Rencontres de Saint-Imier / point acceuil-rencontre du FAR par
Pïérô et Denis

En débat

- L’Anarchisme, Ou Le Mouvement Révolutionnaire du Vingt et
Unième Siècle
Andrej Grubacic & David Graeber
By courtesy of David Graeber, raporté par digger
- Anarchie 2.0 par Atheus
- Échec de l'extrême gauche électorale : des contradictions internes
trop profondes. par Atheus

Actu, analyses et positions

- Communiqué de la CNT-f raporté par Pïérô
- Introduction à la réunion publique du collectif Alternative Libertaire
93 du 21 septembre 2012 sur le thème "Le changement, ce sont nos
luttes qui le feront ! " rapporté par Pïérô
- Rajout : Traités européens, autoritaires et austéritaires, rapporté par Pïérô

Actu, des luttes

- Fralib : la lutte de salarié(e)s qui se dressent contre une
multinationale : Unilever., par Nine
- Roms : la commune humanité bafouée par indignados
- Changeons d’ère, sortons du nucléaire ! par Pïérô (çà vient avant la nuit )
- Dans l'agenda : à Angers, les 19 et 20 octobre 2012, le collectif
d'égal à égales organise la 2e édition des journées.


par Meryem OUNESLI (Djurdjura)

Culture, contre-culture

- Le Collectif Contre-Culture, par Nyark nyark

contradiccion.jpg imagePrincipios ideológicos VS estrategia política Jun 01 03:56 by Borroka Garaia 0 comments

Si no existe contradicción entre principios ideológicos y estrategia política, encontrar el punto medio equilibrado entre flexibilidad, eficacia y principios es una fórmula en construcción que no se puede llevar a callejones sin salida y que requiere un estudio sistemático y permanente sin dar nada por hecho.

Asamblea en una empresa bajo control obrero en Venezuela imageUna introducción al modelo de la economía participativa, o Parecon Dec 29 18:35 by Jon Las Heras 0 comments

La Economía Participativa, que nació a principios de los 90, pretende promover que todas las decisiones económicas a la hora de producir y consumir sean tomadas de una forma democrática y participativa.

cruznegra.jpg imagePreviniendo la infiltración del Estado en los movimientos sociales Mar 19 07:31 by El Libertario, Venezuela 0 comments

* En El Libertario # 58, marzo-abril 2009, se ha publicado originalmente este artículo que, aun cuando parte para su reflexión de la actual experiencia de lucha social en Venezuela, plantea situaciones e información de interés para activistas en cualquier lugar del mundo.

resistirania.jpg imageVenezuela: Preventing the State’s Infiltration of Social Movements Mar 19 07:22 by El Libertario, Venezuela 0 comments

*This article was originally published in El Libertario #58, March-April 2010. Although originally based on the actual experiences of Venezuela’s social struggles, it deals with situations and facts of interest to activists anywhere.

Josefa Martín Luengo (1945-2009) imageThe Anarchist School: Education For Equality Dec 19 10:37 by Josefa Martín Luengo 0 comments

* The following text, published in # 57 of El Libertario, Venezuela, condenses the vision of the theme of the author, who died in the middle of 2009, who thanks to the work developed in her Free School Paideia, in Mérida, Spain, was a contemporary exponent recognized for the practice and the theory of libertarian education.

jmartinl.jpg imageEscuela de la anarquia: educación para la igualdad Dec 18 00:12 by Josefa Martín Luengo 0 comments

* El texto que sigue, publicado en el # 57 de El Libertario, condensa la visión sobre el tema de su autora, fallecida a mediados de 2009, quien gracias a la labor desarrollada en su Escuela Libre Paideia, en Mérida, España, fuera exponente contemporánea reconocida de la práctica y la teoría educativa libertaria.

textAfghanistan sept ans après : Ni la sécurité, ni la démocratie Nov 03 08:08 by Jacques Dubart 0 comments

Les justifications avancées par les puissances occidentales à leur invasion militaire de l’Afghanistan, déclenchée le 7 octobre 2001 étaient de deux ordres : la lutte contre le « terrorisme » et la restauration de la « démocratie ». Au regard de ces intentions, quel bilan peut-on tirer de cette intervention, sept ans plus tard ?

textAfghanistan : Les mensonges de l’OTAN Nov 03 07:50 by Hervé 0 comments

Les partisans occidentaux de l’occupation de l’Afghanistan redoublent d’effort pour tromper des opinions publiques qui doutent de plus en plus du bien-fondé des arguments de l’OTAN. Elles ont raison de douter, comme nous allons le voir en démontant quelques-uns des arguments les plus couramment entendus.

textNo to New Caucasian War! Aug 12 16:22 by Federation of Education, Science and Technical Workers 0 comments

The eruption of military actions between Georgia and South Ossetia threatens to
develop into a large-scale war between Georgia supported by NATO on the one
hand, and the Russian state on the other. Thousands of people are already killed
and wounded - principally, peaceful inhabitants; whole cities and settlements
have been wiped out. The society has beed flooded with muddy streams of a
nationalist and chauvinistic hysteria. ---- As always and everywhere in
conflicts between the states, there is not and cannot be the righteous in new
Caucasian war - there are only the guilty. The coals which have been fanned for
years now have caused a military fire.

textNEFAC-Boston Presents... Feb 15 02:34 by bh 0 comments

NEFAC-Boston Presents...

Building a Popular Anarchism / Anarchism in Ireland

vote.jpg imageTrue Democracy: Anarchism as Order Dec 19 00:59 by Wesley 0 comments

When reports of social breakdown are reported on the news, we always hear that it is 'anarchy'. What can it mean when we say we are anarchists? Chaos and terror? Anarchy means no rulers, just like mon-archy means one ruler explains Wes

textContemporary Review of Rudolf Rocker's "Nationalism and Culture" Nov 25 09:00 by C. R. HOFFER 0 comments

Originally published in the American Sociological Review, Vol. 3, (Feb., 1938), pp. 103-104.

textAn Interview with Farooq Tariq Nov 20 21:29 by Ron Jacobs 0 comments

In recent days, the already tenuous political situation in Pakistan has made a turn toward the worse. Musharraf's government clamped down first on the judiciary and other opponents in the government in the first days after his declaration of martial law. More recently, those same forces have prevented even the liberal bourgeois opposition represented by Benazir Bhutto from gathering and arrested several thousand members of the opposition

polish.gif imagePolish language added to Anarkismo Feb 28 20:51 by Andrew 0 comments

Following on our recent creation of Dutch and Arabic language categoires is pleased to announce the creation of a catagory for articles in Polish

text"Abolishing the Borders from Below" #27 (December 2006) is out ! Dec 18 18:46 by Abolishing the Borders from Below 0 comments

The new edition of „Abolishing the Borders from Below“ an anarchist journal from Eastern Europe is out since the beginning of December.

Jonathan McIntosh grabbed by police imageTalk by WTO Director Disrupted: Activists and Audience Members Forcibly Dragged Out Nov 06 21:32 by Boston Indymedia Memebrs 0 comments

On Wednesday, November 1, the JFK Forum at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government hosted Pascal Lamy, Director General of the World Trade Organization. The subject of the lecture was posed as a question: "Is the WTO Accountable?"

Shortly after the address began, three Boston activists took turns standing up and loudly disrupting the event. Each wore a bright red headband inscribed with the words, “NO WTO.” They read, in part, statements charging the WTO with putting profits before people and destroying the lives, ecosystems, and communities of people around the world. All three were quickly and forcibly dragged from the building, while still delivering their indictments, by Harvard security and Cambridge police.

textAnarquismo e Ecletismo, em geral e particularmente no Brasil Oct 10 03:36 by UNIPA 1 comments

Comunicado da União Popular Anarquista - UNIPA # nº 15 Río de Janeiro, Septiembre de 2006

textAnarquismo y eclecticismo, en general y particularmente en Brasil Oct 10 03:29 by União Popular Anarquista 0 comments

Comunicado de la Unidad Popular Anarquista - UNIPA # nº 15 Río de
Janeiro, Septiembre de 2006

textNew commenting guidelines for Sep 21 21:11 by Anarkismo Editorial Group 0 comments

Following on a welcome increase in the level and scope of discussion on we are modifying out commenting guidelines. The new guidelines can be found in the left hand box of every page,

textThinking about anarchism: State authority Apr 29 14:29 by Gregor 3 comments

Anarchism looks to get rid of the division between rulers and ruled, to establish a new social order in which the State will have no role and no power because we will live in a society of equals where each of us takes responsibility for our own actions.

textIntellectual Property in the Age of the Internet Apr 19 19:12 by Cian Lynch 5 comments

In this transcript of an educational I gave to the 1st of May branch I attempt to briefly consider how the internet and technology have impacted on intellectual property and what our perspectives on this might be as class struggle anarchists

textStuart Christie's Obituary of Paul Avrich Apr 10 18:21 by SC 0 comments

Stuart Christie who as jailed for hiis part in a plan to assassinate Franco has published an obituary of Paul Avrich, who was a historican who wrote about the anarchist movement.

Oil and Gas liquids imageAnarchism and the Peak oil argument Mar 21 23:14 by Terry S 42 comments

Peak Oil is a subject that has not been addressed much in the Anarchist community and it's relevance to it. This is something I wish to discuss here and begin what is probably a very important debate and our response to it. Peak Oil is one of the major issues facing humanity and will result in great changes. It interlinks with many subject areas largely because of the ubiquitous role of energy in society. It is essential that Anarchists are aware of and understand this issue and it's far reaching consequences and are not caught off guard and are ready to take advantage of the changes that will occur to bring about a better world, rather than allow society to be led down the destructive path of capitalists and other dominating power structures.

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