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bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / cultura Friday January 15, 2016 18:23 by Gastón Carrasco
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El joven Manuel Rojas, con dos camaradas anarquistas

Los relatos de Manuel Rojas recogen experiencias marcadas por los conflictos sociales y políticos de principios del siglo XX: desde el movimiento obrero hasta la vida en los márgenes de la sociedad, el gran escritor chileno expresa la búsqueda constante de una sociedad distinta, a través de la dignidad y la solidaridad humana.

italy / switzerland / culture Sunday September 15, 2013 19:44 by Anarchist Bookfair Biel/Bienne
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20th - 22nd September 2013, Biel-Bienne (Switzerland)

2010 was the first time an anarchist bookfair took place in the bilingual city of Biel/Bienne. With more than 500 visitors, more than two dozen exhibitors, and lectures on the theory and practice of anarchism, the event was a great success.

Due to this experience, the decision was made to organize another bookfair on the language border in 2011. In 2012, the bookfair became larger when it took place during the International Anarchist Gathering in St. Imier and took up a large part of a hockey rink. The stands were occupied by exhibitors from well-over a dozen countries, exhibiting in eight languages. The popular bookfair will take place again this year. This time, it will be at the same place in the heart of Biel/Bienne, but it will be held later in the year from the 20th-22nd September.

[Deutsch] [Français] [Italiano]

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north america / mexico / culture Friday March 26, 2010 17:49 by RudolfTB   text 4 comments (last - tuesday february 20, 2024 09:21)
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Joe Hill (1879–1915)

This article discusses how the early IWW used music both as an organising tool and as a means of developing a sense of community among its members. It puts these activities in the context of the politics and practical activity of the IWW during this period.

One of the main reasons for the establishment of the IWW in 1905 was a recognition that there was a need for a revolutionary labor union that could organise on a national level. The industrial tactic that the IWW promoted aimed at creating cohesion in the working class and ensuring that union organized workers would stand together and support each other when there was a strike. It was important for the IWW to organize groups of workers that others were hesitant to organize and in some cases directly hostile to, for example women, unskilled workers, unemployed workers, black workers and immigrants.
In their struggle to promote their politics, the IWW was a singing union. From 1910 to 1960 the IWW's songbook, still in print, was regarded by many workers as one of their most beloved possessions. The songbook was one of the IWW's most important documents and its songs were sung in numerous situations: around hobo campfires, in boxcars, in Wobbly halls, in the streets, on picket lines, at strike rallies, in court, on the way to jail and in jail. The songs were a crucial aid in recruiting new members, and they were important in building a sense of fellowship and in keeping spirits up in hard situations

north america / mexico / culture Saturday February 03, 2007 20:42 by Randy Lowens   text 60 comments (last - friday february 16, 2007 20:26)

Most progressives agree that traditional institutions, cultural or political, deserve a good shaking up. So we approve of discourse that challenges the boundaries set by staid literary journals or moribund political organizations. In letters as in politics, we speak on the one hand of the traditional, mainstream elements deserving of comeuppance, and on the other of the avant-garde, the rebels.

But inevitably, some wish to be more radical than the radicals, the newest new wave. This latter tendency is typically irrelevant at best, but often does real harm by posing as the "true" avant-garde and attacking more productive rebellious movements.

In the following article we will examine two cases of extremism for its own sake, consciously postmodern experimental literature, and also a school of thought called Post-Left Anarchy. We will situate each in its cultural context, and make distinctions or draw parallels as appropriate.

international / culture Thursday March 03, 2005 22:59 by Ray
Fight Club is an anarchist inspiration to some, fascist propaganda to others, and it's easy to see why opinions are divided. It's an attack on the emptiness of consumerism, the way society robs us of real choice, the void at the heart of capitalism. But the solution it portrays is just as bad


Fri 19 Apr, 22:09

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squid_game_image.jpg imageTV Series Review: ‘SQUID GAME’ Sep 29 18:48 by LAMA 5 comments

a review of a dystopian survival drama.

vegas.jpg imageTV Review: 'VEGAS' May 08 13:24 by LAMA 0 comments

A critical review of a TV series about gangs, set in Aotearoa/New Zealand.

gustave_courbet.jpg imageΗ Τέχνη υπό τον κα&#... Sep 22 22:07 by Charlotte Murphy 0 comments

Οι συνθήκες για την καλλιτεχνία υπό τον κομμουνισμό πρέπει να δημιουργηθούν μέσω της ταξικής πάλης και η τέχνη θα παίζει πάντα ρόλο στην κουλτούρα της ταξικής πάλης, από το Courbet έως και σήμερα. Όταν προκύψουν αυτές οι συνθήκες, με ψηφιακές καινοτομίες και συλλογικούς χώρους τέχνης όπως θέατρα, κινηματογραφικά στούντιο και συλλογές τέχνης, σκεφτείτε πόσο πιο προσιτή θα μπορούσε να γίνει η τέχνη είτε online είτε σε προσωπικό επίπεδο. Θα ήταν μια τέχνη που θα ανταμειβόταν όχι μέσω του αλγορίθμου μιας τεχνολογίας, των χρημάτων ή της προτίμησης της άρχουσας τάξης, αλλά από τη βούληση των απελευθερωμένων ανθρώπων.

mascates_arabismo_primeiro_texto_jul2020.jpg imageOnde está a esquerda árabe-brasileira? Iniciando o debate. Aug 01 23:30 by BrunoL 0 comments

“Porque temos uma gigantesca colônia árabe-brasileira, incluindo o conjunto de árabes descendentes e não se organiza uma fração desta base social como apoiadora incondicional da libertação da Palestina?”

textWhy Did the US Fund Anti–Hugo Chávez Rock Bands in Venezuela? Jul 13 07:49 by Tim Gill 5 comments

Recently obtained documents show that in 2011, the US funded rock bands in Venezuela — through a group sympathetic to right-wing forces that later attempted a coup. Giving money to young musicians seems innocuous, but it’s part of a long history of US meddling in the democratic processes of countries to advance American interests.

movie_review_1917.jpg imageMovie Review: 1917 Jan 13 10:35 by LAMA 0 comments

A review of a movie set in World War 1

textAnarquismo, militância y arte: Entrevista con Juan Pilo (FAU) Sep 10 02:16 by Podcast Bloco A 0 comments

La entrevista fue realizada por la compañera Mi, vinculado al anarquismo y al muralismo. El entrevistado es Juan Pilo, militante anarquista de la FAU (Federación Anarquista Uruguaya) desde que tenía 13 años, todavía en la década de 1960. La conversación tuvo lugar en julio de 2019, en Montevideo, Uruguay, sobre la militancia y el arte realizado por FAU y los movimientos sociales y sindicales con militancia anarquista.

gun_city.jpg imageMovie Review: ‘Gun City/Sombra De LA Ley' (2018) Jul 20 08:16 by LAMA 0 comments

A brief review of the movie 'Gun City/Sombra De La Ley' (2018)

vice.jpg imageMovie Review: VICE (2018) Feb 14 19:18 by LAMA 0 comments

This review looks at the movie about the life of Ex-Vice-President of the USA, Dick Cheney.

shoplifters.jpg imageMovie Review: 'Shoplifters' (2018) Dec 06 11:47 by LAMA 0 comments

This is a short review of the movie [English title] 'Shoplifters'. It is a film that examines aspects of the underbelly of contemporary Japanese society.

41cbhezm4nl_1.jpg image“Zero de Conduite” του Jean Vigo May 11 21:00 by Barrie Sargeant 0 comments

Κριτική βιβλίου για τον ονομαστό αναρχικό Γάλλο σκηνοθέτη Jean Vigo.
Jean Vigo by P.E. Salles Gomes (London: Faber & Faber, 1988), pp. 266, ISBN: 0-571-19610-1

41cbhezm4nl.jpg imageBook Review: Jean Vigo by P.E. Salles Gomes (1998) May 07 11:09 by Barrie Sargeant 0 comments

This is a review of a book about the famous anarchist-inspired French film auteur Jean Vigo.

cine_mujeres_y_acuerdo_de_paz_remap.jpg imageCine, Mujeres y Acuerdo de Paz Nov 12 22:38 by Alexander Escobar 0 comments

Durante varios días la cineasta Ana González permaneció con los excombatientes de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) realizando talleres y diversas actividades enfocadas a la construcción de archivo audiovisual y fortalecimiento de la memoria. ¿Saldará el cine colombiano su deuda con la memoria, con la historia del país? Es momento que la imagen salga de la quietud y recobre el movimiento en favor de la vida y derrote al silencio, esa petrificación cómplice de quienes se vendieron a la infamia y censura de un modelo político y económico que impone solo muerte y miseria.

textLA BICICLETTA, LA RIVOLTA E LA NOSTALGIA Oct 01 23:21 by Gianni Sartori 0 comments

La Catalogna negli appunti di un viaggio in bici risalente a 30 anni fa: roba vecchia, ma forse ancora utile per comprendere la situazione attuale. Tra immagini di degrado industriale e ricordi di un passato di rivoluzioni sociali e lotte per l'autodeterminazione. Una terra particolare pervasa da fermenti di opposizione sociale e aspirazioni indipendentiste.

textItalia - SULLE QUESTIONI ETICHE E POLITICHE INERENTI LA FINE DELLA VITA Apr 24 22:34 by Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA 0 comments

Il tema delle fasi finali della vita oggi è diventato via via sempre più importante nel dibattito etico e politico sulle questioni di salute per due motivi principali. Il primo è di carattere economico e tecnologico, il secondo sociale-filosofico. Si vive sempre più a lungo attraversando diversi livelli di cronicizzazione delle malattie che colpiscono le persone nell’arco della loro vita.

identidadyalcohol.jpg imageLa borrachera como falsificación de la realidad en la juventud Feb 05 19:45 by Demián Revart 0 comments

Sin tapujos, la identidad en la peda es una necesidad inventada por los factores culturales del sentido de pertenencia a, mas nunca el sentido de construirse a sí mismo, ¿qué convivencia estable puede forjarse en un sitio donde la música revienta los tímpanos y el oxígeno es reemplazado por el humo de cigarrillo?

textScrivere è come viaggiare senza la seccatura dei bagagli Sep 02 01:07 by Lucio Garofalo 0 comments

A proposito del rapporto che si instaura, inestricabilmente, tra militanza politica e scrittura, mi sorge una riflessione. A partire dall'esigenza di far ricorso alla parola scritta, anzitutto, ma non solo, per ragioni di militanza politica...

textRecensione di Lettera a un Giudice Aug 18 02:50 by Lucio Garofalo 0 comments

Ho letto il libro di un autore irpino, intitolato "Lettera a un Giudice". È un romanzo scritto in forma epistolare che racconta l'amara vicenda, non autobiografica, di un "secchione" (inteso in un'accezione simpatica e goliardica) che, non essendo raccomandato, fallisce la prova di un concorso per dirigenti pubblici, per cui decide di rivolgersi ad un magistrato per offrire libero sfogo al suo sdegno contro la corruzione ed il malcostume della società...

textRiflessioni di una notte di mezza estate Aug 14 01:50 by Lucio Garofalo 0 comments

Da sempre sono convinto che le droghe e le discoteche forniscano una sorta di arma subdola e solo apparentemente incruenta, che è abilmente impiegata per alienare, rincitrullire e controllare le giovani generazioni, vale a dire per sedare il dissenso e soffocare la rabbia giovanile, senza far ricorso alle forze dell'ordine, alla repressione carceraria, all'azione coercitiva di quelle istituzioni che per natura e vocazione sono deputate proprio a funzioni di ordine pubblico: cito in primis la polizia. Sia ben chiaro, a scanso di equivoci, che non è una mia intenzione colpevolizzare le discoteche, e tantomeno chi le frequenta...

textla filosofia di Peppa Pig Jul 20 07:02 by Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA 0 comments

Che cosa imparano i bambini guardando Peppa Pig? Ma, soprattutto, che cosa vogliono insegnare gli adulti ai bambini che guardano Peppa Pig? Quale modello di animalità, di umanità, di famiglia, di società vogliono rappresentare?

textMarx e l'omofobia Feb 25 22:53 by Lucio Garofalo 0 comments

Marx e l'omofobia

È da poco trascorso (sotto silenzio) un anniversario storico estremamente importante: il 21 febbraio 1848 venne pubblicata a Londra la prima edizione del "Manifesto del Partito Comunista" di Karl Marx e Friedrich Engels.

Attuale più che mai. Oggi, in molti invocano il ritorno della Vecchia Talpa: "E quando la rivoluzione avrà condotto a termine questa seconda metà del suo lavoro preparatorio, l’Europa balzerà dal suo seggio e griderà: ben scavato, vecchia talpa!". Colgo l'occasione per avanzare alcune riflessioni personali...

El joven Manuel Rojas, con dos camaradas anarquistas imageA 120 años de su natalicio: la pluma rebelde de Manuel Rojas Jan 15 18:23 by Gastón Carrasco 0 comments

Los relatos de Manuel Rojas recogen experiencias marcadas por los conflictos sociales y políticos de principios del siglo XX: desde el movimiento obrero hasta la vida en los márgenes de la sociedad, el gran escritor chileno expresa la búsqueda constante de una sociedad distinta, a través de la dignidad y la solidaridad humana.

textIN RICORDO DI IVAN DELLA MEA Jan 15 00:59 by Gianni Sartori 1 comments

In ricordo di un compagno cheti considerava tanto comunista quanto anarchico, coerentemente. Da Marcinelle a Serantini, da Avola al Leoncavallo...sempre presente nelle lotte proletarie

baldomerolillo.jpg imageBaldomero Lillo: el escritor que trasformó el horror de las minas en un relato de denuncia Jan 12 07:20 by Salvador Oskita 0 comments

Pese a su limitada formación, logró convertirse en el maestro del género del realismo social de Chile. Su pluma crítica se convirtió en una defensa emotiva de las clases populares durante la primera mitad del siglo XX.

20160108c936046_1640605479523163_2899216628573758054_n.jpg imageSantiago a la Gorra: la respuesta libertaria a Santiago a Mil Jan 10 01:54 by Solidaridad 0 comments

El festival itinerante comienza hoy y se extenderá hasta el sábado 30 de enero. Diversas compañías de Chile y España llevarán teatro a las calles de Lo Hermida, Maipú, Conchalí y La Bandera.

textRiflessioni sul Capodanno Jan 04 01:12 by Lucio Garofalo 0 comments

La riflessione più significativa sul Capodanno la scrisse Antonio Gramsci in giovane età, nel 1916, esattamente un secolo fa. Gramsci aveva ragione quando scriveva che dovrebbe essere Capodanno ogni giorno. Ma senza le stupide convenzioni sociali, gli stereotipi ottusi, il falso perbenismo borghese, il moralismo ed il conformismo ipocrita della società dei consumi di massa, senza i buoni propositi di ogni inizio d'anno che fanno assomigliare la vita umana ad un'azienda commerciale con i suoi consuntivi finali, bilanci e preventivi. Il comunismo dovrà spazzare via anche le inutili e sciocche convenzioni, le date e le ricorrenze vuote di senso. Questi Capodanni, che rappresentano soltanto convenzioni rituali, inducono a credere sul serio in una discontinuità della vita e della storia umana. Mentre non è affatto vero. Sono altri i momenti storici che hanno sancito un salto rivoluzionario, o una discontinuità effettiva. Ad esempio, il 1789 o il 1917...

irishtimesnoamchomsky.jpg imageWhy the media is biased - understanding the propaganda model Sep 03 08:56 by Based on an article by Kevin Doyle in Workers Solidarity No 0 comments

When the Watergate Scandal brought down the Nixon Government in the States in the mid-70s, it was heralded as one of the finest examples of media power in modern times. Nixon's fall from grace, along with the story of corruption in high places, was the stuff of drama. In no time, the journalists at the centre of the Watergate exposé - Bernstein and Woodward - became celebrities. They went on to win Pulitzer Prizes for their journalistic endeavours and even became the subject of a Hollywood touch-up in All The President's Men.

Eduardo Galeano (1940-2015) imageEduardo Galeano, la coscienza latinoamericana Apr 23 16:14 by José Antonio Gutiérrez D. 0 comments

La scomparsa dello scrittore uruguayano Eduardo Galeano (3 settembre 1940 - 13 aprile 2015) lascia un vuoto irreparabile nel mondo della letteratura latinoamericana. [Castellano]

Eduardo Galeano (1940-2015) imageEduardo Galeano, la conciencia latinoamericana Apr 14 06:10 by José Antonio Gutiérrez D. 0 comments

El sensible fallecimiento del escritor uruguayo Eduardo Galeano (3 de Septiembre 1940- 13 de Abril 2015) deja un vacío irreparable en el mundo de las letras latinoamericanas. [Italiano]

nogodsnomasters.jpg imageNew York CIty Anarchist BookFair Apr 09 01:02 by mistercaz 0 comments

The NYC Anarchist Book Fair will be returning to Judson Memorial Church on Sat., April 18, 2015—the same location where the annual event was first held nine years ago. The book fair will bring publishers, designers, writers, artists, musicians, and activists from all over North America to this historic location in Greenwich Village—the neighborhood that is one of the birthplaces of the anarchist movement in the US.

What: 2015 Annual NYC Anarchist Book fair

Where: Judson Memorial Church, 55 Washington Square South, in Manhattan

When: Sat., April 18, 11am-6pm

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