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poster: LOCKDOWN TO PATRIARCHY, STATE AND CAPITAL “STAY HOME”: IS NOT POSSIBLE FOR ALL, IS NOT SAFE FOR ALL Solidarity with working women, immigrants, refugees, prisoners Solidarity with women, LGBTQ+ people and children experiencing domestic violence
greece / turkey / cyprus / gender / other libertarian press Saturday March 06, 2021 - 19:03 by Women’s iniTiaTive againsT paTriarchy   text 5 comments (last - wednesday september 20, 2023 - 09:29)   image 1 image
This year’s 8th March comes to remind us of the importance of massive, radical women’s-and not only -class struggles. It reminds us that the world is not won by praying and that the only prospect for us to live in a society of equality and freedom is the organization in unions and fight for the social revolution.
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southern africa / gender / non-anarchist press Saturday October 27, 2018 - 08:34 by GauTeng CommuniTy HealTh Care Forum   text 3 comments (last - saturday march 30, 2024 - 14:08)
On the 1-2 November 2018, at St George Hotel and Convention Centre in Pretoria, the summit will
sign a vague and hollow declaration in support of the fight against gender-based violence, so that
the government and the parties involved can pretend that it is supported by all sections of South
African society, coming together to fight for women, LGBTIQ+ and children, when in reality the
scourge of gender based violence will remain unchanged. ... read full story / add a comment
international / gender / non-anarchist press Tuesday February 02, 2016 - 16:33 by Nicola PraTT
This article is based on some of the research that I have conducted over the past two years on women’s activism in Egypt, Lebanon, and Jordan, from independence until the Arab uprisings. I collected over one hundred personal narratives from middle class women activists of different generations. This research was initially framed in terms of what is perceived to be a ‘gender paradox’: despite over a century of women’s activism, why do women in Arab countries continue to face some of the largest gender inequalities in the world? ... read full story / add a comment
danza en ocre
internacional / género / other libertarian press Friday May 31, 2013 - 18:45 by Chris KnighT   image 1 image
Los orígenes de la cultura según Chris Knight, profesor de antropología y activista en Londres, autor de Blood Relations y organizador del grupo de antropología radical (Radical Anthropology Group). ... read full story / add a comment
africa meridionale / genero / stampa non anarchica Thursday February 21, 2013 - 22:17 by Alex Duval SmiTh
Oscar Pistorius era il perfetto eroe sportivo sud-africano perchè la sua vittoria sulla disabilità lo aveva reso una figura universalmente ammirata in una società ancora divisa.La cultura profondamente maschilista in cui egli è cresciuto si estende ai gruppi razziali e ci dà qualche spiegazione per comprendere lo scioccante tasso di violenza nelle mura domestiche. [English] ... read full story / add a comment
southern africa / gender / non-anarchist press Tuesday February 19, 2013 - 19:44 by Alex Duval SmiTh
Oscar Pistorius was the perfect South African sporting hero because victory over his disability made him a universally admired figure in a still-divided society. The profoundly macho culture he grew up in spans racial groups and provides some explanation for the country's shocking rates of domestic violence. [Italiano] ... read full story / add a comment
américa central / caribe / género / non-anarchist press Saturday July 07, 2012 - 01:41 by Coordinadora LaTinoamericana de Organizaciones del Campo
Convocadas por la Comisión de Mujeres de la Unión Campesina Panameña, UCP, en el corregimiento de la Mesa, Provincia de Veraguas, tuvo lugar una asamblea, con la participación de Mujeres de las Provincias de Coclé, Panamá, Veraguas y de la Comarca Ngobe – Bugle. La Comisión de Mujeres forma parte de una estructura regional de la Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Organizaciones del Campo, CLOC/LCV.
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bolivia / perù / ecuador / cile / genero / altra stampa libertaria Monday March 19, 2012 - 18:09 by OcTavio Alberola e Ariane Gransac   image 1 image
Domitila è morta come ha vissuto: in modo semplice e tra la gente del suo villaggio. [Castellano] ... read full story / add a comment
bolivia / perù / ecuador / cile / genero / stampa non anarchica Monday March 19, 2012 - 18:04 by Pablo STefanoni   image 1 image
Morta la marxista, la rivoluzionaria, la combattente, la femminista... non si contano gli aggettivi per definire questa personalità di spicco delle casalinghe delle miniere. [Castellano] ... read full story / add a comment
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / género / other libertarian press Sunday March 18, 2012 - 07:47 by OcTavio Alberola y Ariane Gransac   image 1 image
Domitila ha muerto como vivió: de manera sencilla y entre la gente de su pueblo. [Italiano] ... read full story / add a comment
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / género / non-anarchist press Sunday March 18, 2012 - 01:00 by Pablo STefanoni   text 1 comment (last - friday march 23, 2012 - 00:55)   image 1 image
Fallece la marxista, revolucionaria, combativa, feminista... ayer abundaron los adjetivos para definir a esta líder de las amas de casa mineras. [Italiano] ... read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / género / non-anarchist press Friday March 09, 2012 - 00:09 by Comisión InTereclesial de JusTicia y Paz
El 8 de marzo es el día internacional de la Mujer Trabajadora. Muchas mujeres luchan decididamente en Colombia contra la impunidad como mecanismo represivo en su país. Ellas se comprometen con la protección territorial y la riqueza biológica en sus espacios cotidianos. Esto las hace altamente vulnerables. ... read full story / add a comment
internacional / género / other libertarian press Tuesday March 08, 2011 - 00:46 by El LiberTario, Venezuela   image 1 image
* Se anuncia que está disponible en Internet una amplia recopilación sobre el tema, de especial relevancia cuando se llega al Centenario del Día Internacional de la Mujer. ... read full story / add a comment
Marcha del Orgullo Gay, Santiago de Chile, 2010
irlanda / gran bretaña / género / other libertarian press Friday December 03, 2010 - 13:16 by JamraT Mason   image 1 image
[...] De esta forma, la transfobia tiene sus orígenes en el sexismo. Algunas personas creen que las mujeres trans no tienen la posibilidad de saber lo que es ser una mujer porque no han vivido el sexismo. Pero la transfobia que reciben las mujeres trans ES sexismo, ¡multiplicado por cien!

Algunas personas dicen que los hombres tans están meramente intentando escapar del sexismo al volverse hombres. Déjenme decirles que cuando eres transexual no escapas de él, sino que eres empujado directo a un enorme pantano de sexismo. Cuando vives ambas caras e incluso más, comienzas a ver el sexismo, te das cuenta de él cuando otras personas no lo hacen. Cuando juegas con el género, eres testigo del flujo de poder.


¿Qué es lo que queremos con nuestras Marchas de Orgullo y nuestro activismo?

¿La libertad de caminar por la calle vestido como quieras, besando a quien te guste, emparejado por los sectores caros del centro y oeste de Londres? ¿Qué hay de besarse en Clapton, Stratford, East Ham? ¿Qué hay acerca de ser libres en nuestras comunidades de clase obrera, en donde de hecho vivimos? ¿Cuándo seremos libres de expresar nuestro amor, nuestro género, nuestros cuerpos sin el miedo de ser apaleados por bandas de adolescentes? ¿Y qué hay acerca de esos adolescentes, nuestros vecinos? ¿Cuándo ese adolescente se sentirá libre de mamársela a su amigo, o de usar un vestido, sin el miedo de ser completamente rechazado o sin pensar que eso lo hará ser una persona totalmente distinta? ... read full story / add a comment
southern africa / gender / non-anarchist press Monday October 04, 2010 - 01:09 by NaTasha Vally
Twelve people were arrested at a private gathering in Extension 14 Vosloorus at about 03h30 on the 3rd of October 2010 by the Vosloorus Police Services. Most of the twelve arrested had just returned from the annual Johannesburg Lesbian & Gay Pride Parade to join birthday celebrations of a friend's mother. The twelve have been charged with obstruction of justice and attack on the police, a charge that they have denied to both the SAPS and their legal representative from Section 27, Advocate A. Hassim. ... read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / género / non-anarchist press Tuesday July 27, 2010 - 21:52 by Zona HumaniTaria Las Camelias
Con verdadero entusiasmo y gran satisfacción queremos compartir con todos y todas la experiencia recogida durante los días 15, 16 y 17 del mes de mayo, de nuestro primer encuentro de mujeres de las zonas humanitarias del Bajo Atrato Chocoano, que contó con la participación de más de 50 mujeres de la Zona Humanitaria de las Camelias, Caño manso en Curvaradó, Dabeiba, Cacarica, Join-phuur, Nueva esperanza en Jiguamiandó, Santa Rosa del Limón, Úrada, El tesoro y Bajo Calima en Buenaventura.
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southern africa / gender / non-anarchist press Friday March 12, 2010 - 19:34 by Dale T. McKinley
As much as those of us who identify ourselves as social progressives would like to believe otherwise, the reality is that South Africa is a bastion of social conservatism. Indeed, one of the most glaring contradictions of South Africa’s post-apartheid ‘transition’ is that the widely acknowledged (and regularly celebrated) social progressiveness of the Constitution is, in large part, at fundamental odds with the beliefs and views of the majority of South Africans themselves. ... read full story / add a comment
central africa / gender / non-anarchist press Friday December 18, 2009 - 19:00 by Horizon CommuniTy AssociaTion
Horizon Community Association (HOCA), an LGBTI organisation in Rwanda, in collaboration with the Coalition of African Lesbians (CAL) and the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC) calls on all human rights defenders, organisations, governments, civil society, globally, to immediately take action against a proposed article in the draft Penal Code Act in Rwanda which would criminalise homosexuality. The lower house of the Rwandan Parliament will hold its final debate on this draft code Wednesday 16 December 2009. A vote on this draft code will occur before the end of this week. ... read full story / add a comment
southern africa / gender / non-anarchist press Friday December 11, 2009 - 17:33 by Dale T. McKinley*
It has been ten years since the South African government held its first annual ’16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women’ (and children) campaign. While the campaign has, no doubt, achieved a degree of success in relation to raising awareness, this has clearly not translated into much positive, practical impact. ... read full story / add a comment
southern africa / gender / non-anarchist press Wednesday December 02, 2009 - 15:43 by Prespone MaTawira
The lives of Zimbabwean women have deteriorated dramatically over the past decade, writes activist Prespone Matawira, but now is the time to be creative and confront, unpick, challenge patriarchal and capitalist power in order to make lasting change real for women. Feminist consciousness, says Matawira, challenges many of our deep-held assumptions which are not often noticed because they are so pervasive. And its complexity helps us understand other related oppressions based on race, class, age, sexual orientation, and disability. ... read full story / add a comment
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